canon divergence (fandom)

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Taking place in a universe where canonical events took an alternate turn and diverged from the canon timeline at some point.
  1. tapedeck

    mind/body/soul ✦ Soul Eater fandom cravings!

    a sound Soul dwells within a sound Mind and a sound Bodyboxbefore i get into anything, my roleplay intro & expectations are hosted on my toyhouse, so please give that a once-over! do note that there's a couple "security questions" in the introduction to make sure folks actually do read 'em...
  2. tapedeck

    Soul Eater cravings

    a sound Soul dwells within a sound Mind and a sound Bodyboxbefore i get into anything, my roleplay intro & expectations are hosted on my toyhouse, so please give that a once-over! do note that there's a couple "security questions" to make sure folks actually do read 'em. roleplay location can be...
  3. Junnabee

    A Slytherin Harry Potter

    Hello everyone! My name is Junna! I've recently been really craving some Harry Potter Roleplay. Forever and a day ago I had a roleplay about a Slytherin Harry and have decided I'd like to pursue a story like that again. Let me go ahead and place some of the details below if I've caught your...
  4. R

    Fandom RP Hunt! { Crossovers & AUs Wanted !! }

    Sooo, I'm bored as heck right now, and It's been quite a while since I've done some fandom related roleplaying ,especially on here. I'd be very interested in meeting up with some like-minded folks on here to come throw some plots at me, and hopefully start up some rps that we can have fun with...
  5. cam

    The Sword-Scholar from Khitai

    An old man straightened at the edge of a field, and shielded his eyes from the morning sun. In the pale halo, a rider approached. The silhouette was slender and unfamiliar. His weathered thumb twitched reflexively. Nobody ever approached from the east, as Turan stretched beyond with scorching...
  6. G

    MCU - What comes next OOC

    The year is 2026. It has been three years since the people of Earth defeated Thanos. Since then, it has become apparent that people with superpowers are becoming more numerous. The Governments of Earth, as a rule are becoming more uncomfortable with citizens who have superpowers. The Sokovia...
  7. Mythy the Dragon-Wolf

    Code Vein/God Eater Inspired RP? (Actual info now inside!)

    Hello! My name is Mythy! I've been thinking about two games I hat gotten for Christmas that I have played through somewhat and feel like using them as inspiration for an RP or two! Code Vein, and God Eater (3) Disclaimer I have not yet finished either game. Therefore, I am leaning more towards...
  8. Trainbrain16

    Subnautica: Diving Deeper (Trainbrain16 X Soverign)

    "Emergency! Hull integrity compromised. Total hull failure imminent." The ominous voice of the Aurora's AI called out this cataclysmic announcement over the PA system amid blaring klaxon alarms and the labored groans, creaks, and tears of the huge capital ship's hull starting to fall apart...
  9. G

    Injustice, Marvel Style

    An urgent call was sent out, received across the dimensions at New York's famed Baxter building. A call has gone out on this world, to extend it's long arm to another world, another dimension where things have gone terribly wrong. This rp is about the DC injustice series with a twist. Primary...
  10. neptune

    some cravings.

    hello i'm neptune and i'm looking to possibly knock out some cravings that have been floating around in my head for a while. i have to warn you that i'm garbage and i never come with fully formed ideas. i can offer you an aesthetic, some feelings that will (hopefully) inspire an eventual plot...
  11. LuckycoolHawk9

    Murder At Chillington

    The last thing you can remember is that you had to plan to go somewhere. Nobody on the bus you are on seems to be able to remember where that somewhere was, but it was an important place. Of course, that didn't seem to matter. The bus you had been travelling to somewhere on had gotten caught...
  12. Pahn

    Novae Diluculo [Sloth x Pahn]

    A private roleplay between @Pahn and @Sloth To be added Sources: Harry Potter world belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros Banner image: source
  13. N

    Harry Potter - Lambs To Slaughter

    Hogwarts was truly special. Not only because it was a renowned wizarding school, but because no matter what happened outside its walls, no matter how dark, twisted or dangerous the world became around it, it would always be a place of peace and warmth for the students. But as Cedric Diggory...
  14. G

    Epic Gotham

    Gotham City. Since everything changed, it went from being just another crime-infested pit of a city to being the capital of New Jersey - and still crime-infested. Only difference now, is some people get paid by the government to add to that infestation. Politicians. People who think that because...
  15. Michale CS

    Epic Crossover - Suicide Squad

    This is a merged comic book universe, drawn mainly on DC and Marvel, but any comic book character, including original characters, will be considered. The character sheets will be written up in the Classic Marvel RPG found here, but all you as a player need to do is rate the seven stats and list...
  16. Michale CS

    Epic Crossover: Superheroic Mashup

    A very cool video that captures the essence of Epic Crossover (though not necessarily the plot) Player characters will not be allowed to be "Villains" except on a case by case basis after being vetted by the admins and clan owner. I am aware some really disparate comics are under the umbrella...
  17. Soverign

    Monster Hunter World - The New Generation

    This is set nine years after the events of the game Monster Hunter World. The great threat of the age, the strange Xeno elder dragon was defeated by the best the hunters of the fifth fleet had to offer. But now years have passed and there is a need of new hunters. A Sixth fleet is called to the...
  18. G

    Rise 2 There was an idea OOC

    Taken from Rise Of The Marvels (AU Marvel RP/Story) alternate timeline World War 2 Era ~Super Soldier Serum developed by Dr. Abraham Erskine in Germany at the start of World War 2. Johann Schmidt takes the formula, becoming the Red Skull. Erskine escapes to America, being involved in the...
  19. G

    Rise 2: There was an idea

    There was an idea: To bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to. To fight the battles we never could." This is a continuation of Rise of the Marvels... CLOSED SIGNUPS - Rise Of The Marvels (IC...
  20. Pahn

    Novae Diluculo

    A private roleplay between @Pahn, @Sloth, and @Sunny To be added Character Sheet Code: Dosis; Amatic SC; Roboto Slab; [slide] Hedwig's Theme - John Williams [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] credits for base codes go to @darkflames13 Sources: Harry...