CHARACTERS EXERCISE Your Character's Views on Violence

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We all have our opinions about violence, right? What we think is acceptable violence, what makes us cringe, what is unforgivable. When we watch TV or the news we see things we may or may not agree with. Perhaps we even find some violence entertaining. Maybe we even like inflicting violence.

Characters too have their own perceptions and feelings about violence. Better yet, for characters you can actually APPLY that in your settings and roleplays with their reactions to violence, or in how they conduct violence.

In this exercise, you are going to detail out your character's opinions, habits, and responses to VIOLENCE.

Here are some things you can think about:
  • Was your character raised around violence?
  • How do they feel about violence in general?
  • Do they get in to physical fights willingly or unwillingly?
  • Do they enjoy watching violent things for fun? (Horror/Torture movies, Gladiator Sports, Boxing, Knife fights, etc) What kind do they enjoy? Are they things that are considering "acceptable" violence by society, or terrifying things?
  • Do they believe that some violence is justified? (Punching a bully, killing a murderer, etc) What situations would they approve of it in?
  • Will they themselves use violence to stop other people from using it?
  • Are they a sadistic psycho who uses violence for the pleasure of it?
  • Does seeing violence upset them? To frowning? Crying?
  • What kind of violence are they exposed to every day in their present life?

If you think of extra details to add, please do!
Are they a sadistic psycho who uses violence for the pleasure of it?

Taking pleasure in violence may be sadistic (though not always) but it's definitely not necessarily the mark of a psycho. There are plenty of sane, well-adjusted people who find pleasure in violence - specifically, consensual violence. Sparring in a boxing or MMA gym, for example.
Are they a sadistic psycho who uses violence for the pleasure of it?

Taking pleasure in violence may be sadistic (though not always) but it's definitely not necessarily the mark of a psycho. There are plenty of sane, well-adjusted people who find pleasure in violence - specifically, consensual violence. Sparring in a boxing or MMA gym, for example.

Mine was a single example, and you've provided us with a few more really good ones! 8D
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Sorry if I was a bit curt, I didn't mean to sound like I was correcting you. It's just that there are a lot of really terrible portrayals of mental health issues that imply people with problems are necessarily violent, and I feel the need to push back on that stereotype when I see it. Which includes portraying violence as the preserve of "psychos" when it's something that is mostly engaged in by sane, normal people.

Indeed it usually goes the other way - the mentally ill are far more likely to be victims than perpetrators of violence.

Sorry again for the soapboxing!