Schaden has wares, if you have coin


Schaden Freud

Original poster
Ave Dominus Nox! Hello everybody! My name is Schaden Freud, but you can also call me Washington Iriwng, Irwing Washington, and I'm here to find some cool people to do some cool roleplays with!

A little bit about me for those care about that stuff:
I'm male student of international relations and thus natural enemy of anyone paying taxes in the EU.
English isn't my first language so please don't get all mad when you spot a grammar mistake. Just tell me when I goof up and I will do my best to make amends.
I tend to make a lot of obscure, weirdly specific and barely working references to pop culture, history and literature, so I'd like to apologize in advance to people who find it tiresome.
When it comes to limits and dislikes, I okay with pretty much anything. Honestly, I'm not capable of being offended by anything but utterly absurd levels of ignorance and can joke about literally everything. So, if there are things you particularly dislike, just tell me and we can smoothly avoid them.
As for my activity, I promise to give you reply at least every other day, but that's the roof not the floor and I will do my best to post daily. The size of my posts depends mostly on my partner and the situation. I try to give back what I receive, and I believe that when the IG situation calls for something quick and tense, short texts do wonders for fluidity of the roleplay. I'd say two to six reasonable paragraphs are standard norm.

I also have a few rules and you'd be totally lit if you had kept them in mind:
Be 18+, it's not that I'm particularly interested in smut, but sometimes I like my RPs pretty hot or pretty dark and thus prefer partners that are legally able to buy alcohol (or enrol at army? Is turning 18 in USA big deal or do you like wait for 21 when the fun stuff happen?)
Be cool. I don't mean Ice Cube cool, more like Vanilla Ice cool. You know, approachable and not likely prone to violent or passive-aggressive attitude.
Tell me if you lose interest in the roleplay or if you go through some IRL difficulties. I'd like to see some commitment to the RP, but it's not a marriage and if you start feeling like you want to drop out of the RP, just tell me.
Make it your story too. A lot of people I have been roleplaying with preferred to take the shotgun when it came to driving the plot forward and the roleplay suffered for it. Yes, I usually do have a direction where I want to steer the roleplay but I won't be mad if you derail it and take the story into your own hands. In fact, I will be placing tulips at your feet if you do. Surprise me with your twists and I will be sure to cook something for you too.

Have fun!

With the boring stuff behind us, let's move to important stuff:
Plot likes:
I don't do slice of life stuff, or at least not slice of life without a lot of exotic spice. In the same way, I don't like roleplays without a "story", sort of direction characters take in order to achieve their goals - I believe there should be some kind of MacGuffin that will move to plot forward rather than just basing it on the character interactions.
As for romance, I'm all for it, but I try to avoid romances that feel too soapy, simple or forced.

Needlessly complex and overstuffed worldbuilding
Rule of Cool (when it's appropriate)
Rivarly (Love/Hate)
Forbidden love
Intricate magic
Fantasy adventure
Fifty shades of moral grey
Flawed characters
Mixture of Scifi and Gothic/Baroque
Supernatural creep

Plot ideas:
Rather than listing anything specific, I prefer giving sort of mostly indirect exposition about characters (and plots involving them) with enough space for us to make something together rather than just listing my whole idea for plot, characters and everything.

Everyone has secrets. Sometimes they are innocent little things we do not feel comfortable with sharing, sometimes it is something more juicy, scandalous or even terrifying. Lockpick heard them all. "I don't know why I told you all that, I guess it's because you are so good at listening". He heard that sentence so many times it made him smirk a bit, like if it was some sort of personal joke he shared with the universe. Truth is, Lockpick was not very good at listening to people. Or good with people in general. "I admire you, you're always so honest with everybody. I've never seen you lie. And when I am with you, it's almost like… I know it sounds crazy… but it's if as this honesty spilled over and made me want to be little bit more honest myself. Does it sound weird?" It did, but that didn't make it any less true. Nobody could lie to Lockpick. Nobody. His lip curved upwards in slight amusement. Honestly, he was not very interested in the conversation. He came here for a certain reason. Lockpick extended his hand, put it on her shoulder and looked at her eyes. His expression was completely blank except for the barely noticeable curl of his lip. "If you want to be honest with me, could you tell me who stole the money?" Her grimace reflected the mental gymnastics that came through her head. Shock at realisation he knows. Then slight moment of panic quickly hidden by wall of confidence. "It was…" The words got stuck in her throat She wanted to lie, to say it was Tommy, that bastard was greedy anyway. She was a good liar and it was a reasonable assumption. She will just say Tommy did it."…me"

That's what you call living he thought to himself as he observed shiny marble monuments built to watch over graves of the local nobility. As an acolyte in the cult of Crippled Wyrm, it was his task to root out the weed and keep the graves and their inhabitants tidy and well. He was not terribly devout to his teachings, but late god of death was a forgiving deity and healthy dose of cynicism was groomed within the cult and "On Irony of our Master's demise" was his mentor's favourite catechism. He had roof above his head, meaningful occupation and at the end of the day, he always found himself with enough coppers to buy spirits and place at the card table. It was as uneventful life as one can be when you live with the dead. But not everything was smooth and peaceful. There were talks of war. A week ago, he heard some sailor talk about spotting foreign ships on the high seas.
"And I am telling you, those ships were here to make trouble" the man shouted at unbelievers. "I saw it with my own right eye, the good one! Those ships were all spikes and metal and smelled like gunpowder and scurvy. Like bad omen stacked on top worse one."
"I'm sure those were just some pirates. Calm down, you ass!" somebody tried to calm him, but the sailor remained sure of himself. "I have seen more pirates then you have seen tits and those were no good-for-nothing cutthroats but a proper war party, why don't you believe me?" Twitch did, he always considered himself to be more wise than courageous.

Once a perspective but unwise student of seven liberal arts at Royal University, he enrolled at army to pay off his debts. Now, after two decades of endless service, marching and butchery he was finally granted permission to leave. Though he is considered to be tactical genius, responsible for many important victories and survived things that could, would and did kill men ten times better than him, there is precious little left of the bright young man he used to be. The army was his everything and his men were the only family he had. Now, used, discarded and on the verge of mental breakdown, he has one last thing, last promise, last wrong to right, until he can find his rest.

and more...

Thank you for your attention and hopefully, we will bump into each other some more!
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