The Death of Winter

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Keiran hardly knew what was happening, but he was aware that he was laying on something soft. His breathing was shaky, and his eyes were closed, fluttering every so often. A cold sensation passed over his head, and it seemed to help. One pale grey opened to look up at the young woman.

"Are you alright?" he asked before he coughed, nearly knocking the ice pack from his head. Pain radiated through his veins, and he felt like he was dying. He wasn't, but he didn't know how humans didn't feel like that all the time, seeing as how they were considerably weaker than spirits.
"I'm fine... Just finished sending in my entry for the contest." Liz said, moving to grab some other cold things to help Keiran with. She found a couple more ice packs and put a bit of ice in a bag to lie on his chest. She looked over, a bit worried for the spirit. "Are you going to be okay?"
The cold objects on his chest and head seemed to be helping. His eyes closed again, and the breath lightened. "I... I do hope so. I suppose we'll find out tomorrow." He sighed, hand finding hers even in the dark. He was much warmer than he should have been, despite the white puffs of breath and the ice packs on his skin.

"Try to rest. I fear I will not be able to defend you again in such a state. Nanili did not see which way you ran, so they may not know your location." His fingers dropped from hers as he twisted to find some sort of comfort on the couch.
Liz shook her head. "No, I need to find some way to cool you down... Wait." She took the ice cubes and quickly ran to her bathroom. She had a small bathtub that she started to fill with cold water. She then grabbed a large bag of ice from her freezer and started to pour it into the bath, making it freezing cold. She then ran back to Keiran and took his hand, helping him to the bathroom. "This might help a bit better than just the icepacks." She said, walking into the room. She kept it much colder than the rest of the house as she helped Keiran out of almost all of his clothes. She left his underwear on for obvious reasons. She blushed as she lowered him into the ice bath, hoping the cold would help him a bit more. "If you need more ice or something just call for me."
Keiran stumbled with her, watching the bath tub fill up with the freezing water. She helped him out of his clothes. Well, almost all of them. Humans were fickle about showing some of their parts to others, but he could understand. Once she left, he lowered his head down into the water, holding his breath. The cold was vital to his system, and Liz had the sense to make it as cold as she could. However, his underclothes were bothersome, so he tore them off in the confines of the tub and hung them over the side. He didn't know how humans lived in those things.

After about twenty minutes of just resting, Keiran sat up, curling his legs to his chest. It hid his lower region as he let out a soft call for Liz. He let some of the cold water drain so it wouldn't overflow when she brought more ice.
When Liz walked in, she nearly dropped the bag of ice. Keiran's underwear was sitting on the side of the bathtub. She couldn't see the private parts but she could sense that they were there. She blushed a bright red and quickly emptied the ice before leaving. She was shaking as she felt herself heat up from the fact that the spirit had been naked in her tub.
Keiran opened his mouth to speak, but she was so quick in her movements that before he could even form words, she was gone. Despite the cold, lingering warmth filled the room, and Keiran could guess her thoughts. However, it didn't make him feel any better. With a sigh, he continued to gather his energy with the cold seeping in the water around him.

Another half hour passed before Keiran finally had the strength to stand on his own. He dried himself with a nearby towel before donning his clothes, letting the water drain. His skin had gone back to its normal pale, and his grey eyes were dark again. There were no circles under his eyes, and he was no longer breathing hard.

Keiran left her bathroom and went to sit on the couch again. His eyes closed and he looked like he was asleep sitting upright.
Liz was passed out on her bed, sleeping with many nightmares starting to haunt her thoughts. She tossed in bed, nearly whimpering as stress started to eat at her mind, showing her how many things could go oh so very wrong as she tried to help the snow spirit.
Keiran had been going to leave her home when he felt something... off. He wasn't necessarily attuned to balance, but Liz hadn't shown up, and since she'd been concerned about him, he thought she would. "Liz?" he spoke, careful not to disturb her if she was resting like he said. He came across her room, finding her rolling in her sheets in some sort of awful dream.

He moved, avoiding sitting on her so he could come to perch beside her. He placed one cool hand on her cheek, reaffirming his chilly presence. "Liz. Wake yourself. You are only dreaming. There is nothing to fear." He shifted his arms underneath her, pulling her into a gentle embrace on his lap. There was the cold sensation, but it was subtle as he drew it away from her body to keep her warm.