Testing A Fluffy Boi


Original poster
Name: Rhyko the Wanderer
Age: 20
Race: Beastkin
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight


Height: 6'4"
Weight: 240 lb
Eyes: Gold
Fur: White with black stripes
Figure: Slim, muscular

"It started simply enough.

A boy, an apprenticeship...

...a book he was never supposed to read.

I never could've know what would happen, but...do we ever?

Now I see things I shouldn't see, feel things we aren't meant to comprehend. It used scare me, used make me feel...wrong. But things change and you'd be amazed at what a little time can cure; time and bad experiences.

I have a chance to make things right, fix something I, in my arrogance, broke beyond what I thought could be repaired. Who knows? Might have a little fun along the way..."

Hidden within the fabric of this world, there are forces at work beyond mortal ken. These are, rightfully hidden from the eyes and grasp of the ordinary, even the extraordinary for the most part. But there are, as with all things, gaps. Holes, patterns, tells, there is a variety of paths to the exploitation of this world. This is usually achieved through the use of magic, pushing through these barriers through the manipulation of energy. But there is yet one more step on the path of insight, one more step in approaching the primordial beings of the planet.

Rhyko was a meager beastkin orphan, apprenticed to the keeper of an archive. As a young boy, tasked with the menial labor his master would shirk in return for his teachings, he stumbled across something that should never have seen the light of day. Inauspicious enough at first glance, the book seemed harmless enough, albeit imposing as old tomes often are. And even upon opening it, the words were about as ordinary as any other. And yet...one passage stood out.

One that was never meant to be read.

Never meant to be understood.

To this day, Rhyko couldn't tell you what the passage said or spoke of. What he knows is that it imparted something in him, both a gift and a curse. No spell was wrought, nor ritual invoked. It was knowledge, nothing more. A sort of cipher, one that applies to the world itself, allowing one to essentially "decode" the barriers between the living, the dead, and those predating either.

From there, the story is...blurry. Its unclear where Rhyko went from that point and what he did. What he is willing to divulge is that he backed himself into a corner and was forced to flee his "home", that he has traveled the land for many a year, and that one regret along the way still haunts him to this day.

Personality Traits
  • Night
  • People
  • Drinking
  • Smoking
  • Chickens (don't ask)
  • Magical tomes
  • Academia
  • Religious Zealots
  • Making friends.
  • Despite his aloof demeanor, Rhyko genuinely wants to make a positive difference in someones life.
  • As a reflection of his power and the state of mind it imparts in him, Rhyko constantly seeks out some sense of permanence, something that can never and will never be replaced.
  • To right a wrong he never speaks of and probably never will.

  • Often wears a black, patterned waistcoat under a brown cloak along with a pair of grey breeches and black leather traveling boots.

  • A small utility knife, not suited for combat.
  • Rhyko's pipe, long and slender with a brass bowl and mouthpiece.
  • A silver plated flask he managed to cheat some poor fool out of in a game of cards.
  • A small, cheap necklace that wouldn't even fit upon Rhyko's neck. Who is it, then, that this trinket belongs too.
  • Dowsing - A supernatural ability to track an object or person on a spiritual level after gaining hold of a piece of them or something related to them.
  • Communion - The ability to view, feel, and occasionally speak with beings and entities beyond the physical realm.
  • Reclamation - An archway buried, a bridge fallen; these mean nothing to the cipher. For a brief moment, Rhyko can return inanimate objects to their previous states, allowing him to bypass many physical obstacles.
  • Exorcism - It may not be exactly the kind most people think of, but Rhyko's powers are still an effective means of removing spiritual beings from the possessed.
  • Swindling - With great power comes great responsibility and with great insight comes the ability to fool people out of their hard earned money.
  • Fishing - A bit of a hobby, oddly enough.
  • Here No Evil - Rhyko masks his presence, not making himself invisible, but making other prone to ignore him. Can be bypassed by the abnormally observant or those who know him personally.
  • Now You See Me - Just as Rhyko can make others ignore him, he can also appear to be where he is not, a trick of the eyes that falls short in just the same ways as the last.
  • Spectral Scythe - An enormous, crescent blade mounted on a long, crooked haft and composed of a black and white, ghostly aura.
  • Great Serpent, Jormangandr - A massive, skeletal, destructive serpent that pours fourth from the abyss, guided by Rhyko's hand and immobilizing him during this time.
  • Will o' the Wisp - A direct shot composed of ghostly aura.
  • Eldritch Frenzy - Like any beastkin, Rhyko is prone to a savage frenzy that takes over his senses. However, in such cases, he delves full force into the cipher. This causes the release of horrid apparitions that consume his enemy, along with a bout of madness from Rhyko himself that prevents him from defending himself. This string of ghastly tendrals, fangs, and eyes is usually limited to the enemy that stirred him into frenzy and ends shortly after, leaving him exhausted.
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