
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Taking place after or during the fallout from a catastrophe or cataclysmic event which has eradicated modern society as we understand it.
  1. Thugisa

    Zombie Apocalypse MxM Roleplay

    Hi! I'm Thugisa, I'm 22 with over ten years of roleplay experience and I'm looking for a Semi-literate to literate partner to roleplay with! Looking for: Tops for M/M (while most of my characters are Bottoms, they are not BORING. I hate that people with boring OCs have given bottom/sub...
  2. ArachneShade

    Decayed world (zombie apocalypse roleplay)

    So hello there! I was looking for someone who wants to write zombie apocalypse roleplay for LONG term. World rules can be discussed in pm, I'm ready to hear (or maybe read) new ideas and discuss them. Communication is basically a fundamental thing about roleplay, right? If it comes to...
  3. MiharuAya

    PROMPT EXERCISE Science Fiction Exercises

    Greeting Travelers! In honor of Science Fiction Day, we have found three writing exercises curated by Author Monica Valentinelli to help get you thinking about science fiction story ideas. Create an alien, destroy the world, and create a fantastical invention. Don't put too much pressure on...
  4. Gladis

    CLOSED SIGNUPS The Knights Arcane: Wardens of the Crystal [OOC]

    The Knights Arcane: Wardens of the crystal In the dawn of ancient times, the Aetherian empire rose to a technological providence that was unmatched by all. Their mastery over innovation and advancement knew no bounds, yet within the grandeur of their achievements lurked an insatiable thirst...
  5. tapedeck

    PAINTPOCALYPSE | laughter isn't the cure, but it'll get us through this

    [slide] [slide] before i get into anything, my roleplay intro & expectations are hosted on my toyhouse, so please give that a once-over! do note that there's a couple "security questions" to make sure folks actually do read 'em. roleplay location can be threads or DMs, depending on your...
  6. tapedeck

    searching for some furry 1x1s!

    before i get into anything, my roleplay intro & expectations are hosted on my toyhouse, so please give that a once-over! do note that there's a couple "security questions" to make sure folks actually do read 'em. roleplay location can be threads or DMs, depending on your preference! while...
  7. Nyxanthi

    WORLD SHOWCASE White Out / Sudden Ice Age

    Well, it happened, the world ended. 95% of life on the planet died. The Big Freeze, they called it ... guess it sounded less I-told-you-so than the new ice age. While it was probably the actual cold that killed half the human population, and most of the wildlife, frozen vortexes flash-freezing...
  8. Apocalypse_Enjoyer

    Apocalypse_enjoyer's zombie scenario world building and rp request thread -- 1x1

    Hello, looking for a partner whose up for brainstorming and worldbuilding with me. My account is fairly straightforward so don't hesitate to click on it to learn my preferences and writing style. NOTE: The plot bellow is not set in stone nor do I expect to use the scenario in our RP, it's an...
  9. Renose

    OPEN SIGNUPS OUT OF CHARACTER Kingdom Hearts: Darkness Origins

    Peace. For about four hundred years, the greater universe as a whole has known peace. Thanks to Sora and his friends, threats like Organization XIII, Maleficent, and the Heartless are all merely things of the past. With their combined efforts they managed to deal with many of the threats that...
  10. Dusk

    CLOSED SIGNUPS Songs of the Sea {OOC}

    •·················•·················• No one remembers when the world ended. No one even remembers how. All that remains are the legends of the elders and the vast world beneath the waters. Whatever it was that sunk the old world decentralized the new one. Civilizations became scarce and...
  11. Diana

    CLOSED SIGNUPS Iris Landing: Chapter One - We Are Not Alone (Team A)

    IRIS LANDING Captain's Logs Stardate 982366965 I honestly thought this commission would be a joke. Lost Earth? We've been telling stories about that place for centuries as if it's some kind of biblical Garden of Eden. Ye Olde Land of Promise type bullshit. Now I've got to eat my own damn hat...
  12. Lurcolm

    Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

    The world has ended. It ended five years ago. Five years ago, riots sprouted all across the world, all at once. Death and destruction came from manic individuals and, quite suddenly, horrors from beyond our reality. It was as if some entity far greater than anything comprehensible simply...
  13. ArachneShade

    Hello is there a person who likes zombie apocalypse roleplay?

    So hello there! I was looking for someone who wants to write zombie apocalypse roleplay for LONG term. World rules (we can discuss them if you don't like some): -the apocalypse started 3 year's ago -zombies have two types ( slow one and night runner) -zombie bites kills after one day...
  14. Dusk

    BY INVITATION ONLY Songs of the Sea {IC}

    A thin layer of clouds turned the golden day into silvery grey and a particularly fickle wind left a cold bite in the air. Morning slipped toward noon, and the bustle of daily life overcame the city. The docks, however, had been alight with activity since the first rays of sunlight peeked over...
  15. tapedeck


    Edit, 8/29/2022 Changed up a bunch of stuff, as this idea has evolved quite a bit! I'm still wanting to use some dice mechanics, so that much hasn't changed. This is still working with the "sandbox with plot" premise, and will be heavily character focused. Got this idea about a low-to-mid...
  16. Onslaught

    Fallout: Post-Apocalyptic Roleplaying

    "Because war, war never changes..." - Narrator Hello, I would like to bid you welcome to one of my most beloved fandoms: Fallout. It's dark and gritty; has strong elements of science-fiction, comedy, and even romance. It's based in the 2200s and onward. At least this story certainly will be...
  17. yeonjmn

    1x1 Fandom RP Partner Search

    Hello! My name is Sarah and I've been roleplaying since 2015 but I'm still pretty new to this site. I used to be on Quotev but after they wrongly disabled my account, I went on the search for other rp sites like this one! Now here I am requesting a rp partner so everything you need to know is...
  18. WinterO

    [ D A N G E R O U S ] - A Cyberpunk Roleplay | SIGNUPS

    Character Sheet |Photo or Realistic image here, scale within reason| "Quote" Name: Age: Height: Gender/Pronouns: (TEXT) (TEXT) (TEXT) (SONG NAME) Post Completed Sheets in this thread to be indexed.
  19. Dusk

    Songs of the Sea

    •·················•·················• No one remembers when the world ended. No one even remembers how. All that remains are the legends of the elders and the vast world beneath the waters. Whatever it was that sunk the old world decentralized the new one. Civilizations became scarce and...
  20. Thugisa

    Dystopian/fantasy/cyberpunk AndroidXPrince Roleplay!

    Okay so I'm not gonna put my whole starter here, but this is the general idea! It's been hundreds of years since the world ended in an atomic hell flame. Society has rebuilt itself but not to the point of modern day. The people in your character's city have no idea if there's even any other...