Road Rage

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Hakuna Matata
Original poster
What causes road rage?

Do people's personalities change once they are behind the wheel of a car?

What kind of people are more likely to commit acts of road rage?

Do you get road rage?

Worst road rage incident you seen?

GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
I get road anxiety, which I suppose is similar but instead of getting angry/frustrated I freeze up. Equally as bad.

It (both rage and anxiety) mostly stems from the unpredictability of your surroundings and a lack of control over what other road users do and will do despite the many set rules there are. Sometimes the rage is a reaction to the anxiety. Driving is stressful af and I don't blame anyone for letting that adrenaline getting to them. Idk why it is such a big part of our lives, honestly. No one becomes a better person over it.

The worst road rage incident I have seen ended with a life long sentencing in jail (dude was old af already so every sentencing would have been lifelong, tbf). 😬
I don't get road rage.

I don't understand why people have it unless they are going to be late to something or if someone isn't partaking in safe driving road rules.
I only get angry when people break da rules. Try to hit me and I get mad. You drive slow that's fine, I'll slow down. You get close to my butt? I smile and slow down a little..
i get road rage every now and then, whether im late for work or just strollin up to the grocery store. around here its mostly cause out of state drivers act like goddamn fools— pulling out in front of someone on a road thats speed is 55mph and only going 35mph and i gotta slam on my breaks and hope the mfers behind me are paying attention enough to do the same. or people who weave in and out of traffic and cut you off bc THEIR late and god forbid you make it to that red light before they do. or the old folks who do 30mph in a 60mph speed zone and just fuck up the flow of traffic for EVERYONE around them. or people who ride with their brights on the moment it starts to get dark. or people who ride yer ass bc yer doing rhe speed limit and they wanna SPEED or people who fuck with you by speeding up and slowing down whenever you try and pass/get around them or the mfers who PASS BUSES FILLED WITH KIDS

when the snowbirds are down here its like a fight for your life 🤣

i think the worst road rage ive ever had was this guy who was behind me on citrus ave— he kept trying to pass on a no pass road and i wasnt having it and when we got to the 4 way intersection i could see him in my rearview mirror and he was screaming thru his window so hard that his face was purple jdnfkdngjsbf prolly woulda tried to shoot me if he was packin
I've never gotten road rage, but I also very rarely drive.
I've seen people road rage and I definitely get it! Some people just... are such terrible drivers or assholes on the road, that I can understand getting mad at them for their dumb choices that nearly cause accidents! Some people should not... be allowed to drive lol...

The only ones I don't understand are the sorts that get just SO angry that they'll chase down a car that cut them off and try to run them off the road or get them to get out of their vehicle to start a fight or something. See those videos all the time online and I can only think "Man, what are you even going to do if you catch them? Is that really worth getting arrested over?"

My favorite things to see, not road rage, but someone that will pass another car that's going too slow... only to pull into their driveway or a parking lot fifty feet ahead. Like congratulations? You got to your destination a half a second sooner? 🤣
I don't and can't drive a car. I have witnessed many a road rages as people's passenger, though. 👀 Gives me goddamn anxiety but also I'll quietly be amused because I'm seeing someone's rage-y side. One of the funniest is when my mother-in-law does it. She's such a soft-voiced, harmless, and sweet old lady who practices patience really well. Her version of road rage is to, in her normal voice or a quiet voice, say something along the lines of "Watch it, you idiot" while glaring from her eye corners. xD She doesn't raise her voice, and she rarely swears, so even that much of a reaction I'm like "whoa mom, rage much?" and she'll giggle at it. It's funny.

It's less funny when other people do it. XD I have an anxious friend who will very anxiously road rage at people while slightly losing control of the wheel. I have an angry sister-in-law who angrily cusses out and yells at dumb drivers and starts driving more aggressively. I try to not be in cars with these people even if it means I gotta walk to my destination. lmao
It doesn't really ruffle my feathers. I just say "That person sure was grumpy" and go on about my day
When I have road raged I would say that it's more about my emotional resiliency being lacking that day than anything specific to driving. For one, I try to reduce my stress level while driving. For two... I could be a really nasty, angry, unpleasant person and I don't want to be. So I really try to control how I think about other people because the alternative is being the type of person I would never want to be around.