• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life



In 2022 just when everyone thought things were going to be maybe okay, the widespread pandemic turned ZOMBIE. Honestly, no one was surprised at how badly things were handled at this point. This set the globe into a panic fueled by chaos! Everyone that didn't go zombie had to deal with war between countries over resources - until there were just too many zombies for established governments to even function.

Ten years later things are calmer, with most of the world dead. There's still rogue factions of assholes out there, but there are enclaves of survivors too. People are now just trying to survive and discover what happened to lost loved ones, or find a safe and stable place to live.


WHO: Everyone is invited! Character Bios/Pics are not required, but totally encouraged! Post 'em if you got 'em.

WHAT: This is modern "realistic" setting. No supernatural characters or real magic, please! But if it can happen in a zombie apocalypse setting, it can happen here!

WHERE: Join us in the LOST AND FOUND chat room. You'll find the link to our chats in the CHAT tab when it's time to play.

HOW: This is ACTION SETTING WITH IMPROVISATIONAL GAME MASTERING. That means the object of this roleplay is to interact with other characters, and from those interactions I will create a plot and story around you. There will be action moments, where strange events will happen and your characters will have to work together to resolve it. With this ChaRP "lol random" behaviors are discouraged -- what your character says and does will have in game consequences, so choose wisely!

My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY so even if you are terrible at roleplay or have never participated in a ChaRP before, this will be easy for you to get involved in. :D Ask questions, let me know when you need help. I often give tips and direction out of character in the main chat room when people need a little direction. You can also reference our MINI CHARP GUIDE!

Last edited:
I'mma just reserve this post just in case. O:
1647525818168.pngName: Weiwei Xian

Birth Location: Shenzhen, China.

Age: 32

Hight: 5'1

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Weiwei dresses in handmade fantasy/medieval clothes or Asian-themed Steampunk; the latter especially when Steampunk accessories such as goggles or a face mask might come in handy.

Personality: Weiwei does not express emotion often. Most of the time, her facial expression says "I am not impressed." Instead, she expresses herself through her many creations. She has a certain snobbishness when it comes to what passes for aesthetics and design. So much so that she avoids normal mass-produced clothing, possessions, etc. from the former world as much as possible and tries to live in a world of her own creation (and that of other DIY/Maker types like herself). She's generally standoffish, knowing full well that people usually think she's weird.

Weiwei loves to learn new skills, especially if they involve creating needed goods and services. Skills are trade goods that no one can take away.


Ugliness: Weiwei has something akin to a mental allergy to ugliness. Just going around in an average modern city or suburb pre-Z was like having to listen to constant loud fingernails-on-chalkboard. Before everything went to crap. She fears that she may end up spending the rest of her life wearing filthy, scavenged rags of clothes that were sloppy and ugly even when they were brand new, surrounded by a world turned to broken-down walking-corpse-infested garbage in which nothing of beauty survives. She intends to stave off that fate as long as possible, even if that means her actions, choices of clothing, equipment, etc. are not entirely practical.

Turning into a zombie.

Becoming the kind of person who can kill other human beings or indifferently watch them suffer without qualms; the whole "you have to become a barbarian to survive in a hard world" thing. Also, the social equivalent: that if the Zeds don't win, human brutes will, and what's left of humanity will be thrown back into a vicious Dark Age, or worse.

Guns. She's never liked them, and they (in the hands of the wrong sort of people) are a bigger threat than the zombies. But thankfully, nobody's been making bullets for 10 years now, so there are fewer loaded guns to worry about these days...


Weiwei was born into an extremely conservative and traditionalist family. Her parents could trace their ancestry back to aristocracy in the Qing Dynasty, and they never forgave the modern world or the Chinese Communist Party for depriving them of what could have been theirs. They were also extremely displeased that the one child they were allowed under China's family planning policy was a girl rather than a boy. When Weiwei was a small child, her parents got involved with the Falon Gong movement, and were forced to flee China for the US.

When the first of her brothers was born, he became the apple of their eye; Weiwei, not so much. She had a rebellious, independent streak, and never fit in to the strict, confined role her parents' values set out for her. Instead, she left home at 16 and became something of a hippie vagabond. She worked in ecovillages and intentional communities in exchange for food and shelter, picking up useful skills along the way. Then she discovered Renaissance fairs, and became a "rennie," traveling from fair to fair, making a modest living selling costumes and crafts from a booth.

Hanging out with SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) members and HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) practitioners, she learned swordsmanship and archery.

When the zombies came, Weiwei made arrangements for the troupe she was traveling with to join Dragonfly Village, an intentional community in Vermont. Though the journey was perilous, and she lost several dear friends along the way, the survivors finally found shelter. They exchanged knowledge with the people of Dragonfly Village, learning Permaculture, ecological architecture, and how to build and operate various forms of sustainable "Appropriate Technology." In return, they taught the villagers how to fight with medieval weaponry, and how to make it; one of them was a blacksmith.

Dragonfly Village was isolated enough to escape most of the chaos of the fall of civilization. The mountainous, forested terrain of Vermont's hill country was difficult for zombie hordes to move through, so they mostly followed paths of least resistance, sticking to roads, cities, and more open terrain. Though the village thrived as much as any place did in the wake of the Apocalypse, Weiwei began to fear that its extensive store of practical knowledge--as well as the wide range of scientific, philosophical, and mystical learning contained in its population and the village library--could be lost if the village was attacked by raiders or a major zombie horde.

So Weiwei decided to found an order of "Wisdom Keepers," people who would travel to other communities in order to share their knowledge, and learn what they could from the people they worked with, aiming to rebuild civilization.


Weiwei drives a Steampunk-themed Volkswagen bus that has been converted to run on wood gas. Waste heat from the wood gasifier can be used for cooking, to heat water, and provide warmth for the vehicle and her camp trailer. With the use of a heat pump, it can also provide AC in hot weather. The bus contains Weiwei's workshop and library, as well as tools and craft supplies.


While traveling, Weiwei lives in her camp trailer with her two border collies, Crow and Ziggy Stardust:






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  • Diana:

    Today at 12:17 PM

  • Diana:
    This is a post apocalyptic setting where a bunch of peeps must brave the zombie wilderness in search of someone they lost.

    Today at 12:18 PM

  • Diana:
    TYPE FAST AND KEEP IT BRIEF! We're paying in real time, so if you take too long you might miss out on the action. If you write too much, people miss details! Stick to 10 sentences or less.

    Today at 12:19 PM

  • Diana:
    Put your character's name in the first sentence of each post so we know who is playing who. You can also make use of color bbcode to help differentiate your posts from others!

    Today at 12:19 PM

  • Diana:
    Game Master posts appear in this bright bold yellow, so pay attention to those! They're giving you hints and directions for what to do next.

    Today at 12:19 PM

  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY! Don't worry about making mistakes or getting confused -- I am always in the main chat room to help answer questions or turn you in the right direction.

    Today at 12:19 PM

  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)

    Today at 12:20 PM

  • Diana:
    We begin on the road - a crossroads more specifically. Where four old dirt roads turn off into four different directions. Everyone has something or someone they wish to find... will they succeed or is this the day the zombies finally win...

    Today at 1:02 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei slowed, but did not stop as she approached the crossroads, the rusted stop sign no longer holding any authority. In this rough new world, it was always good to maintain at least a little momentum. She checked both ways as she reached the corner. In the absence of the complex supply chains that made gasoline possible, the odds of encountering other working vehicles on a dirt road were low, but there could always be zeds, or people on horseback or on foot. Either way, she kept an eye out.

    Today at 1:11 PM

  • Diana:
    A rustling in the bushes nearby alerted Weiwei to something coming. Instead of using the road as expected, a young girl, barely seventeen, crawled out of the underbrush. There was a big rifle in her hands that she apparently had at the ready, but immediately put away on sight that this encounter was not of the zombie kind. "Hey...! Don't go down that way. There's a big cluster of the rotting bastards out that direction."

    Today at 1:16 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    At the sight of movement in the underbrush, Weiwei tensed for action. An ambush? But from her words, the girl at least seemed to want to be helpful. Weiwei brought her vehicle to a stop. Now for the hard part, she thought. If the girl was a spotter or a decoy or otherwise the first harbinger of a potentially hostile group, Weiwei would need to persuade them that she was worth more to them alive than dead, and that cooperation would be better for their interests than the dog-eat-dog approach. She rolled down a window. "Thanks for the warning. I mean you no harm. Do you have a group?"

    Today at 1:33 PM

  • Diana:
    The girl frowned and shook her head. "Not anymore. Like, I said that direction is full of the rotters. No one else made it through. I was about to trot down this other road when I saw your van. I dove in the bushes cause I wasn't sure if you were one of the road gangs."

    Today at 1:37 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Well, I'm not. Would you like a ride?" Weiwei said. Though she didn't exactly trust the girl yet, she had no intention of leaving her alone to face "road gangs." Does she even have bullets for that thing? she wondered. Even with a reloading press, you could only re-use a cartridge so many times, and nobody was making percussion caps (or brass cartridges...) anymore. She'd encountered people with black-powder muzzle-loaders, but not a lot of loaded conventional firearms in the last couple years. Still, this was America, the land not so much of the free or the brave, but of the gun. There had been more guns than people before Z-Day, and countless rounds of ammo...not that they had managed to stop the zombies.

    Today at 1:53 PM

  • Diana:
    "Um..." she hesitated, looking on down the road and then back at the other direction. "Yeah. I think a ride is a good idea." Without much ceremony, she rounded the van and climbed up into the passenger seat. Her backpack she stashed at her feet, and the gun she lay over her lap. "I'm Carly, by the way."

    Today at 1:58 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Weiwei Xian," she said, extending a hand. "That's Crow, and Ziggy Stardust," she added. The dogs were sniffing at the girl, and decided they approved of her character. She started the vehicle moving again, turning down the road the girl indicated as the way she'd been headed. "So...what do you know about these road gangs?"

    Today at 2:06 PM

  • Diana:
    Carly had almost missed the dogs, and it's like the girl went five years younger! Cooing and petting puppies with glorious enthusiasm, almost missing Weiwei's question altogether. "..oh, uh! Not a lot? They're zooming down roads in a convoy, and filled up with a bunch of shitbag pervs. It seems like they're ambushing travelers and stealing all their stuff. Back at my last rest stop, they said they were worried about getting raided in the night sometimes."

    Today at 2:11 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "So they've got motor vehicles? You know anything about their weapons?" Weiwei asked. Shitbag pervs...great. Why aren't all the murder hobos dead yet? In theory at least, cooperators, like the people back at Dragonfly Village ought to be able to out-compete the psychos and thugs, since the latter regularly placed themselves into conflict with both humans and zeds, whereas cooperators would only have to fight the zeds, at least in principle. At the very least, decent people always outnumbered psychos...except maybe in this particular period of history. Sometimes Weiwei wondered if maybe there were "zombie virus Typhoid Marys"--people who were infected but not turned, becoming murder hobos and 'gangs' instead of zombies.

    Today at 2:24 PM

  • Diana:
    "They definitely have guns," sighed Carly, but now that she was hugging a dog, she didn't seem to upset. "I've only seen them once or twice myself, so I stick in the bushes when I'm alone. Going by road isn't all that safe between them and the rotters. At least rotters are easier to run from and can't seem to have the sense to climb trees? Well, none have managed yet that I've seen. It's pretty lucky you have a whole van to yourself. Where are you headed off to?"

    Today at 2:29 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "I'm looking for the nearest community of people, decent people. The last group I met said there was one down that way," Weiwei said, nodding toward the road Carly had warned her off from. "But from what you've said, they've apparently been overrun. I'm a Wisdom Keeper...technically the Wisdom Keeper, I guess, since no one else has joined the Order yet. The general idea is, I find people, share knowledge and skills, learn anything they have to teach, then bring that knowledge back to Dragonfly Village, where I'm from. Preserve and spread knowledge, help humanity rebuild."

    Today at 2:39 PM

  • Diana:
    "The world should could use a lot more wisdom, if it makes it." agreed Carly with some thought. "So like... what kind of stuff? I imagine you need to learn about doctoring and engineering and farming... Mind, I bet there's libraries chock full of useful books still. My sister always talked about holing up in some big library somewhere and making a home there. She said eventually the rotters would rot off and we'd finally have some peace. At least from them anyway."

    Today at 2:45 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Yeah, I bring back intact books when I can," Weiwei said, checking her surroundings as she drove. "Unfortunately, when nobody's taking care of a library, the books usually get ruined by mildew, rats, or fire, and that's when people aren't burning them to cook their dead opossum or whatever. Also, the best libraries tend to be in cities, where there's more zeds and it's harder to grow crops." She decided not to talk about the girl's sister. Since she wasn't present, that meant she was probably dead, and why tread on painful ground? "So, are you headed anywhere in particular?"

    57 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "Ironically enough, I was headed towards a library. My sister and I got separated a long ways back and she said if that ever happened we should try to meet each other at the State Library in Kansas. She always wanted to go there for college, back before the world got wonky." she replied easily enough with a shrug of her shoulders. Carly didn't seem too messed up about it, but she also seemed to be pretty blasé about the world in general.

    53 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Is that in Topeka?" Weiwei asked.

    49 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "Uh... wait I can check!" Carly stopping hugging the pupperonis long enough to shuffled her gun around and grab for her bag. She dug in moving some things around - a single change of clothes, food, camping gear - until she found a folded up wad of paper. She unfolded, and unfolded and unfolded to reveal a huge map. "...well. I think so! It's kind of fading out now, but I figure once I'm in kansas I could raid some old gas stations or something and find a new map."

    43 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "I've got a road atlas," Weiwei replied. She checked a brass compass mounted on the dash. "We're headed North now." By habit, she checked her surroundings again. "Assuming we find enough burnables to keep the gasifier going, and we don't run into any serious trouble, we should be able to reach Topeka in...maybe two or three days?" She'd consulted her atlas often enough during her travels that she had the major highways in the Eastern half of the country virtually memorized. "Longer if we take back-roads, but wood and supplies will probably be easier to come by. Do you have any way of contacting your sister? I have a short-wave radio, but it's been a long time since I've heard anything on it."

    30 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Carly shook her head. "We never had any radios." She folded her map back up and stuffed it in her bag, now taking the time to look Weiwei up and down, and actually peer behind her into the van. "...are you headed that way too? I don't wanna get nobody out of their way when they got other places to go. There's always something going sideways out here."

    22 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Well, I wasn't planning on going much further west anyway. Now that spring is here, I was planning on heading north toward the Great Lakes area, to see if there are any surviving communities there, and any prospects of travel by water, then make my way back to Dragonfly. So Topeka's about as near as on my way as anyplace else. And if there's an intact library there, that would be worth finding."

    13 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "Cool, coool. I can help take care of the dogs. I haven't seen dogs in forever!" replied Carly. "Hopefully my sister will be there. Heading up to the Great Lakes sounds pretty neat."

    4 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Before they could continue their conversation any further something went WHAM against the front of the van. Red blotches ran across the windshield glass blocking the view...! TO BE CONTINUED!
Hey uh, how can i join?
You will need to wait until the continuation is scheduled. That will happen sometime in May or later, since the GM for this Charp is taking a break for the month of April. To see how to join a Charp, you can read the info in the original post, and at the start of the Logs (click on the green word "LOGS" in the post just before yours) to get an idea of how a Charp works. You could also watch the one currently in progress, "TOKO AIDA STATION." If you click on "Chat" at the top of the page, you can talk to us in the general chat, or use "Browse Rooms" to find the room for "TOKO AIDA STATION" and watch the Charp in progress.

  • Diana:

    Today at 11:20 AM

  • Diana:
    This is a post apocalyptic setting where a bunch of peeps must brave the zombie wilderness in search of someone they lost.

    Today at 11:20 AM

  • Diana:
    TYPE FAST AND KEEP IT BRIEF! We're paying in real time, so if you take too long you might miss out on the action. If you write too much, people miss details! Stick to 10 sentences or less.

    Today at 11:20 AM

  • Diana:
    Put your character's name in the first sentence of each post so we know who is playing who. You can also make use of color bbcode to help differentiate your posts from others!

    Today at 11:20 AM

  • Diana:
    Game Master posts appear in this bright bold yellow, so pay attention to those! They're giving you hints and directions for what to do next.

    Today at 11:21 AM

  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY! Don't worry about making mistakes or getting confused -- I am always in the main chat room to help answer questions or turn you in the right direction.

    Today at 11:21 AM

  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)

    Today at 11:21 AM

  • Diana:
    We open somewhere on the road where Weiwei's van had just HIT SOMETHING BLOODY! Or did something bloody hit Weiwei's van? Is it even safe to get out and see what it is?

    Today at 12:52 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "You alright?" Weiwei said, taking a quick look around to check for additional threats.

    Today at 12:56 PM

  • Diana:
    Carly looked rattled as hell, but was otherwise in one piece. She herself seemed to be more concerned about the state of the dogs! "Y-yeah, I'm good? What the heck was that!"

    Today at 12:57 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "I don't know--it came out of nowhere," Weiwei said. The dogs skittered to their feet and started barking. "You two OK?" Weiwei said, giving each dog a quick pet as she kept checking the windows. "Good dogs--hush now," she said, so she could keep her ears as well as her eyes open. She reached for her jian. "Can you see anything?" she asked Carly.

    Today at 1:04 PM

  • Diana:
    Nothing could be seen out of the van side or rear windows, but the entire front windshield was completely smeared with fresh blood. There didn't seem to be any strange or alarming sounds, nor movement (so far!). Just sunlight and trees out there.

    Today at 1:07 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei turned on the windshield wipers and tried the spray.

    Today at 1:10 PM

  • Diana:
    "...I think we hit an animal." commented Carly, trying to see out the side window without risking rolling it down. "... I HOPE it was just an animal. I didn't see any people or rotters out there, did you?"

    Today at 1:12 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "I'm going to go out and have a look, make sure it's safe to move," Weiwei said. She unlatched the door, then pushed it open with her foot, drawing her jian as she slid out of the van, quickly checking her surroundings.

    Today at 1:15 PM

  • Diana:
    Thankfully the area seemed clear. Once Weiwei circled around to the front of the van, though, there was the mangled body of a doe.... it did NOT look like it got that way by being hit by a van. It was absolutely covered in blood, with legs twisted akimbo and it's head... was it's head mutated?!

    Today at 1:23 PM

  • Diana:
    "Do you see it?! What is it?!" Called out Carly from inside the van!

    Today at 1:23 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "The hell?!" Weiwei said. Another check for threats. Not much time to examine the corpse, probably. "It's some kind of mutant deer!" she said, swinging her sword at the creature's neck. In this world, one could never be too sure.

    Today at 1:30 PM

  • Diana:
    Always better to be safe than sorry in a world of zombies. The deer head fell with a thump. Now that it felt a little bit safer, a blood trail leading into the woods could be seen. Is it worth a look, or should it be left behind?

    Today at 1:40 PM

  • Diana:
    At this point Carly finally hopped out of the van to see what the fuss was. Plus, Weiwei would likely need help getting the carcass out of the way of the van if they didn't want to smash it up under the wheels. Not to mention cleaning off the windshield! "...Oh sick. That's... really messed up..."

    59 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Checking again for threats, Weiwei wiped her sword and sheathed it. "You got that right." She glanced down the blood trail. "I don't think I wanna meet whatever mangled it that bad," she said, grabbing the front legs to pull the carcass out of way of the van, keeping an eye out all the while, especially down the line of that blood trail.

    57 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Carly was a little more curious than Weiwei... but the woman was right. They probably didn't want to see what was out there in the woods strong enough to mangle up a dear like that. "Do you got a squeegee or something to wipe the window down with? I don't think to wipers are doing much good."

    51 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "I'll get a rag," Weiwei said. "Keep a look out, and if you've got a round to chamber in that thing," she said with a nod toward Carly's gun, "it'd probably be a good idea to make sure it's chambered and the safety's off." Though she was no fan of guns, the weapon was the younger girl's only apparent line of defense. Another look around, then she went, opened the side door, and stepped in. Situation check, then she reached into a bucket next to her workbench and came up with a couple rags. She drew her jian again, and set the scabbard down. Grabbing a jug of grey water with the same hand he held the cloths with, she re-emerged, sword at the ready as she went to clean the windshield.

    42 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Carly nodded, pulling out her gun and doing as instructed to prep her gun, and then doing a perimeter check around the van. If there was one thing she was good at, it was keeping an eye out for danger. She listened close for the wind, and usual animal sounds at the side of the road. She took extra care every time she passed back around to that blood trail, in case whatever was after that did decided to come bolting out of the forest. made her wonder though. Was it just another wild animal that had attacked it? Or did the rotters stop chasing after human flesh now, going for just anything living...

    37 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    As she passed the driver's side door, Weiwei reached in and turned off the wipers. Then she wetted down one of the rags, then climbed a rung up the ladder on the front of the van to start cleaning the windshield.

    34 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    BOOMPOW! BOOMPOW! The loud sound was almost like a gunshot! Something heavy landed near Carly first and then another near Weiwei. Immediately orange colored smoke started spewing heavily into the air, creating a noxious, overwhelming cloud of something sweetly chemical. Neither of them could see to cover their faces or dash away fast enough before the billowing smoke filled their lungs and knocked them both unconscious.

    24 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    When Weiwei awoke, there was no telling how much time had passed. She was in a locked pen made of old chainlink fencing, likely once used as a spot to keep dogs in years gone passed. Carly was no where in immediately sight. Neither were the dogs or the van. But it was definitely a moonlit night and Weiwei could see an old metal storage building not too far away.

    24 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei scrambled to her feet. Frickin' gas mortars, seriously?! she thought. Whoever these people were, they were very well equipped. Even more so now that they had all her stuff! She checked the lock--was there a chance it could be broken?--then the top of the chain link fence, then a look-around for guards.

    17 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    TO BE CONTINUED......!
This sounds fun! I hope I can participate!
  • Love
Reactions: Diana
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Reactions: Zarko Straadi
This roleplay is TODAY at 2pm Central!
  • Diana:
    Tomorrow at 12:18 PM​
  • Diana:


    LOST AND FOUND IWAKU CHAT CHARP 2023-10-05T12:00:00-5 In 2022 just when everyone thought things were going to be maybe okay, the widespread pandemic turned ZOMBIE. Honestly, no one was surprised at how badly things were handled at this point. This set the globe into a panic fueled by chaos...
    Tomorrow at 12:18 PM​
  • Diana:
    This is a post apocalyptic setting where a bunch of peeps must brave the zombie wilderness in search of someone they lost.
    Tomorrow at 12:18 PM​
  • Diana:
    TYPE FAST AND KEEP IT BRIEF! We're paying in real time, so if you take too long you might miss out on the action. If you write too much, people miss details! Stick to 10 sentences or less.
    Tomorrow at 12:19 PM​
  • Diana:
    Put your character's name in the first sentence of each post so we know who is playing who. You can also make use of color bbcode to help differentiate your posts from others!
    Tomorrow at 12:19 PM​
  • Diana:
    Game Master posts appear in this bright bold yellow, so pay attention to those! They're giving you hints and directions for what to do next.
    Tomorrow at 12:20 PM​
  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY! Don't worry about making mistakes or getting confused -- I am always in the main chat room to help answer questions or turn you in the right direction.
    Tomorrow at 12:20 PM​
  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)
    Tomorrow at 12:20 PM​
  • Diana:
    WE OPEN TO A STRANGE CAMP... A Marauders camp. Several people are locked up in makeshift cages of chainlink fencing. Captured by these roving thieves so they could steal their supplies and possibly the people themselves. It's night and there are a few guards outside the perimeter keeping an eye out for any loose zombie hoard that might be roaming the area. Those inside the cages need to figure a way out... those that just happen to belong to this marauder group are sitting around a campfire having some dinner.
    Tomorrow at 12:27 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei examined her cage while searching her pockets by feel. Did they get my Leatherman tool? she thought. Then a thought that made her heartsick: What did they do with Ziggy and Crow?! She pushed those worries aside. First: get out. Then figure out a way to get her dogs and her things--and Carly too, if she could find the girl, and if she wasn't some kind of spotter for the group. But at least it sounded like the gang was just having dinner, instead of committing atrocities against Carly or anyone else.
    Tomorrow at 12:46 PM​
  • Diana:
    The ones around the fire were having a pleasant conversation, so despite the kidnapping, they didn't seem... violent? Weiwei could even hear some of their conversation. Something about needing a few more heads and vehicles... a safe location nearby to make up a longer term camp. In the near-distance Weiwi could hear familiar barking. That was a good sign.
    Tomorrow at 1:05 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei let out a sigh of relief. The boys were OK! She listened in on the gang's conversation for awhile. They almost seemed...normal. But then, they had gas mortars to do their kidnapping with, a hidden forward observation post to locate targets and give aiming directions to the mortar crews, and maybe even some kind of ballista to launch bloodified mutant deer at passing vehicles to make them stop long enough for the mortars to dial in. Weiwei had a fairly good idea of what kind of skills and resources it would take to pull that off. Some of them have to be military, special ops, or at least really hardcore survivalist-militia types, she thought. People I'm not going to be able to fight with no weapons... Another sigh, in resignation this time. Welp...let's see if I can talk my way out of this one.
    Tomorrow at 1:18 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei started rattling her cage. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" she called out.
    Tomorrow at 1:18 PM​
  • Diana:
    At first they tried to ignore Weiwei, but the more she rattled that chainlink, the more grumbles and sighs there were. One of the dudes got up from the fire, holding what looked like a long cattle prod taser in his hands. "Shut up in there! You want to bring in the hoard on us?"
    Tomorrow at 1:21 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei backed off, giving him a deadpan look. "Maybe. Depends on what your plans for me are," she said in a flat tone. "I heard you talking. Saying you need more 'heads' and more vehicles? If by 'heads' you don't mean skulls for your warlord's skull throne, we might be able to work something out. Skills are my stock in trade. You've already got my vehicle. By the way, do any of you know how to work a wood gasifier?
    Tomorrow at 1:27 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Yeah, that'll do us some good. Kill what's left of the living and make more hoard." he countered with a snort. "Look, lady, you're in that cage cause we don't know if y'all are crazy or not. People traveling around out here as singles aren't SANE, you get what I mean? Once we know if you're sound, we'll let you out and have you join our group. In the mean time shut up, already!" He at least seemed sincere, even if these kidnappy methods were... not great.
    Tomorrow at 1:32 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Well, I wasn't traveling alone when you attacked me. I had another girl with me, her name's Carly. What have you done with her? Also, people who are as well set-up for capturing people as you are tend to be more psycho than the average solitary survivor. She warned me about a road gang of perverts in this area. Would that be you?"
    Tomorrow at 1:36 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Road gang perverts?" he was genuinely confused and interested in this tidbit of information. "The kid is with the dogs in one of the tents. What about these road perverts, though? Do they have vehicles? Armory?" He clearly wasn't going to explain why they themselves were so well set up, but that might've been because he didn't think it was so strange. Just normal!
    Tomorrow at 1:45 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "From what she said, they have vehicles and guns. I didn't get to find out more because...well, somebody dropped some gas mortars on me. Can you let me see her? I just want to know she's alive and unhurt, OK?"
    Tomorrow at 1:47 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Hrm," he didn't seem to think this was a good idea, but he knocked on the chainlink twice. "Just stay quiet, alright?" Then he stalked away towards some of the tents setup in the perimeter. After a few minutes there was the bark of her dogs followed by the man's cursing hiss of Quiet!!. After a bit more cursing, it was Carly and the dogs that were led to the chainlink cage and with a quick bit of unlocking the locks and shuffling the lot of them inside with Weiwei. "Aight, now, what about those perverts?"
    Tomorrow at 1:56 PM​
  • Diana:
    Carly appeared to be completely unharmed, and better had a bowl of what looked like wild rice and beans with some herbs. She handed it over to Weiwei proudly. "These aren't the perverts!" she announced gladly, though didn't think to elaborate further.
    Tomorrow at 1:57 PM​
  • Tink:
    Serenity appeared from inside of a caravan, and narrowed her eyes. "You think we're perverts?" Serenity asked, acting offended at the very idea of it. After all, they weren't, they just liked to help others.
    Tomorrow at 2:06 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Crow! Ziggy!" Weiwei said, giving the dogs each a quick hug and head-ruffles. The dogs greated her with equal enthusiasm, until she made a hand gesture that caused them to go silent and sit, eyes on her. "Are you OK Carly?" she asked, taking the bowl. "Thank you." The girl gave no sign of being terrorized into cooperation. She's the one that knows about them," she said to the man. He was certainly seeming to be a decent human being, and it wasn't as if he had to deceive her. They had her and Carly at their mercy. "As for what I'm doing out here, I'm trying to help rebuild civilization. Whenever I find a group of people who aren't murder hobos, I make contact, find out what skills they have. If I know something they don't, I teach. If they know something I don't, I learn. Then I go looking for the next group."
    Tomorrow at 2:07 PM​
  • Dawn:
    "I too have heard of another group stalking the roads." Unspeaking and unmoving until now, a figure of average size sat crossed legs in their own makeshift cage, hands resting on their knees. The voice was soft but clear, kind and steady. The figure looked up at the others, the campfire light dancing off their visage and revealing it to be split down the middle by a leather mask that covered one half. The half uncovered was feminine, thick black eye makeup smudged, framed by chin length chestnut messy curls.
    Tomorrow at 2:08 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei turned to the new girl. "I didn't say
    I think you are, but I had to ask. I can't say I've ever been kidnapped by nice people before. Fingers crossed there's a first time for everything," she said, holding up crossed fingers.
    Tomorrow at 2:09 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    The fact that they had women in their group who weren't chained in basements was a good sign; one of the best ways to tell the bad from the good was how they treated their women, and children if they had any.
    Tomorrow at 2:10 PM​
  • Diana:
    "They have big jeeps and they think they're some Mad Max road warriors," confirmed Carly. "And snatch up anybody they can find and toss people into this big truck. I see them most often on those roads with old gas stations."
    Tomorrow at 2:12 PM​
  • Diana:
    "We haven't hit this area before, so... road perverts are new to us." explained the guy. "But we know the types that think the end of the world meant they could get away with actin' like feral douchebags. These weapons and vehicles we have are for protecting our group. We're not out here trying to hurt anybody, we're trying to keep ourselves safe and collect strays. If y'all are bumblefuckin' nuts, I'll let you out of these cages..."
    Tomorrow at 2:15 PM​
  • Dawn:
    "I had a feeling I wasn't in danger. I've overheard snippets of your conversations all evening and I can empathize with wanting to help others." It was why they were just calmly waiting, sitting peacefully while the other captives had been pacing and crying and getting angry. The figure stood now though at the mention of being let out, legs thankful for the new position to work the stiffness from them. "I would like to join you in your endeavor, if you'll have me."
    Tomorrow at 2:24 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Didn't you say you'd let us out if we're not bumblefuckin' nuts?" Weiwei said, the subtlest hint of a lopsided grin on her face. As much as she disliked being captured and locked into a cage, Weiwei had to consider their logic. Meeting new people was the most tense and dangerous part of her 'job.' Normally, she preferred to spot them from a distance with her drone, then find a vantage point and observe with binoculars until she had a good idea what kind of people they were. But that had dangers of its own.
    Tomorrow at 2:24 PM​
  • Tink:
    "We're decidedly not." Serenity said softly. "We're all just trying to survive out here. There's safety in numbers, isn't there? Although our numbers continue to dwindle, it seems."
    Tomorrow at 2:25 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "You seem to check out with Crow and Ziggy Stardust here," Weiwei said, giving her dogs some ear-scratches, "And I don't see any evidence that you hurt people, so sure, I'll be happy to help out. It's what I do."
    Tomorrow at 2:29 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Lady. I'm TIRED! What do you expect out of me!" grunted with annoyed he DID inevitably unlocked this particular cage, to let out Weiwei, the kid and dogs, and calm one in the half mask, though he seemed doubtful about that one. "Serenity will help y'all out around the camp. You just have to--" Loud whistles went off all around the perimeter of the camp! Warning whistles that a hoard was getting close! "Grab a gun! Incoming dead!"
    Tomorrow at 2:29 PM​
  • Tink:
    "Got anything you can fight with?" Serenity asked the others, walking over to the gun stash. "If not, there's a stash over here. At least be useful." Serenity suggested as she loaded her own gun.
    Tomorrow at 2:31 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "I need my weapons," Weiwei said softly. Though, loud whistles, shouting, and imminent shooting probably made that pointless.
    Tomorrow at 2:36 PM​
  • Dawn:
    At the sound of those whistles, the newly freed captive stalked swiftly toward Serenity and the stash, though she seemed hesitant on which gun to choose. "Seraphine," she said with a sheepish smile Serenity's way. "Call me Sera. And also I have no clue how to use any of these." Deciding on a shotgun, Sera fumbled with loading it, watching another kidnapper doing the same and learning.
    Tomorrow at 2:38 PM​
  • Diana:
    "They're with the rest of the gear, you'll find them," the guy said. To Carly he pointed, "You stay close to the fire and behind anyone with a gun. It'll be alright. If shit does hit the worst case, you hop into one of those small vehicles and just drive." And off he jetted himself to claim a loaded weapon. A few POP POP POPs went off nearby. Something was out there in the woods for sure!
    Tomorrow at 2:41 PM​
  • Tink:
    Serenity looked at Sera and sighed. "Just stay with me... And try not to pull the trigger unless you are properly aimed. Friendly fire would be very bad." Serenity suggested, knowing it was most likely she would have to protect the other girl, but a person inexperienced with a gun was a problem she couldn't deal with right now.
    Tomorrow at 2:44 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei made another gesture, and the dogs rose and followed her to the weapons cache. She searched until, with a whispered "Aha!" she found her bow, quiver, and jian. She slid the jian through her belt and strung the bow with a grunt of effort. She put an arrow to the string and picked out a spot among the defenders, slightly behind the ones with guns.
    Tomorrow at 2:48 PM​
  • Dawn:
    Friendly fire would be very bad, hm? "Yes.. It would be a shame.." Sera kept the shotgun pointed at the ground and did as told, keeping close to Serenity, scanning the tree line where the distant shots had sounded, the mask-side eye glinting a milky blue-white in the firelight for just a moment.
    Tomorrow at 2:49 PM​
  • Diana:
    Carly did as instructed, a little concerned about the dogs - but the dogs weren't hers. She also wasn't a gun slinging fighter like these people, and was well prepared to disappear into the night if needed. She'd survived this long on her own. So while everyone got themselves armed, she hunkered down by the firepit along with some other older dude that was KA-CHINK, cocking his gun.
    Tomorrow at 2:56 PM​
  • Diana:
    POP POP POP! The gunfire was closer now, along with the shouting screams of the night watch! Now even the bone chilling sound of UUNNNNGGGHHH could be heard, before OH SHIT. ZOOMIES. A couple of zombies came shooting out of the woods faster than the typical hustling, shambling dead. These were mouth foaming, hungry killers. Quick and efficient!
    Tomorrow at 2:58 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Weiwei drew back her bow and aimed at one of the zoomies. Lead the target... she thought, slightly adjusting her aim. >twang-THWACK!< Her arrow pierced its forehead, causing it to stumble-collapse in a twitching heap. She drew a second arrow and nocked it to the string, while also tensing slightly for the reports of gunshots if the others with her fired first.
    Tomorrow at 3:04 PM​
  • Dawn:
    Sera lifted the shotgun and it rattled in their hands, nervously trying to aim at the nearest undead rushing up on her and Serenity. "I- I'm scared!" she gasped, seemingly frozen in fear, unable to pull the trigger. She squeezed her eyes shut, looking on the verge of tears and panic... BOOM! She pulled the trigger, her eyes flying open. She'd missed. Accidentally of course. Just like she only shouted Serenity's name in warning after she'd jumped out of the way of the rushing zombie, after it was already well within reach of Serenity. "Look out!"
    Tomorrow at 3:09 PM​
  • Tink:
    Serenity nearly screamed in surprise as a zombie was basically at her feet. Shit. She scrambled to aim and shoot, missing epically in her surprise at the moment. Time to run instead, she couldn't get bitten. Regardless, Serenity ran while trying desperately to shoot the zombie chasing her. She didn't even know if she'd made the shot.
    Tomorrow at 3:11 PM​
  • Diana:
    It truly was a large hoard coming out of the woods! Someone's guttural scream echoed into the night as they were overtaken by a zombie. Even as Weiwei and then Serenity were able to take out a couple of zombie heads, there were still so many more coming! It's like they were all attracted to the spot for some odd reason!
    Tomorrow at 3:15 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Fuck," Weiwei hissed as the zoomie suddenly juked and ran for the other women, just as she loosed her arrow. One of them fired a shotgun, startling Crow and Ziggy, but they stayed close to Weiwei. Weiwei nocked an arrow, turned, drew and fired, spitting it through the back of its skull.
    Tomorrow at 3:15 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "You got something you can load into those mortars that's good for shredding zombies?" Weiwei asked to no one in particular.
    Tomorrow at 3:17 PM​
  • Dawn:
    Eyes. Primal, predatory eyes glinted all over the tree line, the smell of copper and rot hitting the air. Sera rolled back to their feet and surveyed the camp. It was pure manic chaos, gunfire echoed and screams filled the silences between. Someone knocked the fire water over and it was now unintentionally doing its job, smothering the fire more with each passing second. Light was dying in the camp. And Sera walked calmly into the shadows.
    Tomorrow at 3:26 PM​
  • Tink:
    Fuck, I'm going to die. Serenity was lost and struggling like never before. This was a massive horde, nothing like anything they had seen before. What drew this horde? Those new people maybe?
    Tomorrow at 3:29 PM​
  • Diana:
    "No, no. no." with the firelight to keep the camp lit, it was going to be near impossible for the group to get any clean shots. Carly scrambled, trying to get dry wood to toss on the dying embers and get the blasted thing lit back up.
    Tomorrow at 3:31 PM​
  • Diana:
    "We can't risk shredding everyone ELSE!" shouted that guy, as he popped off a few shots off his own to take down some of the hoard. Worse yet, the dying fire and the plumes of smoke were making visibility nigh impossible. "EVERYONE INTO THE TRUCKS. QUICK!"
    Tomorrow at 3:33 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "OK, boys, load up!" Weiwei said. The dogs perked up from their nervous huddling and headed out, looking for her rig. "Carly! Follow the dogs and get in the bus," she said, loosing an arrow to stop the nearest zed before shouldering her bow so she could draw her jian, then start running for the bus as well. "You need a ride?" she called out to Serenity as she passed.
    Tomorrow at 3:35 PM​
  • Dawn:
    A voice sounded in the right ear of that guy, soft, monotone. "We are the blessed," it whispered. "We will walk among the punished and bring them into the fold." The shotgun pressed into his back. "Shall I bring you into the family?"
    Tomorrow at 3:38 PM​
  • Diana:
    They needed the fire though... but Carly was too smart to hesitate. Too smart to let emotions make her make poor decisions. At Weiwei's call she darted after the dogs towards Weiwei's van and climbed inside as quick as she could.
    Tomorrow at 3:41 PM​
  • Diana:
    The poor guy, he seemed to realize immediately the real threat here, but he didn't move or try to swing around. "You better back off, bitch. I'm not joining no hoard."
    Tomorrow at 3:43 PM​
  • Tink:
    All Serenity knew as that this was terrifying. What was happening? Best to get into the damn truck and avoid the crazy person? She went with that option
    Tomorrow at 3:46 PM​
  • Dawn:
    It seemed he didn't want to be a part of the family. That left only one option for the punished. The shotgun punched a gory hole in his chest, blood spraying everywhere. "Friendly fire is a shame indeed. Also a shame you're no friend of mine." As zombies poured into the camp, they seemed to flow around Sera, like she was nothing more than a boulder in a river. She watched the vehicles driving away, disappointed that she hadn't taken them all into the fold. No matter though; she knew where they were going, thanks to idle campfire chatter and soon her family would be arriving.
    Tomorrow at 3:55 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Come on!" Weiwei said, gesturing for the girl to follow while she went after the dogs and Carly. "Get in, leave the driver's seat for me," she said, then turned so she could try to hold off the zeds long enough for the others to get inside. She raised her sword in a high Ochs guard, then lopped off the head of the closest zombie, reversing her wrists in a zwertchau cut to sever another as she backpedaled to the van. A few thusts through eye-sockets to try to get some distance, then she clambered in be bus and slammed the door--on a couple of flailing hands. Weiwei hissed, leaning to hold the door closed while she turned the key to start the engine. Thankfully, somebody here did know how to run a wood gasifier. The fire was out, but they'd let it fill the gasbags as it went down for the night. She'd need to re-light the fire later, but she'd have enough gas to make her escape, if that was going to happen.
    Tomorrow at 3:58 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    She turned the key and the engine chugged to life. She put the hammer down. No exciting acceleration, not with the trailer and a bunch of zombies grabbing at the vehicle. But it got moving, gradually, as she plowed through and over the writhing bodies of the dead. Finally, she was outpacing the zeds with their hands in the door, she let go of the door, and with a few whacks of a conveniently-stored hammer, got rid of the grasping hands. I hope I don't lose these guys, she thought, trying to find the other vehicles as they fled.
    Tomorrow at 4:01 PM​
  • Diana:
    As many people as possible jumped into the variety of cars, trucks and vans. A few causalities were lost to the zombies but most made it into the vehicles and spun out on the road. Off to their planned next stop destination. WOULD THIS SMALL BAND OF PEOPLE FIND A TERRIBLE SURPRISE ONCE THEY ARRIVE? WILL THESE CHARACTERS SURPRISE WHAT IS APPARENTLY A BUILDING ZOMBIE CULT? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT LOST AND FOUND!
  • Thank You
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Reactions: Diana and Dawn
@Diana Gimme more so poor Serenity can get taken into this culty thing!
O: i guess I'll have to schedule another one November!