CLOSED MAIN STORY The Evrensel Conflict: Prologue -- The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday -- SINAI

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Louis, not fully inspecting the maiden who asked for water, reached to his saddlebags and took one of his waterskins out from a side pocket before turning toward her.

"Indeed I do m'lad- blessed Morr, a Vampire!" Perhaps a calmer head would have done Louis some good here, however not too long ago he had helped an imperial witch hunter destroy a coven of vampires and that part of his quest was not looked at fondly.

However, the situation the party was in was a strange one, so Louis simply unsheathed his poleaxe from its holster, "Speak plain and speak true, vampire! What art thy intentions and how canst thou stand in sunlight!"
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"Cogs and Gears here we go again..." Karena groaned in The Speech. Her grip tightened on her gunblade. "I am a Daywalker." She spoke plainly. "And I would like to take stock of our avaliable water, as I do not want to trek through a desert without knowing just how screwed we really are." "Her response was... laced with a threat. Her body language had shifted to the defensive, yet she made no move to attack.
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Louis narrowed his eyes at the vampire's words. The fact that she had not announced her bloodline, as vampires were wont to do, had put a damper on his lethal intentions. Further still, he had ne'er heard of any such thing as a Daywalker and her confidence in asserting the existence of such things gave merit to her assertion. Then again, the idea that all of the people here were from different worlds provided ample reasoning for many of the strange goings on occurring. Sighing to himself, he calmed his heart and spoke.

"Fie, forgive me. I have had many a run-in with vampires, and none are tales that I wish to recount. Thy words have merit, though, I do not know of any such thing as a 'Daywalker'. In the pursuit of peace, I shall share the state of my rations freely." he glanced back to the gonne wielding peasant as well as the others, unsure if his outburst had caused anything. "Of course, I will do so once everyone is calm. Pray, forgive my outburst fellows."
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There was a deep anger in Darlo's eyes at the mere suggestion that he'd eaten anyone, his fangs slowly extending to the very edge of his lips. Almost all of these humans would be better off joining the bone pile at this rate. Almost. "Nagas digest everything, bones and all. So if you're going to continue being a dick, do so correctly for fucks sake." The development of the woman with the prosthetic being a daywalking vampire didn't seem to shock or alarm him.

Honestly he was glad to have her around, no doubt her senses would come in handy. He'd hired a couple of them over the years. Among the usual benefit package, access to the blood bank they kept in case of severe injuries had cemented their loyalty to the company. They didn't have a blood bank out here, a concern that would be dealt with later as needed. With a faint twitch of his clawed fingers, the sand trapped in the finer workings of her prosthetic delicately dislodged themselves and drifted to surround Darlo, no doubt the start of a shield should the cannonball decide to fire.

"Name's Darlo, not beastman or whatever vaguely degenerative derogatory term you lot have in store… If you all start settling down, I might be able to help out with the shelter situation. At this point I'm about fifty-fifty on letting nature take its course with you." He states bluntly, letting the small display of his abilities explain itself.

At first it was dreamless sleep, and then the blinding light seared through everything she once knew, But in her dreamless sleep, or so it apepared, her mind was very much active. In her dreams and sleep she felt that if she were flying, then falling. She never felt impact with rthe desert sands. Nor did she at first ever waken from the inital impact.

At least until the searing hot sun told her she was not covered by a rooftop anymore.

And then came the taste of sand.

The woman dressed in steel green wityh a crown of draconic horns upon her head, jerked upright just as the Naga spoke. It was not often she saw a Serpent But then a Naga was different. Xeir spat out the sand that was in her mouth with a small spirt of purple fire. Blehg! She thought she looked around.

She looked around, she could not find her egg, she couldnt sense it actually. She only hoped it was safe.

She turned back towards Darlo, briefly spotting Karena, And the others speaking with Darlo. Getting to her feet the Primoridal dusted herself off. "Shelter would be a good thing." She said in thought, having heard the offer of helping find or set up shelter.
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The sensation rising around him was odd, to say the least. The breeze, the hair on the back of his neck standing up, nothing about this was usual for Luer. He had indeed looked up to see if it might have been a sudden storm that formed and was causing this, but instead what he saw was something entirely new. He had no idea what to make of it or what it even was. All he knew was he could not look for long, much less process any of what happened when the light shot down and he felt the tremor.

However long this fall was, it was miserable for the archer. He truly did think he was going to just die like this when suddenly it stopped and he found himself buried in the sand. He managed to pull himself out quickly enough, falling on his back when he did though he did manage to roll over quick enough and cough. It was safe to say this was the worst he has ever felt. He could not even truly engage with the others, somewhere between trying to throw up and not being able to.
"I could explain what a Daywalker is, after some proper introductions. If everyone is okay with that." Karena adjusted herself, her mechanical hand simply shifting back to resting on the hilt of her weapon instead of gripping the hilt. Even her feet shifted in and her shoulders relaxed. "As I believe it will help... release some of our Tension." She glanced around to everyone there. She could feel the soft tingling in the air. The energy building up her spine, waiting to explode into action.

"I am Karena Kuren, as the good knight pointed out, yes I am a Vampire. I don't bite people I don't know so leave your sappy romance novel tropes at home." She paused to take a breath. "I am an Agent of the Torchlight initiative tasked with investigating the paranormal, I am a Steamsmith who builds and maintains the clockwork mechanism of my home nation, and I am the first Clockworker to have discovered and mastered our arcane arts in the last few thousand years." She tired to explain, at least with a little context to help deal with the whole disconnect of worlds. Hopefully her time with Torchlight would help in this situation, wouldn't be the first time she has had to explain what a cellphone was.

"Seeing as we are all dumped into this same situation, the killing of each other can wait tell we make it to relative safety. If one of you plans on doing that, you may try, but you will not survive."
"I'm, uh... I'm good, personally," Colt answered Karena, realizing how nonsensical this was all becoming. He realized he was better off not shooting at the snake man, and slowly holstered his weapon again. As long as he kept his word of not eating any of them, it would stay there. But, you know, he was a snake man.

"I'm Colt. Come from a place called Blackreef, it's currently stuck in a timeloop, I'm trying to break it, some lady called Julianna is constantly keeps killing me to stop me from breaking it, long story about why, but I got some weird ass powers and trinkets and shit because of that timeloop, and now I'm finally free of it, only to be in another damn world by the looks of it! And, oh yeah, HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!"
Dr Vera nods as people speak, grasping their chin as Colt asks the obvious question of 'How the hell did that happen'. A reality deviant was responsible for this event, given that the Technocracy was attacked without reason. These events don't just happen on their own, and they certainly don't happen given how much the event should have triggered Rejection. The only stopping him from commenting on this is Colt's presence, who doesn't seem to have any large interests. The only way to square this is one motivator. He speaks slowly as he puts together how to put this without tipping off with the group, "I'm from Earth and I believe this is the act of hostile powers. Such a large event can't occur on their own, certainly not without massive consequences. I think it can be safely assumed that they are opposed to all of us in some regard. I think the motivation is just causing general chaos within the... multiverse, which I suppose is confirmed now."

There is a small bit of bitterness to Alande's voice as he's forced to admit something exists that he doesn't like. Of course the damn Etherites did this. They're probably peddling acupuncture and pseduoscientific nonsense right now that's going to lead the Masses astray.



"Darlo Croft, earth mage, bounty hunter, and CEO of Croft Securities. Also from Earth but I'm at least 95% sure it's not the same one as the Doc." The snake introduces himself properly, the swirl of sand around him falling as things seem to be settling down to a level where he wasn't going to get shot immediately. He lets his height lower a little bit, resting back on his coils to keep himself looking more relaxed.

The idea of time loops and alternate dimensions went way over his head, but he understood that this strange group was in for a world of trouble being unprepared for the dump into the desert. The guy that looked three seconds away from blowing chunks was definitely concerning. He would… try… being civil. But he didn't like the way Cole was still eyeing him.

"So, knight." Yeah this was going to be one hell of an adjustment. "Did you happen to see any sign of either civilization or water while you were up in the air?" He asks, sincerely hoping for an easy way out of this mess.

"Non, unfortunately not. An unsurprising fact if Vera speaketh truth." unhelming himself, the knight bared his aged face for all to see. As the others had introduced themselves, it would be unbecoming if he did not reciprocate in kind.

"In any case, allow me to introduce myself, I am Ser Louis de Ademar, son of Ser Willalme le Guardian and Questing Knight of Fairest Bretonnia. Pray, forgive my rash actions lady Karena, and my derogatory tongue Darlo Croft, for comparing thee to the vile beastmen that plague the lands of my home. It shan't happen again." He nodded toward the two that he had addressed, voice contrite and truthful for it was quite unseemly for him to offend companions on the road.

"Of course, remorse must be given alongside action, and so I shall share with thee all my rations." unclasping a tarp from behind him, Louis revealed a small crate and a keg perched on Mignonne's back, "Considering our number, my provisions will last us only a short time perhaps a day or two, as I had packed only for myself. However, this keg of Bugman's shouldst last a long while, praise be to The Lady! I imagine this situation wouldst be much more dire had we no ale." Mignonne chirped, emphasizing her master's words.
Luer stayed as quiet as he could while trying not to empty his stomach. Oh, that was a horrible feeling, dry heaving in this desert. He settled down enough to at least finally dust the sand out of his hair and as much as he could off his face and clothes. He simply was listening to the others as he recovered. He was so dizzy though, he did not dare move from this spot. Multiverse? Earth? CEO? What the hell was going on?

More concerningly though was the apparent knight, which prompted him to slowly turn to face the others finally. A knight indeed, but apparently a poorly trained one. He sighed heavily to himself. "Forgive my present state and inability to bow proper. I am Luer Lastez, a guard for hire." he looked specifically towards Louis. "And a former knight myself. While the gesture is nice and we do need to drink something, ale is only going to kill us faster. Alcohol is dehydrating. We are better off avoiding it for the time being." He warned. He worked with the medics of the castle knights, never mind Mika being one of them, and was a traveler by trade now. Survival was a skill he had been trained in.
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"Ha! Tell that to the dwarves, and my father bless his soul, for he had many a story of traveling the deserts of Araby alone with naught but beer to sate his thirst. Actually, now that I think on it, tell that to the peasantry too, for ale is consumed in quite large amounts in place of water." Louis said with great mirth whilst addressing the apparent... former Knight Luer. Mayhap his world's attitude toward knighthood was similar to that of the Empire, which Louis grudgingly admired, if such a man was able to be a knight. His manner of dress was rather queer in Louis' eyes, and was quite frankly shameless by the standards he knew. Furthermore he had a bow, which outright broke several chivalric virtues. Still, as one of his companions, Luer would be addressed with great dignity.

"Ah, but thou hast the right of it, best to save this once we find adequate shelter from the heat, to drink Bugman's merely for survival's sake would be a great dishonor to everyone involved. Perhaps we can find a cave somewhere? If worse comes to worst, I do have the tarp."
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