INTEREST CHECK Seeking People(s)!

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Hey there. First time asking out in the open like this for roleplays, so... I hope I don't screw up.

A bit about me, I've been roleplaying for longer than I remember. However, 98% of that time has been on IM (instant-message) platforms (be it actual IM engines, like Skype or MSN, or inside MMOs) and a bit nervous to try post-by-post format..

I'm looking for a partner or small group to roleplay with. I don't have many ideas as far as topic goes, but I can play a wide variety of roles. I do have one idea that I've been simmering on for a while now, but it's only an idea.

You're walking down the street of your small city, past some alleyways, darkened by the cloudy weather. You hear a sound of a human in pain, and whether it be curiosity or good intention, go to investigate. You find a girl, she looks young, sitting next to a lamp post. But she has secrets that will test your moral foundations...
Yeesh, writing it out makes it sound even more lame... ><

If you have any better ideas, feel free to PM me. If enough people show interest, we could try making a group. Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks for reading, and hope to RP with you soon!
Hello! I am interested plus I don't have any rps going on ^^ so can I know more about your idea, it sounds interesting