elder scrolls

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Based on or borrowing elements from the Elder Scrolls video games.
  1. C

    Elder scrolls: Dead & Damned

    It did not matter how many fires Ennoc lit within the halls of Lost Valkygg, the icy cold of the north still found its way into the ancient Nordic structure as though it was its home. It was inevitable, neither the location nor the acts committed by the Breton were very inviting for a warm...
  2. C

    Fallout or Skyrim partner wanted

    So I've been rocking on through the Bethesda avenue and been getting a serious itch to live in one of their worlds. Considering the fact that Tamriel doesn't exist and North-Korea isn't firing their toys for at least another five days, I was wondering if anyone here would want to roleplay with...
  3. N

    Some Original Plots, Fandoms, And Monsters

    Hello! Thank you for visiting my partner search thread! Take a gander through the tabs - if you're interested, PM me ;u;! I would love to meet you! Please make sure to read the READ ME tab at least before you do so! I have made this little hub in hopes of finding some long-term rp partners or...
  4. S

    Action Rp partner wanted

    Im looking for a partner that doesnt mind having alot of fighting alot of story and some brutalisim (my characters arnt up yet but if you want to know anything about them just ask) my used characters: Nightmare (reaper) Sillent Killer (science experiment ninja dude) Axel (orc based of the...
  5. A

    Legends of Tamriel IC

    4E 201, 17th of The Last Seed The sun rises on the day, soon marking the end of an time where Skyrim was in complete dismay; due to the White-Gold Concordat and the Nords' obvious dislike for the Aldmeri Dominion, conflicts have ranged across the land that has caused families to either go out...
  6. A

    Legends of Tamriel (An Elder Scrolls Roleplay)

    THE LEGENDS OF TAMRIEL An Elder Scrolls RP SIGNUPS ARE CLOSED! Hello! My name is Kuma and welcome to the experience known as the Heroes of Tamriel, taking place in the home of the Elder Scrolls series. In the first chapter of this beautiful northernmost land of Skyrim! Dragons The...
  7. A

    Legends of Tamriel AD

    THE LEGENDS OF TAMRIEL An Elder Scrolls Roleplay/Parody ROLEPLAY IS CLOSED! Tamriel. "Dawn's Beauty" in Aldmeris or "Taazokaan "in the Dragon language. A continent on the planet of Nirn, and the land filled to the brim with immense lore that has effected the entire planet. Legends are sung by...
  8. M


    When dawn broke on the 21st of Frostfall, it found Maelynn already awake. Sleep had not come to her during the night, despite the blankets twisted around her body. She had tried all manner of methods to shut her eyes -she'd read her books, counted goats, pretended to sleep- and yet had not had a...
  9. M

    VIGILANT - A TES Roleplay

    8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. First of all I copy&pasted this info so...
  10. S


    The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion /Skyrim The Dark Brotherhood I would really like to do this one. I think it would be really fun. Willing to roleplay one on one or in a group. If one on one, I would like for someone to fill the role of the Speaker Lucien Lachance. If in a group then these...
  11. P

    my roleplay wishlist ♦ updated irregularly

    Hi! I'm Phantasm, or Jasper, and you may have seen a couple of my search threads if you frequent this area of Iwaku. And I'm at it again!! I'm taking a slightly different approach with this thread, however; I am not actively or aggressively seeking new partners. I am quite happy with what I...
  12. Saber

    Divine Providence [SaberWolf & Munchkin]

    The sun was shining brightly through the clouds as Ylva entered Whiterun. She had just returned from a contract from Farkas and had been gone for almost two days. She was ready for a good meal and some rest. Dispatching of some bandits wasn't exactly a hard job, but the traveling was what really...
  13. N

    The Elder Scrolls: Pandora's Island RPG

    Ripped from their cells in the Imperial City two unsuspecting criminals have been whisked away to please the whims of the seventeen Daedric Princes. Pandora's Island is a land of chaos, sin and corruption filled with dangerous mutating biomes and swarming lecherous Daedra. With no sense of...
  14. Ash

    The Taleweaver's Plot Bunnies!

    Good morning, dearest Iwaku! It is I, The Taleweaver, your resident moderately batty storyteller! I've just gotten over being horrendously busy over the holiday season, and am now finding myself with an abundance of free time. (Despite moving in the coming weeks.) I haven't had the chance to...
  15. A


    I'm not great at organizing, but I would like to work with someone to put together a free roam world of skyrim that anyone can join and play any role in. (such as an apothecary, mercenary, soldier, traveler, inn keeper,etc.)
  16. T

    Looking to smut with a female character

    Hello, I'm new so I'm just gonna throw out a request. I have a character in mind I wanna use. My genres are most likely sci-fi and fantasy. The character in question is a Predator, from the Aliens Vs Predator or Predator series. His name is Vauchand'e and some steamy stuff with a human woman...
  17. Tarieles

    Tari Wants to Try 1x1

    Hey Ho Everyone! I am Tari, and some of you might even know me! I'm generally into group RPs, but I want to try 1x1 for a bit. I have tried it before, but my first one was a flop and the second one fizzled when my life went to heck. So I'm searching again! Firstly, a few guidelines for anyone...