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  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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Wheel of Time series. Ever read that...?
sadly not.

Lord of the Rings series, where did the Palantir of the White Tower by the Grey Havens originate, and what is special about it?
It came from Equestria, and it's special because you made it. x3

This conversation! IS IT CONFUSING?!!!!?!11!1??!1!/?!!?
nah, just confuddling.

confuzzle or confuddle or cherrychimichanga or chimicherrychanga?
One of the latter two... then again, do I have to choose? Dey sound sooo good~

Am I funny, lame, or somewhere in between?
uh... i'mma go with funny :3 in a good way!

what's your opinion on paragraph posts?
Wish I could do better with that... x3

Do you wish I could do more paragraph posts?
maybe x3 you're doing great!

how's my GMing style? too loose, too strict, too controlling, too descriptive, too vague?
It's just right!
...I wish we weren't all so restricted by our schedules, though.

Would you like the ability to freeze the day in place--and your sense of becoming tired--long enough to make posts in the forums without losing any of the day? It'd also be handy for doing homework at the last minute.
sure :3 although it would freeze everypony else too, so you wouldn't get replies x3

how's the weather where you are?
I've got a clear blue sky overhead, the sun's shinin' mighty pretty...
...I'm gonna take a quick skate. I just can't help it.

Do you like to skate?
No, I never learned how, and I'm pretty useless at it.

If you could live in one fictional world which would it be?
Probably Lord of the Rings Online universe, in the Shire :3

Do you like to draw?
Not as much as writing, but yes, indeed.

If you could be the other gender for a day, would you?
most certainly yes, that's actually one of my wishes in life, one I'm unfortunately denied (and I dislike the non-magical alternatives).

how would you feel about such a thing?
Erm... I'm not... I don't have a clue. I'd certainly be an uncommon type if I was a female, though. xD

What's the key to reblogging walls of potato?
Too much to ask for an elf-bit? ovO

Firefox or Chrome?
Chrome :3

Mac or PC? Or something else?
PC backed up by Linux in the event of data corruption or a virus.

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