The World of Ukawi

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Blind Hemingway

Ancient Iwaku Scum from 2006.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Douche
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Surrealism, Surreal Horror (Think Tim Burton), Steampunk, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Spaghetti Westerns, Mercenaries, Dieselpunk, Cyberpunk, Historical fantasies
Many years in the past, there is a cult of cat worshippers ( Esoteric Order of Bastet) that wanted to summon the Cat Goddess Bast to bring back the Cult of the Cat that dated back to the time of antiquity. However, due to an improper summoning seal, they summoned David Isacat. He was aloof to their cause and was more interested in seeing what humanity was doing in the modern era. He soon got bored with humanity and transformed the Earth into the random place that is Ukawi.

"Why'd I do it? Because it is more interesting that way."-David Iscat

It is divided into many different kingdoms, such as Undercouch, the Paopao Jungle, and Japanesetown. Many regions are not connected to any kingdom, such the Outlands that Roriko calls him.

>Roriko's HQ and Lab Center.
>Built by Cher Womanly before Roriko took it over using Vay 1.0. Cher is now the main mad doctor of the site.

Every Mad Scientist has to have a lab. This is typically a refurbished dungeon of some sort, with aging stone walls. It also must contain most of the following lab equipment:

An operating table. Two if the Mad Scientist does brain transplants. Optional, though, is the winch for raising the table up to the roof.

A big honking Jacob's Ladder (the thing that looks like a rabbit-ear antenna with an electrical arc between the posts)

A Tesla coil.

A roof that opens to the sky, to let the lightning in and/or the Death Ray out.

A 60s-style mainframe computer with big dials and switches on the front. Add spinning tape reels for extra credit.

Bits of animals and people preserved in formaldehyde.

A whole bunch of glassware, especially test tubes, beakers, flasks of colored liquid, distilling columns, condensers, burettes, Bunsen burners, and that thing you get when you hook a bunch of them together.

Optionally, depending on your flavor of Mad Scientist, you may find a wall generously populated with chains and manacles (just to make sure the experimental subjects stay handy and don't wander away) and a big worn chalkboard filled with equations.

Dusty piles of incomprehensible failed experiments, which may or may not suddenly become a danger to anyone wandering around unsupervised.

Big levers or control panels (that may or may not explode).

Ginormous knife switches for completing dangerous electric circuits.

Puppetstown: Population is made up of discarded puppets. The structure stretches the length of five football fields and is nearly 600 feet tall, perched on caterpillar-like legs that run along a track. The city follows a schedule throughout the year, traveling to different places based on the needs of the region. Onboard, solar panels, wind turbines, and hydrogen would provide renewable energy for a full city, including hospitals, restaurants, libraries, universities, and sports stadiums. It is a lively and colorful place, that contrasts with the chaotic wilderness of Ukawi that surrounds its locale. The mayor of the town is Ryu, a drunken artist that stumbled upon the place a few years back and with no other humans around he became the self proclaimed leader. It is also the home of Manekin.

For the first visit, Roriko challenges Ryu for a piece of the key that leads to the location of the ritual to grant her wish to become a Demon Lord.

Second visit, most of the puppets are either dead or enslaved originally by Cher. However, in betraying Roriko, she has reawoken Yav 1.0. She is just as insensitive as Roriko is....