-rubs back of head-

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Akira Michi

Original poster
Hey, names Maddoc, I was on Iwaku for a little while but it turned more into drama than about my writing. I miss this place and more than anything I miss the feel of my fingers on the keys as a my imagination explores into something I can be proud of. I really hope to get back into writing, possibly meeting some new friends along the way. Find a nice escape from my daily weights that crush me to the dry earth.

Not really sure what else to say, thanks for reading if you did. Hope to meet some interesting tastes. -bows head- Have a truly wonderful night, day, life, tomorrow. Whatever catches the gleam in your eyes.
Hey there! I am Daisuke Yazamaki. Welcome to Iwaku!. *Bows* need a buddu to chat with or wanna rp, let me know.
Welcome back to Iwaku Maddoc, hopefully this time around it can become your new home. <3
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Welcome back hope its better a second go for you :) if you want to RP just message me.
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Welcome baaaaaack Maddoc!
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