Ohai. n_n

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Well, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Dollyy. I'm new to the site, but not new to roleplay. I may not be the /best/ at roleplaying, but i'm pretty decent at it. I'm 17, as my profile says, and i'm weird....I don't know all that much to say about myself, but, if you want to [I don't expect anyone to], then feel free to post back. n_n I love meeting new people.
Welcome to Iwaku! :D
Many people will post back to this ^.^ We like to welcome the new people -nods-
If you have a question don't be scared to ask.
Welcome to iwaku Dollyy :D Hope you like iwaku a lot and stays with us for a long time ^^

Here's some links so that you can find your way around if you feel a bit lost to where to post and such ;)

If you want to find one x one partners then you go to one x one requests and start searching there by either posting a new topic where you ask after partners or by answering on others requests ;)
If you are into mature roleplays then you first have to ask permission to get into your specific mature area (if you are 18 or over then you join 18+ if you are younger than 18 then you join under 18) And once an admin have accepted you into the group then you can go to the roleplay section of the mature are. (If you don't like mature roleplays then you don't have to be there ofc.)
For group rps there are
modern, fantasy and sci-fi sign ups, where you can either post your idea or read others ideas and join in.
You can also jump into an rp in the
jump in section or do your own jump in roleplay, no bio is required if the GM hasn't said anything else.
And at last, in roleplay talk you can discuss a idea you have and see if someone is interested before you post it in the modern, fantasy or sci-fi section.

Also we have a general chat where you can chat a lot :) And you can join groups to find people that share the same interest as you ;)

Hope you find your way around on iwaku and if you have any questions about the site then it's just to ask in thecommunity hub or an admin (people with blue usernames) ^^
Thank you both, very much. n////n This is a nice way to be brought into a site. No other sites are quite as friendly..n///n Again, thank you. I look forward to everything on here.
Hey there, Dollyy! I'm Hirohashi, pleased to meet you and welcome to Iwaku!

It's good to hear you're liking the place so far! We like to have the newer members feel welcomed. I was certainly greeted warmly when I joined ^^ it really made me want to stay and become a part of the community here.

If you need help with any questions, feel free to ask us! We're here to help.