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Hellhound of Iwaku
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
I usually am online at all times, but sometimes I play MMOs and watch Youtube for funsies.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
I like any genre as long as it has an awesome storyline.
(I got permission from @CrystineLucarnia to format my 1 x 1 search like this. Please do look at her search threads if interested. She does MxM and FxF:​



Characters will be marked with colored tags at the top of the posts to show their status for RPs:

, REQUEST PENDING, and CLOSED. Each character is available for only one partner, or one partner per plot if multiple storyline options are given. REQUEST PENDING is the exception to this. The tag means that I am in discussion with someone about a possible RP, but it has not been started yet. If you message me with a clear idea for your character and/or what you want to do with the story, then I may agree to let you have a second spot, after which the character will be immediately closed.

Post Content and Length

I enjoy roleplays with posts of various lengths. However, if we fall into a rut of one or two lines I will object. I also prefer Rpers who can contribute to the storyline as well. If I end up being the only one contributing to it, I will admit to slowly lose interest and I might never post. We can discuss where things will go through our OOC if you like, but do please contribute and bring ideas to the RP!

Obviously, this is a thread for female roleplayers/characters. Their pictures will either be anime or realistic, but they can easily be converted if you want to.

I am more of a PM person than threads because sometimes, I do not have access to my laptop. I can do things through Threads as well, but a reply will be slower than it would be in PMs. I also am a Redstar roleplayer so if you want the RP through threads, we should start our thread in the Redstar forums. If we were to decide to take the story in that direction, I feel it best to be able to do so without fear in there. Doesn't mean we have to, but the option is open.

Please PM me all requests with the title "Among my future" in order to show that you read all of this. I know that it's a lot and that it can be easy to be turned off by seeing so much text, but I have had a lot of dropped roleplays due to people entering with interest only to realize my preferences didn't match up with theirs. Thank you for the time if you did read everything!

Notice: Do not post in here!

If you are interested in the characters, PM me only! This forum should be only for my characters, not you posting interest

Also, I know this is a bit mean of me to say this. But If I do ignore you (whether it be during your interest, or during the RP), it means I lost interest. You can always ask me and I will apologize. My ignorance is mainly due to being uninspired, your grammar, and/or I don't like the way things are going. It's mean of me, but that's just what I do.

If you want female characters, Click here


I am starting to realize that I am, right, having a craving for certain type of guys right now. So any of these men below are what I am TRULY craving right now. I can play all the others regardless, but you'll get a faster response for me if you express interest with the guys below:

1. Juan Valenciano

2. Jaylan Anker (Updated plot for Sugar Daddy x Sugar Baby!)

3. Jurou Yamazaki

4. Blake

5. Mingan Adelgunde

6. Nabih Brewin
Last edited:
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Lusterine
Zetsu Longgazer

Open - MxM, MxF (Human x Animal-Shifter) [Sci-Fi Fantasy]

There has been a war going on between the monster-shifters and the animal-shifters. Animal-Shifters were animals who are able to transform into human form, while Monster-Shifters are humans who are able to turn into animals, except they have a unique 'appearance' to them (Like a wolf with horns, or a lion with wings, etc.). Both of these groups had different beliefs and religious views which was the reason for war. One day, the monster-shifters attacked, forcing some of the members of the Animal-Shifters to flee.

One of them was Zetsu who was the Prince of the Animal-Shifters and knew that he needed help. He heard of the humans who lived inside big cities with much technology. But they had barriers surrounding them after a huge apocalypse had damaged 80% of human lands hundreds of years ago. So the only way to get help is to get inside the barriers and prestigious checkpoints. Technology and Nature will combine in the most malicious way as Monster-Shifters as well want to take over the remaining human cities and force the humans to believe in their ways.


Personality: Dominant-Submissive [Seke]

+ Tough
+ Paternalistic
+ Idiosyncratic
+ Self-Sufficient
+ Adventurous

- Solitary
- Abrasive
- Blunt
- Cantankerous
- Disorganized
Gethin Connery

Open - MxM, MxF (Vampire x Vampire-Hunter/Human) [Historical Fantasy, or Fantasy]

Vampires have been known to be very dangerous creatures and have no control of their bloodlust. It is unknown how Vampire children are born, but it is very rare since most Vampires are immortal. The only way to get a vampire baby is if the male goes after a female human, the female bare the child, and the vampire female bites onto the child, replacing the human female's DNA with the vampire female's DNA.

Well, it one day happened, the vampires had chosen the wrong female. The female victim was the governor's daughter and her fate had caused an uproar with the humans. It took them a year to find the vampires and go on a manslaughter. Blood had spilled, and many vampire and human bodies piled together in a darkened forest. The humans had finally won, they celebrated their victory and the end of their fear of bloodsuckers.

That's what the humans think.

The vampires had lived on, but very few are alive...and they are trying to find the leader's son. Yes, the leader and his female were the ones to bring in the child. The child was missing for eighteen years, living in the forest like an animal...feeding on animals and drinking blood. That is what caused human fear, the death of their livestock by the loss of blood.

That is your duty as one of the hunters, whether you were the hunter that contribute to killing vampires eighteen years ago, it was your relative that did it, or if you are just an apprentice. Either way, the vampire hunters have not been active since the killing, often going to bounty hunting work or law enforcement. But since there had been signs of vampires, you took the duty to find out who it was. It took you only a few days to find the source, a boy no older than eighteen. And his appearance was shocking as he resembled the governor's lost daughter, so he was taken to the human village, hoping to somehow figure out how to make him human and lose the vampire characteristics. Once the news has spread about his appearance, the vampires want that boy back. The bloodsuckers had reassembled more people to their coven, and they want the human city to give him back.

Now it's another war between humans and vampires, but this time, there is no sure way to know who wins.


Personality: Dominant-Submissive [Seke]

+ Clever
+ Curious
+ Imaginative
+ Adaptable
+ Independent

- Cautious
- Introverted
- Protective
- Confrontational
- Predatory
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