CHARACTER Jax’s Character Bank

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Doctor Jax

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Character Creation Factory, Engaged…
Melania Blackfinger
You'll have to work hard to find a better travel guide, and it would be impossible to find a better professional treasure hunter-- ahem, antiques procurer.

Melania - or Mel, to her dear friends - is an even-keel and seemingly unflappable satyr with a penchant for playing Devil's Advocate, enjoying that most Greek pastime: friendly arguing. That unflappability is her greatest asset as a travel guide, keeping those she leads in the dark about those troubles they simply did not need to know about while keeping them abreast of the events that are most pertinent to their current itinerary. Those in her care will hear the full history of whatever area they happen to be traveling, in story-form of course as no one likes a lecture, and those who hire her for her treasure-hunting -- er, antiques procurement, will likewise enjoy a thorough understanding of the validity and history of whatever it is you happen to be hunting. Either way, she will keep you entertained, though it is worth stating that it is not wise to double-cross the person who happens to have a very thorough understanding of the terrain you are certainly a foreigner in.

Greek-born and bred on the Thracian coast bordering Turkey, Mel is the child of tall mountains, running rivers, and thick forest. A goat Aspect, she was naturally gifted to traverse the rough landscape and steep cliffs her people had long taken to transcending, both to get away from the valley people who persecuted them, as well as to travel with goods to those few places that welcomed their presence - even if only for their wares. Quickly, Mel learned the value that even small trinkets could have on a population, and how as much as someone might hate what you are, they would tolerate you for what you have.

Melania would soon tire quickly of a life ferrying pots, pans, and silver spoons over the ridges of the Rodopi mountains to yokels. All her life, she desired to see more of the world, to hear its stories and find out more about its wonders. Alas, it would not be by her own volition she would achieve her desires. One night, a group of Men came upon the group with the usual implements of a mob, and Mel was forced to flee with her brother and the few valuables the two had. Away from her clan, she realized they must now make their own way, and as two goat Aspects, they would not get far in such an environment. Instead, she took a gamble, and the two made their way to Constantinople.

It was here, she found her calling. Searching for an artifact high in the caves of the Rodopi mountains, she led a group of treasure hunters, of course only at the last minute finding that she and her brother would be betrayed to hide the existence and location of said artifact. It was a poor move on their choice. It is suffice to say, Mel found a buyer in Constantinople, and with the substantial funds, she began to fund her own amateur endeavors into the study of history, if only to find more artifacts to sell or keep.

Funny, it soon did not matter that she was a goat Aspect. The contents of her hard skull suddenly became far more valuable than the prejudice people felt towards her hooves and horns.

Abilities, Skills, and Inventory
Mel possesses the typical abilities of her race, that being great stamina, incredible balance on difficult terrain, and an immensely thick skull - though of course only in the physical sense. Likewise, Melania is adept at reading others, negotiating with buyer and seller alike, and is conversational in a number of languages, Greek and Persian being her best, Turkish a close second. Her directional memory is par excellence, and she is of course an antiquities expert, specializing in Greek and Egyptian treasures.

She did not, however, get so far without some form of defense. Carting around precious antiques is not without its risks, and she is frightfully able with a long spade... that can be sharpened to a rather wicked edge when needed. Doubled with her stamina, speed, and thick brainpan, Mel is shockingly difficult to put down despite her size and stature. She keeps on her person a set of cutlery, a lyre, a spyglass, maps, rations, and compass. Despite her preparedness, Melania is unable to swim, nor is she strong enough to wield something like a crossbow, though she wishes she could as it would be very useful.
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Mohamed 'Hama' Ibn Sina || Human || Arabian || Male, 32

Doctor. Scholar. Astronomer. Professional traveler.

Hama is a man of many talents, not that he would be one to tell you of them. Boasting brings him no joy, though others are far more apt to sing his praises in his absence. Instead, he is of quiet bearing, preferring to work in the background on his numerous projects, as many as the grains of sands stuck in his boots. That humble nature is not to be mistaken for timidness, however, especially where safety is involved, quickly turning into a nag where one's health becomes the main concern. After all, he is well-versed in the many, many ways a man can come to his untimely and painful end, and he would hate to see a member of the party reach the same ends.

An Arabian by birth, Hama's early life was fraught with political intrigue. His father was a minor noble with political ambitions, and in addition to his first wife, he married another - the sickly daughter of an incredibly dangerous and learned man who helped elevate his father to the position of governor. It did not take long to realize why such a marriage was arranged, and quickly - his mother was an Endowed, and Hama would soon become a prize possession.

As a child it became clear he had the ability to heal as his mother did, and already his grandfather had designs on how to use Hama as a bargaining chip in the politics of the city of Ctesiphon. However, the boy grew clever, and unwilling to become a pawn, he approached his father at a young age to send him to for schooling in medicine to Agrabah, the city of shining lights, the only place his illustrious grandfather could not reach him.

It was not solely to escape. Hama showed a distinct and passionate love for medicine, perhaps helped by his Endowment. He quickly caught on, but just as soon, he found himself starving for more knowledge. He began to travel, then, first to Turkey, then to Egypt, and then to Greece, to absorb what offerings they might have for a young and starving mind. Philosophy, astronomy, and medicine soon became his life, and it wasn't long before he made his way into the fold of Sigil, that clandestine society of learned men and philanthropists. He fit in well - already, he was volunteering his services to those plagued by ailments considered lost causes to most doctors, and for no charge.

However, eventually, his wanderlust had him heading to Persia. He collected his mother and moved them both to Isfahan, where he has found employment in a hospital. He has since adopted it as his home, though he goes on frequent trips abroad - and much to his mother's consternation, has yet to find himself a wife and produce for her grandchildren.

Abilities, Skills, and Tools
He has escaped yet again from her biting questions, taking with him his medicine bag, his astrolabe, his staff, his scimitar, and his scrolls. A very seasoned traveler, he's become especially good at navigating by the stars. He is only a decent swordfighter, however, and an even worse liar. His Endowment has come in handy for whatever group he travels in. Unfortunately, his ability has its limits. While he can heal trauma, such as slashes and crushes, if the wound has 'healed' already into a scar, there is technically nothing to fix, and he must use more conventional means to fix a badly set bone, a massive scar, poorly healed lungs, etc. His ability to heal does extend to poisons and certain ailments, such as ague and cholera, but healed damage from such ailments are beyond his control.
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Amada dy Ortiga || Human || Al-Andalusian || Female, 26

Disciplined, well-mannered, gracious in bearing, Amada is regal despite being part of the Scout wing of the Riders of Isfahan. Straightforward where it counts, Amada is well-aware there is a time for play and a time for work, and both she does to the utmost of her capacity. With a cool head, it takes much to rile the Rider into anger, though when angered, it takes an equal amount of time to bring her back from a long, slow simmer. That said, she is a consummate professional, and whatever her personal feelings are about an individual and their habits, her mind is on her work, and her work alone.

Likewise, her personal life is exactly that — intensely personal. She reveals little about her life outside of the Riders, quite deliberately, though she is neither cold nor aloof. She simply chooses not to say much on her life off of griffinback. Those who are graced by her presence are nevertheless treated like royalty while in her company, as she is an astute conversationalist who enjoys the company of others.

It is a murky topic. What Amada has so far said to those ears willing to listen, is that her family were part of the mercenary clans of the province of Castile. Living in war camps as a youth, as the surrounding provinces scrambled in border wars for scraps of arable land, she remembers moving from place to place. She joined one of the mercenary companies when she was of age by posing as a young man, and over time her story let out — but others in the camp did not mind, and even encouraged her martial pursuits.

At one point, a journey took her to Isfahan, and it was here she first encountered the Riders of Isfahan. Immediately enamored, she endeavored to become one of their number, leaving her mercenary company behind. While she does seem to miss them, a sort of second family, she has no regrets about taking up with the Riders. She has been in their company seven years, and she hopes to continue for many, many more.

Abilities, Skills, and Tools
Her arsenal is spare, but what weapons she uses, she is an expert in their application. Her chosen weapon is a short sword, being easy to swing one-handed. While not exactly flashy, it does provide enough coverage, is readily available in most armories, and decent enough to handle most combat situations. She likewise is trained with a spear for formations and mounted combat, though it is not her preference. She is literate, and she writes poetry (if you can catch her at it). She has enough knowledge of falconry to relay messages, and she can set out mean party when the situation calls for it.
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8B981F5E-6436-4A41-B613-B5C37CAA37B3.jpegKinya Geborousi || Human || Nubian || Male, 60

Jolly and quick-witted by nature, Kinya is a man not given quickly to anger or frustration. Easygoing, charitable, and always with a joke at the ready, it is easy to mistake him for a kindly older man with a talent for cooking, rather than one of the Nubian kingdom's fiercest military minds. He has a disarming air, despite being nearly six feet tall and built like a brick wall, and he often puts people at ease with a booming joke or some word of wisdom (that he perhaps stole from a Greek writer - they're right only some of the time).

The bear can be poked, however. While not given quickly to anger, it is difficult to tell when he is angry. He is not prone to exhaustive rants or grand speeches, and he is perfectly content to let someone second-guess that backhanded joke or long stare. The menace is palpable but unspoken, a hurricane in a bottle. When he does finally speak out of anger, he strikes for the heart of the matter. Actions speak louder than words, and if in the middle of a spar, that anger becomes far more evident. Such occurrences are blessedly rare.

Kinya has likewise mastered the art of diplomacy, and he gives his opinion only when asked for it. However, that is not to say he will not nudge you in the right direction with a winding story tangential to your plight, or, per se, deciding to join you on a journey you most certainly did not invite him on.

Kinya's life did not become interesting until after joining the Kingdom's army. A young man from a backwater town, he was only somewhat proficient with bow, spear, and sword when he entered his Majesty's services, as a simple infantry man in their fight against the Persian threat assailing the border of Egypt. However, he rose through the ranks quickly, honing his skill under the tutelage of warriors he will tell you are tenfold better than he himself— which is a brag, as to only be a tenth of their caliber is praise high enough to come from the Good Father.

What they could not teach, however, was cunning, and Kinya had a knack for it. Swiftly revealing a keen and adroit mind, Kinya rose to becoming one of the best military commanders in the King's cabinet, and he led several campaigns against the Egyptians and Persians, as well as general outlaws and organized criminals.

And then, Persia fully annexed the upper half of Egypt, the war "ending". Nubia and Persia sat at a stalemate, with Egypt tugged between them like a rag doll. It was a constant of maneuvering, posturing, placating, cajoling. They would win land, only to lose it again. They would broker an armistice, and then break it. It was hard to say what exactly disillusioned Kinya, but he abruptly hung up the bow one day, and he announced he was becoming a cook in the palace, much to the shock of everyone.

It was perhaps not a coincidence that his daughter had died only months prior, leaving behind a baby grandson and grieving son-in-law.

Ever since, if the King wanted advice from Kinya, he had to come down to the kitchens, where he would find him singing some bawdy ballad while making kisra flatbread with his grandson clapping along. His advice was, of course, always free, drawn out in sorghum flour and utensils, but no more was the constant campaigning general helming five hundred men, replaced instead by a happy, lowly cook. Indeed, he came to attend the king's children personally, and when he caught a whiff of Teja's intentions (well, more than a whiff), he packed up his donkey and decided to invite himself on a different kind of vacation.

Abilities, Skills, and Tools

It would be a grand mistake to think Kinya's age has slowed him down much. A master bowman, spearman, and swordsman, his favored weapon is the bow, able to draw and fire at over three hundred yards and still hit accurately. While able to ride most mounts, he prefers his donkey, Se-se, the sweetest girl in the world…. To him. It is ill-advised to try to move or ride Se-se otherwise, unless somebody desperately desires a bite mark or hoofprint. She is his seemingly constant companion.

Kinya's true abilities lie in logistics. He is well-aware all parties march on their stomach, and unpalatable food will lead to weakened and disheartened soldiers — ask any who were on campaigns south of the Nile delta how they felt about desert flatbread full of sand and grit. He manages the inventory, and he has an array of tricks to make their victuals at least tasty, even while on the road. He is a decent enough hunter to forage and kill small game. A related skill, Kinya is a master combat strategist, with an eye for unorthodox solutions to sticky situations.

He is never without at the minimum a bow, something to snack on, a scroll or book of varying quality and dubious subject matter, a utility knife, a small shovel, and a special healing salve his mother used to make for the occasional ache and scrape.
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Kofi (Koh-Fee)/Coffey Stonebelly || Puntling || Punt || 28
Standing well into 7 feet and 6 inches, Kofi is already an intimidating presence simply by dint of sheer size. Made worse is his constant sour attitude, a scowl that never seems to leave his face for very long. Serious, strait-laced, and generally a bit of a fun sucker, Kofi has no issues being combative with others. This would perhaps pose less of an issue, if he weren't likewise as hard-headed and dense as the anvils of his homeland mountains.

Put simply, Kofi has a certain set of expertise, and that is the only expertise he has managed to cultivate. Wisdom is not his highest virtue, and he has a tendency to think the simplest path is best - because by Ahura Mazda, he can't follow a more complicated one. This is not to say Kofi is completely lacking intelligence, as he is a stickler for details, requires extremely clear instructions, and has a stellar aptitude for any form of kinesthetic talent, like athletics, smithing, and playing musical instruments. More academic pursuits, however, go over his head - the difference between a performer and a music theorist. He knows something works. Just don't ask him why.

Despite these faults, Kofi harbors an almost childlike wonder for adventure, new places, and new experiences, and he is loyal to a fault to those who have managed to wade through his griping and grousing. Getting to make him laugh even once will earn a friend for life, and he has before laid down his own for those he considers a friend to him, given how few and far between those are.

Kofi was born amidst the mountains on the island of Punt, an incredibly dense child. Put simply, he had the weight and heft of a sledgehammer, and as he grew, he continued to emulate one in his approach to life - crushing whatever happened to be in his way, relentlessly, until he got what he wanted. It is this selfsame philosophy that brought him at loggerheads with what would become his age-old nemesis: water. As a young boy, he dropped a throwing ax into a river, and foolishly he went into the water after it, nearly drowning. Had his mother not been there to pump the water from his lungs, Kofi's story would have ended early.

His parents had figured this would not pose an issue for him later in life, that he developed a fear of deep bodies of water, as he obviously would work at a forge the rest of his life with his father and sisters. However, Kofi's stubbornness reared its head as he was told that he'd be a smith upon Punt the rest of his days, too scared to ever leave the island as it was surrounded by sea.

Thus led to his second drowning. Overly keen to prove to himself he would indeed leave Punt - that he could, by the gods - at the age of sixteen he traveled to the coast, made his own boat out of a massive hollowed tree, and sailed out during the worst time of year for storms upon the Mediterranean Sea. A squall quickly overwhelmed the young Puntling, and he was again tossed into the drink. It was only Fate - and the nearby Hanged Man's Revenge - that saved Kofi as he was fished out of the water by Phoibe Lagoudakis and her father.

Aboard the Lagoudakis' ship, Kofi recovered and found that he was far from home, that in a way his prayers had been answered. Too ashamed to go back and tell his family what had happened, and tempted by a fierce wanderlust despite his fear, he chose to stay aboard, befriending Phoibe and learning the keeping of a seafaring vessel under the Sea Wolf's tutelage. Thus, when Phoibe chose to sail her own ship, he followed her.

Here led to the third drowning of Kofi the Puntling. The first had been through naïveté. The second, pride. But the third, was in friendship. Phoibe's first ship met with a perilous end, sinking, and without a second thought, terrified but certain his friend would drown if he did nothing, Kofi jumped into the sea to help Phoibe, though had he taken a moment to think, he would have realized she was by far the better swimmer. Only after being hauled from the water was he revived again, earning the name Coffey Stonebelly for how difficult it was to retrieve him from the sea.

Since then, it has not slowed him a bit, as he now sits as the bosun of the Eventide's Grace, Phoibe's current ship, more motivated than most to ensure their bark does not sink.

Kofi wields a hammer too heavy for most men to lift one-handed, both for repairs as much as for combat. The Puntling makes it look easy to swing, clubbing any men who might deserve it. He also has a set of smith's tools for cold-forging anything that might need repaired aboard the ship, as obviously an active forge would be a disaster on a wooden boat.

The Puntling is also well-versed in maintaining the equipment on the Eventide's Grace, ensuring any smiths they hire have done good work, as well as managing the shipwrights, coopers, carpenters, and rope-makers. Inventory is not always his best skill, but he works tirelessly to ensure his numbers are correct (even if he may have to have Phoibe double-check his math, seeing as it is clearly not his forte). At the least, they have never gone hungry due to an inventory issue. Likewise, Kofi's knowledge of the layout of the ship is nearly photographic, knowing nearly every nail, board, and fixture on the Grace. If there is even a single plank out of place, he will know about it -- and fuss at the carpenter to fix it.

Perhaps a shock to most, Kofi is also well-versed with a zither. While he cannot read music, nor can he replicate a song he's heard, he composes melodies in his downtime that he openly admits he can only play once, as he can never remember the tune once he's played it. He can also eat, seemingly, anything that's edible regardless of how badly it's been burnt or poorly it's been made. He cannot seem to distinguish good food from bad, saying it all tastes 'perfectly fine'.
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Behind Closed Doors
Name: Nasrin Lashgari
Sex: Female
Age: 46
Endowment: Invader
Brief History: An enigmatic figure, there is little known about the tall and matronly teacher who heads studies in literature, poetry, and rhetoric. Patient, insightful, Nasrin enjoys conversation and teaching others how to eloquently put their thoughts to paper or to ear. However, she does not brook much argument, despite her lenient ways, and she has no problem digging around in someone's mind if they're proving particularly disobedient - or a threat to her students.

Name: Bijan Astarabadi
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Endowment: Warp
Brief History: WIP