Looking in here! Hello, I'm new

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Original poster
Hello! Its nice to meet you all!
The name is Kate and I have come here from another site looking for more people to play the way I play, and would like to play the things I like! Which it seems to becoming harder and harder to find that. But, Hopefully I can find that here with you all!
I am very friendly, Adv/Literate, and love a good plot line and a fellow well versed player! who I can not only write with, but be friendly with.

Hope to hear from you all soon!

I don't think posting about literacy is necessarily, well, necessary on this site. But...Either way, that aside, it's good to meet you :D I send you warm wishes that you find plenty of new friends and partners to roleplay with. Who knows? I may end up one of them. At least I'd like to be your friend at some point~

Also, side note. You have a lovely name. :)
I do it out of habit, I have other Roleplaying sites and I feel like sometimes I have to say it. Not for the site its self but for my own personal looking to play. I do not enjoy even a tiny bit of a one liner storyline. :) Nothing person to the site :)
Thank you for the warm wishes, I gladly take them! I hope I find partnews willing to play with me. LOL.
Of course, I love making new friends in roleplay and out! I'm really friendly and love a good story!

Ps. Thank you! Katherine's the full name. I do like it alot, lol. Thanks for the compliment!
Katherine and Kate are both lovely names. I like names in general though. It's rare I find one I don't like. Besides my own, which I like for other people more. xD

It's not a problem, and I'm sorry if my expression of it came out harsh...I just remember seeing one of the administrator's signatures stating that if that person catches you saying 'literate' and such they'd throw stones at you o.o; I forgot it was a signature for sure until I checked after, but forgot to edit it into my post- sorry. I don't actually mind the phrase much...Though it confuses me. The word "literate" when used for RPing...Tends to vary in meaning from one person to the next. So I avoid it because it confuses me.

Well, if you're looking for good partners, I'm sure you've come to the right place. Mind you I don't know other sites anymore, but...Despite that, I do know this site is full of some really interesting and awesome roleplay partners and people in general. So I'm sure you'll find a few you'll love <3