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Hellhound of Iwaku
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
I usually am online at all times, but sometimes I play MMOs and watch Youtube for funsies.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
I like any genre as long as it has an awesome storyline.
(I got permission from @CrystineLucarnia to format my 1 x 1 search like this. Please do look at her search threads if interested. She does MxM and FxF:​



Characters will be marked with colored tags at the top of the posts to show their status for RPs:

, REQUEST PENDING, and CLOSED. Each character is available for only one partner, or one partner per plot if multiple storyline options are given. REQUEST PENDING is the exception to this. The tag means that I am in discussion with someone about a possible RP, but it has not been started yet. If you message me with a clear idea for your character and/or what you want to do with the story, then I may agree to let you have a second spot, after which the character will be immediately closed.

Post Content and Length

I enjoy roleplays with posts of various lengths. However, if we fall into a rut of one or two lines I will object. I also prefer Rpers who can contribute to the storyline as well. If I end up being the only one contributing to it, I will admit to slowly lose interest and I might never post. We can discuss where things will go through our OOC if you like, but do please contribute and bring ideas to the RP!

Obviously, this is a thread for female roleplayers/characters. Their pictures will either be anime or realistic, but they can easily be converted if you want to.

I am more of a PM person than threads because sometimes, I do not have access to my laptop. I can do things through Threads as well, but a reply will be slower than it would be in PMs. I also am a Redstar roleplayer so if you want the RP through threads, we should start our thread in the Redstar forums. If we were to decide to take the story in that direction, I feel it best to be able to do so without fear in there. Doesn't mean we have to, but the option is open.

Please PM me all requests with the title "Among my future" in order to show that you read all of this. I know that it's a lot and that it can be easy to be turned off by seeing so much text, but I have had a lot of dropped roleplays due to people entering with interest only to realize my preferences didn't match up with theirs. Thank you for the time if you did read everything!

Notice: Do not post in here!

If you are interested in the characters, PM me only! This forum should be only for my characters, not you posting interest

Also, I know this is a bit mean of me to say this. But If I do ignore you (whether it be during your interest, or during the RP), it means I lost interest. You can always ask me and I will apologize. My ignorance is mainly due to being uninspired, your grammar, and/or I don't like the way things are going. It's mean of me, but that's just what I do.

If you want female characters, Click here


I am starting to realize that I am, right, having a craving for certain type of guys right now. So any of these men below are what I am TRULY craving right now. I can play all the others regardless, but you'll get a faster response for me if you express interest with the guys below:

1. Juan Valenciano

2. Jaylan Anker (Updated plot for Sugar Daddy x Sugar Baby!)

3. Jurou Yamazaki

4. Blake

5. Mingan Adelgunde

6. Nabih Brewin
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Lusterine
Sohrab Hedgewood

Closed - MxM (Master x Slave) [Fantasy, Historical, or Historical Fantasy]

Slave trade has been nothing more than common. People with money would get slaves; whether it be ones used for sexual pleasure or for forced manual labor. Every so often, slaves would come in who had been forced into it and refuse to submit to their master's will. One of them is no exception: sold after killing his father to protect his family. He has been returned multiple times after invoking violence against his master, almost causing casualties. The slave trade is now considering 'killing' him as they are losing money because of him. They think no one will be able to tame the young man.

Until you came.


Personality: Power Bottom [Seke]

+ Analytical
+ Observant
+ Helpful
+ Reliable
+ Precise

- Skeptical
- Aggressive
- Biased
- Cold
- Interfering
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Asher Kopko

Closed - M x M (Demon x Human/Any Supernatural Creature) [Fantasy]

Legends have told about a Djinn who murdered many people in cold blood. And to add insult to injury, he had made dolls out of the body parts, selling it to the black market to get money. It was unknown how the Djinn was caught, but eventually, he was surrounded by guards and was sentenced to be sealed for eternity. When asked for his last words, the demon smiled and spat out with venom: "Eternity doesn't last forever" before being sealed. Now it has been known that he is sealed inside a huge cave, with stones erecting with an unknown language.

Of course, it is a legend. It is nothing more than a fairytale to tell children around the campfire. You are one of the people who explored the caves to see the rocks yourself. You saw no harm in it after all, until you laid your hand on them. Soon the rocks break apart, crashing down onto the ground before you, revealing a man with white hair and menacing purple eyes. If it doesn't make it worse for you, the demon believes you are 'Sabih', his past lover.


Personality: Dominant (Seme)

+ Witty
+ Clever
+ Humanitarian
+ Inventive
+ Original

- Stubborn
- Unemotional
- Sarcastic
- Aloof
- Possessive
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Otonashi Takumara

Open - MxF (Emperor x Servant/Princess) [Historical or Historical Fantasy]

You have been assigned to work for the Emperor of Kumisato. It has been known that he pleasures himself with the presence of many women, it is common for him to sleep with any woman he meets at least once. He doesn't plan on marrying and it might be just as well, he is getting older and his youth was going to fade away eventually. It was time for him to find a wife, and it can be whoever he wished. Although his advisors recommended it be the princess from a different city, he decides it will be a woman who is strong-willed and can handle the politics.

Will that woman be you?

Alternate Plot: You are a girl who accidentally went back in time to Feudal Japan, and is forced to work for the Emperor until you can find your way back home. Or you can be mistaken as the princess and brought to the Emperor to marry him



+ Loyal
+ Passionate
+ Observant
+ Dynamic
+ Resourceful

- Perverted/Sexual
- Dictatorial
- Conceited
- Distrusting
- Impulsive
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  • Love
Reactions: Angel Cake
Kazuo Takumara

Request Pending - MxF, MxM [Historical, Fantasy, or Historical Fantasy]

The Nanqiu school is known to have people from all over the world who have shown 'talent' that can benefit society. Only the smartest individuals are allowed to attend the school. One of them includes a man who knows all the languages of the world and is adept in Light magic. He was taught under the wings of Tung Lao shi who is getting ready for him to take over as the Headmaster of the school.

You are one of the students who was just admitted to the school. And your guide will be that man training to be a Headmaster. After a while, you will find out he had a dark side underneath his calm, and fatherly persona.


Personality: Dominant-Submissive [Seke]

+ Compassionate
+ Mature
+ Devoted
+ Imaginative
+ Adaptable

- Oversensitive
- Indecisive
- Escapist
- Unreactive
- Unyielding
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  • Love
Reactions: Angel Cake
Mingan Adelgunde

Open - MxF (Peasant x Royalty/Peasant, Betrothed Villagers) [Historical Fantasy, or Fantasy]

A hunter by trade, he is known to keep to himself as he gets his money by hunting animals and trading animal skins/meat to aspiring Butchers, Cooks, Seamstresses, etc. He is also known to hunt criminals in his spare time, getting extra cash of bringing bounties to the King & Queen. He has little to no contact with people unless absolutely necessary, sometimes frequenting the tavern when he has money to spare. Whether you are a peasant or a princess, you are curious about him and want to learn more. But are you prepared to know about his past?

Alternate Plot: Your family has arranged a marriage for you and you are expected to meet your husband. To your surprise, the one who wanted to marry you is the hunter who keeps to himself. What is his reasoning?



+ Ambitious
+ Patient
+ Responsible
+ Resourceful
+ Dependable

- Cautious
- Serious
- Intense
- Forceful
- Unimaginative
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Juan Valenciano

Open - MxM (Bounty Hunter x Criminal) [Western (Historical) or Fantasy]

He is well-known of getting any criminal he wanted, once he sets his eyes on them. He is the most feared for criminals, but the kindest and helpful to the good people. There is one criminal however that he is having a hard time on catching. Your that criminal that the famous bounty hunter is chasing. You first find it to be a very fun game, never getting caught. Eventually, you might find it to be more than a game and that the bounty hunter. Whatever reason you have a bounty, you are being chased. It's a game of cat and mouse, and it is infuriating the bounty hunter. Worst comes to worse, he makes sure that no one else is chasing you besides him. And his slight annoyance and aggression are going back and forth between infuriation to infatuation.


Personality: Submissive [Uke]

+ Energetic
+ Extroverted
+ Imaginative
+ Objective
+ Adaptable

- Sensitive
- Changeable
- Passive
- Indecisive
- Restless
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Zak Mannello

Open - MxM and MxF (Demon x Human) [Modern]

The well-renowned general was recently kicked out of the Hell because of his failure to take down an angel that he had underestimated. In order to return home, Zak will have to tempt a human that is in the higher-upper class (which can be the Higher Middle Class or the Rich) to come join Hell's Army. Since his demonic feature will show too much to humans, he had decided that he should disguise himself: as a weird-looking dog. If only that dog form did not give him that much attention.

You are somewhat average in the eyes of the people around you. Your mother is a stay-at-home mom taking care of her little brother/sister with your Father being a CEO of a small, yet potential company to grow big. Although you have friends and a boyfriend/girlfriend, you feel like you're missing something in your life. It wasn't until you saw a weird-looking dog all filthy and hungry that you decided the one thing missing was 'unconditional love' which dogs and cats always give. So with that, you brought the dog (out of his will really) and went to your Mom to ask 'If we can keep him'?




Personality: Dominant [Seme]

+ Courageous
+ Honorable
+ Strong
+ Incorruptible
+ Confident

- Reckless
- Merciless
- Short-tempered
- Darkened
- Loner
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Jaylan Anker

- MxM and MxF (Mistress/Master x Servant, and Sugar Daddy x Sugar Baby) [Modern]

You put up an ad one day looking for help around the house. You have recently inherited your parent's estate and the only servants there have left to retire. You are getting help one by one who works for you in exchange for food and a roof over their head. You have recently put up a help wanted ad for a cook who can provide food while you entertained your quest. You then hear a knock on the door and open it.

This is who is in front of you.

Alternate Plot (MxM): Jaylan recently was accepted into a culinary school where he hopes to get his bachelor's in Culinary Arts. The problem is that the tuition might hinder his performance. So he tries to find a way to pay the bills. It is very hard at first, considering no job is flexible for his studying. Then he decided he will need to advertise his experience as an 'indentured servant' which he can cook, clean, and even provide nanny/petsitting service if need be. That went nowhere.

Then one day, he and a friend were discussing how other people paid for their tuition; one of them being the women finding sugar daddies. Then they started laughing and joking about how Jaylan could probably find a sugar daddy since he had the looks. For the fun of it, they went to a sugar daddy website and put a very detailed profile of Jaylan and his experience in cooking, cleaning, painting, and even 'the bedroom' (although Jaylan is a virgin). Since Jaylan was a guy, they figured no one would answer the profile.

Boy, were they wrong.


Personality: Seke

+ Mature
+ Graceful/Peaceful
+ Hospitable
+ Protective
+ Artistic

- Reserved
- Perfectionist
- 'Naive' (Easily manipulated)
- Insecure
- Violent (Last Resort)
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  • Love
Reactions: Angel Cake
Nahele (Yes...that is the name xD)

Open - MxF (Assassin x Peasant/Princess/Knight) (Historical Fantasy or Fantasy)

There is a story about the royal assassin who was responsible for the change in the country. He was in charge of helping his country win the war against the other side. Although there was a story about him cursed by a witch because he helped the citizens get rid of the evil. The curse? Living forever. That would seem nice right? But immortality usually means demons or vampires, and that forced the famous hero to go missing, never to return.

The citizens thought he had died, so they commemorated a statue and a funeral, mourning for the hero. But he didn't die. He went into hiding for fear of his life. Ever since his disappearance a hundred years ago, the monarchy slowly declined and now the new King and Queen are tyrants, their Prince 'takes' the daughters to where they could be a plaything.

The citizens think the ghost of the assassin haunts the forest since some people see them at night. They believe that his spirit is active because of the tyrant king and queen. But you don't believe in ghosts and decided to follow the 'spirit' to see if it was true. You are about the discover that not only is the assassin alive, but he wants to return to his duty and get rid of the tyranny.



+ Brave
+ Determined
+ Honest
+ Assertive
+ Independent

- Strict
- Distant
- Protective
- Unyielding
- Condescending
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  • Love
Reactions: Angel Cake
Kenta Miyamoto

Closed - MxM, MxF (Arranged Marriage) [Fantasy, or Historical Fantasy]

Every one hundred years, there is a small clan of nine-tailed foxes who visit a feudal town to get a 'human sacrifice'. A more polite term would be 'significant other' for the leader. The leader returns to get his 'bride', he has been through this for thousand of years and grows tired of it. He doesn't see humans as an equal but instead as someone 'beneath' him. Will his hardened heart soften when his new 'bride' comes with him?

Alternative: We can make this a modern RP where your character time-travels back in time and is forced to partake in the ceremony to wed him.


Personality: Dominant (Seme)

+ Strong-Willed
+ Reliable
+ Honest
+ Loyal
+ Organized

- Judgemental
- Stubborn
- Indifferent
- Rigid
- Tradtional
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Closed - MxM, MxF (Demon x Human) [Modern Fantasy]

There have been some portals that mysteriously have been seen in the skies. What is not known to the public and the government is that terrorists are using the dark arts to summon demons from way back in feudal Japan to attack America. One of the demons summoned is a Baku who has the ability to enter people's dreams, and eat people's nightmares. He is the one who gets called in to eat nightmares by children and adults alike. But if he eats more than he should, he'll wound up eating people's dreams, causing people to get depressed and possibly commit suicide. The Baku needs help fitting into a country where no one speaks his language and everything is faster than he is used to. Will you be that kind soul to take him in?


Personality: Dominant (Seme)

+ Efficient
+ Strong-Willed
+ Self-Confident
+ Charismatic
+ Quick-Thinker

- Ruthless
- Impatient
- Intolerant
- Dominant
- Unyielding
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  • Love
Reactions: Takumi
Chi-tui Lam

Open - MxM, MxF (Eastern [Asian] Warrior/Nomad x Peasant/Royalty) [Historical Fantasy or Fantasy]

Your life is in danger. And it left you to not being able to do many fun things or even go outside without fearing that someone is stalking you. Your parents became desperate after a recent attack that almost killed you. So they went to drastic measure to find someone to protect you. You are shocked to realize that it is the Chih-Tui Lam who is known to be very fast and skilled in swordsmanship. But he normally wanders and doesn't stay in one place for long.

So why did he decide to guard you? Is there a connection between him and your 'attackers'?


Personality: Dominant-Submissive [Seke]

+ Elegant
+ Polite
+ Patient
+ Alert
+ Persistent

- Stubborn
- Melancholy
- Reserved
- Overly-Discreet
- Quiet
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Hui-jun Anderson

Open - MxM, MxF (Celebrity x Assistant/Non-Fan) [Modern]

A new-upcoming Model has been all over the magazines, commercials, and even the runway! Some say he was able to get in because of a connection with another celebrity model. Right now he has over five-hundred thousand followers on Instagram, and Twitter. He is getting gigs like one wouldn't believe. However, there had been rumors that he will not date 'certain' girls that like to show off their bodies. He prefers his dream woman or man cover themselves up in public, and only he can see their body. But those are just rumors, right?

With his upcoming fan, his manager said he needs an assistant that can help make his workload a little easier to maintain. Whether it be errand runs or advice, it is something he would need to survive Hollywood. He agrees to it.

That is where you come in.


Personality: Dominant-Submissive [Seke]

+ Creative
+ Ambitious
+ Generous
+ Confident
+ Adventurous

- Stubborn
- Impulsive
- Competitive
- Vain
- Intimidating
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Chikao Yamazaki

- MxM, MxF (Musician x Peasant/Royalty/Geisha) [Fantasy, or Historical Fantasy]

There has been a traveling musician who becomes well-known to the places he travels. He frequents busy venues and is the sole entertainer in parties as well as the many dances of the Geishas. But he knows he will need to settle down and have children eventually. But the problem is, he is mute and he is more interested in the music than a romantic interest. Is there anyone who can somehow take his heart and give him what he had been missing?


Personality: Power Bottom [Seke]

+ Alluring
+ Artistic
+ Adaptable
+ Intuitive
+ Focused
+ Nurturing
+ Empathetic

- Private
- Emotional
- Indecisive
- Escapist
- Sensitive
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Jurou Yamazaki

Closed - MxM, MxF (Widower x Peasant/Royalty/Average Human, and/or Doctor x Patient) [Eastern Historical Fantasy, Fantasy, or Modern]

He lost his wife many years ago tragically and now cannot fathom on finding another one. To everyone, he is often seen reading books and keep to himself studying medicine and plants. No one has been able to get close to him as he kept his distance from human interactions as much as possible.

Historical/Historical Fantasy Plot: He is the most well-known healer in the country. People would travel miles to get his 'miraculous' medicine. The recent death of his wife, killed by bandits, is forcing him to try to find a medicine that can bring the 'dead' back to life. It is getting to the point he is losing control of himself. Will there be someone who can stop him?

Modern Plot: A Head librarian, he is saving money to go to medical school. He wants to be involved with finding cures for cancer. Cancer took his late wife, making him determined to get to medical school. He doesn't talk to many people unless it's absolutely necessary, and it is slowly starting to show that his health is declining...


Personality: Dominant (Seme)

+ Analytical
+ Witty/Clever
+ Reasonable
+ Humanitarian
+ Open-Minded

- Detached
- Aloof
- Stubborn
- Nonchalant
- Sarcastic
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Raygnar Havon

Open - (Demon x Angel, Master x Slave) [Fantasy]

The war between Angels and Demons have lasted for centuries, with no means to an end. You are a female angel who disguised yourself as a man (as females are not allowed to go on the battlefield) to join God's army. But one of the battles, you and your squad was defeated and captured by demons to be used as slaves. But the demons have discovered that you are a female, and turned to their General; leader of the Army for insight.

Raygnar Havon is that demon who has eyes and hair of an angel, but powers of a demon. Rumors have circulated that he is a halfling but there is no proof. And the General has decided that the only thing you're worth doing is being his personal slave.



+ Imaginative
+ Open-Minded
+ Enthusiastic
+ Objective
+ Straightforward

- Withdrawn
- Insensitive
- Condescending
- Absent-Minded
- Loathe's Social Expectations
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  • Love
Reactions: Average_Life
Nabih Brewin

Open - MxF, MxM (Arch-Enemies, Refugee x Peasant/Noble) [Fantasy]

There has been a war between Arkalia and Zeveria for many years. While Arkalia is known for humans who depend on weapons and Alchemy, Zeveria is known to be magical and they are known to have marks on their forehead; etched since birth. After many years of war, there had been rumors of civil unrest going on in Zeveria, giving Arkalia the advantage. Whether you are a noble or a peasant, boy or girl, you are soon greeted by an injured man who can barely walk and is on the brink of death. What you don't know is that this man is a refugee from Zeveria and he is wearing a hat to cover his etched forehead.


Personality: Dominant-Submissive [Seke]

+ Quick-Thinker
+ Confident
+ Decisive
+ Jack-of-All-Trades
+ Independent

- Arrogant
- Judgemental
- Overly analytical
- Loathes highly structured environments (Rules/Laws without good reasoning)
- Clueless in Romance
Arvan Saiki

Open - MxM, MxF (Alpha x Omega/Loner, Werewolf x Werewolf) [Fantasy]

It has been a known social structure that Alphas were top dog while the Omega's were the bottom. Most Omega's are not treated well and often isolated from the rest of the pack. That was Arvan's life and he was used to the bullying, abuse, and the loneliness. The children nor the women would look at him, and he would often find comfort in loneliness and the bright nights. Then it came the day when it was mating season, and it was where the pack would find their mate. Arvan happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when the Alpha, for reasons unknown, found reason to be interested and initiated 'mating' with Arvan. But now that is has been known, the pack and Arvan aren't the same.

Alternate Plot: Arvan was recently kicked out after the death of his parents. Forced to live by himself, he found that he preferred being by himself as he rather have that than the constant abuse from fellow pack-members. He ends up being found by the Alpha of a different pack, because Arvan got too close to their territory.


Personality: Submissive (Uke)
+ Loyal
+ Passionate
+ Resourceful
+ Observant
+ Dynamic

- Jealous
- Obsessive
- Suspicious
- Manipulative
- Unyielding
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Open - MxM or MxF (Human x Animal, Wolf x Any Animal. This story is mostly about companionship, not romance.) [Modern]

Blake was an unfortunate circumstance where he was the only survivor out of a mass murder spree. A hunter killed a whole pack of wolves which got him arrested. One of the police officers felt sorry for the pup and decided that he would take care of it, instead of bringing him to a wolf sanctuary. Blake then grew up to live with humans and even be part of the K-9 unit. The owner lied, saying that Blake was half wolf because of his size. Surrounded by humans, Blake was known to be the best at keens of smell and also restraining the criminal.

After three years in the Police Force, tragedy struck Blake and his owner's life as their home was broken into. His owner was killed in cold blood, while Blake in return jumped at the murderer and sunk his teeth into his neck, killing them. Police were called and Blake's wolf instincts still were kicking in and tried to attack anyone that approached. That was when it was discovered Blake was a full-blooded wolf. The animal control was sent in and tranquilized him before transporting him to a Wildlife Sanctuary. Now alone, Blake is depressed and refuses to eat. If not stopped, he will die.



+ Alert
+ Venturesome
+ Realistic
+ Fair
+ Brave

- Tense
- Strong-Willed
- Phlegmatic
- Irascible
- Domineering
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