Which fictional character do you relate to the most?

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I like a bit of everything, especially romance. Maybe a little bit of action, adventure, slice of life, mystery, fantasy, horror in the roleplay depending on the kind of plot.
Which fictional character do you find yourself relating to the most?
It could be from any source of media (movies, tv shows, cartoon, books, webcomic, etc..)​
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It ultimately comes down to two things for me.

Either every crazy old witch living in the woods to ever be conceived, or whatever this is:

Moon Knight. 🌙🤍 Following his healing journey and badassery in comic books has been essential to my own healing journey. DID is so misrepresented and poorly portrayed in media. But. Quite a few of the Marvel writers and artists have managed to not only impress me but emotionally move me. Appreciate 'em. (Including the TV show starring the great Oscar Isaacs. I as a MK nerd have a lot of complaints about the nerdy aspects of things but the DID is done with much thoughtfulness. <3)


Very close second would be Crazy Jane from the Doom Patrol comics/TV show.
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