Priest (2011 film)

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Midnight Rose

Original poster

Alaina Benson

1. Alaina and Black Hat had always been fond of each other. But of course, you can't be romantically involved with someone if you're a priest/priestess. So the night before they head out to Sola Mira to vanquish the queen they secretly consummate their love. A couple of weeks later, Alaina realizes that she's pregnant with his child, and she will need to figure out how to keep her pregnancy a secret from everyone. She asks Paul Bettany's character (who is the only one who knows about the pregnancy) to persuade the Elder council to send Alaina to an outpost in the wastelands to keep an eye on things...

It's now been five years. Alaina has been called to bring back the priest who set out to find his missing niece/daughter. She has no idea her lover is alive until they meet again. She must make a decision: to kill the man she loves or side with him. - CRAVING!!!

2. Same female character but this time she travels from our present day to the future. Monsignor Orelas finds an eleven-year-old Alaina scared and confused. He decides to adopt her and takes her in to raise her to be a 'lady' ( a noble woman).

Fast forward to fifteen years later...

Alaina is tired living in the cramped, dark city and craves for an adventure. She sneaks out one night and finds herself lost and stranded in the desert wastelands. Not realizing the danger she's in, she gets captured by a group of familiars to be food for their master (Black Hat). She persuades the human/vampire hybrid to let her live. And now she finds herself as his personal slave/leverage. He has in mind to attack the city from within using Alaina as bait. But during the long train ride, he starts to realize he's falling in love with her and can't decide if he should change her to be his mate or kill her after his victory in taking over Cathedral City and many others.



So what I'm looking for is someone to play Black Hat for me! I can easily double as Priest (Paul Bettany's character) or Hicks for you. If you're not interested in me playing as an OC, I don't mind playing as Lucy or Maggie Q's character. Please be at least semi-literate (3+ decent sized paragraphs), have decent spelling/grammar/punctuation, write in 3rd person, use realistic face-claims, and keep the plot moving.​
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