OPEN SIGNUPS A Cruise Ship Experiment

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Are you going to post the thread soon Lucky?
@Nicole Birdy Not really. I haven't posted the IC.

@slifer I was originally going to wait for @Minerva to get his character up before starting the IC, but if he doesn't have it to me by Friday, I will start it up then.
Ask him directly in a PM.
@slifer It's covered. He told me that he believes he can have a sheet done by Friday. :) ( But either way, I shall start it Friday night.)
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I hope to get the starter up before I leave tonight, but if I don't get a chance to do it (due to distractions and/or writer's block) I hope to get it up when I get home from a christening tomorrow night. ( Also, I most likely won't be online tonight( and if I am, it will be mobile) and most of tomorrow morning and afternoon. I hopefully should get on tomorrow night so if I do get it up tonight, replies won't be up/updates won't happen untiI then.

@slifer @Nicole Birdy @Ester @PoetLore @Minerva
Quick Update on the thread progress: I haven't gotten around to starting it yet, but I hope to have it out by Friday, the latest and tomorrow night, the earliest.
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That's fine.
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Kind of glad actually...I have been in the hosptial and need a bit more time to recover. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up.
When do we find out how they die?? Also working on my first post!!
Hey everyone! THE IC POST IS UP!!!!!
If no one replies in about another week, I guess we should skip over them?
Sorry guys. I am not 100% but I am feeling well enough to be reasonably coherent I hope...I need to read ... I will try to reply tomorrow. Sorry for the hold up.
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Thanks for posting Silfer. I can't post until the others reply.
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Okay, so Nicole Birdy is a grey name. @slifer and @PoetLore, you still interested in continuing this? ( I am still game, just want confirmation that you both want to do it still.)