The winds billowing passed her felt wonderful. Adrenaline pumped through the whole of Yang's form, heightening the excitement. Making this ride all the more better. She shouts and howls as she sails through the air, upper body leaning forward into it. She begins to descend, and her arms draw back, her fists pointing backwards. Elbows bend and she (essentially) punches behind herself, that action followed by a loud
'KABLAM'. Her gauntlets fire in a shotgun like action, flinging her forward and ascending. 4 more shots, and she sees her spot. A break in the canopy where she can drop down. And she hits that hole, her arms drawing in to cross over her chest. With a loud 'THUD' she plants her feet against the thick trunk of a tree, kicking off of it in a controlled descent. She bounds off of the surrounding trees, going down a bit more each time. Now within range of the ground, she goes into a roll and then springs to her feet and into a casual walk. She pulls off her glasses to tuck them away, exclaiming proudly
"Nailed it."
Moving now through the beautiful forest, she reaches once more into one of her pockets to pull out her scroll. Just as the professors said, it's been deactivated. She wanted to try to get hold of Ruby once more.. but that's going to have to wait. Switching her scroll off, she tucks back into its hiding place in her pocket.
There's a smile on her lips as she moves, her violet colored eyes scanning the whole of the forest around her. She loves the feel of this place. It reminds her of home, except her home is less red and orange and more… green. Mostly just green. Reaching up she plucks a leaf from its limb, rubbing her thumbs gently against its soft surface. She tends to be a more tactile person, touching things helps her understand better. Or appreciate more.
"Soooo who's gonna be my bud?" She says softly, still looking around herself. Ahead of herself in the forest then…she thinks she hears voices. Her smile widens as she thinks she has found some people. She can't quite see the whole way to make out exactly who… or what… is there.
"YOOOOO 'ey oh!" she calls out loudly.
"Lady? One of the pretty boys? Helllllllllo." She pushes through the underbrush… but the hairs on the back of her neck suddenly stand on end and she pauses. Her forward foot pushes her backwards as a large set of claws sweeps in front of her. The claws impact on the tree she had just passed, 4 large gouges now in the bark. She springs back as an Ursa emerges from the treeline, roaring as it stomps towards Yang. Yang grins widely and drops the pretty leaf and raises her fists into a ready position.
"Well you're not who I was lookin for. But you are just a cutey!" A second Ursa stomps from the treeline, both focused on her.
"Oh ya found YOUR partner, of course. And I ain't even found mine yet!" The first Ursa roars and charges, swiping at Yang with its giant clawed paw. Yang also steps forward, leaning to one side to let the claws pass over her shoulder. She then gives it 3 quick jabs to its side, but it doesn't seem to feel it. The Ursa turns and swipes at her again, this time she springs back away from its range. She keeps the other Ursa in her line of sight, shifting her position to accommodate this. The Ursa lowers itself onto all 4 paws and charges Yang, and she runs at it, leaping over it with a skilled flip. But.. she lands shorter than she had wanted to. Her eyes widen with realization, and the Ursa swings back at her. With a cry of pain she is hit, and sent flying for a few good feet. She lands in a roll, laying there a moment on her elbows. A gold colored energy field flickers around her as she grins, raising her eyes to the Ursa as it now starts to stalk towards her, growling loudly.
She springs to her feet, her hair starting to sway unnaturally.
"You got me. Now my turn!" Her lips move.. but they don't seem to be synced to her words. Imitating the bad dubbing she often finds in those old delightful martial arts movies. The really bad ones. Which are some of her favorite things. The Ursa now charges towards her, one of its paws raised up in preparation of finishing her. And Yang runs right at it. She blinks… her violet eyes shifting to a blood red. She slams her fists together as she grins, and fa golden fire explodes from her hands and along her hair. She moves faster than before, catching the Ursa off guard. It begins to bring its paw down at her, but the battle is already over.
"RRRRRRRRRAH!" She growls out as she punches the Ursa right in its considerable midsection. It freezes and then lurches forward as Yang draws her fist back. The Ursa starts to fall… and the whole of its back explodes outwards from the force of her hit. It lets out a rumbling groan as its body slowly dissipates into a black dust.. and then nothing. Angrily Yang turns, flames dancing along her upper body and arms. The other Ursa seems to not know what to do for a moment. As if flabbergasted by what happened to the other.
"What?!" Yang yells in something of an enraged tone
"You want some of this too?!" She calls out, the Ursa rearing up on its hind legs and roaring now.