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  • 6V90vPe.png

    [roleplay=silver]A dying clan in both the figurative and literal sense... which is a shame, since they have produced quite a number of talented shinobi within their ranks. Though, it is too late to give them the proper recognition they deserved because they were already long gone.[/roleplay]
    The Haruno started out as a small family of mercenaries who wandered across the Land of Fire before settling down in Konohagakure. Although they had no hiden or kekkei genkai to speak of, they were surprisingly prized by the ANBU for their extraordinary chakra control, especially for someone not from a noble lineage (case in point, the Hyuga). Haruno Morinaga, in particular, had a natural talent for chakra suppression, disguise and mimicry, which seemed to continue down the main family line. It wasn't exactly passed down as there were some within the family who didn't have the ability to pull it off, and it wasn't really a technique specific to the Haruno (anybody could learn it, to be honest). However, the extreme level of chakra control required to perform the skill was so great that only the Haruno themselves were capable of such feat, even till this day.

    The Haruno, after settling down in Konoha and becoming more accustomed to the village's lifestyle, began to expand their family. The eldest of Morinaga's three children, Haruno Yanagi, became the next head of the family and thus recognized as the main, while the younger son, Haruno Take, became the branch. Morinaga's only daughter, Momo, was married into the Shimura clan instead. Unlike the bigger clans where internal power struggles often entailed, the Haruno family had enough experiences from their wandering days as hired assassins to never forget the horror and tragedy as a result of killing their own kinsmen just for the sake of attaining personal greed, something that Morinaga was firm to burn this teaching into his children and even the generations to come. With a bigger family meant more mouths to feed, and the Haruno had to find other ways to get a stable income to survive. They switched from being mere mercenaries to trade and business, working with the Hatake family to distribute their harvests to the whole of Konoha, and also with ANBU to trade intelligence and secrets with neighboring villages.

    The Haruno was officially recognized as a clan within Konoha shortly before the Iron Invasion; many of its members were sent to the war and perished, fighting together with the rest of the village to protect the place they were finally calling it their home. However, the war dragged on for decades and caused more deaths; in particular, the Haruno clan suffered a huge loss, so much so that there was almost no elders left in the family except for one, and their overall size was easily the smallest in the village. They couldn't help asking themselves the real questions: what were they dying for? Who were they dying for? After losing so many things that were precious to the family, what did they get in the end? The despair that loomed before the crumbling clan became the seed that shook their loyalty for Konoha.

    [roleplay=silver]It is sad that the only way the Haruno clan can ensure their own survival is to turn their backs on Konoha's political matters and mind their own business. This is merely the first step to their indifference towards the village, and it is only a matter of time before they simply leave altogether, going back to their wandering mercenary days.[/roleplay]
    It didn't help that a few notable members of the Haruno clan wielded above-average powers and abilities for someone from a minor clan, even comparable to the likes of those from the noble clans. Adding the fact that the Haruno were also secret-keepers of Konoha due to their ties with ANBU as skilled informants and infiltrators, the clan had been regarded with wariness for their delicate position within the village. On one hand, the Harunos were seen as a useful asset to Konoha for their chakra control prowess and their expandable nature as a minor clan; on the other hand, their neutral stand towards most village matters and growing mistrust towards the noble clans were seen as liabilities. This also overshadowed the contributions they made to Konoha and voided them of any proper recognitions, such as Haruno Kazuha for her expertise in medical ninjutsu and breakthrough in acupuncture techniques, and Haruno Naoki for his accomplishments in post-war ANBU missions.

    [ Clan Timeline Header Here ]​


    [ Notable Members Header Here ]​


    • Haruno Naoki
    • Haruno Sakuya
    • Haruno Sumire

    • Haruno Suisen
    • Haruno Hiiragi

    Note: Strikethrough - deceased.

  • [ Hideki Header Here ]​

    [roleplay=steelblue]Quote here.[/roleplay]

    • Full Name
      Haruno Hideki
      (春野 ヒデキ)


      Alive (aged ??)


      Water, Wind​

      • Jerk with a Heart of Gold

    • -​

    • -​

    [ Kazuha Header Here ]​

    [roleplay=hotpink]It's ironic that
    my job is to save lives
    but death follows me everywhere.

    • Full Name
      Haruno Kazuha
      (春野 かずは)


      Alive (aged 33)


      Wind, Fire​

      • Lady of War
        • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
      • Mama Bear
        • You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry
      • Cool Big Sis / The Lad-ette
        • Hard-Drinking Party Girl
      • Proud Beauty
      • Dark and Troubled Past
        • Broken Bird
        • Break the Badass

    • -​

    • -​

  • [ Naoki Header Here ]​

    [roleplay=slategray]No one can help you
    if you don't even help yourself first.

    • Full Name
      Haruno Naoki
      (春野 ナオキ)


      Alive (aged 30)


      Wind, Water​

      • The Chessmaster / The Spock
        • Nerves of Steel
      • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
        • Brilliant, But Lazy

    • -​

    • -​

    [ Sakuya Header Here ]​

    [roleplay=slateblue]Quote here.[/roleplay]

    • Full Name
      Haruno Sakuya
      (春野 さくや)


      Deceased (at age ??)



    • -​

    • -​

    • -​

    [ Sumire Header Here ]​

    [roleplay=sienna]Quote here.[/roleplay]

    • Full Name
      Haruno Sumire
      (春野 すみれ)


      Alive (aged 15)


      Wind, Water​

    • -​

    • -​

    • -​

  • SunRbkx.png

    [roleplay=purple]The world isn't as simple as you think.

    People just don't see beneath the shallow surface
    and look deeper to the root where the true origin lies,
    where it's waiting patiently to be discovered.

    • Full Name
      Haruno Suisen
      (春野 すいせん)


      Deceased (at age 25)


      Water, Fire​

    • -​

    • -​

    • -​

    [ Hiiragi Header Here ]​

    [roleplay=darkgoldenrod]Quote here.[/roleplay]

    • Full Name
      Haruno Hiiragi
      (春野 ヒイラギ)


      Alive (aged 17)


      Fire, Wind​

    • -​

    • -​

    • -​

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"...What a drag."

  • Full Name
    Haruno Ren
    (春野 レン)






    Haruno Hideki
    Haruno Kazuha​

  • Appearance
    At four foot three, it doesn't help that Ren's lean build only makes him seem even smaller than he already is, with a fair complexion that only reinforces his 'bookworm' image as he's most often spotted in Konohagakure's only library. He also looks nothing like his twin sister, Aoi. Rather, he's almost a splitting image of his father, Hideki—especially the messy jet-black hair—except the emerald green eyes he has inherited from his mother, Kazuha. Often seen in dark-colored garbs that reflect his mysterious, quiet nature, though some may say it's a way to keep himself out of sight—and in turn, out of unnecessary troubles. His short height and baby face would contribute to cases of gender crisis, causing him to be mistaken as a girl at times. Not helping when Kazuha used to doll him up in female clothes when the twins were much younger, and he actually looked good in them. (Of course, when Hideki found that out, he's completely unimpressed with his wife's antics.)

    A stoic boy for his age, Ren takes after his father more than mere looks: diligent in his studies and training, efficient in clearing his tasks and getting the work done properly. While Ren has a lot of self-discipline, he's ultimately still a human—a ten-year-old kid—and obviously there are things that can break his cool demeanor. He doesn't like to get involved in situations he perceive as 'bothersome', even less when it's built on stupid impulses. His low tolerance for inconvenience also extends to his habit of calling people by names based on his first impression of them, where he clearly doesn't bother with their real names at all unless he feels truly attached to them (which would probably take years for him to acknowledge the person).

    As such, Ren is often seen as aloof and sardonic to the people around him: hard to approach, and one needs to have the quiet patience to break the ice around the secretive young shinobi. Though, if you do manage to get past the invisible barrier he often puts around himself, you'll see a mild-mannered soul with a dry sense of humor. His insightful observations and meticulous analysis are great assets to any team; his thirst for knowledge and limitless curiosity are the main drives pushing the young boy to pick up and learn almost everything he can to add to his arsenal of growing potentials.

    However, the above-mentioned is the Ren under normal circumstances: an awkward boy who falters at socializing with people, and a quiet shinobi who is more content with watching the crowd from a distance than being the center of attraction. When he's being pushed to the edge, Ren's apathetic nature becomes more prominent. He has no qualms of negating his emotions in favor of cold logic, going as far as disregarding the feelings of others or sacrificing their well-being if he deems them necessary to achieve the end goal effectively and efficiently. Even when Ren makes an observation about someone, it's hard not to notice the underlying indifference he has towards people from the way he views them as mere study subjects—even if there are no malignant intentions behind them.

    Personal History
    One would expect that children born after the end of the Great Shinobi War to grow up peacefully in the new era, but that didn't extend to the individual problems within the four walls of the respective clans. Not even minor clans like the Haruno were spared, especially through Ren's eyes.

    For one, he was born as a fraternal twin to his childhood nightmare in the form of his younger sister, Aoi. He spent most of his time before his debut at the academy with her, even training hard together under their mother. The twins were quick to learn that Kazuha was no forgiving sensei, sparing to effort to impart the basic of the basics in the Haruno clan: chakra control. To them, it was a means for the family's survival in the village (given their unimpressive chakra pool) and to condition themselves for unforeseen grim situations. This is largely due to their genre of business—trading, from business with the Hatake to even secrets with ANBU—and also how some of the members work for ANBU, partaking dangerous missions that require their hard-wired chakra control expertise while being more expendable than the noble clans.

    Ren had given up trying to escape from the clingy Aoi and simply concentrated on his training without much care for the eyes and attention from all around him. By the time he was enrolled into the academy, he already had above-average chakra control for a kid of his age. Beneath his laid-back, disinterested facade, Ren was a closet hard worker, where his efforts were later paid off through his excellent results in the academy ranking. Even so, he continued to ignore the shock—mixed with admiration and jealousy—from his peers at his surprising potential thanks to his natural-born talent, which was further polished with years of hard work. On the surface, most people would think that he was a prick with a standoffish attitude; however, the true reason was to minimize the unnecessary casualties among his schoolmates—the handiwork of Aoi's unreasonable violence.

    Of course, Ren didn't completely quarantine people from his sad life. It's still too early to call them 'friends'; rather, just some acquaintances he could hold a conversation or two with. While he would be glad to be separated from Aoi once he's sorted to a genin team, there was another issue: he could no longer enjoy those days of solitude at his own pace, but he'd have to learn to work together with his new team—whether he'd like them or not.​

    • Haruno Hideki
      Ren's relationship with Hideki, to put it simply, is complicated. On one hand, he does respect his father and understands the heavy responsibility that Hideki has to shoulder to keep their small clan alive. On the other hand, the lack of paternal presence and support has placed a strain on their bond with each other. When Hideki isn't around, Ren longs to see him; but when the father is actually in the house, Ren doesn't know how he should face him. There's also something about Hideki's super-secretiveness that doesn't sit well with Ren...

      Haruno Kazuha
      Unlike with Hideki, Ren is technically closer to his mother, but not without mixed feelings and a certain degree of caution. Even at a very young age, Ren was already questioning Kazuha's capability to properly take care and educate her children, but he didn't dare to voice out his suspicions, knowing Kazuha's temper was the last thing anyone with enough common sense should mess with. Even so, he is thankful for all the harsh training he had to go through under her strict guidance. He loves her as a mother and admires her strength (both physically and figuratively), but he knows that Kazuha is a broken woman, still plagued by the darkness of her past.

      Haruno Aoi
      Ren loves Aoi as a twin sister, but he hates everything else about her. He knows too well about Aoi's true nature—a two-faced bitch with a yandere streak for him who has no qualms to hurt anyone around her to achieve her own ends. Ren is wary about Aoi's dark side, and he won't hesitate to kill her with his own hands should she defect and turn against the Haruno clan.

      Haruno Naoki
      Ever since Naoki was discharged from his ANBU post and transferred to the shinobi academy as a teacher, he became the father figure that Ren needed in his life when Hideki was rarely at home. While Kazuha taught Ren the basics such as chakra control and endurance, Naoki imparted the knowledge of tactics and ranged battles to the young boy (which is surprising given his rather average score in the academy records, but it's likely that Naoki has always been hiding his true potential behind his peers to avoid the spotlight, another trait that Ren picks up). Even if Naoki often maintains a laid-back—and somewhat cryptic—demeanor, Ren knows that his uncle is still silently mourning the death of his wife, Sakuya. However, Ren notices that Naoki seems to have brightened up considerably in the recent years, which makes the young boy curious about what is making his uncle happier than before.

      Haruno Sumire
      Considered one of the prettiest girls in Konohagakure, even Ren isn't immune to Sumire's beauty. Unlike many of those who go after his cousin for her mere looks, Ren does admire Sumire's quiet strength and diligence in her tasks. Though, Ren can't help noticing that there's a deep darkness beneath Sumire's seemingly sweet front—a hidden rage for Sakuya's death and the desire to seek revenge to avenge her mother.

      Haruno Hiiragi

    • Sarutobi Matsuoka
      Saru-nee. Ren tolerates Matsuoka's overbearing vulgar existence (and countless property damage) only because she is Kazuha's best and only friend—the few sources of light capable of stopping his mother sinking deeper into her darkness of regret.

      Kohaku Sanae
      Ren is probably the only one (of the two, the other being Shunpei) who isn't put off by Sanae's gloomy guilelessness and perturbed by her "invasive" insight, but instead shows great interest to learn more about her chakra-based empathy and her vomit jutsu. He hopes to explore the potential of her abilities in his quest to apply everything and anything in his arsenal for tactical uses in the future, especially now that they are both in the same genin team.

      Uchiha Ria
      Akaname. Ren is only interested in Ria's tessenjutsu and blatantly ignores Ria as a person, much less regarding her as a kunoichi—at least that's what most people would see from the way he interacts and treats the Uchiha girl. Unknown to anyone, it's all an act to hide the fact that Ren studies Ria just like how he'd observe the people around him, taking mental notes of their strengths and weaknesses for strategic planning.​

    • Inuzuka Kimura
      Stalker-san; also Aoi's best(?) friend. Ren has some interest in Kimura's trapping techniques and the use of ninken in the Inuzuka clan, but otherwise doesn't care much about the girl as he finds dealing with her paranoia troublesome. His impression of her isn't great either, with how he often spots her tailing him from the corner of his eye, probably ordered by Aoi to watch his every move. His relationship with her partner, Guremaru, began with a hilarious incident where Gure chased the poor boy up a tree on their very first meeting, but since then they are on rather friendly terms... much to Kimura's chagrin.

      Sarutobi Seiichi
      It all started with Kazuha bringing the twins to the Sarutobi compound to visit her friend, Matsuoka. While running away from Aoi's annoying pursuit around the huge estate, Ren happened to end up hiding in Seiichi's room, of all places... and that was how their queer, mutual friendship began. Both boys share many similarities as much as differences with each other: both are hard workers who take their shinobi training very seriously, even if they have different goals and motivations behind their determination. Seiichi is one of the very few people Ren is more laid back with, just like how Seiichi is more at ease around the mild-mannered Haruno.

      Yakushi Tsume
      Kuma-onna. Ren is mostly neutral towards Tsume: she's generally nice to everyone with no hidden agenda like a certain someone, except that Tsume has zero sense of personal space. Ren is no fan of her hug attacks, and prefer to stay at least ten feet away from her if he can help it. However, sometimes he feels there's more to Tsume than meets the eye, and he doesn't resent her as much as the other girls in his cohort.​

    • Academy Students
      Hatake Shunpei
      Hyuga Somebitch
      Namikaze Fukushu
      Nara Shitsume
      Sarutobi Atsumi
      Uzumaki Kiyoshi
      Uzumaki Miki
      Yamanaka Inokikue​

  • "Go. Away."
    —to anyone and everyone who gets too close to him, or disrupts his quiet moments

    "Not interested."
    —to things that he deems as a waste of his time, or an insult to his intellect

    "See no evil,
    Hear no evil,
    Speak no evil."

    —on his attitude

    "Silence is gold,
    Knowledge is power,
    Love is responsibility."

    —on his beliefs

  • Tactician / Strategist
    Ren is an intelligent boy wise beyond his young age, but where will his smarts be of use in his road as a ninja of Konohagakure? His general dislike for troublesome situations have propelled him to use his brain to find better solutions to get things done and over with quickly and efficiently. Rather than charging head-first into a fight like most of his hot-blooded peers, he prefers to observe and analyze his surroundings and opponents, then formulate a plan in his mind before he finishes his enemies with quick, decisive strikes to their weak points. This trait is also extremely important to the next bit—or else he'd end up killing his own people by mistake.

    Ranged Specialist
    It's to no one's surprise that Ren is a shinobi who aces the art of ranged battles. The following traits discussed below are key skills to his repertoire, enabling him to turn typical close-combat weapons into maneuverable projectiles. It also works well with his fighting style and chakra nature, allowing him to perform stealth and sneak attacks with ease, and manipulating the speed and force of his projectiles with Wind Release jutsu.

    • Refined Chakra Control
      Under the strict tutelage of his mother, Kazuha, Ren counters the downside of his small chakra pool with extremely precise control, allowing him to perform jutsu with maximum efficiency and little to no wastage. It's possible that he's on par with those from the Hyuga clan, but it's difficult to determine given his secretive nature. This trait also gives Ren an edge to resist against generic genjutsu; to a much lesser degree, a crude application of Chakra-Enhanced Strength, which he still can't control well at his current age (as he doesn't specialize in CES like his twin, Aoi).

    • Chakra Flow / Chakra Thread Manipulation
      While Ren may not have the same mastery in this compared to the aforementioned, you still shouldn't underestimate him. For starters, he can use wind jutsu to further sharpen the projectiles to increase their lethalness. This also forms the basis of other jutsu techniques he employs, which requires the use of Chakra Threads to manipulate the trajectory course of the thrown shuriken or kunai. Besides using chakra threads to throw and control projectiles, he can use the threads as extended arms to grab any weapons around him—or even off his opponents—and maximize the arsenal of projectiles he can get his hands on. However, he still requires more training to be able to fully suppress the threads and make them completely invisible. Alternatively, to conserve his small chakra pool, he may opt to use the metal wires provided in standard ninja tool packs, but they are slower and less versatile in maneuverability compared to chakra threads.

    • Shurikenjutsu

    • Ninjutsu
      A no-brainer to Ren that he has to excel in this to truly show the full potential of his fighting style and techniques. Although wind may not be the strongest nor fastest elemental nature, he spares no effort to master its use, combining with his outstanding chakra control for maximum utilization with what he's capable of.

    (Potential) Jack of All Trades
    With Ren's boundless curiosity for the unknown, and the rapid rate he's able to absorb new knowledge and apply them quickly and accurately, there is so much to be desired from the young shinobi to acquire vast amount of techniques and add to his skill repository. With decent guidance, he has the capability to learn just about any jutsu that isn't a kekkei genkai or hiden, expanding his elemental sets beyond those that are common within his clan (excluding clan- or region-specific elemental combinations, obviously). His small physique and (currently) limited chakra pool are the only limitations hindering this potential.​

  • S Rank

    A Rank

    B Rank

    C Rank
    Wind Release: Gale Palm
    Manipulating Attack Blades

    D Rank
    Dynamic Entry
    Manipulated Shuriken Technique
    Temporary Paralysis Technique

    E Rank
    Academy Techniques​

  • Trivia
    • Ren appears to be left-handed, but he's actually ambidextrous.

    • Other than reading non-fiction books such as military records and encyclopedias to keep his mind active, he also plays strategic board games such as shogi and Go with his uncle, Naoki.

    Behind the Name
    Ren (蓮): Japanese for "Lotus". In Eastern flower language, lotus generally symbolizes purity, devotion, and resilience. In Hinduism and Buddhism, it's also related to spiritual enlightenment—including patience, self-awareness, and emptiness from desires.

    Badass Bookworm: Ren tops the class in the written exams and is a huge nerd for tactical books, but he is also capable of applying his vast knowledge in actual combat quickly and efficiently.

    Brainy Brunette: Gender-flipped.

    Brilliant, But Lazy: Ren is definitely brilliant—given that he is one of the youngest (the other being Aoi) to graduate from the shinobi academy in his year—but he is never seen showing much enthusiasm in school. He is also often ignored mainly by the noble clan students because of his unimposing appearance. Well, he doesn't care enough to work up a hot-blooded declaration to show them his hidden badassery, and simply ignores them in return.
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"Eat this! ❤"

  • Full Name
    Haruno Aoi
    (春野 あおい)






    Haruno Hideki
    Haruno Kazuha​

  • Appearance
    Who says twins must be born with the same face? Aoi certainly looks nothing like her older twin brother; in fact, it's the complete opposite of Ren's brooding appearance. Aoi inherits most of their mother, Kazuha's, features instead—in particular, the signature bubblegum-pink hair that she ties into an elaborate ponytail behind her head—sans the blue eyes from the father, Hideki. Even so, she still shares a similar build (also at four foot three!) and complexion with Ren, where both earn their place as the smallest genin of their cohort by the time they have graduated from the academy. Many people would often mistake Aoi as Ren's cousin due to the lack of common resemblance between the two. It works in Aoi's favor in her relentless pursuit for her twin brother, much to the latter's chagrin. People are then surprised to find out their sibling relationship only when they realize who the kids' parents are. Aoi's sense of fashion is also a stark contrast to Ren's. While the latter is clearly a minimalist who values practicality over illogical, ridiculous dress codes, Aoi is always—well, almost—in bright-colored clothing that reflects her bubbly, cheerful personality.

    ...Well, if you actually know the real her beneath all that cutesy, klutzy act.

    Outward appearance isn't the only thing that makes most people find it difficult to believe that Aoi and Ren are actually twins sharing the same parents and blood—even their personality is the complete opposite of each other. Aoi is the outgoing, cheeky party girl to Ren's elusive loner. Always greeting her peers with a beaming smile, with sweet giggles like melodic hymns to the ears—how can anyone resist a little angel like this girl?

    Under the fluffy, cheerful mask, Aoi is definitely not as innocent as she appears to be: a cunning, possessive bitch is who she truly is. Aoi is fully aware of how nobody ever takes her weak appearance seriously, and she doesn't hesitate to make use of their ignorance to her own advantage, even willing to go as far as manipulating the trust of her so-called 'friends' to achieve her own ends. She doesn't think highly of anyone except those of her own clan, but few are able to detect the snide venom beneath all the glittering twinkles on her cute face. Anyone with enough common sense won't want to get into a verbal battle with Aoi's unfiltered sharp tongue and wits, unless you are prepared to let a little angel like her to utterly shame you without mercy in public.

    Still, Aoi isn't completely heartless—she does give a hand to help others on occasions... only if they are constructive to her own agenda. However, it's only a matter of time the delicate balance between good and evil inside of her small body and mind would break...

    Personal History

    • Haruno Hideki

      Haruno Kazuha

      Haruno Ren
      Aoi's unhealthy level of obsession for her "cousin"—later revealed to be her twin brother—Ren is pretty much public knowledge among their peers, though most of them didn't care much about the antics, which works in Aoi's favor. It doesn't help that the twins are rather detached from the other kids due to their upbringing and their general disinterest for the people around them, which causes Aoi to only care about her own kin, and no one else. To her, Ren is everything—ever since they were born they had been together for as long as they could remember, with no rooms for anyone else to get in between them.

      Haruno Naoki

      Haruno Sumire

      Haruno Hiiragi

    • The "Sorta Team" List
      Uchiha Noriaki
      Namikaze Fukushu
      Sarutobi Atsumi

      The "Sorta Friends" List
      Inuzuka Kimura
      Uchiha Ria
      Umino Inoiko
      Yakushi Tsume

      The "Everyone Else" List
      Hatake Shunpei
      Hyuga Somebitch
      Kohaku Sanae
      Nara Shitsume
      Sarutobi Seiichi
      Uzumaki Kiyoshi
      Uzumaki Miki
      Yamanaka Inokikue​

  • "Cha!"
    —a catchphrase she has inherited from Kazuha when performing strong fist techniques

    "He is mine."
    —on Haruno Ren, her twin brother

    "No pain, no gain.
    Remember the pain,
    and pay that back a hundred-fold worse."

    —on her beliefs in training

  • Chakra Control
    Although not as skilled as her brother, Aoi is still above average for a ten-year-old, clearly the result of Kazuha's devilish training. She has been working real hard continuously to catch up to Ren... but only time will tell which one of the twins gets to inherit their mother's legacy. This also serves as a basis to her next trait.

    • Chakra-Enhanced Strength & Taijutsu (CES / CET)
      Aoi may not have the same level of physical conditioning as Fukushu or Ria, nor does she have the natural physique (like the bigger boys!) to deliver dramatic punches and kicks. However, her high-level chakra control allows her to concentrate her chakra to her fists and feet, adding more power into her seemingly weak (and cute!) bruising... and the result is something you seriously don't want to get a taste of. Even so, she's still young and small, barely learned much of what Kazuha is capable of, so there are lots of rooms for her to continue refining this technique.

    (Potential) Kayakujutsu
    During one of their joint training sessions with Kazuha, Ren made a passing suggestion that Aoi could consider picking up kayakujutsu as he thought it could create interesting combos with her CET for combat. Little did Ren know that Aoi took his words to heart, and has pleaded to her mother to secretly teach her. Aoi is currently still in the learning stage, but she will be a dangerous force once she has nailed it down and found ways to work explosive tags with her CET techniques.

    High-level Vitality
    Not the same as physical conditioning and other related shenanigans as this is more about mental resilience than physical stamina. Training under the Demon-Strength Kazuha at a very young age means she has been going through a hell lot of physical agony (not torture!) to beat the basics of CET into her very body. Combined with her highly misleading appearance, this makes Aoi a formidable decoy, truly living up to one of the basic qualities of a shinobi: fortitude. (And let's not even get to the part how convenient this is for her to withstand—or even enjoy—her brother's rage.)​

  • S Rank

    A Rank

    B Rank

    C Rank
    Cherry Blossom Impact
    Inner Aoi Technique: Fury Barrage*
    *Unleashes a barrage of quick (and painful asf!) chakra-enhanced punches.

    D Rank
    Dynamic Entry
    Leaf Gale
    Leaf Whirlwind
    Temporary Paralysis Technique

    E Rank
    Academy Techniques​

  • Trivia
    • Aoi is right-handed.

    Behind the Name
    Aoi (葵): Japanese for "Hollylock", or "Sunflower". In flower meaning, sunflower commonly represents adoration, platonic love, and loyalty for one's family and friends. It can also mean longevity, happiness and strength, and even good luck in the Chinese culture.

    • Yandere
      • Brother-Sister Incest
      • Big Brother Attraction
    • Manipulative Bastard (or Bitch, in Aoi's case)
      • Slasher Smile
      • Little Miss Snarker
      • Evil Genius
    • Cute Bruiser
    • Berserk Button / The Berserker
      • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown
    • Too Kinky To Torture
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