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J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X

Original poster
Looking For A Connection

[glow=blue]Hi There![/glow] I'm Jay and I am currently looking for some role-play partners. I have just recently finished my exams and have a bit of space to squeeze in a few more role plays. On the side I go to college and workout at the gym so overall I'm pretty damn busy. Role-playing is a hobby that really fits my busy lifestyle . It lets me be flexible with my time and I can do write almost anywhere. It also helps my writing ability which is something I strive to improve. Also a die hard Lakers fan.

A bit about my role-play style:
  • I try and get at least one post out per day minimum. I can do more depending on my speed as well as your speed.
  • I write at least one decently written paragraph. I can write more depending on what you want and what you give me to work with. I try to do my best grammatically but I fall short a few commas.
  • I would like to think out plots and talk outside of the RP. I fall short in communications at times but if there is anything you wish to discuss I am willing to talk.
  • I play male exclusively. I can't into females, sorry. :/
  • I can do lemons. Though it doesn't matter to me if you want to do them or not.
  • Overall, I want a fun experience for both of us.

I don't really expect much for my partner. Just write at least a paragraph and be communicative.
I have a few ideas. Feel free to share your own as well. Whatever you're up for I'm up for.
  • Demon x Angel (Switch Angel with Paladin)
  • Hero x Villain (Switch either with civilian)
  • Bodyguard x Ward
  • Knight x Princess (Swap Knight with any Warrior archetype)
  • Hunter x Supernatural Creature
  • Forbidden Romances (Can be added into other pairings as well.)
  • Initially Enemies (Can be added into other pairings as well.)
Feel free to peruse my pairings. I don't exactly have any plots yet but we can work things out. Check out my fandoms list too if you're interested.
If you want, we can also center our role-play around other fictional works.
  • Marvel
  • DC ('UGE craving)
  • Elder Scrolls
  • Deus Ex
  • Star Wars
  • Sengoku Basara (I watched the Anime)
  • Mass Effect
[warning=red]DO NOT FLAKE AND SUDDENLY VANISH![/warning]
Vanishing or dropping a role-play is one of my biggest pet peeves. It's happened on other sites and it's happened here. Do not be that person. I am more vocal about this than other people but I'm willing to wager that 99.9% of the people here hate people who drop without notice. If you want to drop a role play let me know. I can understand if you grow disinterested in our role play, IT HAPPENS.
Still looking. :) Gotta pretty big craving for some comic based rps. I may also have some fandoms I failed to include.

Also shameless self bump.
Hi! I'm interested if you don't mind the blue-ness. You mentioned other fandoms? I'm not super invested in the ones you listed... Going completely original would also be fine though!
Still looking. :) FYI I post at odd hours since timezones and all that jazz.
man, i saw your thread title and thought it was one of my threads for a second
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