character help

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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  1. Diana

    CHARACTERS EXERCISE Creating a Character's Style Profile

    How clear of a picture do you have of your character? When we think about them, we often have the details of the face, hair, and even body shape clearly formed. From the narrow beak-like nose to the wayward mess of dark curls. These are the very foundation of your character's physical...
  2. Diana

    LESSON ROMANCE WRITING Using Sex as a Plot Device!

    Smut! Erotica! Naked Butts! Sex scenes are a fun way to add life to a plot; to give it a nice punch of emotion, conflict, and spice to the story. The big problem is that sex has a stigma. In the Romance genre especially, sex scenes are much like the explosions in Michael Bay movies. Totally fun...
  3. Diana

    CHARACTERS EXERCISE Your Character's Views on Violence

    We all have our opinions about violence, right? What we think is acceptable violence, what makes us cringe, what is unforgivable. When we watch TV or the news we see things we may or may not agree with. Perhaps we even find some violence entertaining. Maybe we even like inflicting violence...
  4. U

    iHero: First Class Profile

    Welcome to the world of iHero: First Class! In this thread, the world is split between two types of people: normal humans and powered humans called evos. Up to this point in history, evos have gained full citizen's rights, have a self-sustained government, and created one of the biggest...
  5. U

    Character Dump... for U.N. 0W3N & Kathairein

    The following is a character dump/resource for the random fantasy world me and Kat randomly started on Discord. I keep forgetting names and shit, and it's getting harder to search for them. SO! They will now have a home here. Uh... Not sure if this is the right placec for it, but it seems like...
  6. Pahn

    Roleplaying Buttsex: A Pahn How-To [NSFW]

    Buttsex: An In-Depth Guide Image source Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Warning: the following guide + above links are NSFW. The links, especially, may contain NSFW images. Welcome to Pahn's lesson on anal sex! If you're interested in learning more about anal sex without watching hours upon...
  7. The Mood is Write

    Character Origination Prompts: Week 8

    Character Origination Prompts Time to make a new character, but you're clueless? Just want to invite a new person to live in your head? Want to round out a character who's been untouched for a while? This thread is for you and anyone else who feels like doing character work today. Use as...
  8. The Mood is Write

    Character Origination Prompts: Week 7, Highs

    Character Origination Prompts Time to make a new character, but you're clueless? Just want to invite a new person to live in your head? Want to round out a character who's been untouched for a while? This thread is for you and anyone else who feels like doing character work today. Use as...
  9. The Mood is Write

    Character Origination Prompts: Week 6, Bitterness

    Character Origination Prompts Time to make a new character, but you're clueless? Just want to invite a new person to live in your head? Want to round out a character who's been untouched for a while? This thread is for you and anyone else who feels like doing character work today. Use as...
  10. The Mood is Write

    Character Origination Prompts: Week 5, Servitude

    Character Origination Prompts Time to make a new character, but you're clueless? Just want to invite a new person to live in your head? Want to round out a character who's been untouched for a while? This thread is for you and anyone else who feels like doing character work today. Use as...
  11. The Mood is Write

    Character Origination Prompts: Week 4, Love

    Character Origination Prompts Time to make a new character, but you're clueless? Just want to invite a new person to live in your head? Want to round out a character who's been untouched for a while? This thread is for you and anyone else who feels like doing character work today. Use as...
  12. The Mood is Write

    Character Origination Prompts: Week 3, Danger

    Character Origination Prompts Time to make a new character, but you're clueless? Just want to invite a new person to live in your head? Want to round out a character who's been untouched for a while? This thread is for you and anyone else who feels like doing character work today. Use as...
  13. The Mood is Write

    Character Origination Prompts: Week 2, Mutt

    Character Origination Prompts Time to make a new character, but you're clueless? Just want to invite a new person to live in your head? Want to round out a character who's been untouched for a while? This thread is for you and anyone else who feels like doing character work today. Use as...
  14. The Mood is Write

    Character Origination Prompts: Week 1, Ancient

    Character Origination Prompts Time to make a new character, but you're clueless? Just want to invite a new person to live in your head? Want to round out a character who's been untouched for a while? This thread is for you and anyone else who feels like doing character work today. Use as...
  15. Hana

    Write a Journal Entry 2

    The aim of this exercise is to get into your character's thoughts and perspective as well as to improve your narrative writing. You are encouraged to try getting inside the mind of your character. Be your character. Write a journal or log entry by a character of your choice. Each week's...
  16. Hana

    The Character Dictionary

    What is a character? A character is any person, animal, or figure - a sapient being with motivations - in any work of literature or narrative work of art such as a novel, play, television series, or film. The character may be entirely fictional or based on a real-life figure. In literature, a...
  17. Hana

    Write a Journal Entry 1

    The aim of this exercise is to get into your character's thoughts and perspective as well as to improve your narrative writing. You are encouraged to try getting inside the mind of your character. Be your character. Write a journal or log entry by a character of your choice. Each week's...
  18. Sir Basil

    A Guide to Queer Tragedy

    QUEER TRAGEDY there are worst things in life than kissing boys -- benjamin alire sáenz BURY YOUR GAYS[JUSTIFY]“Bury your Gays”, also known as “Dead Lesbian Syndrome,” is a term from our friends at...
  19. Absyinthe_Artica

    Willows' Guide to Creating Characters: Series Introduction and Table of Contents

    Willow's Guide to Creating Characters is a Lesson Series about the many fun aspects of making a character for a roleplay. If you have ever struggled to think of a good idea for a character, my goal is for this guide to help you address the different parts of character creation that are hard...
  20. Sir Basil

    Writing Gender: A Guide

    WRITING GENDER cold are the counsels of women -- brennu njálaA STORY ABOUT HATS My favourite professor in college, a professor of literature, often said that we have different “hats” we wear when we...