INTEREST CHECK Sins and Virtues: Rhapsody Inferno Academy

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


That Alley Down the Road...
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
  2. No Preferences
Anything with Youkai, Japanese culture, Fantasy, Realistic, and almost all Originals (Except Touhou)

This may also contain religious propaganda.

The Rhapsody Inferno Academy
We are now Recruiting Members!
We have cookies... and explosions!
Yuuka is the GM​

Bhava-Agra, or the wonderful pocket dimension set on Planet Divine was theoretically set to be distant from Heaven and Hell. The dimension's creator, Tungsten Malice, was a celestial who was once a human on Earth. By 2007, the star who made the Earthlings happy was struck by lighting in a Holiday Inn in Seattle, Washington.

After being in Heaven for two hundred years, Tungsten finally had the chance to make a planet that combined Heaven and Hell together. After 2309, it was called Planet Destiny after Tungsten's daughter, who died prematurely of leukemia at 13.
But this is not true...
All is a mere facade, waiting to be rebelled...
All history intertwined within....
is all they want you to think.

Now onto the real story! Nobody knows of how Bhava-Agra was made, but the planet used to be guarded by ghosts of Heaven and Hell. As the planet was created, there was a castle that was revamped into an academy.

The man they name Tungsten is a mere mirage made to trick students that humans worked in Heaven. Even in the tutorial sessions of Rhapsody Inferno Academy, they challenge the student's credulity with fragments of imagination. The true creator of the educational establishment would be left to one's knowledge. Not one soul truly knows of anyone who requested a school. However, at the time of Bhava-Agra's emaciation, the school was probably created, along with several other neighboring establishments around Mount Gloria—the biggest mountain created with magma and ice fused together into an igneous, marble-like rock.

Bhava-Agra was the jack of all trades in the creation of an individual "Earth". Earth, itself, was experiencing a period of turmoil after several disputes over the government. Also, some countries on Planet Earth shifted back to a dictatorship with strict guidelines about the countries. Other countries were in the middle of unrest and-or reform for a better future. Unfortunately, this "better future" never happened. In fact, every 50 years, there was a devastating meteor shower. These showers started to erupt on May 3, 2045. Robotic satellites began to shut down on production because of the meteor showers.

During this period, in 2091, there were new findings of monsters in Japan and in Canada. The spread of monsters, including elves and orcs increased after a three-year blackout. Those who were otherworldly beings resided on some secluded parts of planet Earth. It was rumored that the imps of Hell had to work alongside the Lord to provide for these "monsters". Some of these monsters worshiped anything humans did. Others chose to be either Agnostic, Theist, or even Atheist. Most of the elves living around Europe chose to be Anglican or Roman Catholic. Some species chose religion that was locally available to them or stayed out of the context of religion.

By 2096, there were elves and "Trees of Knowledge" spreading around North America and Mexico. These "trees" were really plants the elves learned how to grow since their stay on Earth. Because of these weird things, the humans began to fear these "Dumbo Creeps". Not too long after, African-American elves began to show up. "The Dumbo Niggers" came to town with grins on their faces. They were confident that they would be respected. It was unfortunate that the elves were discriminated against the humans. Since these mythical beings could gain human knowledge, public schools closed their services to them.

Religious Protestants believed that there was an incipient Armageddon because of the showers that occurred on Earth. Thanks to the new technology, the IAEA designated a bubble for planet Earth. the bubble was designed to regulate the temperature of the atmosphere. Unfortunately, for some of the colder climates, the necessary ice needed to survive began to melt. The IAEA and EPA grew devastated over the terrible global warming periods. After two years of unsatisfactory, humid weather, the environmental bubble was dismantled. The only good thing the bubble prevented was the damage from meteor showers.

Meanwhile, in Heaven and Hell, there was a dispute over the universal of otherworldly unity. For now, faith was put to the test via a couple of celestials. These celestials allegedly gathered up some land to gradually build the land bit by bit. According to their sire, who was presumably God, "There are two pieces of land. There shall be one of Fire and two of Heaven. Knead the ball of the New Earth." It took the celestials almost 965 years to finally create Bhava-Agra. By 2233, the creation of the new earth was completed. God was pleased with how beautiful the city appeared in comparison to Satan's implied Inferno.

Five years after its creation, a man named Hansel Kiev was transported to the castle after a long day of training. When he went to the weaponry, he heard a faint, feminine voice screaming "Let me out!"

Curious, Hansel unsheathed his sword. The source of the sound got louder as he walked to his left. It lead him to a forbidden door. Hansel was never past this point, but he wished to save this girl that bellowed "Let me out!" The source was coming from a fettered door. "This must be it" he mumbled to himself.

With his muscles and strong sword, Hansel was able to unfetter the door, unlocking all of its locks. The doors seemed to open magically. He quietly entered through the forbidden entrance. He saw two flaming torches, and took one of them.

When Hansel got closer to the sound source, he crossed a lit green cell. When he looked inside, he thought he saw a skeletal body, clawing at his face. When Hansel rubbed his eyes, he saw a lifeless girl. He wasn't sure if she was dead or not. "Hey!" He tried to get her attention. She didn't respond. When he inched his sword to roll her over, he yelped. He saw that the girl's stomach had a visible hole. Dried blood was everywhere, the knife still clutched to her little right hand. The girl's face looked bloated, and glassy. Maggots still ate her body from top to bottom. Gagging at the scene, he quickly darted to his left, where there remained more of these green, lit cells.

"HANSEL!" the deep, feminine voice called to him. He was spooked and decided to escape. Soon, Hansel began to regret opening the door. He ran towards a pink, moldy door. He found a bronze, elegant-looking key on the floor. Hansel quickly took grasp of it and unlocked the pink door. Even though he thought it wouldn't work, it successfully worked on its lock.

As soon as he entered the door, it looked like an all-pink girl's room. "Hansel! Proud of you to come this far!" the girl's voice resonated as if a ghostly figure. "I love you very, very much! Why did you abandon me!?" As he recalled, the spirit "wanted me, favored me, petted me as her own child". Hansel tried to fight this spirit who seduced him. After five long hours of seduction, he finally escaped. When she was gone, he went back to training.

The next day, he returned with an exorcism cross, and demanded her identity. She answered, "I am Genesis, the Goddess of the Monsters."

Shocked, he held up the cross in fear. "To Hell with you, evil spirit!" he shouted, still holding the cross to his face. Genesis soon became visible to his eyes.

She slapped the cross out of his left hand. She had an evil smile on her face. "Foolish man! Foolish mortal! Those tricks no longer work on me! Thanks to you, I have been revived to a new being!" Little did he know, he pressed a type of invisible button that forever remained activated within the halls of the chateau. She quickly threw him in a dungeon. After three days, his body was turned to decapitated skeleton and ashes.

The spirit allowed the Gateway of Monsters to open up for an extended amount of time. Wherever the "Goddess of Monsters" resided, Genesis was always the component for making a troublemaker's dream come true. Genesis casts spells for students, staff, and others. Students who were known for their bravery asked Genesis questions. She'd be cruel to ones who failed in her bidding. She was especially cruel to those who didn't commit a sin. Monsters and spirits now resided deep within the forbidden doors.

One place where Hansel hadn't been yet would be where there was a deep cave and a tiny room where light poured through it. Under the carpet lead to a tunnel that can only be opened using magic or simply jumping on it three times. Nobody knows where the tunnel leads to. But whomever went to the tunnel was in a world of monsters and death. But legend says the light leads to Heaven, but the darkness comes from Hell.

Join the students and staff of the academy to learn more and uncover its features.
I. I am the GM. The Game Master has set pile of guidelines.

RPA also established their rules, and it will not save you if you break them. Do not violate any of my rules or General Site rules. If there is a flaw that may completely screw the flow of the game, then I will ask you to change it. Refusal to change whatever flaw made will make me ignore it or I will not permit you to be accepted until you fix said error.

II. Although this is a school for the Sins and Virtues, we should have some sense of reality, right? This is why I will not tolerate Railroading (deliberately taking the role play where one desires.)

III. The only special things you would have is psychic powers, armor, and different species. These species are not limited, but you cannot turn into a monster until you have the permission to do so or outside the campus. The Mirror of truth will also let you see your true self. This does not include things one cannot change (like a tengu who cannot hide his wings or an oni who has horns). This does include humanoids who can morph into something big... If you are interested, watch Rosario Vampire and you can see why I allow up to three powers.

IV. When choosing a psychic power, depending on how powerful it is, I will set a limit to three powers. It should be attributed to your main Sin/Virtue, but you can get creative with it. Also, no God-Modding, meta-gaming, or power-playing. And dismembering a student's limbs without permission counts as god-modding. I understand impatience and the time it takes to fight, but let your opponent know when their fingers get severed. Severing body parts and hair-pulling is just as bad as swiping their heads in one slash. One-kills will never apply. It counts as simple damage.

V. Sins and Virtues will be roomed on the opposite sides of each other. Males and females will be separated by dorms. In light of the Sins and Virtues System, each player can have up to two characters. Those who wish to control more must PM me prior to the debut of the In-Character thread. Depending on how you play a Male Chastity or a Female Wrath for example, I may not allow you to control more than two if I feel that they are overpowered or inappropriate for a legitimate reason.

I can't stress this rule enough! I hate addressing who is overpowered, but I will not be afraid to point you out because of it.

VI. As this is a very detailed story, I do not want any less than a paragraph. Any questions should be directed to me. However, I would prefer two paragraphs or more.

VII. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. I cannot stress this enough. I do not tolerate elitists or jerks trying to verbally harm others. I am pretty sure you can get in hot water with the staff, if not me.

VIII. Yes, you can have romance. As for sexual intercourse, make sure it fades to black. Especially for the (implied) futanari. Better yet, try staying out of those topics if possible.

IX. Posts should not be formatted in such a way that they are full bold, full underline or full italics (Not all of your posts should be that way). Additionally, font size should not go below the standard, and would be best as slightly bigger. Do not use full color posts, and try not to use colors that are too dark or too bright. Also, try to use a color that can be easily decoded in most forum styles( Ambient Lightning, Default RPA style, etc.)

X) Please keep in mind that some of our role players, including myself, withhold duties in real life. In layman's terms, there are members of RPA, Iwaku, and other role playing sites have lives, outside commitments and situations xey have to deal with. Complaining and generating hasty generalizations (or assumptions) concerning anyone's absences is disrespectful and is therefore, not allowed. Doing so will be a RP-Wide warning. The only time one should make assumptions is when they have not shown up for more than two weeks.

XI) We may live in different Time Zones; some areas may not observe Daylight Savings times. With that said, whenever you wait for a fellow member to post, try to find other activities. It is imperative to be courteous to those who are unable to post. One PM to the person to see what's going on is sufficient.

XII) I will expect at least one post a week or three posts every two weeks. As a responsible GM, I will warn everyone of incipient absences. With that said, do not expect me to chase you around. Reporting to this thread is your responsibility, so I'll have to ask that you give it your all!

XIII) There will be a new portion to posts! Unnecessary portions are those you DON'T have to read/reply to. That does not mean that there won't be exceptions to this matter. For example, the staff meetings are held in high regard. Anything highlighted is extremely important. For example, if the spoiler says: "Unnecessary Addition (Because I Said So)", you may skip it. If the spoiler is legitimately titled "Staff Meeting", "Neo Eterna With the Teachers", or even "Twinkle, Twinkle (MUST READ!!)" please read that portion of the post. Not ALL posts will have Unnecessary (or necessary) additions!

XIV) Yes, I know you may tire from SEEING this RP multiple times. I think this shows my utter commitment! Do understand that there's a high level of commitment entrusted to the role play. If you want to join and you're committed in so many role plays, join. I will recommend that you take some stuff off your plate. I'll remind you that at some point: THERE IS NO TURNING BACK!

XV) You may be aware that I might provide examples of what NPCs think about the superiors, not everything they say will be deemed tasteful, per se. With that said, it is your responsibility to let me (or anyone who controls them) know when it's too much. Religious banter and jokes must be done tastefully and respectfully. OOC religious banter will be off limits, and I will have to ask a mod to supervise and edit any obscene posts as I see fit.

How accepted characters are placed:
(Name of Character)(Gender of Character // User Controller)
(Female goes first) & (Male goes last)

(G // Open) <--"Open" means that the spot is open for anyone. "G" Obviously stands for "Gender".
(G // Anon213) <--This spot is taken by someone else. [?] means that the user's commitment to the RP is in question or they haven't replied in more than two days. A star (★) means that a person has reserved a spot. Reservations are generally held for a week.

Those who wish to reserve a sheet will have 72 hours to PM me AND my co-GM this info. It should be titled with (Rhapsody Inferno Academy) and your character's name. However, you are free to use it as a free sheet if needed:


This is a correctly filled reservation tag:

Name: Markov Gustavo Trotsky
Age: 25
Species: Human
Appearance: Markov is rather tall (at 6' 5") and of average complexion, neither pale nor tanned. Markov possesses dark brown hair, and blue, piercing eyes. Being a Russian-born human, Markov takes pride to his nation by wearing patriotic-colored bands around his wrists. He is also a heavyset man with a straight nose and a thin beard. On his usual days, he is seen wearing a sweater with khakis or a turtleneck with a mink coat. The mink coat Markov wears (in spite of its mangy condition) sheds a lot. Markov is aware that it's a women's coat, and he wears it for sentimental value (in the memory of his beloved fiancee, who died of pneumonia. On formal days, Markov wears a tuxedo, replacing the jacket with a trench coat and the bow-tie with a cravat. He also wears a black, wide-brimmed fedora, a hat which he predicts will become very popular in the coming years.
Gender: Male
Birthday: January 12
Virtue: Humility

You will lose that reservation if you do not have a reservation tag. Within five days, I will send you a warning. If someone makes a sheet for your spot before you, you will also lose your reservation that way.

Remember, first come, first serve!
If you ask for a reservation when the IC thread is already up and running, make sure your schedule is clear. I apologize for saying this, but you will have to take your time making your sheet. PLEASE.

This way, one can have up to TWO characters:
One Sin and One Virtue or
Two Sins // Two Virtues (CANNOT BE THE SAME Sin/Virtue!! Also, keep the gender ratio relatively equal.)

Raavi Olga Trovosky (F // Anon213)

Weston Brutus Fairbanks (M //Anon213)

If we ordered it this way, it would VERY much look THIS:

The following cast list was updated as of: Sunday, December 1, 2013 at 10:40 PM at Central Standard Time.

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

(F // Open) & ★ (M // Arcus)

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

(F // OPEN) & (M // OPEN)

(F // OPEN) & (M //Open)

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

(F //Open) & (M // Open)

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

What!? Sirtues?!
Special little ones who can do bad and good.
If you want to control one of them as an additional character, PM me.

Apathy (Classified as a Sin)
(F // Open) & (M // OPEN)

Courage (classified as a Virtue)
(F // Open) & (M // Open)

Fortune/Misfortune (Classified as a Sin or Virtue)
(F // OPEN) & (M // Open)

Tranquility (Classified as a Virtue)
(F // Open) & (M // Open)

Divergent (SIN)
As of October 22, in honor of Veronica Roth's final book, Allegiant

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

Amity (VIRTUE)
As of October 22, in honor of Veronica Roth's final book, Allegiant

(F // Open) & (M // Open)

Mysterious (classified as a Sin)
(F // Open) & (M // Open)

Sagacity (classified as a Virtue)
(F // Open) & (M // Open)

Full Name: (First, Middle, Last name... Middle names are optional.)

Sexual Orientation: (are you homosexual, pansexual, or heterosexual?)

Date of Birth: (I try to make it realistic. Make sure it corresponds to August 1, 2332. Subtract that year from your character's age to get their birthday (2332-18=2314 ; 2332-25=2307). Date of birth must be in this format: Month 00, XXXX.)

Gender: (Boy, girl, possible intersex?)

Age: (students should be at least 12 years old in human years. The oldest student in the school appears 26 years old. If you wish to be a teacher, then PM me).

Species: (They can be anything. But they must take a humanoid form and transform into their true monster form when that time calls.)

Former Appearance: (a detailed description of what your character looks like. It should be a detailed paragraph.)

Height: (FT./IN / CM)

Photo: (MUST BE HIDDEN. I would prefer you to post anime or a detailed drawing. I would actually love you if you even posted both anime and a real photo to guest a gist of what your character looks like.)

Sin/Virtue: (List your sin or virtue here.)

Reason: (Also explain why your character possess such traits.)

Psychic Abilities: (now I am limiting this section. I will only allow you to posses up to three powers. Should you be a yokai, then you should only have one or two. Power absorption or anything deemed too overpowered will not be allowed.)

Fighting Style: (Describe their fighting style thoroughly)

Strengths: (tell of your character's Talents/Benefits of their Abilities)

Interests: (likes, dislikes, what are they interested in?)

Personality: (at least a paragraph; this should be attributed to your virtue/sin)

Prior History: (this is a requirement in your sheet. Why? You have to link your past with your virtue or sin. As this is the longest in your sheet, you can develop it within the plot. At least two paragraphs or add W.I.P if you plan on writing it later.)

Virtues' Dorms


All these rooms have a balcony, a bathroom, heater, a game console (odd rooms have Wiis, even numbers have a PS3 or an Xbox 360), an HD TV, two computers running on Windows XP SP3 (odd rooms) or Vista (even rooms). Microsoft Professional 2010 (odd) or OpenOffice 3.2 (even) is installed for work on schedules and work. There is also one laptop working on Windows 7 and an A/C. Internet Access is usually unlimited; all balconies also have a window by its fences to keep warmth/cold from seeping indoors. Some rooms are exceptions.

100-110 (110 is the Master Restroom Area)

109 also has a table with four chairs. 109 also has a dust issue. 109 is the only room that does not have a wardrobe cabinet. It has a small closet in its place. It has a door that leads to the Master Bathroom and to the hallway. 109 also has an X-Box 360 with four controllers in the bottom of the wardrobe drawer.

107 has two ceiling corners that have caved in. There are ten grey pails and dingy towels folded under the pails. That is to collect rainwater. The rest of the room has a bit of a sweet, lemony scent to its sheets. Also, the toilet is filled with so much s***, it will not flush. Use the Master Bathroom. Also, there is a mothball and mold problem. There is... No bath... So you have to squat and pour close to the goopy mess. Computer 1 is very, very slow and has a ton of futanari (do not Bing/Google it/it's girls with dicks) and it has a lot of rap music. Computer 2 runs on Windows NT, but it has no Internet access.

105 has small fairies. All three of them exhale pixie dust. One fairy is named Solar, who has yellow hair and yellow dust. Another is named Roxy, and has black hair with a red streak running down her head. Roxy can act like a bitch. And the other is named Glory, who has violet hair. Glory is also the most annoying of the bunch. There is one named Jenevieve. She will gladly help with work, but Jenevieve is very motherly.

103's balcony has an elegant table with four chairs. At night, there is a distant, wailing noise from the wardrobe. The loudest it can get will be after Midnight (specifically, 1 AM-3 AM). What it is... Who knows? Find out!

102 has a fireplace in place of a heater. The TV's receiver has just about every channel in the world.

100 is decorated in a "otaku" style (has anime posters and mint-condition doujins in a drawer). There are a number of anime figurines in the room (mostly of Touhou/Queen's Blade/Puella Madoka Magica girls) In its bookshelf, the first, second, and third shelves have filled collections of manga (Black Butler, Sand Chronicles, Nichijou, K-ON!, Bleach, D.N. Angel, XxxHolic, Death Note, and Absolute Boyfriend). There are a number of Touhou comics downloaded on all the computers. The laptop has 30 VOCALOID songs preloaded. Both computers have Microsoft Office 2007 instead of OpenOffice 3.2. Computer 1 has Touhou Game Imperishable Night installed on its system. In the cabinet, there's a collection of Touhou games to the most recent version.

Laundry Area 1 has two washers, a door of detergents/bleaches, and two dryers with a door for baskets and Bounce Sheets. All the machines are working, but they are not new. Dryer 1 collects lint in a suction machine when activating. One must empty the compartment before activating. Dryer 2 in Laundry Area 1 requires the operator to hand-pull the lint out of the tray before activation.

Laundry Area 2 is no better; There are three washers and three dryers in the same room.

Washer 1 will use rainwater to wash clothing. When finished, the clothes adopt a musty odor, even if one adds an excessive amount of detergent. As there are odors coming from the center, Washer 1 is off limits for use on grounds of "Cleaning Maintenance".

Washer 2 will not activate properly. This washer will use anything but plain water to wash the clothes. Instead, the machine will use water accumulated from other washers (like using other's bathing/toilet water to wash clothes--EW!). Therefore, Washer 2 is off limits by default.

Washer 3 is working fine, though it will use salt water instead of fresh water to wash the clothes. Washer 3 also cleans the clothes just as properly. In fact, it cleans clothes a lot better than the others.

There are only five detergents. All of them are powdery, and one of them has dead cockroaches and ants scattered throughout the mixture. Don't worry; the staff has labeled which has the cockroaches.

Dryers 1 & 2 are completely broken. Dryer 1 is functional, but a strong, gas-like odor (such as carbon dioxide ) will emit from the tubes. The clothes will smell like gas when used. Dryer 1 has been thrown away, hence a bathtub takes its place.

Dryer 2 will not work and numerous buttons are missing. There's also a big dent caving in at the right side of the dryer. It is off limits by default. Dryer 2 has dead rats in it for some reason.

Dryer 3 uses a very high temperature (say, 900°F//673°C) to dry clothes. However, it still works. We still recommend using your own balcony to air-dry clothes.

Elevator Hub 1 is in great, sparkling condition--the radio works great and is completely functional. It also has a phone and a user-friendly intercom. Both do not require money to work. It also has a HD, LCD TV that works perfectly.

Elevator Hub 2's cleanliness is NOT the best. Hub 2 also has a monotonous buzzing sound when going up; Inside, the radio is broken and no sound will play. There is a phone there, but it requires 20 cents. However, the coin slot is too small for quarters, thus they MUST use dimes. If one dials a phone number, the voice will distort itself. It will also drop phone calls, even if they add 20 cents to it.


All these rooms have a balcony, a bathroom, heater, a game console (odd rooms have Wiis, even numbers have a PS3 or an Xbox 360), an HD TV, two computers running on Windows XP SP3 or Vista (and one laptop working on Windows 7) and an A/C. Internet Access is usually unlimited; all balconies also have a window by its fences to keep warmth/cold from seeping indoors.

119's balcony is boarded up and has a bit of a "nocturnal creature problem". The Wii is congested with lots of games. Computer 1 works on Windows XP SP3, but it is plagued with viruses and daily porn popups. Computer 2 works on Vista and is totally fine. Computer 2 goes 4x faster than Computer 1 and can go on the Internet with no pop-ups. There is no laptop in the room.

115 is always warm and humid, and cooling it will only make the room temperature go down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature is usually 90 degrees Fahrenheit on normal conditions. Additionally, the A/C is stuck to Full Power.

114 has a Super Famicom System with some Japanese exclusive games for the system (including Pretty Fighter and mahjong games).

112 has a yokai living in the room already. The yokai is named Frenzy and she severely dislikes the company of humans. Should a human enter the room, she will mark her territory with claws. Additionally, it is the only room that has a broken computer. The other computer has limited Internet access (blocks major websites). The laptop is so filled with viruses, it has been rendered unusable.

Note: Elevator Hub 3 works, but the (3) button is missing (a green button subs for its place); at night it can stop, violently plummet to the ground, and skyrocket back up on occasions. The Hub is not nice, but it looks clean enough to step in (save some rust forming at the bottom). The radio is working perfectly, and accompanies an intercom (works but with a slight beeping noise when used.. The TV, on the other hand, is partially functional (Only the Up key on "CHANNELS" works. The Volume buttons are missing, and a pen must be used to get to them).

Elevator Hub 4 is dangerously dirty and goes incredibly slower. Since its ceiling already gave in, we do not recommend others riding on it. All the buttons are smeared with mildew and there are various insects, including cockroaches and crickets sprouting from the ceiling. The radio only plays retro music and is often garbled by the dust. There is no intercom (if there is, the sound will be a squeaking sound), and the phone is broken. The TV appears to have been yanked off by hand (so circuits remain fizzing as the elevator goes)

Laundry Area 3's washers are broken (none of them will produce water) Laundry Area 3 does have a washing board and soap in place of that. However, the dryers work, but require 25 cents to function properly.

Laundry Area 4 has two, working washers, but the dryers are broken. There is a clothesline with a big fan in place of the dryers. This method will take up to three hours to dry completely. Your clothes WILL NOT be warm!



All these rooms have a balcony, a bathroom, heater, a game console (odd rooms have Wiis, even numbers have a PS3 or an Xbox 360), an HD TV, two computers running on Windows XP SP3 or Vista (and one laptop working on Windows 7) and an A/C. Microsoft Professional 2010 (odd) or OpenOffice 3.2 (even) is installed for work on schedules and work. Internet Access is usually unlimited; all balconies also have a window by its fences to keep warmth/cold from seeping indoors.

203 has a gap yokai living in the room. She is usually very nice unless if you neglect the room. She will usually clean the room for you. It'll get real ugly if you are the lady's man. She will constantly follow you around. The room's decorated a bit feminine for a male. Instead of a Wii, there is an old X-Box in the room with controllers in a pink box.

206 does not have a balcony. 206 is just one, set room. It does have a big window that can be opened for extra air. The television is black and white and the receiver box only has twelve channels. It also has old VCRs with cheesy movies from the 60s. It has three desktop computers instead of the usual two. One works on Windows 2000 (with Microsoft Office Professional 2000) with stellar speed, another is a Macintosh 3.5 (blocks porn sites; has a Mac Office Program), and the other works on Windows 8. The laptop works on Windows Vista Professional, and can bypass blocked servers, blocked sites, and IP bans. It can also give you passwords from each user on a forum or other site to briskly hack accounts.

207 has a dimension hole in a red and white door. This is why there is a "KEEP OUT!" sign by that red and white door.

209 has a black-and-white television by default. There is a small time limit in the DVR. It is set to block programming from 12AM to 4 AM Mondays and Fridays. It requires a code to unlock the programs during these times (1234). There is one computer in the room. The computer's system works on Windows 2000 but it will not go online, no matter what the resident does. Microsoft Office 2003 is mysteriously rendered unusable, thus WordPerfect 12.0 subs for the corrupt program.

Elevator Hub 1 is partially functional and has a dimension button; it also has intercom and a free phone. The (2) button is broken, but a green button subs for the (2) button. Elevator Hub 1's light will randomly turn on and off, so be careful!

Elevator Hub 2 only goes down without sound. When going up, the radio will mysteriously play out of nowhere. The radio is also said to interfere with the Wi-Fi connection, thus it would be safe to turn off or not use an Internet device (such as a cell phone, laptop, etc).
Laundry Area 1 has two washers, a door of detergents/bleaches, and two dryers with a door for baskets and Bounce Sheets. All the machines are working, but they are not new. Dryer 1 collects lint in a suction machine when activating. One must empty the compartment before activating. Dryer 2 in Laundry Area 1 requires the operator to hand-pull the lint out of the tray before activation.

Laundry Area 2 is rather small. There is only one washer and dryer in the room. Both of them are old, but work just as well as the new washers. The dryers are susceptible to pausing and sputtering at night. We recommend looking after your clothes. There are hampers and baskets sprawled on the floor with detergents and static sheets in a pink tub.

21*-219 (the "0" does NOT show for some reason; 218 is OFF LIMITS as it leads to Hell, NOT A REGULAR ROOM)
All these rooms have a balcony, a bathroom, heater, a game console (odd rooms have Wiis, even numbers have a PS3 or an Xbox 360), an HD TV, two computers running on Windows XP SP3 (odd rooms) or Vista (even rooms). Microsoft Professional 2010 (odd) or OpenOffice 3.2 (even) is installed for work on schedules and work. There is also one laptop working on Windows 7 and an A/C. Internet Access is usually unlimited; all balconies also have a window by its fences to keep warmth/cold from seeping indoors.


21* (210) has a leaky ceiling and is always bitterly cold (5°F/-15°C), regardless if one activates the heater (still about 50 °F/13°C). Every week, if one places a high-powered light in the room, it will mysteriously blow out after five days within installation. 21* also has a spider problem and is not food friendly. Food may rot after an hour of exposure. The computers were put away with as they crashed years ago. The laptop will not work, even if fully charged. There is no console in the room, and the balcony was tacked off. A huge window replaces the fallen balcony (however, the window does little to prevent air from coming in.)

211 and 212 have a large amount of trash under the bed. The custodians will happily clean under the beds before entry. 2112 doesn't "Really" have trash, but dead, human corpses that were left to rot.

213's computers have monitored internet access; YouTube and Facebook are blocked websites. The room itself is clean. Additionally, it does not have a balcony, but a big window in place.

214 has a greenhouse in place of a balcony. There are lots of plants that come with rules on how to take care of them (in the form of colored cards in the left drawer of the wardrobe.) The greenhouse is still a safe place to eat. The area also has a protected door to keep bugs out of the room. The room is edited slightly different. It has two toilets instead of one in its individual bathroom.

HEALTH: 214 AND 215 have an abundance of dust and used to have a wasp's nest. The wasp's nest was removed, but there remains dust and a non-flying bug (huge honeybees, ants and regular crickets can infest some closets) issue. There is only one computer in the room, and the laptop is locked by an Admin password. The password (Lovingangel32) is taped on the back of its screen.

217's A/C is broken, but the room itself is quite top-notch. Its balcony seems to have a 10-inch hole on its floor. Opossums LOVE to bounce around the balcony. The balcony is rendered off-limits for safety reasons, thus is boarded up (in the case you don't see, the boards were painted over on the outside and inside and placed with bricks & cement on the inside to conceal the area. For some unknown reason, the television only has Asian and European shows. At night it may get unbearably dark with one set window.

Laundry Area 1 has a big, electronic tub. Since there was a huge power outage two years ago, all of the washers suddenly short-circuited and were disposed of. The tub can be used for self-bathing, though this may be dangerous. Laundry Area 2 has three dryers. All of them work fine. Detergent is in the red door of Laundry Area 1; sheets are in Laundry Area 2.

Elevator Hub 3 is broken; at night it can stop, violently plummet to the ground, and skyrocket back up most of the time. The Floor is replaced with glass, and may break if hard contact is used. The Hub is in an acceptable condition, but the glass is smudged with fingerprints and other "Fluids". The radio is broken, and the intercom is not working. The TV is stuck to BBC America. The hub may be used but under STRICT CAUTION, but it may break if one jumps with high heels.

Elevator Hub 4's doors are hard to close and hard to open (from the rust) Inside, it's no better. Half of the wall appears burned. The TV's screen is smashed in, and there are prehensile wires coming from the bottom of the hub. For safety reasons, the hub is quarantined by default. Additionally, there is a yellowish, gooey fluid emerging from the phone. The phone actually has a life of its own (unknown reason). The Intercom can mutate voices and comes to life at night (deaths may happen from the Intercom).The hub appears damaged and grimy. It is also the only one in where the buttons will do nothing but cause bad luck to riders. The buttons are slathered with dirt and are unreadable. The hub can only go down normally and will get stuck at Floor 1 until someone kicks the doors. The elevator can go up, but it will get stuck for two hours without any impact to the doors.

Sins Dorms
These rooms DO NOT start traditionally! To go to 024x, you have to go to the first floor; 001x would be at the end of the second floor!)

001x is always dark in the day time, regardless of weather or light. Its computers work on Windows 98, and the laptop has a Windows 2000 system with Microsoft Office Professional 2003 pre-installed.

003x has a greenhouse in place of a balcony. There are lots of plants that come with rules on how to take care of them (in the form of colored cards in the left drawer of the wardrobe.) The greenhouse is still a safe place to eat. The area also has a protected door to keep bugs out of the room.

005x has a dimension door under the wardrobe's floor. This door is locked up, but it has a key that goes to it, which is on the top of the wardrobe.

006x does not have a friendly bathroom, and its sink is broken (water will not come out if it; if it does, it would be too unhealthy to consume by mouth) Its bathroom is therefore off-limits. To take a shower or bath, one MUST go to 007x or to the master restroom area to use the bathroom.

009x is decorated in a "Halloween" style with scary novelty items hanging from the ceiling. There is also a bookshelf FILLED with manga (Black Butler, Fruits Basket, Seikirei, Rosario+Vampire, Vampire Knight, Vampire Hunter D, Chibi Vampire, Soul Eater, and Ao no Exorcist) and Touhou doujinshi from top to bottom. There's also an encyclopedia and a huge Dictionary at the bottom. There's also some old Yaoi and Yuri in a blue shoe box (DVDs).
There are laundry areas; laundry area 1 has three washers and dryers. All of them work. Detergents and bounce sheets are in both rooms. Laundry Area 2 has old but functional washers and dryers.

Elevator Hub 1 works very well. The Hub looks all right, but it has a smell of sawdust. The radio is stuck to Italian music. This hub also ccompanies a wireless intercom. It has a working, HD television (with otherworldly programming) inside of the hub.
Elevator Hub 2 goes faster and is incredibly clean. Can house 2x the amount of regular elevators. The hub has an old intercom, and the sounds are so clear, it's frightening. It has free Wi-Fi and a wireless phone.

011x-019x (020x is the Master Restroom Area)
011x is in stellar condition, but it looks noticeably different than the rest of the rooms.

014x has a greenhouse in place of a balcony. There are lots of plants that come with rules on how to take care of them (in the form of colored cards in the left drawer of the wardrobe.) The greenhouse is still a safe place to eat. The area also has a protected door to keep bugs out of the room. This is the only room in where it has only one computer, not two. That computer is in perfect condition and works on Windows XP SP1. There is a laptop (works on Windows XP: Home Edition), but it goes faster than the computer.

015x's balcony is slightly different and looks more "dainty" than the regular balconies. It also has a pink-colored room.

016x has a Gothic "lolita" Satori in the room. She is named Eloise, and is entranced on Rhapsody Inferno Academy's history. She marked her territory on the first computer, so you have to use the second one. She also has a tendency to sleep in other people's bedrooms.

018x residents may hear a howling sound every night. The first computer works on Windows NT, and the second works on Windows 7 and has Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 pre-installed. Both are working fine.

019x is dangerously dusty, so be careful! 019x is also one of the only rooms with a pre-installed fish tank with piranhas.

Elevator Hub 3 has a problem; it only goes down. The TV is turned off by default, the phone looks manually taken out, and the intercom appears to get vibration when used. The hub looks like a forest, and due to a rat infestation, the hub is quarantined.

Elevator Hub 4 has a dimension button and doubles as a time machine. It is in sparkling conditions with a working TV, wireless phone and a modernized Intercom (with the mute button). However, because of frequent dimensional traveling, it is locked from 10 PM until 7 AM. During these times, you must use the stairs.

Laundry Area 3 has two washers. Both are broken since they fail to produce water. Laundry Area 3 does have a washing board and soap in place of the broken machines. However, the dryers work and require no money to work.

Laundry Area 4 has two, working washers, but the dryers are broken. There is a clothesline with a big fan in place of the dryers. This method will take up to three hours to dry completely. Your clothes WILL NOT be warm!

021x-0rs (Should be 023x but the electronic display is permanently scrambled, so it reads as "*rs!")

021x has a heap of dust and has a rat problem. The A/C is broken, as well as the other electronics. There is a GameCube in the room, but it is SO damaged, you can't even use it. The balcony is grimy, and the toilet is clogged.

022x's balcony is just an open wall. The big slacks of boards do nothing to vent the air out. The electronics looks swung around with and the computers cannot turn on.

023x's room is a bit empty save some Windows 98 computers and Devil May Cry action figures. It does not have a balcony. It also looks like a basic children's bedroom. However, there's a secret music room if you take a book off the green shelf.

024x has an old TV that can shut itself off every 24 hours. you need to hit it twice for it to turn back on. 024x has a smaller balcony.

(This is the only floor in where it has one, standard elevator. That elevator is in perfect condition and has a completely functional radio with crystal-clear sounds. The intercom is very Wi-Fi and User-friendly. It works with a button. There is a television screen on each of the walls. Its floors and walls are in pristine condition.)

Regular rooms

(026x leads to Heaven, thus is off limits)

025x has a dungeon behind a blue door. Various S&M toys are found there.

029x has a Mac and a Linux computer instead of the usual Windows Vista/Windows XP SP3s

032x is decorated in pink--with Apple computers... With Justin Bieber desktops~!

033x is decorated in a "Touhou" style with anime-themed items hanging from the ceiling. There is also a bookshelf FILLED with manga (Street Fighter Alpha, Skip*Beat, Kingdom Hearts, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Full Moon Sagashite, Mu Shi Shi, Fullmetal Alchemist and Yotsuba!) and Touhou doujinshi from top to bottom. There's also an encyclopedia and a huge Dictionary at the bottom. There's also some old Yaoi and Yuri in a blue shoe box (DVDs).

034x does not have a balcony but a big window. Fortunately, it helps a lot.

035x and 036x have a small insulated pool for aquatic creatures.

Laundry areas have three washers and three dryers. Both work great.