
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Taking place in a setting where multiple (especially parallel) universes converge.
  1. Astroblaze

    Inter-Realm Battle Link (Lore)

    IRBL Lore Your one-stop shop for all the information you'll need to roleplay in the IRBL! Peruse this thread for game rules, appearance descriptions, and the various functions you'll encounter in the mini-world of the arena complex. FAQ Is my ultra-powerful OC allowed? Yes, all OCs are allowed...
  2. Astroblaze

    Inter-Realm Battle Link (OOC/Signups)

    Inter-Realm Battle Link Welcome to the tournament of the multiverses! Please check the Lore thread (links at the bottom of this post) for game rules and other important information and join the Discord server for communication with other players. Important Links «Sign-Ups/OOC» Lore Character...
  3. Astroblaze

    The Inter-Realm Battle Link (Teaser)

    Welcome, challenger! If you are reading this, congratulations! You have been accepted as a competitor for the multiverse's largest and most varied tournament! A staff member will be along shortly to show you to your quarters, and then you will be free to roam the complex as you please. Here you...
  4. W

    Outlaws of the Multiverse

    With the multiverse being opened up, some are bound to take advantage of it in less then rightious ways. Enter Layla Walsh and her gang of interdimensional outlaws. A weird and diverse band of bandits, thieves, assasasins, psycopaths and more from every corner of the multiverse who set out to...
  5. A

    The Evrensel Conflict -- Chapter 1.2: The Best Defense is a Good Offense

    A dozen or so miles away from the carnage that enveloped the bloodbath that was downtown, a small "quarantine zone" has been set up near the docks - or what's left of it. The zone is really only a few blocks by a few blocks, barely covering a medium-sized warehouse complex and a few run-down...
  6. Wade Von Doom

    The Evrensel Conflict -- A Crossover/Original Works group RP

    Evening. I'll get right to it, this group interest check is for a crossover plot that will involve fandoms and any original work you wish to bring into it. The plot is simple: An AI machine, controlling a massive army of robotic soldiers, wishes to create her own universe. The process of this...
  7. thatguyinthestore

    The Butterfly Effect (Signups/OOC)

    Premise “Can you hear them? Calling out to you? Their voices... they’re begging... WAKE UP! This is the story of the first widespread multiversal event. It’s a tale of death, betrayal, and despair. For this is the beginning of a long line of events which shake the multiverse forever. This...
  8. The Mood is Write

    Vividly Vert

    High altitudes stole her breath from her. How she arrived in this place, she wasn't sure, but she lacked the strength to rise from alongside the river-like green gem road. She'd not seen anyone pass this way in some time, and began to accept that, if they did, it might be too late for her...
  9. The Mood is Write

    Forgetting History

    Millions of years, Elizabeth had been a Councilman. She watched people come and go from her life, though she clung to them desperately. Family. Friends. Coworkers. Subordinates. Enemies. None lasted as she had. For centuries, she fought to fill the holes left by their absences, but in...
  10. The Mood is Write

    Breaking Gingersnaps: The Hoppers

    "Sir, we've captured the family." Jade overheard from her cell, and she felt her stomach drop out from inside her. Lungs couldn't get enough air, and arms and legs went from cold to ice. Sweat dripped down Hegga's forehead, and the Hunter wiped it away. "Sorry," the sweating woman...
  11. The Mood is Write

    Breaking Gingersnaps: The Jemsons

    "Sir, we've captured the family." Jade overheard from her cell, and she felt her stomach drop out from inside her. Lungs couldn't get enough air, and arms and legs went from cold to ice. Sweat dripped down Hegga's forehead, and the Hunter wiped it away. "Sorry," the sweating woman...
  12. The Mood is Write

    Breaking Gingersnaps: The Dead

    "Sir, we've captured the family." Jade overheard from her cell, and she felt her stomach drop out from inside her. Lungs couldn't get enough air, and arms and legs went from cold to ice. Sweat dripped down Hegga's forehead, and the Hunter wiped it away. "Sorry," the sweating woman...
  13. The Mood is Write

    Swords and Coats

    A monotone voice came from the speakers arranged throughout the massive transport room. Circular transport pads each offered scores of soldiers a place to stand during the debrief. "Congratulations, Unifiers. You have been selected to assist in converting a world's dwellers for Unification...
  14. The Mood is Write

    A Particularly Painful Partner Probe

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody, but you could also call me Modwri. I am thirty-one years old and have been independently studying writing and roleplaying since I was thirteen. I live at home with my mother and pets, and play games or read manga (or manhua sometimes) when I'm not...
  15. I

    GM Needed: Multiverse Role Play (Fandom)

    I'm thinking of starting an Alternate Universe Role Play with my own mythology for players. It's on an alternate Earth. So this is basically like a Final Fantasy/Fight Club/Mortal Kombat expy. (It won't be Mortal Kombat though). Chapter 1 is fighting the Tournament. Chapter 2 and after is...
  16. M

    AREA 51 ( Seeking partners! )

    Area 51. a little foolishness now and then is relished by the wisest of men. -roald dahl Once upon a time, in the land of Area 51, lived a very small Goof named Max. Max was a good person...
  17. F

    Fantasy Roleplay Clan looking for eager fresh blood..

    After the great fall of Lucifer and his band of over thousands of angels into hell, Earth became the center and battle ground for the spiritual entities. Centuries upon centuries, the great angels of heaven defended and protected humanity against the fallen angels, demons, vampires and ghouls of...