Pink's Coding Garden

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Delilah Beaton
location: Lancaster Building(Main Hall), companions: Lucy Weston, various other students, thoughts: ambulance?

"So, what happened to your hand again?"Delilah asked.

She was walking down the winding path from the west of campus from her dorm building. Her dorm mate and best friend Lucy Weston was walking with her. The young woman was absent-mindedly arranging her uniform for the Sparkling Cave, which was the extremely stupid name given to the university café. Apparently, there had been some school wide vote at that ridiculous name had some how gotten through. The uniform was brown pants, and blue shirt. There was also a light purple apron that went over the pants and shirt with a sparkling crystal cross-stitched onto it. Delilah was trying to tie her apron as she walked as she already running a little bit behind.

"Bit by a rat,"Lucy replied. Her hand was wrapped up in gauze. "I on cleaning detail this week. I was just getting supplies from the storage room and it just came out of no where. It seemed....I don't know....more aggressive then a rat would normally be..."

Delilah frowned. That didn't sound normal at all. "Shouldn't you go to an emergency room? What if that rat had rabies or something?"

"Look, I'll go to the emergency later tonight okay? I really, really need to study for this upcoming test," Lucy replied, as they finally reached the Lancaster building in the middle of campus.

The two friends turned down the left hand hallway until they reached the door of the student café. From their they parted: Delilah got busy with her shift running orders back and forth, and Lucy sat down at one of the tables in the corner. At some point in time there was a lull in students coming in and Delilah took a seat on a stool behind the counter. Her eyes happened to drift over the room and landed on Lucy, who was slumped over at the table. The young woman watched for a few moments and then her friend began jerking in her seat. There were so many tremors running through her friend's body that Delilah ran over.

"Hey! Someone call 911, I think she's having a seizure," Delilah yelled. She began to reach forward to drag her friend to the floor. Perhaps if she laid her on the floor she wouldn't hurt herself. As she began to drag her her off her seat however, Lucy although still trembling every where in her body slammed her down into the floor with more strength then the young woman thought her friend capable of. What was scarier was the snarling. Delilah released a scream at the sudden movement and impact into the floor.

"Lucy? What on earth are you doing-"

Logan Hale
location: Oakland Dorm(East Campus), companions: none, thoughts: people are so inconsiderate

Logan laid
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Springfield University


Main Building

Oakland Dormitory(East Campus)
Dorm 2
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