Simply Survive

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Caleb had spent most of his time wandering the upper levels. He didn't have any desire to help and his brand of help wouldn't be appreciated anyway. The hybrid was avoided like the plague and it wasn't even because he was recognized; it was because of the aura that people saw around him. He brought chills down people's spines and dread crept over their hearts if they met his eyes. He was darkness and death and anyone near him could sense it.

It made him wonder how they might have reacted if he were still under the Guardian's temperance, their mental blocks. Would they have sensed what he was at that point? Caleb had no way of knowing and part of him cared, but part of him didn't as his mind went to other things, as wild as the northern wind itself. He wasn't much focused on any one thing, though, when the jolt of grief went through him and Caleb frowned, stilling, looking back the way he'd come.


The hybrid raced back down to the lower levels, darting around people who mostly got out of his way until he found the redhead in a room that reeked of death. It wasn't something that bothered him as he approached her, but her grief did. Normally he would not mind such a thing, might even feed off of it, but coming from only worried him and Caleb didn't hesitate to pry her away from the dead body and into his arms instead. He held her tightly, not knowing what to say, not knowing why she was so shaken up but wishing he could ease her pain. He could feel it in his chest, a deep throbbing that would not abate and the hybrid looked back at the body, his eyes flickering black, seeing what it could tell him. He could not bring the person back to life. There was no life, not even the tiniest spark of it inside the woman, but her time-line still existed and as he looked back on it, Caleb understood.

Lily's sister.

That kind of grief he could understand. If he were to lose Jacob... Caleb held Lily closer, smoothing down her hair and shushing gently, though, he did not expect her to stop crying or to calm at any point in the near future. He did want to do something for her, though, and the hybrid looked back toward the body and extended his hand, black light sparking at his fingertips before dark tendrils wrapped around Jess and her body started to mend, to become whole and healthy again. He couldn't bring her back to life, but he could reverse the damage done to her body, turn back time on her body...quite literally.

Lily could now look upon her sister and see her as she used to be. It was the only gift her could give the redhead and he would never reveal to her that it had cost him two months of his own life to do so. Such power came at a cost.


Lauren worked tirelessly wherever she was directed, glad to have something to do and though she liked Lily and the twins just fine, it was also nice to be around normal people like herself. Sure, some of them were virus infected here and there, but for the most part, they were plain old humans and she felt comfortable around them. Out of the three, she was the only one who didn't feel anything from Lily or any of the others. Her mind hadn't made any connections like theirs had and she would only learn about what had happened later.

For now, with the food distributed, the brunette leaned back against the wall and wiped her forehead as Seth smiled at her, setting down a crate. "Tired?"

"How could you tell?"

The man shrugged. "Just a guess." he returned lightly and gave Lauren a look. "So what is it you want to know?"

She cringed a little. "Am I that obvious?"

"Just a little." he replied with a chuckle and Lauren smiled a bit, looking down. "Actually...I was wondering...does anyone have any idea where the Enclave might be located? Where their base of operations might be?"

Seth looked at her sharply, but answered slowly. "I've heard they are to the East, in the mountains. You're looking for Targas and Summer, aren't ya?" Lauren sighed, but nodded. "Yeah. Their sons want to find them and I matter what they might find, they deserve to know what happened." She personally didn't have much faith that if these Enclave people were as bad as everyone said that Caleb and Jacob's parents might not be dead already.
Jacob had rounded the corner when he saw his brother making his way back to the Lower Quarters and he knew that he was going to her. Good, he could help her more in the end anyways. Still, he made his way back down into the secluded area and followed his brother only to the door, this was their time now, no matter how sad the situation could be.

"Come little one, let us go find my friend Lauren."

He turned and walked away, seeking out Lauren and helping anyone who had asked something in his passing if he could.

Lily barely even registered that Caleb had taken her into his arms, she was too shocked and depressed to realize what was going on. When she did though, all she did was look up mournfully into his eyes and blink away the tears. He had come to her and thats what she needed. She needed him. With a shaky hand, she reached up to his face and pulled it closer to hers, where she placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Th...thank you...Caleb."

She blinked up into his eyes again, hers showing the barest hint of happiness midst the sea of sadness and sorrow. She curled up, her head laying on his chest and listening to the beat of his heart and finding that the rhythmic thump of it to be very calming. After a few more minutes of sobbing and sniffling, she clenched his shirt in her hand and slipped into a state of sleep.
Caleb felt an electric surge travel through him at the feel of her lips on his own, something he'd not expected, hadn't sought and found himself speechless as he looked down at Lily. He felt conflicted then, wanting to kiss her again, to pull her close and kiss away all the tears from her face, banish the sadness she was feeling...but he couldn't. He needed to hold her, to comfort her as she sobbed in his arms, he needed and that took far more effort than he wanted to admit.

The hybrid ran his fingers through Lily's red hair until she quieted and he looked down to see she was sleeping the sleep of the emotionally exhausted. Silently, Caleb stood, scooping her into his arms and making sure her hand wasn't dislodged from shirt, that she stayed curled against his chest. He left the room and the first person dealing with the wounded and sick that he found, he addressed.

"There is a body in that room over there. If anything is done to it without permission from me or her," It was clear he meant Lily. "then far more people are going to die than just her sister. Do I make myself clear?" There was nothing friendly in Caleb's tone, nothing warm in his storm-filled gray eyes and the person before him only nodded, appearing speechless and scared before the hybrid walked away. He took Lily toward the Upper Level, intent on finding her somewhere to sleep.


Lauren bumped into Jacob quite literally and she always teetered but managed to catch a hold on his arm. She looked up to apologize and found herself blinking and then smiling. "Oh. Hi." It was very intelligent, she knew. The brunette quickly realized she'd not let him go and she quickly did so, flushing. "Sorry." It was a mumble before she shook herself out of her stupor. "I got some information on the Enclave, but..."

She trailed off, looking at the little girl by Jacob's side and she smiled again and crouched. "Well, hello. And who might you be?"
Jacob chuckled as Lauren bumped into him and he smiled at the grasp that she had on his arm, noticing that it took her a moment to realize she was still holding on to him.

"You dont need to apologize." He said with a almost playful tone.

Ashley looked up at Lauren and smiled, trying to be as adorable as possible as she didnt know whether or not Lauren actually knew what she was or what she could do.

"My name is Ashley, its a pleasure to meet you!"

She held out her hand in greeting.

Lily was in a dark place, both literally and metaphorically. Everywhere she looked, there was a grey haze that obscured her sight beyond a handful of feet but she knew that there was something there...something that lurked in the shadows. She knew that she was dreaming but this was unlike any dream that she had ever had before, nor any nightmare could compete with it. This place was just...dark...foreboding and desolate.

The shadows around her moved, swirling with malevolent energies and wicked intent, this was where her sister lived...she knew it.


"Yes, my sister?"

The shadows behind her coalesced into more tangible form, being careful not to betray her true identity. The voice sounded different, almost grainy and if it was a voice echoing another voice.

"What brings you to my domain?"

Why am I here?

"I do not know, I dont think you have ever been here before as it is and I know I did not bring you."

Strange. Why am I dreaming in the first place? I remember watching Jacob help that little girl then...nothing. My memories stop then and I do not recall falling asleep.

"That is because you have fallen into a state of shock, my dear. Your birth sister had died in your arms but a few minutes ago and you cried yourself to sleep in Caleb's arms."

Thats impossible. My sister died in NewHope with the Enclave attack.

"Not true. Let me show you."

Nith waved her hand at the shadows and they solidified to make a screen of a sorts, one that peered into the darkest depths of their minds.

"Watch, sister."

With another wave, Nith retrieved her hidden memories, the ones that her brain began to bury with the death of her sister but a few minutes prior. Lily just stood there in silence, disbelief running through her body and heart. The memories stopped as soon as it got to the point where she had kissed Caleb. She was focusing, reliving that moment and unconsciously, a hand came up and brushed her lips.


Lily blinked into consciousness, though she was barely cognizant of her surroundings...she knew that she was in Caleb's arms and that she was safe.

"Caleb...I..." She hesitated, speaking softly but half-nodded to herself and continued, "Please stay with me tonight...I...I dont want to be alone."
Lauren chuckled and took the little girl's hand without hesitation, shaking it gently. "I'm Lauren. Very nice to meet you." She smiled and looked up at Jacob and then at Ashley again. "I'm glad Jacob could help you. He's good at that, isn't he?" She winked at the little girl before standing and looking around at all the people who still needed help. She wanted to do something for all of them, but it was getting late and she was verging on exhaustion.

Stifling a yawn, brown eyes looked at the elder twin with a slightly raised brow. "Anywhere to stay tonight? And where are Caleb and Lily?"

Swiftfang wandered to them then, making her presence known with a soft growl before she turned her head to Ashley and rubbed her massive head against the child's body with a rumbling growl, tongue snaking out to wrap around the little girl's arm before releasing her again.


Caleb had gone to the stables. It was kept in good order because animals were vital for survival and it had been easy to find their four horses. Perhaps in an odd coincidence, or not at all, Tempest and Ustrina had been placed in a large stall together and Gaiana and Notus had been placed in the one next to them. All four horses were calm and content and even Tempest behaved himself when the hybrid brought Lily in and held her close as he sat in a small mound of hay in the corner.

She woke not long after that and Caleb shushed her softly, fingers carding through her hair as he finally spoke. "Sleep, little fire. I will not leave you. I will not let you go, I promise." He laid down then and curled around her, protecting her and the two horses in the stall did the same, laying down around the two figures in a shield of sorts. Nothing would harm them this night and Caleb whispered as much to Lily as he forced his turbulent power and whirling mind to subside for now, to calm.

Lily needed him.
Jacob looked up in the direction of the stables where their mounts were and nodded to himself.

"They are in the stables and by the concern that my brother is exerting over Lily, something happened today. I suppose we will see when we get there, eh?"

Ashley looked up at the sky and saw the sun radiating its orange and red hues flash its last before they began to drift to the calming purples and blues. Smiling, she exhaled slowly and let out a small shiver.

"I do suppose it is time for me to go settle in for the night, now isnt it?"

Jacob looked back at the girl and cocked his head a little,

"You have somewhere to stay I take it then?"

"The people may be scared of me but that doesnt mean that they are not forthcoming with the hospitality that they give everyone else."

"I would certainly hope so in that regard. In any case, good night then Ashley and I hope things go on the up and up, I really do."

With a smile and a short bow, Ashley turned and skipped down the road back to the deeper reaches of the refugee area. Jacob turned to Lauren and held out his hand with a smile.

"Shall we return to the others, then?"
Lauren was frowning, looking in the direction Jacob had indicated and she seemed to only snap out of her musings when the male offered his hand. She looked up to his face and then down at his extended fingers before smiling just a little and taking the offer, her own slender hand slipping into his larger one. For once she didn't blush at the contact and as they started to walk toward the stables, the brunette chewed her lip, thoughtful, before she spoke.

"Seth, the man I was working with, told me that the Enclave are said to have a base in the mountains to the East. I know it's not a great many details, but at least we have a direction now and a landmark." She wasn't sure how pleased Jacob would be with this vague information, but it was all she'd been able to glean and with both brother's occupied and Lily doing...well, who knew what Lily had been doing, Lauren felt like she'd at least helped in a tangible way.

They'd arrived at the stables now and Lauren's brown eyes sought out their two companions. She frowned a bit at not seeing them but on a hunch she looked over the stable walls where their own mounts were, petting Gaiana's nose as the horse reached over from her own stall for attention, and was relieved to see both Lily and Caleb curled around each other and sleeping. A small smile graced the brunette's face as she took her hand gently from Jacob's and found a clean horse blanket, going into the stall to cover the two up, dancing around horse limbs and human ones alike.

Lauren covered both the male and female and then reached out to brush Caleb's hair away from his eyes and then kiss Lily's forehead before she stood. Damn, she'd grown affection toward this group. She hadn't meant to, but it was hard not to. She stood then and made her way out of the stall and back to Jacob, giving him a soft smile as well and gesturing to the stall with their own horses. "Shall we?"
Jacob smiled as Lauren covered the two sleeping figures and nodded silently, taking her hand in his at the gesture and settled down for the night. The alfalfa beneath him crinkled with an alien noise to him as he shifted his position several times before becoming comfortable. He looked up to Lauren and smirked, patting a spot next to him as he reached over for a blanket that his family had left with him when he was a child and left in the care of the Guardians. It was a simple quilted blanket that was rather thin and had old-world vehicles on it.

"This is the first time in quite some time that Ive actually taken this out and used it. My Father said that it was something handed down to him from his Mother. Currently, this is the only thing that I have that my parents have left me, other than the memories of their visits."

He smiled to himself as he recalled some of those memories and shook them away, looking to Lauren again.

"Thank you, Lauren. For everything."


Lily awoke back in her house in NewHope, the sun was just cresting the windowsill and she thought she heard a bird chirping in the distance. She sat up and looked around the room, her room. She shouldnt be here, she knew that but as to why she was, she had no idea. Getting up slowly, she went to the window and looked outside. Her sister was down in the yard playing with one of the other neighborhood kids. She looked a lot younger than she should be though, as if this was a memory from her early childhood.

Lily walked over to a mirror and looked into it, seeing that the girl reflecting her was that of her ten year old self. Damn, one of these dreams again. Lily walked over to the door of her room and opened it up and heard gunfire, smelling smoke and hearing the tormented screams of the friends and family that she had being snuffed out of existence. The hallway was burned and dingy, holes pocking the walls and plaster falling from the ceiling. Panicking, she turned around and ran to the window, seeing the destruction unfold outside. This was the day that the Enclave attacked.

She watched in horror as her memory replayed the incidents of that day: the friends that she had being murdered, the soldiers that were family friends being gunned down and the Hybrids that founded the city being eradicated. Spider tanks moving down the streets, vaporizing all organic matter in their way. She felt herself being pulled away from the window, or was it being pushed? An explosion rang out and her vision went into a blinding white light while her ears began to bleed from the concussive force of the explosion. One of the Spider Walkers noticed her and fired at her. Blindly, she scrambled out of the room and down the hallway, knowing that Enclave soldiers would come to investigate within minutes.

She crawled and slid down the stairs to the first floor and scrambled, still blinded by the light, towards the back room where the escape tunnels were. She never made it that far though as a pair of rough, metal hands grabbed her and began dragging her the other direction. She tried to scream and kick but the explosion did more to her than she thought and she found herself helpless. It was then, at the precipice of her death, that she truly noticed the entity that lived inside of her, the one that would always protect her.

Help me, Nith...

She closed her eyes, for what it was worth, and plunged her world into darkness, letting her sister take control. She could feel everyone around her, all their hearts and their energies and she was hungry to feed her vengeance. In her blindness, she fought and won against the soldiers that were going to kill her. For an hour, she searched for her other sister and found no trace and killed any soldiers she could in her way but was forced to run after a short time.

Her eyes opened again and she saw a stream in between some rocks with a little camp. Nith had set up a small camp a ways away but she could still see the burning ruins of the city in the distance. All she could hear in her mind was the screams of everything she loved being destroyed. She blinked away a tear and found herself standing in front of Caleb, the first spark of hope and feeling she had had in days. Something about him told her to trust him with all of her heart...and she did. If it wasnt for him, she would be dead. If it wasnt for him, she would have given up.

Do you understand now, Lily?

I think I do. Its a strange feeling but its a good one. I owe him so much and I wonder if I will ever be able to repay debt that I have with him.

I dont think he will ever say you owe him anything.

I know, but still. He will forever have a place in my heart, Nith.

Then tell him.

But what if he doesnt feel the same?

If he didnt, he wouldnt be with you right now, sleeping soundly and protecting you. Just say it to him.


Lily mumbled in her sleep, her voice barely louder than a sigh, "I love you, Caleb."
Lauren blushed at his invitation, but rationalizing to herself that they'd stay warmer that way and that it didn't really mean anything - then why was her heart pounding so hard? - she came to his side and curled up next to him. The blanket she touched almost reverently, knowing how valuable such things were and her brown eyes looked up into Jacob's green with amusement. "There's nothing to thank me for. Now quiet and go to sleep."

Her fingertip tapped his nose with a grin before she curled further and shut her eyes. It wasn't long before she was dozing off, turning over and letting her back curl into the warmth behind her. It wasn't the last time she'd sleep like this, but Lauren didn't yet know that.


Underpass was two weeks behind them as was the burial of Lily's sister Jess and the group had been on the move at a much quicker pace now that they had a relative destination. The mounts under them could travel for miles in abundance without seeming fatigued in the slightest and it wasn't long before they arrived in Kansas City. They would have gone farther, but the closer they grew to the East, the more Enclave patrols and machines they saw. It caused delays whether they fought or not, but they were still making good time all things considered.

Among the group, Lauren was the one who seemed most on point, getting them all up in the morning and scouting for decent sleeping places at night. She kept them eating on schedule and was often a voice of wisdom in the routes to take and how to handle things when a patrol came by. Jacob was their leader, that was clear to all, but Lauren wasn't far behind him as a right hand and she seemed only to need tasks to keep her mind sharp and her spirits up. Left without anything to do and she got snappy and it was usually Lily who could draw her out of these moods as she was never overly harsh with the redhead.

She was doing rather well for a human amidst hybrids and while she got tired far more easily than they did, she'd yet to get seriously injured or infected, so she was actually doing rather well she thought. And hey, ever since getting with this group, she'd been exposed to far more danger than she could have dreamed up in a lifetime.

In the last two weeks, Caleb had remained mostly quiet and he wouldn't even tell Jacob why. They were connected, but Caleb had discovered how to block part of his mind to his brother and it was there that he kept anything he didn't want his twin to know. It was not that he didn't trust his elder brother, it was that he didn't trust himself and the things he was learning. He was quiet, not idle in their journey even if it looked like nothing unusual was happening. His power was growing, changing and it didn't worry him so much as it made him uncertain. The Guardians had blocked and restrained this part of him for a reason and while he would not forgive them for that, he was starting to see why they might have done it.

He dreamed at night, but the dreams seemed less like the workings of his imagination and more like something he'd done already. Caleb knew it could be his foresight, but he didn't know how to tell and it frustrated him. He also knew he should go to Jacob about it, but was unsure how his brother could help. And Jacob...didn't put much stock in foresight anyway. Any time Caleb had gone to him about it, his twin had acted like it wasn't a big deal or was strange, always claiming that they could make their own future....and that only frustrated Caleb more. He didn't feel like Jacob LISTENED to him when it came to this aspect of himself.

Maybe he should talk to Lily about it?

The thought ran through his head right about the same time Lauren held up a hand, pulling Gaiana to a halt as she glanced at Jacob. "You hear that?" she said lowly, the sound of crunching metal growing louder. "A mech?" It's what they'd taken to calling the Enclave machines in general until they could see what kind they actually were.

"Spider class." Caleb informed as he brought Tempest up, the hybrid's gray eyes flecked with black as he looked toward the sound. They were almost inside the city and their options were to make a run for it and try to get to the buildings....or fight.
Jacob could feel the mech in the distance, was different. This one felt heavier, bulkier.

"This mech is different. I cant place my tongue on it, but it just feels different."

Jacob craned his head, listening to the noises of the mecha that was in their area: the rotors grinding in their set, the pulsing of the energies that powered it, the faint whistle of the exhaust of its main gun...all until it vanished. He looked around, feeling for any strange energies, something that could mask the mecha but found none.

"I think we should move. This area just because a lot more dangerous." He said in a whisper, dismounting from his steed. "As much as I dont like the idea of walking around here, it keeps a lower profile."

Lily stayed quiet and dismounted as well, knowing full well not to argue the point in this case as Jacob knew more about the natures of the mechs they fought on and off over the past couple weeks. Inside herself, she told her sister to make sure that she stayed safe for Caleb's sake.

Jacob slowly walked his steed towards a nearby building that had relative cover, keeping his eyes and ears on maximum detection. On more than one occasion, he thought he saw something out of the corner of his eyes but when he turned to face it, there was nothing.

I have a bad feeling about this. I feel like we are being stalked and by what, I dont know. What I do know is that mech has vanished...mechs dont just vanish.

A short ways away, beyond an intersection, he heard the cracking of concrete and the crunching of stones but there was nothing there. There was nothing to see, yes, but he knew that something was there, watching them...and he had a feeling it was that mecha that vanished.

Get ready. I think our stalker is about to show itself.

Slowly, one three inch hexagon at a time, the mecha unraveled its appearance from thin air. Unlike the other mechs that they have fought in the past, this one had six instead of four legs. The mecha revealed itself, its angular features reflecting the light of the area and the orange glow of the plasma coursing through the inner workings only enhanced the glare that it created. One thing that was relatively the same, however, was the cannon at the top. At least, it was relatively the same until it began to charge its shot.
It was times like this that Caleb wished he had more control over his foresight. It would have been useful in finding this elusive enemy, but that was the one power that eluded his grasp. It wasn't meant to be controlled and it had found a perfect host in the embodiment of chaos. It was beyond his will and it would come when it was ready to. It left the hybrid just as blind as anyone else in the group and it frustrated him as they walked through the city, their senses tingling and telling them there was danger, but unable to see it.

Lauren was far more used to being blind to threat and she kept her senses alert, hearing things that alerted her to the fact that they were being followed even though she couldn't hear Jacob's mind-speech. Still, the mech's sudden appearance took her by surprise and she watched it with wide brown eyes, gaze following the direction the blast would take judging by where the cannon was pointing. She felt horror well up in her chest as she tracked the trajectory and Lauren moved before she could think it through, reacting on instinct. Her body hit Lily's, knocking them both over, just before the plasma shot at them. She felt it scorch through her clothes, sear into her back in a straight line of agony before they hit the ground and the brunette released a short scream, wanting nothing more than to stay still in hope of alleviating the pain, but she knew they couldn't.

She worked her way to her feet, pulling Lily with her, noting that their mounts had not strayed, but waited to be of use.

Caleb snarled, rage breaking free upon his mind as he witnessed the threat to the woman he cared for, and his gaze swam black as the same energy built in his hands. He flung it with a deadly aim at the spider mech and the destructive power started to devour the metal, plasma and all. It didn't care what it fed on, only that it was fed and and Caleb turned away from the nullified threat....only to get a vision that made him still and turn back, glancing at his brother.

There are three more.

They were invisible, though and it was instinct alone that saved the hybrid as a plasma laser shot for him and his arm came up, coated in the destructive power that immediately absorbed the red streak. Black eyes looked Jacob then and Caleb grinned. This should be fun.
The three other mecha decloaked around them, surrounding the building they were in on all sides. Jacob could feel in his heart that something bad was about to happen. He looked around the area, scanning for any possible way that he could save the ones at his side but saw none. Their exits were blocked by the Enclave and while Caleb certainly had the power to destroy them all, he would lose himself in the darkness and everything they loved would be snuffed out with it.

Jacob's attention snapped back into reality as he heard a high-pitched whistle as something sped into the sky, what it was...he didnt know.

The three mecha aimed their cannons up into the air and fired simultaneously, each beam intersecting on a singular, floating device. The device harnessed the energy and focused it, reflecting it down in a single, cohesive beam upon the building the group was in. In an instant, the building was vaporized around them but there they stood with Jacob at the center, letting the energy flow into him and preventing the deaths of those around him.

For a minute, the beam continued to burn its way into Jacob's core, being consumed and assimilated, feeding the hungry beast that lived deep inside of him. He stood there panting after the beam ceased and a faint smile grew on his face while tears began to flow from his eyes. His skin began to flake and crumble away as beams of purple energy began to force their way through his body. He fell to his knees, tears continuing to flow and he began to sob.

"So...this is it, huh? It has to end like this, doesnt it?" He mumble to himself as more of his body began to crumble away into ash.

He looked up at Lauren, still smiling with the tears flowing down his face.

Never forget the song in your heart. Never stop fighting and never forget anything. Dont let your life go unnoticed to anyone, because it certainly didnt go past me.

"Heh, I was hoping for some more time with you all, especially you Lauren. Unfortunately, this is my final show and my biggest finale."

His body snapped rigid, arcing back and his neck following suit as he began to scream to the heavens. The Mecha around took a few hesitant steps back, weapons charging again, still aiming into the sky. The energy began to flow from Jacob's screaming maw and eyes, piercing the heavens themselves. The Mecha fired again, channeling another beam of energy into the group but it was redirected into Jacob, feeding the ever-growing energy inside of him.

"I...Jacob Blackridge...welcome my fate!" Jacob shouted into the air as the energy in his body reached critical mass. In a single, blinding flash of light, he unleashed. Lily watched in horror as the world went into negative lighting, a single bead of light at the epicenter of Jacob's once-whole form.

Never forget who you are and who you love.

The bead of light erupted into existence, filling the area with pure energy and annihilating everything around the group. Caleb began to glow radiant in the energy as it interacted with him. Time and energy met and erupted into a more violent form, tearing the fabric of reality and time. The tear began to voraciously suck in everything around it, consuming everything and swallowing Lily, Caleb and Lauren. The tear consumed itself, satisfied with the power living inside of it, the beings floating in endless darkness: a place devoid of anything and filled with nothing.

Lily awoke to darkness, hearing the sounds of crickets and hooting owls, surrounded by trees. Lauren was cold, opening her eyes and wincing in pain as the light reflected off of the snow into her face. Caleb was on top of a mountain, surrounded by desert and it was hot. Behind them all, a tear in the fabric of reality folded up on itself, leaving them to their fates.

The Guardians stared in mute horror at the screen as they watched all they had worked for become annihilated in an instant. They watched the explosion from a monitor, seeing the gash that the attack had made on the earth. The crater left behind was two miles in diameter and a mile deep.

"Our plans have failed. Humanity is a lost cause. Prepare the World Seed. Poor Jacob."

"Of course...if only things didnt have to go this way.."

"I know. I had so much hope for a better future for Mankind.

Targas awoke from his drug induced state, his anger elevated higher than he could have ever hoped. He could feel it in his heart that his son had died and by the Enclave's hands. His anger filled him, swallowing him in a black rage. Targas screamed in both anger and sadness as the black armor crept over his body and weighed him down, snapping the chains holding him in place. Soldiers poured into the room, firing tranquilizers into him but he shrugged them off.


Targas tore into them, ensuring none would survive to see the light of day ever again as an act of revenge for the loss of his son. He walked over to Summer and broke the bindings holding her up and lifted her onto his back, letting his armor flow over her to protect her from the soldiers. He killed everyone in his way as he fought his way out of the compound, determined to get Summer to safety.

He ran for hours, finding an abandoned sewer service station and took refuge in it, laying Summer on her back inside on some pallets with scavenged cloth as a form of bedding. He pried back the plating on his arm and gashed it with his finger, letting the black blood flow from his veins into Summer's mouth.


Jacob is gone, Summer. I need you with me right now.

For hours, he sat there, cradling Summer in his arms and nursing her back to health while letting his own life sap into her. It was something he felt he needed to do. Eventually, Summer awoke with tears flowing from her eyes as she clung to Targas.

Afternote: This is the end of Simply Survive. Due to life bringing long periods of not being able to post, it has made our ability to connect with our characters rather difficult. We are planning to launch another RP that is a sister to this one and runs parallel in terms of timeline and will eventually merge with this story. So, with that said, Ill see you all in Simply Survive: Tainted Hope (when I write up the OP and start it back up).