OPEN SIGNUPS A Cruise Ship Experiment ( IC thread)

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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
Original poster
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Cruises were supposed to be fun. They weren't supposed to make things worse for the people cruising. So when Peter Destin woke up, he expected to enjoy his cruise vacation. He expected things to be normal.

Sadly for him, it was not. He looked around and noticed that something was terribly wrong. The usual hustle ad bustle of the ship was replaced by an eerie calm. To make matters worse, it was foggy.

" All I wanted was one good vacation, is that so much to ask universe?" Peter was met with silence. He raked through his mind trying to remember the last thing he did when it hit him. He didn't remember going to bed.

His last memory was eating food at the Captain's Ball and then, he had woken up to a mostly empty ship. He took a breath and decided to explore the ship. There had to be at least one other person on the ship. God, he hoped there was one other living person. He also noticed that his pets were missing. He was going to have to find them too. Ugh, this couldn't get worse.

Joe didn't remember much besides being around the necromancer. So when Joe had woken up alone, the ghost didn't know what had happen. Joe guessed it was time to explore and figure out what had happened.
" Phase one has been activated. I just hope that we don't have to open emergency protocol already," the superior said, looking back at the people on the monitors. Luckily the agent was out and the superior had a few others to keep an eye on the necromancer. Everything had to go right. ... the superior hoped that it did.

@Minerva @slifer @PoetLore @Ester @Nicole Birdy
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Grace woke up coughing and gasping for air. She sat up and found herself on a large bed, still clothed from the banquet. Funny, she couldn't remember how she got here.
She pulled herself from the bed and kicked off her heals, her brow scrunched up in confusion.
What the hell is going on? She thought to herself. She opened the door and wanted into the empty hall.
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Jeremy slowly untangled himself from his sheets, waking up after what felt like a heavy night of eating, and trying to forget why he had come onto the ship in the first place. Memories came to the surface, of fire, of screaming, of fighting, memories that he forcibly shoved from the forefront of his mind. Yawning, but a little less ready to meet the day, now that he had images of the hate-filled day that had only happened some three odd days ago, he stood up and cleaned himself up, before he ventured outside. He never drank enough to become blackout drunk, so it was weird that he couldn't remember how he had gotten into bed in the first place.

He made his way outside, looking around at the...surprisingly empty ship? Yesterday, there had been tons of people on the ship, and now, almost no one was there. He casually looked at his hands, and did a double-take at the smooth, somehow tanner skin that were his hands. He had burns on his hands, ones that would take some time to heal. How was his skin cured of his burns that quickly? He had patted the flames off of his brother and his ex, which had left his skin looking red and raw, like he had spilled boiling water on himself. Suddenly, the eerie emptiness of the ship jumped out at him even more, making him wonder what the hell was going on.
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Though it was unknown how it got there, there was a puppy in the room with Grace. It bound up to Grace and tilted its head towards her before deciding its course of action.

It seemed the young pup had finally decided its course of action and barked at Grace. It wagged its tail.

It seems that the puppy wanted Grace to follow him.

@Nicole Birdy

Peter took a look around the ship to see if he could spot any of his pets and looked left and right. It seemed that not a single one of them was in sight. It saddened him to see that and he hoped that his critters were okay. He would never forgive himself if they had wound up hurt or dead in any way. He bit on his tongue and hoped that he ran into another person. He liked people and it was the thought of being alone that made him saddest. He didn't want to be alone for the rest of his life. He wanted to be close to others in any way that was possible. It was too bad that he didn't have any friends who could help him with this little problem of his.

Peter had nearly missed it, but he caught his squirrel Quirrly running across the deck and he seemed to be running from something. It didn't seem there was anything there, but he ran after his squirrel to attempt to calm it down. Sadly, as he was so focused on the squirrel, he missed that Jeremy was also outside and he didn't have enough to break and he skided, hoping that the other man wouldn't get too mad if he had hit him. His squirrel meanwhile had seem to recognize Jeremy to some degree. He tilted his head and it left Peter confused. He didn't remember the man who he had nearly just collided with. How the heck did Quirrly know him?

Fiona squinted against the morning sun and groaned as she rolled over and let her feet hit the floor. Her hand brushed unruly red curls from her face and she pushed up off the bed. "I must have had a great night....I don't remember coming back here.." She shrugged. She showered and changed and then stepped out of her cabin and made her way up to the main deck. It was then that she realized how eerily quiet everything was. Weird.

She kept walking peeking in every little niche she passed and was shocked to find no one. the dining room had been completely full last night, where was everyone? She was frowning and walking the deck when she eventually spotted someone else. "HEY!" she called and ran to catch up to them, "Where is everyone? What's going on??"

@LuckycoolHawk9 @slifer
Constance sat at her laptop typing notes from last night. It had been a relatively uneventful night, though she had noticed a few things out of the ordinary. Normally she would have been a bit more confrontational about some of her observations, but she was here to study and document the abilities of Peter Destin not on the methodology of this experimentation.

She closed the laptop and grabbed her tablet, stylus and phone and slipped them into her purse. She had no idea if any of her portable devices would work here but it was worth a try. her laptop wasn't receiving signal of any kind, but she could still add her notes. She grabbed a notepad and pen just in case her other devices were going to be dead in the water. She huffed at her mental quip and slipped the bag over her shoulder and made her way up on deck. It took a while to find her target but she eventually did. She approached and heard a young woman calling to them and stopped to watch. She lifted her phone from her bag and flipped to camera mode.

She snapped a picture of the young girl that she recalled was Fiona MacGreggor. How astounding was this?!? Her brow lifted as she took several still photos and then hit record. So, the man could resurrect humans as well as animals. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not given the other 'researchers' on the ship.

She tapped the phone to stop recording and slipped her phone back into her bag. she recognized the other gentleman as Jeremy Summers, but it didn't seem like anyone understood what was happening. How had they pulled that of? She had no idea. Time was on her side though, at least she hoped so.

"Good morning everyone," she said with a warm smile, "Did you all sleep well?" she asked casually eager to hear the conversation. What exactly did dead people talk about when they were able to speak plainly? She'd seen the dead speak through a medium, but this was entirely different. the fact that she was witnessing it was thrilling on so many levels. She was hardly able to contain her scientific glee.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @slifer
The sound of footsteps alerted him to the fact that someone was coming. He looked up, and his heart gave a weird pang at the sight of the man. That was weird, because his face was unrecognizable. A ginger girl was coming towards them, but for a moment, all he could focus on was the man's face. He shook his head to clear the thoughts away before a third person came onto the scene. She was an adult, but there was something off about her.

As soon as the strange woman he didn't recognize asked him such an inane question, he side-eyed her, stepping back away from her, towards the hot guy, the redhead girl and the surprisingly familiar squirrel. He wasn't an animal enthusiast, so how did he have a familiarity with a squirrel? Shaking that thought aside, he focused on this woman that was entirely too untrustworthy. "Fine." Clearly, he wasn't doing fine at all, but he wasn't going to admit it to a person who looking like she was about to wet herself with glee when the boat around them was just about deserted. Her attitude, combined with his healed skin and odd, whacked memories, made him nervous. Quickly, on some unknown instinct, he went onto his knees and let out a clicking sound to the squirrel, holding out one hand to the squirrel, as if he knew what the squirrel actually responded to. Which he didn't, which only made this situation all the more weirder.
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Grace squeeled at the sight of the puppy, overcome with joy. She really loved dogs. She laughed as the small thing tilted it's head and followed it down the hall, wondering where she was going.
Peter groaned after he got up. While nobody had been paying attention, he had tripped over his own shoelace. Hopefully nobody noticed that pitfall. He thankfully didn't hurt anything important. Well, except his pride if anyone had seen that. He hoped that he could lure Quirrly closer to him. That meant that he found 1 out of his five pets. He still had no clue where Hoppy, Chirpy, Pup and Aquaslasher were and that wasn't a good thing. He hoped none of them fell overboard.

Peter was incredibly thankful however that he had a wide range for his powers though. If anyone came across his pets and they were dead, he would have to explain what happened. He looked over at the new girl who had arrived and sighed before he decided to answer his question as honestly as he could think of. " I have no idea, quite frankly."

Peter really hated being out of the loop for things and it seemed that he once again had a mystery on his hands. Well technically, two. The first mystery was where his pets were. That was obviously the more important of the two mysteries in his head. The other lesser important was how he knew the man in front of him and how the heck an entire cruise full of people had vanished.

It wasn't like they were poisoned or anything. These people had just vanished into the night and he should know because nobody was answering the doors in their rooms. He hoped that wherever the other cruise members had wound up that they would be okay. He couldn't think of a fate worse than death for the members, though he did know of a few. He pulled out his phone to check his signal. It seemed that it had become lost somewhere out of sea and the wifi that had once been on the ship seemed to be disabled or broken. A ton of these details bothered him, but nothing made him feel as worried as the fact that so far everyone he had met were complete strangers.

Peter didn't notice the woman who was taking photos of them. He wouldn't have thought much of it if he had caught her. The ocean was still a beautiful blue and there were still a ton of things that were photo worthy in his mind. At least, it would be if he could see the ocean and wasn't too worried about what had happened to the others.

The necromancer also noticed that there was a thick fog on the horizon. Something else was bothering him. If he had seen nobody besides these people, who was piloting the boat? What person was the one who had full reigns on all of these things. He paused when the woman started to speak to him though.

" Uh, lady. I am not sure if you noticed, but there is nobody else on the boat besides us. I am a little more worried about everything happened then how well I slept. Actually, now that you bring it up, I don't remember falling asleep to be entirely honest. Actually, I have a question for the two of you here. Do either of you two remember falling asleep?" He asked, looking over at them for an answer to his question.

Quirrly who was going completely ignored by Peter looked over at the new woman who had just arrived and hissed at her. It seemed the once dead squirrel didn't like her. The squirrel remembered that she had seemed fishy and didn't like her when Peter had accidently passed her on the cruise and he certainly didn't like her now. The squirrel continued to eye the woman and didn't notice that Peter had posed a question. Normally, he would have been paying more attention with those little details to be quite honest. The squirrel heard the clicking noise and turned to see that the man he liked was doing it. He looked over at him and mad a clicking sound back and came over to him. He looked at the man and offered a nut to him. Where the squirrel had produced one from was a mystery and it was better to not ask questions. Whether Jeremy accepted or rejected the nut, the squirrel would climb up his master shoulder and rest on his shoulders.

@PoetLore @slifer

As the pup would occasionally glance back to see if she was following and when it saw that she was smiled as it led her to the dinning room and to a cage. It seemed that a cricket was stuck in.

@Nicole Birdy
Fiona tipped her head, "" She said and then let out a soft huff. "that is odd, isn't it?" she asked and then saw the squirrel offer a nut to the one guy and she made the cutest face at it, " cute is that?" she asked, having never seen such a thing in her life. She'd been to a lot of places, and seen a lot of things, but she had not spent much time communing with nature. her father felt such things were a waste of time.

She looked around the group of people. Not many of them, "I didn't see anyone on the way here," shes aid, "Have you guys seen anyone else?" Where did a whole boatload of people get to?
Constance noted the tone of his voice and tried not to sound exasperated. Whether she pulled it off or not was anyone's guess. "I remember seeing you leave the dining hall, and go out onto the main deck, but I didn't see you afterward." A blatant LIE. She looked at the man who was being offered the nut, "And I saw you walking on deck well after dinner toward the stern...and you.." she said tot he redhead, "Left dinner and were looking over the high balcony at the sunset when I made my way out onto the deck. Maybe you all were just so exhausted from the full day to remember?" she offered. yeah, all lies. She wasn't about to tell them the truth, not at this point anyway.

She noticed the squirrel did not like her. He might remember her from an earlier encounter, though she hoped not. She smiled at it when it hissed at her and was relieved when it moved away in favor of jeremy and Andrew.

"I haven't seen anyone else either," she said looking around and seeing a bit worried. She glanced at Andrew and tipped her head, "Have you ...moved around the ship much this morning?" she asked hoping that sounded casual.
Grace knelt down next to the cage, wondering why there was a cricket in the middle of the ocean. For good luck perhaps?
"Should I free it? She whispered to the pup.

A grin managed to wrestle itself on his face at the sight of the squirrel replying back. Somehow, the squirrel liked him, and had even given him a nut! So he quietly took the nut from the squirrel, chittered back a thank you, and watched the squirrel climb onto it's master's shoulders, not sure why a warm glow filled his chest at the sight. Now, it was time to focus back on the redhead and the strange woman before him.

Jeremy couldn't keep silent any longer. This was all freaking him out, and Constance was a lying liar. Her pants were so on fire, that he could see the flames consuming her. "I don't believe it! You're full of shit! My hands should have burns on them! They should be in bandages, and underneath those bandages should be burnt hands! Look at these! There is no way that you had seen me yesterday, without bandages on." He showed them his glowing, almost flawless hands, hands that shouldn't have been so normal-looking. Well, telling people that part of him wasn't supposed to happen, but on this freaky ship, anything was possible. "Though we should see if anyone else is on this ship, and get off of it." Constance was on his shit list, mainly because she was a liar who looked like she knew what was going on. Everyone else was questioning things. She denied everything that was going on, and tried to make this seem normal.
Peter was silent and nodded, when she asked if it was odd. It was very odd indeed. It was one thing if they had remembered falling asleep, but not remembering was more troubling to him. He had already seen his squirrel do cute things, so he wasn't overly impressed when it offered a nut to Jeremy, but he knew that meant the squirrel trusted him. He also knew that his squirrel was very hard to be trusted and often sniffed out bad people.

" I have not seen anyone else on this boat and it is very troubling to me. How can an entire boatload of people disappear to and why are we the only ones left on this boat?" He asked, clearly confused by this.

Peter looked at the woman and bit on his tongue. He wasn't about to admit to the woman that he didn't remember any of that. What was that saying from a video game? Try to remember too hard and your memory may lie to you. He knew that if he didn't remember, it probably didn't happen. Another thing that he found strange was that she was keeping tabs on all three of them. If it was just one that she remembered see, he would just consider it amnesia. But all three of them was highly suspicious to the necromancer/ detective though.

The squirrel was still giving her the stink eye, which was impressive since it was a squirrel and also was near Jeremy and Peter, biting down on its lip. It didn't remember her, but if it did, it would probably hit her even more.

" Yes, I have moved around the ship this morning. I checked the main deck and all the rooms. I have not made it to the dinning area, but at least half of the ship has been covered and it has been incredibly empty to me though."

The squirrel offered a grin back to the other man. He liked him and was happy when he took the nut. He had no clue why he had said he was missing a donkey ear, but the squirrel was pretty sure that the man meant thank you and smiled, pulling a nut out of his master's pocket and munched on it. He hoped that he found his other friends, it felt weird without all of them being together though. It was like missing your family.

liar who looked like she knew what was going on. Everyone else was questioning things. She denied everything that was going on, and tried to make this seem normal.

Peter wasn't too far behind Jeremy in wanting to get off this boat, but first he needed to find the rest of his pets. He was still missing his puppy, his grasshopper, his rabbit and his dragon. "Well, I am with you on that. As soon as we find my pets, I think we should figure a way back off this boat and figure out what to do next. I don't know about you guys, but I feel like this is a mystery and if it was any other time but my vacation, I would stay to figure this out, but this is even creepy for me. An entire ghost ship and nobody here seems to know what is going her and if they do, they certainly aren't telling us. I rather know that I am safe at home, then trapped on a ship for god knows what reason. Speaking of which, you were saying that you were burned. Actually, I have a question, does anybody knows what today's date even is? My goddamn phone is on the fritz and I can't get a signal here," he said. If anyone, even Constance checked for the answer on a phone or anything electric, they would be met with blank screens.

@PoetLore @slifer

The pup barked twice, indicating that it should be free. It seemed that this puppy knew the cricket. Sadly, that wasn't the strangest thing. If Grace looked over, she would notice a ghost-like figure.

@Nicole Birdy
Fiona blinked at Jeremy calling the weird lady a liar. She had been taught to keep her cards close to the chest. In other words, you never let anyone know you are on to them, because it gives them an advantage over you. At least, that was what her father told her in regards to diplomacy. His little tirade was pretty cute though, and she had to hide a smile behind her hand.

"I don't remember going to the deck at all," she said, "I do remember being at dinner...The room was full..wasn't it?" She frowned. It was strange for her to not remember things. She was usually a detail person. "The only thing I remember was that gross smelling shrimp...couldn't even look at it. forget about eating it.." She made a disgusted face and poked out her tongue for emphasis.

She had to admit there was something very strange about this Constance person. Why had she been marking their movements? Why had she remembered when none of them were able to? And why did she look like she was getting the best Christmas present ever, when the rest of them were creeped out? Something was definitely off...
Constance looked at her watch, which was a wind up timepiece for the obvious reasons. "It is June 28th and it is...9:06 am." She said. "I hate electronic devices...they never work when you need them. And I journal every morning, so I know that today is the least...well I guess that might not be right." she admitted, "but the last journal entry was the 27th." Their question had her wondering as well though. Had they put her to sleep while they brought everything together? How could she know for sure what day it was? They may not believe her or trust her, but she didn't have much trust for the people running this whole circus either. She was trying to protect everyone, as much as she could. though admittedly, in some ways that was a little ridiculous. Jeremy and Andrew though, needed to be protected, even if they weren't aware of it.

She looked at Fiona, "Oh...well weren't you wearing a light blue sequined dress?" she asked, "I just remembered how beautiful it was..." THAT much was true.

She looked at Jeremy then, "Why would I lie?" she asked, wanting to know his reasoning and how much damage she would have to undo. "I woke up in bed this morning just like you.." she looked at Fiona again, "I do seem to remember bad shrimp. That's interesting.." Why would she remember that? THEY HAD put her under. Oh they were going to get an earful tonight, that was for sure.

She looked at Andrew, "Your pets?' she asked though she already knew. "Maybe if you tell us what kind of pets they are we can all help you look for them." He had been over half of the ship. Hmm...why were only these awake then? "Maybe we should check some of the cabins...make sure people aren't sick?"
Grace bit onto the bottom of her lip and opened the cage, her hand shaking ever so slightly.
"Now what...?" She said aloud.
That was odd. The dinner was hazy in his mind. The dinner would have been more memorable in his mind, considering that it was yesterday, and he had apparently just went onto the cruise. This was not adding up. "The shrimp was surprisingly bad. I still ate quite a bit of it, because the cocktail sauce was divine." Jeremy admitted after a moment, his suspicion of Constance unwavering, especially since she purposefully was avoiding much of the conversation. That super convenient pocket watch didn't help in the least. He didn't need to take out his phone to realize that their phones were in an area that kept their phones on permanent Airplane mode. At least he still had his music, and the fifteen different chargers from various companies and places all charged and ready to go.

"Yeah, maybe we should go look for your other four pets, while checking the cabins." Jeremy agreed, half reluctantly. Well, he was mostly reluctant because the Constance woman had made the suggestion in the first place. He was going to stay with the very handsome boy and the red-headed girl instead. Though, this was entirely too fishy. They were each here for a reason. Something connected them together, but what? That would require some thinking and investigating. Random thoughts were coming to his head, weird ones that he shouldn't be considering, like could a necromancer bring themselves back from the bed, and how did a dragon clean itself. Though, he had to banish the thoughts from his mind, to consider the ship, the shifty woman, and how the heck could they get off the ship in the first place? Though they should probably start moving soon. No one should go off without at least one more person, so they everyone stayed safe, and no one did anything too shifty.
Peter wasn't about to argue with the other man. There was something about this other woman that unnerved him. She seemed all too happy to come off as extra-creepy, almost as if she had more of an idea of what was going on than the other members of the boat and this bothered him a whole lot. He looked at her and instead choose to remain silent about his theories.

If there was one thing he had learned as his time as a detective, it was this. Try not to make any enemies before you know what is going on. The last thing you wanted to do was to make enemies with the killer or thief and have them try to kill you. He looked at Fiona and nodded when she mentioned the shrimp. He hadn't touched that thing. It smelled like they had murdered the poor food.

He looked over at her and wondered why she remembered when they could not. What angle was she playing at? Did she want them to lower their guard and trust her? If that was the case, he had no plan of doing that. The more she talked, the less likely he was to trust her. He imagined she was about to tell them where they were before they lost time.

Peter didn't remember what time he went to bed last night, but he hadn't expect everything that he had done to take so little time at all. He looked at the ground for a moment and paused. " Well, there is no way for me to confirm or deny your statement as my watch is electric and my phone is too damn busted to be of any use to me or anyone else. I felt like I was out for longer than a day, but seeing as their is no way to prove that, June 28th it is," he said, not trusting her answer in the slightest. There was no way she could possibly know the day, but she seemed to be the only person who could help them. He hated that he had to trust her, but he felt that she as not a good guy. He was silent as he looked at her, waiting to see what she was going to say next. He thought it was going to be interesting, so he waited for it instead of accusing her of anything.

He listened to her and wondered how she could remember what dress that the other woman had worn, but he pushed the thought aside for the time being.

Peter had asked himself the same question. Why would she lie to them? What did she have to gain out of lying? She was also trapped on this ship with them and she couldn't have known the other passengers had disappeared, right? He hoped that she couldn't have known. If she did, he had less of a reason to trust the woman standing in front of him. How exactly had they gotten here?
He turned to her and decided to answer her question. " I own a pet rabbit, a puppy, squirrel and a cricket and a special pet, " He decided to not mention that it was a dragon. The last thing he wanted was questions on how he had obtained a dragon and how they were reason. He had already checked the cabin and hadn't found anyone there.

Pete wasn't about to admit that he couldn't remember the dinner that well either. He remembered eating some of the food there expect the shrimp and garlic bread. The shrimp because it tasted bad and the garlic bread because it was hard as a rock. Actually, he was almost positive that he could play hockey with the garlic bread and he wasn't in the mood to break all the teeth in his moth. He wondered if the other man was going to come with him wherever he went. He wouldn't mind. He and the other woman were kind of easy on the eyes. He wouldn't spending more time with them as he actually trusted them compared to the other woman. He looked at the ground wondering what else there was to say. He was kind of at a loss of words as there wasn't much left to say about the situation.

Pete looked at the other man. " That does seem like a good plan, I personally think that all four of us should stick together while we do that. If we go our separate ways, who knows what could possibly happen? I don't want anyone else disappearing on me," he said. He didn't trust the other woman far from him. The other thing he had learned was to keep your enemies close to you, no matter how much you wanted to throw them out of the window or to get rid of them. Besides murder and spilting was never the answer. You always found the threat if you split up and looked for clues. He wasn't about to let somebody find who was behind this without him. That was a super dangerous idea and he didn't want anyone to die. He looked over at the others and didn't bother to ask if they agreed with him or anything. He instead choose to lead the ways to the cabinet. When they would enter the first cabin, it would seem deserted, almost as if nobody had ever been it before or been on a cruise.

@slifer @PoetLore

The puppy barked at her and had her follow him, as the cricket hopped in pace with the dog. It seemed to lead her to one of the cabins and another group.

@Nicole Birdy
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Fiona nodded, "That sounds smart to me," she agreed as she stood and moved over to the man who had the lost pets, "I'm sure your animals will turn up as well." she offered encouragingly.

Like Peter, she believed in keeping the enemy close at hand. At this point she had no idea who the enemy was, and until she did there was no way she wanted to be separated and alone on this huge ship. "How should we go about this?"

Her hand swept the length of the ship in the air, "This is a huge ship. Should we start on this deck and work our way down? Or start in the aft and work our way forward?" She was looking at the guys but keeping her eye on the lady as well. She was curious about her replies, since they seemed to her to be a little bit too precise considering their circumstances.