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Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Anytime, I have no life.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Douche
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, romance, slice of life, anti-hero stories, "you're our only hope", fandom non-canons, soft scifi, transhumanism, magical girls, horror, suspense / mystery, detective noir, fractured fairytales

A private roleplay between @Pahn and @Sloth

  • To be added

  • Sources: Harry Potter world belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros
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Niconne;Arbutus Slab;Lusitana;

Novae Diluculo
a 1982 Harry Potter alternate universe

The Dark Rebellion
Great Wizarding War
shook the United Kingdom and surrounding allies for a whole decade.
Lord Voldemort
and his faithful followers, the
Death Eaters
, reigned with terror for half a generation despite its roots originating as far as the 1940s. The Muggle world was coming to terms with their own World War, and the seeds of pureblood supremacy idealism began spreading through the British Isles.

From Tom Riddle's younger years at
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
to Lord Voldemort's ascension to power in the late 1970s, one cannot simply ignore the fundamental changes that shook through the entire magical community. Families were torn apart, dark magic swallowed whole the weak of mind, and Muggle-born wizards and witches began being hunted like pest. Only one force stood bravely before the Dark Lord and his fervent supporters: the
Order of the Phoenix

Led by Album Dumbledore and Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, the Order focused all its forces to both prevent coups staged by the Death Eaters, and to help those in time of need. Eventually they received the authorization to not only apprehend and hold Death Eaters, but to kill them on the spot. It became a bloodbath for both sides very soon, with Muggles and magical beings stuck in the middle of a chaotic mess. The Ministry of Magic struggled to keep things under control, and a surprising amount of pureblood families eventually sided with the Dark Lord and his vision of a new world order.

Dark Rebellion
was at its height towards the end of the 1970s, to the point where many began fearing even just speaking Lord Voldemort's name, referring to him as "He Who Must Not Be Named", and
"You Know Who"
. The Dark Mark could be seen at any time, floating above the house of a loved one, and everyone knew they would never find the victim safe. Paranoia ran rampant, as the identity of the Death Eaters remained secret.

By the time Barty Crouch Sr issued his famous edict to allow Aurors to use the
Unforgivable Curses
, many witches and wizards from the Order had been tortured and slain in the most gruesome manners. Entire tribes of giants were wiped out, and finally they were able to put a face on some of the Death Eaters. Arrests and even death sentences by Dementor's Kiss began thinning out the Dark Lord's followers. It seemed like for the first time in the last decade, those fighting against the Dark Rebellion and against Dark Magic were getting their fair share of victories.

A New Dawn
September 1982
. The first school year since the beginning of the Dark Rebellion where it is finally safe to leave one's house and attend
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
. Muggle-borns no longer have to fear for their lives as they partake in the wizarding world again, and a new influx of students arrive from Muggle households. It is truly a new dawn for the entire magical community, as they rebuild what was lost and take precautions to stop something like this from ever happening again.

There is one problem, however. While the Dark Lord has been vanquished, his followers are still running around and the ideology of his new world order is all but forgotten by many. They may have lost their leader, but have they truly lost the purpose of their cause? In the darkest shadows of Hogwarts, a
new threat runs rampant
and no one wants to see it for what it truly is.

With the
Defense Against the Dark Arts
teaching position still cursed despite Voldemort's death, the students will have to find another way to arm themselves against the danger that looms over them. It brews slowly, but the stench of the Dark Arts never goes very far from the school hallways.

Torn At The Seams
Less than a year after the Dark Lord was vanquished by the Order of the Phoenix, the wizarding world is still attempting to rebuild itself. New laws are passed, and the drawstring around the use of certain spells is tightened and even forbidden. The
Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnold,
and her hound-dog
Barty Crouch Snr
are breaking down Death Eater cells across the British Isles in an attempt to bring all those who participated in the Dark Rebellion to justice.

Justice, as it turns out, runs cold and with an iron grip. Families are torn apart despite the celebrations, with some witches and wizards turning in some of their own to the Aurors. Many will of course blame being under duress, or even being under the
Imperius Curse
. Most will face trial in front of the
Council of Magical Law
headed by Bartemius Crouch Snr, and only some of them will be judged guilty. Those who had performed the most horrendous acts were given the death sentence by Dementor's Kiss, but the majority will have found themselves in a cell on Azkaban.

Order of the Phoenix
slowly dissolved, as it was no longer their mandate to hunt down remaining Death Eaters, and everyone went back to their everyday lives. The wizarding community at large was still in shambles, so it was not rare for some members to team up and organize searching help for those who had missing family members, or help with orphaned children and ensuring they were placed in proper care. In some rare cases where a deceased witch or wizard had married a Muggle and had children, those Muggles with
magical children
were offered help and a place in the wizarding community. It did not please everyone, but the fear of appearing even slightly sympathetic to the Dark Lord's cause stayed their hands.

As for the Muggle world, there is a
special department from the Ministry of Magic
assigned to clean up the messes and perhaps erase a few memories here and there. The damages were so great, however, that crafting stories was the only solution in many instances. The
between wizards and Muggles is slowly being sewed back together, but no one truly knows how long it will take to make the wizarding world