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Cainan Marcel Matthews
Cainan Marcel Matthews had blasted music in his car the entire drive to the camp. Camp Youth, as it was called, very original indeed. The drive was roughly four hours away from his home but he'd endure the long drive, he loved this place, sure the message of the camp wasn't fantastic but he loved the teens that always came in here. And as a twenty-one-year-old with a lip piercing, oftentimes they looked up to him. He breathed out a big sigh of relief as he pulled into the 'Camp Counselor' parking spot in front of the gate to the camp. He turned the keys and got out of his car, taking a long stretch and shaking his tired legs as he stood. He checked his phone, little to no cell signal, perfect. That was when he remembered that he was to drop off his stuff in his assigned cabin. A two-person cabin simply called, 2B, after that he was to go to the conference hall as there was a counselor meeting before the campers got to the camp. He was excited for tonight, the campers were supposed to arrive tomorrow so usually the night before the counselors would drink and have fun. He hoped that wasn't subject to change.

He got his suitcases out before heading to the gate, the gate led down a long nature trail, he would be spending his summer here and he was so excited. Within no time he made it to the camp center and located his cabin, taking out the key he was given and entering. He looked around the cabin. It was a simple two-bedroom, each bedroom having a bed, there was also a small kitchen and two bathrooms, telling him this was one of the co-op cabins, meaning his roommate could be a girl. He didn't mind though. He decided on the first bedroom to the left, placing his suitcase there before heading out toward the conference hall.

He wore simple blue jeans and a black tank top, black boots accompanying the outfit.

Yua Carmen Accord.

Yua's family gave her a rather hard tome as she made her preparations to leave her family house - sure most of her friends had their own place at the ripe age of 20, but with being the eldest sister of three younger siblings, her elderly parents needed all the help they could get - and honestly, the brunette couldn't have been more excited to leave the hectic place for awhile.
The young woman had a long drive ahead of her, making sure to fuel up beforehand - hoping her crappier car would make the trip, and luckily it did with ease.
After three hours of driving, the girl let out a small grunt as she finally allowed her feet to touch ground once more, pulling her body up in a long stretch, noting the other car parked in the other reserved spot. At least she managed to make it on time! Opening the trunk of her car, the brunette took a moment to herself to light a cigarette, the drive had been stressful, and she didn't want to be in a pissy mood when meeting everyone else.

Once everything was in tow, Yua hummed to herself walking towards the gate, smoke billowing out of her mouth every so often before tossing the butt aside, instead using the free hand to open the gate. Once she was inside, she couldn't help but study the site - hoping to catch a glimpse of another person but to no luck. Continuing her little tune as she located the cabin she was to stay in, the woman was a little shocked to find the door was unlocked, though eased once noticing the bags by what she assumed - was to be her roommate. Settling her bags in the free room, she had checked the time, sighing a little realizing she wasn't able to kick back and relax even just a little. Dragging her hands down to smoothen her larger white shirt against black leggings, she made way to the conference hall, unable to admit the slight excitement beginning to course through her.​
Cainan made it with relative ease and took a seat at one of the tables. The conference hall was a large dome-topped building with a glass ceiling, it was filled with tables and chairs and an area where the campers and camp counselors could get food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Cainan loved this place, this wasn't his first time being a camp counselor, a couple of the other counselors, quite the eclectic group if he was, to be honest looking at the group of counselors. He was excited to get to know them. The head counselor stood at the front of the room, seeming to take note as each counselor walked in. The head counselor was a stoic, older man whom he recognized from his past couple of times counseling at this camp.

He wondered who his cabin-mate was to be. It wouldn't have been any of the current counselors gathered as he had been the first one in the cabin. He was pretty sure they were waiting for two more individuals. So he watched the door, almost eagerly, to see if he could figure out who he would be living with for the Summer. He was excited, and he hoped they hadn't implemented too many new rules to make the experience less exciting than it had been in the previous years.​
Seeing as the grounds were still new to her, Yua remained in place - trying to learn her surroundings, what kind of joke would she be if she managed to get lost on the first day? Luckily for her, she managed to catch sight of another counsellor making their way with what she assumed would be the right direction. Kicking the dirt up underneath her boots, the young woman matched her pace with the other, happily making small talk with this stranger as they made their way to the designated building. Raising a hand in a silent thank you for being lead where she needed to be, Yua gave a smile and a nod towards the head counselor, biting her tongue seeing all the people already sitting in there, feeling very much like an outcast in the moment - most of these people had to know each other at least a little bit, right?

Making her way over to the first available seat, her hands nervously fumbled in front of her, ears easily picking up on the happy chattering around her - hopefully she would be able to at least make one connection this season. Finding herself seated beside a man sporting black hair and a lip piercing, she offered a kind smile. "There are..lots more people here than I would have thought there would be. Must be a pretty popular camp, huh?" Sure she had heard things here and there, but this was still her first time actually being here - finding it exciting that she would be new to learning what activities would be held alongside the children.​