OPEN SIGNUPS A Cruise Ship Experiment ( IC thread)

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Constance could see their open distrust and felt a sting of disappointment. She wasn't doing a very good job of guiding them, nor of being the silent observer. But they were so lost in the situation,s he couldn't even do what she'd come to do. She felt she had no other option than to offer then some help, but now they were thinking she was an enemy or something, when nothing could be further from the truth.

"Well then," she began, "I will keep my eyes open for these pets. I know it must be worrisome not knowing where they are." She had a rough idea where they were, but she did not add that. She needed to observe and be presence when he found them, and any other people they might encounter. She was already thrilled to be seeing Fiona interact and speak so clearly.

"I would think one floor at a time would be the easiest way to check then whole ship." she said looking around the group, "I mean...if we try to move from the stern forward we will be up and down a lot of stairs unnecessarily." She watched for their reaction to her suggestion.
Jeremy looked to Peter, not sure why he felt that Peter was...special in a way, even important. "I think we should go from top to bottom, and from back to front." None of the ship talk for him. He still had no idea what a stern meant, or what an aft was, but it felt familiar, like someone had told him approximately a million times but he had continued to forget every time what the heck it meant. Then, a thought came to him. "Wait...who's driving this thing? I mean, maybe there's a captain we might be able to look for...once we of course find your pets." Really, he had no idea why he felt a burning need to find Peter's pets. Also, to stay close to him, for the other boy's sake. That weird feeling was something he wasn't going to reveal the others, unless he had to. "No splitting up, and everyone thoroughly check the rooms together. We should also arm ourselves, in case something else horrible happened to the ship." In his room was the knife his ex had given him. It had only been used about one time, but he had smuggled it onto the ship anyway. For reasons of course.

(Sorry that it's so short. I want to move the plot along a little bit, but I can't move it along that much because it becomes repetitive. I don't want to move along suddenly without you guys either.)
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After those magic words were other about the pet turning up, Peter's pet dog and cricket had found him, dragging a girl along with them it would seem. Well, that was three out of his five pets now.

Peter mused how they should go about this. There were a ton of different ways that this could be done. They could split up and look around the ship, but otherwise it was going to be dangerous. It also seemed like a bad idea for them to split up.

Peter was too busy, sensing something off in the answer to answer the other woman's question at the moment. It felt like there was somebody else watching them right now and it drove him to an uneasy state. He looked around, seeing if he could spot anything out of place. Being a mystery solver had made him more attune to little decrpancies that others wouldn't notice.

He paused, looking over at a door and going to investigate it. It was opening and closing by itself and that was mighty weird to him. As he opened the door, he noticed a young individual holding his bunny. " Hello, who are you and what are you doing with my bunny?" He asked, not sure if she was going to answer him. He doubted that anyone would have noticed that he had disappeared either quite honestly though.

Joe, the ghost looked over at him and calmly responded. " I found this little old bunny rabbit in a cage in the ship and I didn't like the idea of him being alone. My name's Joe." She seemed to be very comfortable in everything that she was saying and that made him feel good though. He bit down on his tongue, not sure what to make of this stranger. She seemed kind of enough though.

Peter ushered the girl and his rabbit over to the group. He took a moment to count everyone who was there. There were four animals, three woman ( he knew that for certain) and two males and Joe the ghost. He couldn't quite gender the ghost. It could have been either a he or she.

Peter looked over at her for a moment before saying something. " I agree with Jeremy's plan. Going from top to bottom would be ideal and then front and back. It however would be beneficial to look around the ship for any remaining passengers. I would like to check this floor for my special pet. He must be very worried about me and I don't want him to fret too much. He is a very sensitive one. You do bring up a fair point too, we should look for the captain or anyone who can help. I imagine that our new female friend...... whose name I don't know should be helpful," he said, looking over at her to see that she had collapsed on the floor. He sighed and picked her up and draped her over his shoulder. " Hopefully, she wakes up soon, but as I was saying, everyone else here should be a good thing. I agree that we should stick together. Perhaps we should start with the room that I found this .... ghost girl. Perhaps there is some form of passageway or something. Thankfully, we have each other. Do any of you remember this girl's name by chance?" He asked the others.

@slifer @PoetLore
Fiona frowned at the one who had passed out. She listened to Peter and Jeremy and pressed her lips together as her hand rose to pinch her lips between her thumb and forefinger. "When did you last see your last pet?"

She cast a slightly sideways glance at Constance, not really sure why but having a strong dislike for the woman. She looked back at Jeremy then, "Do you know where the bridge is?" she asked. Maybe once we find that last pet it might be smart to make sure someone is actually steering this thing. And if there isn't we might be able to send out an SOS from there, and get some help to come find us."

She looked at Peter then, "Who"" she asked, "The one over your shoulder? that's Grace right?"
Constance was getting a bad feeling about things. These people didn't trust her or even like her and that was going to make things infinitely harder for her in doing her job. she was secretly recording Fiona and grace in every way, to see how complete their reanimation was. Grace seemed to be having a bit more of a struggle but Fiona was performing perfectly. Peter's necromancy powers apparently did extend to humans. She was both thrilled and concerned at the same time. She would not abuse this knowledge, but there were others aboard who might. She wasn't entirely sure she trusted the people who had funded the branch of her research, nor was she happy with their methods. Still, it was enabling ehr to study an occult even first hand, and in a way she could never have experienced otherwise.

"Isn't the bridge up a level?" she asked. "I'm sure the captain is there, but we can check. It doesn't see, like the ship is out of control to me. We are sailing smoothly. This is my first cruise though....first time on a boat at all, so maybe I'm wrong?" She shrugged, "I'm from the Texas desert so..not much experience with water..." All true and as such she was able to be her normal self.
Thankfully there was a huge map behind Constance, akin to the huge ones found in the front of shopping malls. It mentioned where they were, and from there, they could trace exactly what route to take to get to the Captain. On instinct, he took out his own phone, noting the lack of signal, before snapping a picture of the map for future reference. "It's close to here. Six rooms down, near the front of the ship, one floor up." Jeremy said after a minute of studying the map. did Constance keep digging the hole she was in? IT was impossible to trust her after hearing her offhand comments. Though this time, he chose to keep the comments to himself. "Come on. We can go see if the captain is at the front of the ship!" He made sure he stuck close to to Peter, wondering why the dog and the bunny rabbit seemed to know him. The dog even licked his hand before sticking close to Peter's side. This kept becoming stranger and stranger, as they found more and more of the party.
Peter tapped his fingers against his waist as he looked over at Fiona to answer her question about when he had seen his last pet. "I saw him last when we were at dinner. He is rather small and I generally keep him in my pocket."

He wondered how terrified his little dragon was right now. He didn't have anyone to protect him and he was so small and defenseless. That was saying a lot though. He looked over at her to see if there was a map around the area to see if he could answer her question. As luck would have it, there was one nearby, but he sucked at directions, so hopefully, somebody else could ready it to him.

Peter looked over at her. "Ahh, Grace. I remember her at dinner now. I'm a little fuzzy on details recently."

Joe looked over at the Constance woman and wasn't sure what to make of her. She seemed to be observing the other woman there and Joe wasn't sure what to make of it. Was she their friend or their foe? What made these two girl so interesting? Had they had a similar experience to her when she first met Peter? He did make everything more alive. She knew she was dead- but he made it so she wasn't a spirit throwing things around in the catacombs. Had he done a full revival on these other two young women? Joe was uncertain and she doubted that he would remember if he would ask. Strangely, even the ghost couldn't seem to remember much about last night, but she did remember meeting Peter. It was hard to forget her dying and her centuries of wondering the French catacombs in the area.

" I am pretty sure that the boat isn't moving at all. If anything, I feel like we are drifting if anything. But maybe, we will find something out if we go upstairs to find the captain. Hopefully, he won't be dead and we won't have to worry how this boat is moving on its own. So, does anyone know anything about sailing or if the captain is dead, are we screwed?" He asked, being very clear.

Peter nodded and led the way, heading to the direction that Jeremy had read to him. He hoped that the Captain could clear things up. When Peter finally arrived, he noticed that something was off, terribly off. The door was swung open and there was a trail of blood leading to the captain quarters. When they arrived at the door, they could see that the captain couldn't be steering the boat at all. To put it quite simply, he was swimming with the fishes, done- dead as a doorknob. " You know, I am starting to want my money back for this relaxing hell cruise. I am not sure why he is dead- but perhaps.... we should figure out what is steering the boat." Within the Captain quarters, there was the captain's corpse, a radio, a steering wheel- oh and a unconcious body that wasn't dead. Maybe you might want to start with that. He might know who had been steering the boat after the captain's death. On the other hand, he could be the one who killed the captain. Guess there was only one way to find out and that was to wake him up.

@PoetLore @slifer
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Constance could feel Jeremy's dislike flowing from him in waves and it was hard not to be hurt by it. yes, she was there doing a job, and research, but she was not their enemy. She was not trying to hurt anyone. She wasn't so sure she could say the same for the men closeted away in a secret part of the ship. But SHE was not meaning harm to anyone, least of all Peter.

She looked at the map and nodded, agreeing with Jeremy's analysis of it. They traveled as a group up to the bridge and seeing the blood she frowned. What had happened? She had been assured that there would be no violence aboard this ship. When they went into the captain's quarters, following the trail of blood she gasped. That man had been alive when she boarded the ship. her hand was covering her mouth in shock as her mind searched for how, and more importantly WHY this could have happened.
Fiona frowned, "Small..that's not going to make finding him any easier. I will keep my eyes peeled though." She smiled, hoping to be somewhat encouraging.

They were talking about the map and yeah, she could read it easily. One of the MANY things her father required of her, was to be able to read a map, in case shew as ever abducted or lost. She could easily give instruction via a complex code, or use a map to find her way back to safety. She followed along in the group, thinking that it was best they all stayed together.

She knew what the blood meant. This guy was toast. She'd seen enough things in her life to know how much blood equaled death. They still followed the trail and they did find the captain. "He was at dinner last night, we ate with him..." She frowned and then seeing the man on the floor, she moved to him and knelt to press her fingers to his throat. "He has a pulse...." She gave his shoulder a gentle shake. Nothing. Scrunching up her face she looked around the cabin. She stood then and grabbed the carafe from the coffee maker and filled it with water and then crouched down again and splashed a fair amount of the water on the man's head. "Hey? You in there?"
Jeremy stepped into the room, and stopped, his eyes growing wide at the sight of the dead man in front of him. He shuddered, shaking as the frightening reminder of his own mortality seemed to slam into him. They were screwed, stuck on this cursed ship without help, for not much of a purpose other than to suffer. Then, he told himself to suck it up, reeling himself back from the brink with difficulty as he saw Fiona throw water on the unconscious man. "Although it's a good idea, that's not so good for an unconscious person. You could kill him that way." He distracted himself from the poor captain, going over to the person that was now worth more of his time. They could mourn the captain later. Having recently taken an EMT class and remembering what to do, he went to the man's hand and counted his heart rate. IT was 61, a little on the low side, but he'd live. His respiration were shallow as well, with only eleven respirations in a minute, but right now, that was alright, considering how not conscious the man was. He also didn't look like he was choking, nor did he look like he was bleeding. "I think he's ok for now." Jeremy concluded after his assessment of the random guy they had found, seeing what everyone else had to say on the subject.
Peter Destin

Peter was silent before they found the body. There wasn't much he could in terms of helping. He however was keeping a weary eye on Constance. There was more to her than meets the eye and he was normally right about these things. She knew something that she wasn't supposed to, but he couldn't accuse her without some solid evidence and that would take time to produce.

He glanced over at the map and wondered what to make of it. He looked over at the trail of blood. Had somebody died on the ship? There was so much that he didn't know, but he was sure of one thing. Whoever was keeping them was not playing any games and that worried him. It also worried him that he hadn't found Aquaslasher or ran across any other people than the small group on board. What was happening here and why was it making him worry so damn much? He wasn't certain, but it felt like this was a trap of some kind.

" Yeah, it doesn't make things any simpler, but he can't be too far. Hopefully the map will be of great use, though this corpse is starting to turn me off. Also, who knocked this guy out?"

Peter explored the steering wheel as everyone was so focused on the dead guy and spun it. Or he would have, if it wasn't stuck. He arched an eyebrow and wondered why this steering wheel was for show. He looked over at the ghost and took a brief moment before he gave the ghost a look. There were times where someone being dead was going to be good for them.

Joe looked over at Peter and nodded as the ghost placed its hand through the steering wheel. " There seems to be nothing here... ouch, never mind, something just bit me. That is going to hurt later," Joe replied. The ghost spun the wheel and it unscrewed. All snug and yawning was a little dragon. " Well, I found my dragon, but that doesn't explain what happened here," he said, looking over at the Captain's corpse. It seemed that he was turned towards the person. " Judging by the direction he is in amongst other things, it seems that the captain knew our killer. More than that, he trusted him, leaving himself upon for any attacks. Hopefully our living friend can tell us what happened."

The cold water didn't initially do anything to the man or send him into more shock than it should have. He was indeed alive, but there seemed to be nothing that was going to wake him u- Peter stepped closer to the man and he started to stir. " Ugh, what happened?" He asked. The unconscious man seemed to not have much memory on what happened for a second. After a brief second, he was awake to process things. There were a lot of people here. It didn't do well that there were so many. His mind started to race with their names. He needed to know their names. He couldn't screw this up. What was his name? Samuel Hope. No, that was who he really was. He couldn't say that. What was the name they had called him? What was the name of the persona he had used? The dead FBI agent. Mickey? No. Marty? No. It started with a M. Martin? No. Michael. That was it. His name was Michael.... Michael what? It started with a R. Rosenblum? No. Reynolds? No. Ross. That was it is. " I'm Michael Ross, I was just on the cruise to enjoy some R and R from my job as a F Businessman. I'm sorry, my memory was a little fuzzy." Get it together, Sam. " So, what are you names again? I think I remember some of them, but I would like some confirmation.

@PoetLore @slifer
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Constance had to back out of that room. She leaned against the wall just outside it and gasped for breath. What the hell was going on here? THIS was NOT what she signed up for, not even remotely. Her hand was buried in her hair as she cast around for what was happening. The captain had known about their presence and the purpose for the cruise. Why would he be dead? Why was the FBI agent knocked out? Had he seen something? All of it was overwhelming her on a level that was foreign to her. She grabbed a nearby trash can and vomited unceremoniously. She felt clammy and looked very pale.

She pulled a tissue from her bag and wiped her lips. She glanced over and saw Peter attempting to move the wheel. They must be steering the ship from below now. So everything she had been told was a complete lie. She reached back into her bag and was going to turn off the recording devises when it occurred to her that she had no idea WHO she could trust now. Would she end up like the captain if she stopped transmitting?

She saw a chair and lowered herself into it feeling extremely shaky and confused. It more than likely showed as well.
Fiona frowned when the water didn't work. It always worked in movies. She was crouched down near the guy and tipped her head when he groaned, "Oh wonderful!" she said as she watched him moving. "I think you were smacked in the head or something," she offered helpfully, "Michael Ross..I remember you. Law enforcement or something right?" she asked, "I am Fiona MacGreggor."

She was extremely glad to see him alive and well. things seemed to be taking a sinister turn around here, and she wasn't real sure she would have felt comfortable moving around anymore without a professionally trained person among them. "Maybe you should just sit for a minute and let things settle. Would you like some water? I promise not to throw it in your face this time."
Constance's reaction startled Jeremy, making him take a step back. Now, this was the first true sign that something was wrong. Constance wasn't exactly the threat that he thought she was, she had vomited at the sight of the dead man. She might of been in on it, but she wasn't that in the know in terms of why they were all here.

Thankfully, as if to distract him, the cutest little dragon appeared in sight. Again, like with the squirrel, something resonated within him at the sight of the dragon. What was Aqualasher doing here? And how did he know that the dragon's name was Aqualasher? Those were questions he would ponder later for sure. The little dragon seemed to perk up the moment he saw him, walking over to him and latching himself to Jeremy's leg. For a moment, it was extremely cute, until the dragon started to hump his leg vigorously. "Peter, your dragon! Get him off please." With a flourish his hands waved and pointed to the damn dragon The sad part about it was that this felt like it happened way too often, even though this was the first time he could remember being humped by a creature the size of a puppy. Every second he was on the boat was like a trippy case of Deja vu while he was next to Peter. He didn't even know the man, yet he already had feelings for him? That in itself was completely insane.

In terms of the FBI agent...well, it was one more person to not really trust. An FBI agent on this spookfest of a boat was suspicious. Not that he really had any basis for his suspicions, but why was an FBI agent on the boat with them and how did he wind up next to a dead guy? "What do you remember before being knocked out?" Jeremy asked with guarded kindness in his voice. He wasn't going to tell the man his name yet. Not until everyone else did. That fed into the why hadn't the agent been killed along with the Captain, which fed into the fact that if he didn't stop wondering about what happened, he would become a crazy conspiracy theorist.
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Joe the ghost

Joe looked over at the woman that had been travelling with them and seemed very confused right now. Why was she so upset? The ghost wanted to get to the bottom of this and wondered who had murdered the captain. There were so many mysteries on this one cruise ship and Joe wondered how that was possible. The ghost approached the woman and noticed that she was shaken and visibly so? Did she get boat sick or was it something else that could be done? Joe looked at the floor uncertain of what to say for a brief moment. It was quiet for a brief moment and Joe looked at the ground for a moment also.

The ghost looked over at her and then back at Peter. She seemed so distraught and the ghost couldn't help but feel bad for her. Maybe she had never seen a dead body before and this was her first. Joe didn't want to seem rude and looked away when she looked into her bag. There was so much going on here and there was so much the girl didn't know. It was unnerving to say the least to not know something about the ship around them?

She saw a chair and lowered herself into it feeling extremely shaky and confused. It more than likely showed as well.

" Miss, are you doing okay? I notice that you look so shaken. Are you going to be okay after everything that just happened?" She asked.

Michael Ross/Samuel Hope

Samuel looked up at her and was silent and he frowned. Why couldn't he remember being smacked in the head? Who would have smacked him and the more important question to ask was simple, why? What did the person have to gain out of hurting him too? He blinked twice and took a deep breath. "Yes, FBI agent. I did mention that earlier. God, I feel so stupid and lost. It's nice to meet you Miss Fiona."

Michael took a deep breath and surveyed who was around. He saw the other who knew and the boy amongst others. It seemed Angelo and his family were missing. Had he abandoned ship or was there something else he didn't know? "Some water would be a great benefit to me. I don't think it will help my concussion, but it is better than having nothing. I can assure you of that."

Peter Destin and pets

Peter took a deep breath and surveyed the dead body. It looked like he was killed by some blunt force and that was problematic to say the least bit. He wasn't sure who to trust, but it was possible that somebody around them who could have done it. He wondered what had happened to the journalist and his family. He hoped they were okay. He turned to continue to carry Grace... but she had vanished.

He wasn't sure how that happened, but he wasn't going to question him. There was something weird about this ship, but he couldn't place it. He paused, a thought crossing his mind. Who had been steering the ship if the captain had murdered? Yet another mystery to add to the list of growing things he didn't understand. Maybe once he got off the ship, he would figure it out. He turned over to see where his dragon had gone and he groaned. Why did his dragon have to do weird things like attack the legs of other men? He groaned and walked over and gently pulled the dragon off of Jeremy's leg. Why did he feel as if he had done that before? Aquaslasher turned to him and he gave him his sad eyes before he crawled into his pocket, curling up for a nap. Well, that had worked. Now, he had all his pets, so they could focus on the bigger mystery that was more important. What the fuck was going on this ship and how were all of them involved with it in the grand scheme of things too. These were the important questions.

"We should make sure that all of us are accounted for. Grace seems to be gone for some reason and things keep getting weirder with each passing second. So, first thing, we are going to do is to figure out what the fuck is going on with the dead Captain and also make sure that everybody is accounted for. I distinctly remember a journalist and his family, we need to find out if they are dead or alive and who else is on the boat while we are at. If I may suggest it, we need to split into two groups. One group to stay here and one to explore the ship. I know that it is safest if I stay here, seeing as I can stay at the scene. So, who would like to lead the other group? We need it to find whoever is still on the ship."

" I can do that, I map out the ship for reasons like this," Michael supplied. It seemed the group had a choice. They can join Michael in exploring the ship for any more passengers or help Peter figure out how the captain died. The choice was theirs.

@PoetLore @slifer
Fiona smiled, "My pleasure and I can get you some water, just sit still for a bit until you feel more steady." She said and moved quickly out into the other area, where Constance as sitting and looking a bit sickly. She moved past her and got some water from the cooler and made her way back tot he agent. "Here you go."

She gave Jeremy a grin at the dragon's antics, but then ignored the situation completely. her gaze fell onto the captain again and her brows furrowed. She looked up when Peter began speaking and nodded, "I will go with Mr. FBI and search the ship. I'm a good note taker." She also had a good memory for faces and places, so she felt she'd be of the most help in exploring the ship.

"Just a note here..Constance appears to be having a bit of a panic attack or something in the other room. While I feel for her, I don't trust her. So I would like to suggest...strongly...that she stay here with you." There was a look in her eyes that spoke of a stubborn, willful tendency when regarding such matters that was completely at odds with her youthful smiling face.
Constance looked at Joe and frowned. "Oh...I think so. I...I've never..." She drew in a breath, "I've seen dead people before but that. Why would anyone want to hurt the captain?" she asked, but was asking herself as well. Would they kill her too? It didn't make any sense to kill him. He had been in on the whole experiment from the beginning, and in full cooperation with the research team. What was going on?

She looked at Joe then, "Forgive me, but I have forgotten your name." she frowned, "Have we met? I am Constance Fairhaven."
It wasn't bad enough that they were on a creepy ship by themselves, but they were acting like horror movie tropes as well. This had gotten serious. Now there was death, staring at them in the face, and they wanted to split up? This was insane!"We are on a cursed ship, almost straight out of a horror movie, and you want to split up? I thought I knew you better than that! If we stick together, we stand less of a chance of being picked off! The Captain was clearly by himself!" Jeremy said, looking quite distressed at the thought of all of them splitting up. Sure, he would stay with Peter, as his gut was hollering at him to do, but it still went with the obvious question of why it was so important to protect Peter. His horror seemed to grow at the fact that everyone had instantly agreed to this. Ugh, fine. He'd have to go along with it. "I'm staying here, as I'm horrible with directions. It's going to be like-" He broke off, looking wholly confused. Without even thinking about it, he had been about to say that this had been like old times-like old times, next to Peter, like the Watson to his Sherlock. "I'm staying. Be careful, and watch each other's backs." He went up to Fiona, quickly whispering in her ear, as she and Peter were the only two people in the room he fully trusted. "Don't trust him too much. If he lures you to a dark area, run." He stepped back, squatting next to the body to look closer at it. "Dude, I'm going to check if he has anything in his pockets that could be a clue." He addressed Peter as he stared at the body, going into focus mode-really to keep himself from going to the side of the boat and actually throwing up in front of everyone.
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Joe the Ghost

Joe looked over at her and nodded. " I imagine that a dead body like that would upset anyone. It certainly was too bloody for a simple murder. I wonder if it is connected with the other stuff happening on the shift. Missing families, disappearing girls and the like. Of course, it could be betrayals or something. I really like sci-fi, it's all Peter watches besides crime shows and I find them more interesting than the crime mysteries he watches.

Joe looked over at her. " Joe Beaumont. I met you briefly in the dining hall, but sometimes I fade into the background," Joe replied. It was still uncertain if Joe was a guy or girl. As Joe was turning to leave, the ghost knocked over some boxes and papers flew out.

Michael Ross/ Samuel Hope

Michael smiled back at her as he watched her retrieve the water. As she did that, he flipped through so many scenarios in his head. Why had the captain been murdered? Had that always been part of the plan or was it another hitch that he didn't know about? He wasn't certain and there was nothing he hated more than uncertainty.

Michael took a sip of the water that she had handed him and looked over at the corpse, not certain if he wanted to lead, but he also didn't want to argue with the necromancer. " You could call me Mike, Mr. FBI seems so formal, but I am certain that it is better that I have a good note taker. While I'm usually keen on details, that concussion has messed with my emotions a little bit."

Michael had barely noticed that Constance wasn't here, so when the other woman mentioned that she was having a panic attack, he wanted to reassure her. However as Fiona pointed out, she didn't trust her and she must have trusted him enough if she wanted to go alone with him. Thankfully, the ship was all within the range of Peter's sphere of revival. It was made that way.

Peter Destin

Peter took a deep breath, waiting for the inevitable blow-up with Jeremy. He didn't know why he expected it from the man when he had never met him before, but he was certain that it was going to happen. More than certain. He was positive, which was strange in of itself.

Peter looked over at Jeremy and responded with the calmest response that he could muster. " I made sure we all had at least one person. I also don't think anyone should go out alone, which is why I made two groups. I wish that we didn't find ourselves within this predictment, but I don't think anything is going to get solved if we are all together. Besides, if there is anyone else alone, well, we have to make sure that they don't get roped into this mess and get hurt. But that is besides the fact, I have a feeling that this ship is holding secrets and I can't be certain without scouts.... I know what I am doing."

Peter didn't trust the FBI agent. The only people he fully trusted he could count on one hand. They were Fiona, Jeremy, himself and Joe. Of course, he trusted his pets, but they weren't people to be trusted. He took a deep breath, happy that he was not going to lose his mind out of all of this. He started to survey the scene, trying to figure out the pieces that led to the Captain's murder. What was something he learned? Always follow the blood trail, but there was none at this point. He took a deep breath, letting Jeremy examine the body as he tried to think of someplace else to look. He wasn't sure why, but he found himself back at the wheel, noticing that there was an indentation on it. Almost like a key went there. When Jeremy would search the pockets, he would find a paper with the numbers 02 90 69 on it. Also in the ship room, there was a ....mirror and a safe. Strange place for those things and a coded lock box. Now what where those numbers for?

@slifer @PoetLore
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Constance looked at Joe and frowned, "Missing families? Disappearing girls?" Her fingers came up and rubbed her temples as a sudden headache started to seize her. What in the world was going on? Joe said they'd met at dinner, "I am so sorry. I'm usually much better with names and faces, even when there are a lot of them at once." She smiled apologetically, "Very nice to meet you now, Joe. And thank you...I needed someone to chat with for a moment."

Joe rose to leave and knocked over a box. Papers scattered all over the floor and Constance knelt to pick them up. It was more habit since she tended to bump into things in her own lab and spent a good deal of time picking things up and resorting them. She glanced at them and frowned, "Hey..." she said calling into the other room, "Look at these...." Maybe the FBI guy could make something of them. As she stood up she noticed Peter had come back into that room, and she was wondering how she hadn't noticed it before then. She needed to seriously get a grip or her research would be compromised.

And now that she thought about her research...why was the captain not revived? Did the reviving take time perhaps? Did it require more than just Peter's presence? No that couldn't be, Fiona was alive, and Peter hadn't been with her when she revived this morning. Hmm...this was perplexing indeed.
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