OPEN SIGNUPS A Cruise Ship Experiment

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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
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OPEN SIGNUPS A Cruise Ship ExperimentPremise: The last thing you remembered was being at the Captain's Ball eating food with all the other guests. When you wake up- you have found yourself in your bedroom on the cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. After a few moments, you realize that you are not the only one left on the ship who experienced. There are a few other people, but besides them, no one seems to be around. Welcome to the S.S Living Dead.

This RP was inspired from the RP2 that was used on the RP day off. So, let's get down to what you all want to know. However, before we get started here are about three simple rules. All iwaku rules apply, there is a three character limit here and have fun.

For roles on the cruise ship, there will be three distinct groups. There will be people who have died and are only here and alive because a necromancer( played by your GM) is on the ship and had previously revived them (on purpose or by them being on the ship) , there are those who are here to study the necromancer ( Three character limit- two of these have been filled before this thread is even up.) and the people who had been picked to be the sanity or the last string of humanity to our necromancer. Another general role is that there will be a limit to supernatural creatures (two) on the ship who have died due to the nature of reviving them and how much energy it would take. Below is the character sheet.

Age ( preferably older than 18):
Appearance: ( Details the photos do not include/ scars/ height, weight,etc if you use them)
Occupation before arriving on the cruise ship:
Personality (Optional)
Weakness(ONE FOR EACH ABILITY/POWER) (optional):
Powers(optional if you are doing a supernatural creature)
Abilities/ skills:
History (optional, but highly recommended)
Faction/ role in RP ( These are living dead/ recently revived, those in the know ( one of these is left) and those who have no clue what is going on.)

Character List
Peter Destin
Those out of the know
Jeremy Summers
Daniella DeRazzio- DISCOVERED DEAD
Lehna Sommerville
Charlie Phillips Durwen
Chrissie Fletcher
Living Dead
Fiona MacGreggor
Jodie Beaumont
Darren Johns
Christopher Fletcher- Also in the know
Aires Silver
Zale Lawerence
Those in the know
Constance FairHaven
Michael Ross/ Samuel Hope
Dan Hawkins
Astrid Rastel
Sapphire Voidstone
The Superior

@Minerva @slifer @PoetLore @IceQueen @Ester
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*is curious why she was tagged but shall probably join anyway*
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Name: Peter Destin
Nickname: Pete, Child of Fate
Age ( preferably older than 18): 21
Appearance: ( Details the photos do not include/ scars/ height, weight,etc if you use them) Peter stands at approximately 6'2 inches tall and has brown spiked hair that sticks up in all directions along with the brightest green eyes you will see. He has a light overshadow on his face and typically wears a black t-shirt, a pair of jeans, sneakers along with black leather jacket and a watch. He also has a collection of different color hats that he occasionally switches too.

(Faceclaim: Francis Cadiuex)

Occupation before arriving on the cruise ship: Private Investigator
Personality (Optional): To be RPED out
Weakness(ONE FOR EACH /POWER)(Optional: Each revival on another character drains his energy, he also can't concentrate and often gets flashbacks at random intervals and faints sometimes. He also likes everything to be perfect.
Species: Necromancer
Powers(optional if you are doing a supernatural creature)
Abilities/ skills:
Lock picking, deductive reasoning, chess
History (optional, but highly recommended)
Faction/ role in RP ( These are living dead/ recently revived, those in the know ( one of these is left) and those who have no clue what is going on.):
The Necromancer/ No role/ The cause
Extra: He has a revived pet bunny named Hoppy/Happy, a revived pet squirrel named quirrly, a revived pet dragon named Aquaslasher, a revived cricket named Chrirpy, a revived puppy named pup and anyone on the ship ( but the later he doesn't know. He believes he is only an animal necromancer.) He's bisexual.
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(Interesting plot ^^ I kind of want to use two of the characters I had from my intro from when we first started (before I got too drunk to reply lol) and since one of those three characters I'm using for a couple one x ones right now I was thinking the other two would be good. The thing is one of them is a very young child (about four or five) and I don't know if that was maybe not a good fit for this plot? But since the two characters are mother and child maybe one of them is dead and one of them is not, and the living one doesn't realize the other is dead? But I don't know if that makes sense lol. Let me know. Otherwise I'll just pick one character probably and send over a sheet ^^ Thanks for inviting me.)
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(Children work just fine for this plot. Also, your way of working them works for me- I only preferred them to be older than 18, they don't have to be.. You are most welcome for inviting you.) @Ester
(Omg I'm so sorry I didn't even read the full character sheet so I didn't see preferably 18 or older! But honestly the little kid will be probably be more of a secondary character to the mother so hopefully it won't cause much of a problem haha. I will send my sheet tomorrow I'm starting to get sleepy lol)
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(I'll make a profile soon. Probably tomorrow. :D )
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Rox Liam daughter teen.jpeg

Name: Fiona MacGreggor
Nickname: Fifi, but only her parents call her that
Age ( preferably older than 18): 20
Appearance: 5'4" Had a rather large birthmark on her right leg that covers her right ankle. If seen from the proper angle it resembles a butterfly (or she at least tells herself this)
Occupation before arriving on the cruise ship: Diplomat's Daughter, College student
Personality :Role played out
Weakness(ONE FOR EACH ABILITY/POWER) (optional):Suspicious, Somewhat out of touch with normal people's day to day lives, Opinionated, Can de very direct to the point of tactlessness
Species: Human
Powers(optional if you are doing a supernatural creature)
Abilities/ skills: Multi-lingual (Spanish, French, German and English), can Ballroom Dance with confidence and flair, can draw passably, and can sing well
History (optional, but highly recommended) Fiona has lived a life of relative ease, though not as much as some. She'd well traveled because of her father's position, but she was also expected to do chores and had a curfew. Her Father is the American ambassador to Scotland. As their only child, she had a lot of pressure on her to excel in every way, so she is a highly motivated type of person, and pushes herself to sometimes unhealthy limits. She thinks she is on this cruise because her father put her there to force her to relax.

Faction/ role in RP ( These are living dead/ recently revived, those in the know ( one of these is left) and those who have no clue what is going on.) She's a living dead
Extra:She ahd a weird Human trick she can do with her eyes if such a thing ever comes up.
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Nayla 4.jpeg

Name: Dr. Constance Fairhaven
Nickname: Connie
Age ( preferably older than 18): 31
Appearance: 5'7" slender, but not overly.
Occupation before arriving on the cruise ship: Dr. of occult studies, Teaches at University of Texas
Personality - driven and exceptionally intelligent, has little patience for what she considers stupidity, though she has been attempting to tamper that side of her personality, she sometimes lacks what others term as common sense. (The rest I will play out)

Weakness(ONE FOR EACH ABILITY/POWER) (optional): DNA

Species: Human

Powers(optional if you are doing a supernatural creature) DNA

Abilities/ skills: She has a photographic memory, and can recall a remarkable amount of information back once she has read, or seen an image for even as little as five minutes.

History (optional, but highly recommended) Constance grew up in a very small town in West Virginia. She was the eldest of seven sisters, and the first in her family to graduate high school. When she expressed an interest in college her mother was shock and tried to talk her out of it. They'd not seen a need for education above what the law dictated, and wanted her to remain to help with the younger children and to help on the family homestead. She'd decided in about third grade that was not going to be her lot in life, and without her parent's permission or knowledge, she left and attended the University of Texas, where she was given a full scholarship for academic merit. Once in her dorm room, she penned a letter informing them of her safe arrival. She became enthralled by the supernatural and soon decided to focus her studies in that area. She worked her way through both the master and doctorate programs by tutoring and waiting tables. She now teaches at the University as a professor in Occult Studies and Ancient history. She was given the opportunity to study a proven necromancer on this cruise ship and jumped at the chance.

Faction/ role in RP ( These are living dead/ recently revived, those in the know ( one of these is left) and those who have no clue what is going on.) She is IN THE KNOW!!

Extra: Constance is more than a little afraid of water, does not know how to swim and will not even use a bath tub, because that seems like too much water to her.

Name: Jeremy Summers
Nickname: Jer, Jer-Bear (For Peter's use)
Age: 19 years old
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: He's kind of average looking, the kind of kid your eyes would pass over if you had to pick him out of a crowd. He has a small skull and bones tattoo, something that told people and Peter that he would be Peter's link to sanity.
Occupation before arriving on the cruise ship: College Student/Accountant/Peter's sanity checker.
Personality : Roleplayed out
Weakness(ONE FOR EACH ABILITY/POWER) (optional): He's pretty naive when it comes to new people.
Species: Hooman. (Human) :D
Abilities/ skills: The one who would either die last in a horror movie or he would survive. Whether that would be in the killer's dungeon or not is the question. He's good at math, has developed deductive reasoning from being around Peter and is a major cinephile. He can also make a shiv out of pretty much anything.
History: His life had been going great up until a year ago. Then, his life turned upside down. His ex boyfriend had revealed to him that he was a freaking drug dealer, and had totally wanted to make Jeremy his partner. Then, his brother had come to "save him" because he thought that Jeremy's ex had kidnapped him. It turns out that Jeremy's mom and brother were also drug dealers, and he had been kept well in the dark about said family buisness up until now. His brother and Jeremy's ex fight each other, and while fighting they set the building on fire. Jeremy managed to pull the both of them out but the fire almost killed him. Peter somehow saved him from that. For the past year, he had been with Peter, acting as his last (Maybe last, idk) link to sanity. On the ship, he's forgotten his time with Peter and still thinks the last thing that happened to him was the fire.
Faction/ role in RP : He's the guy who stays with Peter to keep his sanity. He's Peter's friend and confidant. Currently, he has amnesia, having gotten it from going onto said boat with Peter and has forgotten that role for now.
Extra: He might have a crush on Peter but in this amnesiac state it's muddled which is confusing for him.
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  • Thank You
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10/10 best skill ever lol.
Also, I bumped up the character limit to three. That being said, between Peter and his pets I am going to wind up playing eight characters somehow...
(No don't. It's bad for your RP health.)
(No don't. It's bad for your RP health.)
It is already too late for me. I will try to dial it back, but the pets are going to exist.
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The pets are fine but characters no.
(Okay I usually don't use photos for my characters but I guess I'll pluck some up just for this RP lol xD)

Name: Daniella DeRazzio
Nickname: Dani (only her girl friends call her this)
Age: 29

Occupation before arriving on the cruise ship:
Stay-at-home mom
Personality: Very selfish and hostile. Never afraid to speak her mind, and her mind's always going. Doesn't seem to consider that other people have emotions, or maybe she just doesn't care. But as long as you don't bother her, she's extremely friendly, bubbly, outgoing and loves to laugh. It's just never certain exactly what will be bothersome to her.
Species: Human
Weakness: Many find her unlikable, and she sometimes has trouble dealing with her own over-the-top emotions.
Abilities/Skills: She's a pretty good manipulator, and feeling no remorse certainly has its advantages.
History: Daniella was very spoiled throughout her life. She comes from a raucous Italian family and was always taught by her parents how to not stop until she got what she wanted and get it as soon as possible without compromising. She has one older brother, and a younger brother who died during childhood. She is married to Angelo (from whom she takes her last name). Delilah is their daughter and the four-year-old is her favorite thing in the world. She loves taking video of the cute things she does, taking her out in public so everyone can dote about how adorable she is. Daniella has cheated on Angelo a few times, but believes it's justifiable because she thinks Angelo is cheating on her.
Faction/Role in RP: Living human, has no idea what's going on
Extra: Daniella's a bad person but she's not a sadist. She does have the capacity to truly care about others, but it would have to be wrenched out of her.

Name: Delilah DeRazzio
Nickname: Her parents will sometimes call her DeDe or Lilah, but otherwise she's mostly known as Delilah (her peers and teachers in preschool only call her Delilah).
Age: 4
Appearance: (This was the best picture I could find on the fly of what her hair and face would look like. She has brown eyes.)

Occupation before arriving on the cruise ship:
Preschool student
Personality: Very affectionate, two favorite things to do are draw and cuddle. She is very friendly with other children but shy around adults that aren't her parents. She has a kind and generous heart and isn't mean to others.
Species: Human (undead)
Weakness: She isn't very bright mentally, and is sometimes clumsy and messy which gets her into trouble.
Abilities/Skills: While she isn't the best at articulating herself, she is very talkative and will talk and explain and write and draw for days until she finally gets her message out. She's also cute, if that counts as a strength.
History: Delilah doesn't have much history as she's just a toddler. She has an undiagnosed learning ability that will never be diagnosed, as Daniella refuses to believe that her child is "imperfect." Sometimes she is too loud or makes a mess which Daniella doesn't like. She's not supposed to tell Angelo how Daniella punishes her when she messes up, but she wants to. Sometimes she starts crying at preschool for seemingly no reason.
Faction/Role in RP: Resurrected human (Daniella does not realize she's died).
Extra: Personality-wise, Delilah takes much more from her father than she does from her mother. The one thing she does get from Daniella is her talkativeness and expressiveness.

(I'm curious to know what the differences will be between undead humans and living humans ... like would it be reasonable for Daniella to not know Delilah is dead, or would she have to be in denial? I could go either way.)
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@Ester Accepted!

Undead humans are revived in proximity to Peter, but otherwise, they function like normal people. ( I haven't decided if their aging is static or able to be changed.) But it can be both if you want. She can not know in the beginning and be in denial for the time where they do find out. Also, I bumped the number up to three, so you can play Angelo if you want. Ideally, we need a few in the know. Also, I shall be updating the roster now.
(Sure, I could throw Angelo in there. I think it would be really interesting - and sad - if he knows what's going on and knows Delilah is dead, but pretends she isn't so that Daniella won't go crazy. It fits their personalities too. Give me a bit and I'll throw a sheet up for him too.)
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Name: Angelo DeRazzio
Nickname: None
Age: 28
Appearance: (I'm usually pretty picky about how he looks since I use him more often than a lot of my other characters, and like I said I don't usually use photos, but for now here's a general photo of what he would look like. Also I usually use creative commons photos but since I wanted something so specific I got this off Google images ... apparently it's a model named Matt Hitt ... idk if that counts as credit but yeah.)

Occupation before arriving on the cruise ship: Journalist
Personality: Very sensitive and preoccupied about what others think of him. Easily manipulated and ordered around, especially by his family and his wife - some would call him a doormat or a pushover. He has a very compassionate nature and wants to help others, but his compassion often gives way to conformity and obedience. Is often just going through the motions of life. Has a lot of self-loathing.
Species: Human
Weakness: He's basically a pushover and puppet to his family and his employers. He does whatever they want him to.
Abilities/Skills: A very skilled liar and good at hiding his true emotions.
History: Angelo comes from a very religious and hostile home environment where he was taught to obey, obey, obey at the risk of receiving extremely harsh punishment. He has three older brothers, two older sisters and one younger sister. He is very involved in his church and community, but is hiding a secret that is only as dark as the length he's gone to to cover it up - he is gay. He has been married to Daniella for five years and has never been with or even gotten close to being with a man, although he's known that he's gay since he was in elementary school. He does everything necessary to keep up this lie and to keep his family and his wife happy at all costs. He doesn't have much of a life of his own outside of his church, his family and his job. He loves Delilah more than anything in the world, even though he doesn't get to spend much time with her due to his work and Daniella being preoccupied with her a lot of the time.
Faction/Role in RP: Living human, has been studying the necromancer and knows what's happened.
Extra: Angelo is usually very gentle in nature, but when it's called for, can be driven into a fury. Daniella is extremely manipulative of him and sometimes has him get into fights and disputes with others on her behalf, if only to amuse her or sate her need for attention.

(Does it make any sense to say that maybe he's been studying the necromancer for a journalism assignment and that's how he and his family got involved? I'm not exactly sure how you wanted it to work. And how did they die so that the necromancer had to bring them back to life? Sorry if I missed something while reading the plot but I just want to double check how this is all gonna work lol.)
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