TESTING If Vaporwave was a Coding Thread

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

Tastes Like Blue

Original poster

why are you here? honestly. why are any of us here.
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The journey of your life may not have gone where you wanted to. You were born as a special human with powers, called the Zero Variants, or ZV for short, but no one gave a shit. You were either looked at with jealousy, fear, admiration, or a strange mixture of all three compounded in one word—scareousal. After the GESTALT events, the ZVs' population almost went extinct. The only ones left were those under the age of sixteen. So, you grew up in a fairly normal world. It was only within the last five years that not only heroes started popping up, but villains did as well. The Alpha Squadron was always the main team that protected America after WW2.5, where a large part of west Asia, eastern Europe, and southern Russia sunk into Earth. The Hollow World theorists really ate that day. But the action was enough to calm global tensions, and in the place of autocratic warmongers, supervillains arose. You probably had a lunchbox with the Alpha Squadron on it and sold it to pay for college. Since, you know, they all died in the GESTALT.

Maybe you adored that lunch box, maybe your psychiatry degree didn't work out, you were almost arrested for vigilantism, or you really wanted to slap on tights and have the world marvel at your fine ██, but you found yourself receiving an invitation to join the Sigma Squad on your doorstep. The government cut off a small sliver of their ZV budget to pay for renovations and (some) equipment for this experimental division of the Alpha Squadron Initiative. They called it the "Sigma Squad Initiative," as it was supposed to be the accumulation of everything the ZVs have endured and persevered from. You aren't the best of the best; it's more like when you give the football to a ragtag team of misfits and hope that movie magic works for you. You're called the "amateur league" for a reason.

You're a new member of this Sigma Squad Initiative, called "The Sigmas" for short. You're tasked with handling B-Level threats and directing evacuation (and possibly traffic) when the Alpha Squadron asks you to. Yet, it isn't all fun and games. Many people believe that clustering the ZVs and having them use their abilities may cause another GESTALT, or even worse—to empower a secondary class of citizens. And even worse, something is killing ZVs in a way that no human or otherwise could achieve. So, it's a great time to dust off your nom de plume and show the world what you (or probably aren't) made of. I mean, besides blood, you'll definitely be showing them that.


In the early 19th century, a cosmic storm erupted over Earth, or at least that is what modern scientists hypothesize. No matter the reason behind it, the radiation passed into the atmosphere, which moved to the weather system, inevitably leading to cosmic dust-infused rain washing over the world. It took a few years, and honestly, it could have happened sooner as the number of exorcisms had spiked, but the first Zero Variant appeared. At that time, they were called Proto-Humans, which is funny because they were not the first. Maybe the scientists were thinking they would be first in a fight? It was a simple ability, enhanced strength, but it was visible enough for others to start coming to the forefront. Those daring Proto-Humans were rewarded by being forcibly drafted into WWI. Good job guys.

The war ended the same, as America (much to America's surprise) wasn't the only one with these Proto-Humans. Yet, technology would take weird and interesting leaps from there. We could talk about it, or we could move on. That technology is all outdated now. Not to mention, we have another World War to discuss. It was easy for fascists to lump Proto-Humans in with all the things that they were scared of. It was the first time the Proto-Humans were bathed in a negative light from such an overwhelming majority. And those feelings were surprisingly shared by the silent majority worldwide. Jealousy, fear, greed? Whatever it was, things went pear-shaped for them during WW2. Humans had managed not to build the nuclear bomb because they had something equally as terrifying. They bio-engineered a virus to overwhelm a Proto-Humans system and cause them to explode just from making contact with their skin—faster if it was a mucous membrane. One average Proto-Human could decimate an entire block, and while that doesn't seem like an extreme amount of stopping power, at that time, nearly a fifth of the population were Proto-Humans. So, the Allied forces sent planes over cities, sprinkling this virus over thousands of people. Some devastation was immediate, but a lot happened over a week. Entire cities were decimated, and when the survivors tried to scratch a life back out, another wave of explosions would happen. WW2 ended shortly after that. Due to the devastation of such a weapon and the overwhelming push of the Allied forces, the Axis surrendered. The compound, code-named "Pillars of Salt," was forfeited to the UN and to never be used again in a war. And, as we all know, a handshake isn't legally binding.

This brings us to the 1950s, a few years into the Cold War. It is believed that the recipe for the "Pillars of Salt" virus had been stolen, and a counterfeit version had been made and used on a Class X Proto-Human—the highest level—who commanded the earth. While it is believed to be the US who perpetrated the act, as the action happened in the USSR, no one ever came forward. Instead of this Proto-Human dying, a massive hole was created in the middle of the continent that sunk countless people and countries deep into the Earth. The Cold War ended immediately, and due to the travesty of it all, it was dubbed WW2.5 by the history books. Years later, it would be discovered that the landmass had sunk into the Earth, but most of the populations had survived and were working hard on finding a way to restore themselves to the surface.

By 1954, there was a spike in crime due to the absence of war and warmongers. Ever since the Proto-Human's arrival in the early 1900s, they hadn't known a time without conflict. So, in the absence of that and the uptick in crime, Proto-Humans tried their best to fill that weird empty spot in society (and maybe also their heart?) of the heroes and protectors. What started as a simple case of powered vigilantism turned into superheroes versus supervillains. The formation of the Alpha Squadron happened around that time, followed shortly by several criminal organizations with different names. Their clashes happened often, and they turned from trying to keep society functioning to a downright blood feud.

Twenty-one years later, in 1965, the worst event happened, which ended the age of the Proto-Human and the ideation of their existence.

It started in a city called Palisade Falls. The Alpha Squadron had brought all their force to bear on the organization TRITON as they tried to sink the seaside city. The squadron was led by one of the strongest Proto-Human families in existence, the Saint-Maines. Harold Saint-Maine was a powerful psychic. His wife, Charlotte Saint-Maine, was one of the first technokinetics, and her power was evolving as rapidly as the technology around them. Their two eldest sons, Theodore and Harry (Harold Jr.), had the abilities of power mimicry and focused force blasts, respectively. They were also joined by their youngest, whose name, gender, and power were left unpublished due to them being a minor. According to the papers at the time, they were wiping the floor with the members of TRITON when Harold Saint-Maine felt something ping against his senses. Unfortunately the reports get terribly graphic at this time, and we will be omitting that. But the psychic energy was enough to kill him. Then, the clouds parted in a perfect circle as if an intense gust of air had blown them away. There, in the middle of it, was a being that had a human-like build with massive wings on either side of it. Many called it an angel. Believing it was the reason for his father's death, Theodore flew up to the being with several other Proto-Humans who had flight. They were brought down immediately, several stories from even reaching it. Many of the Proto-Humans and humans alike started to flee. But before they could take a few steps, every Proto-human was eviscerated into unrecognizable remnants of who they had been before. Humans were unharmed in the attack, as were any Proto-Humans under the age of sixteen. It was then that the bodies of the killed Proto-Humans floated upwards and seemingly into the wings of this "angel" before the being blipped out of existence. This happened thousands of more times worldwide until no Proto-Humans above the age of sixteen were left. In a moment, the world had changed. The creature that had done this, and the event itself, was named GESTALT, as it was the summation of all the parts it had taken from the Proto-Humans, but it was actually smaller than it first appeared. A single being capable of removing nearly an entire population of people

In the years that followed, it was almost as if the world never had these people with powers. Things became almost mundane. At that time, scientists were able to discover the nature behind "Proto-Humans," and due to that discovery, their name was changed to Zero Variants. Yet, ten years after the incident, vigilantes reappeared when many of the ZVs had aged into adulthood. They almost did more harm than good, as the rigid system that had created the Alpha Squadron and other heroes wasn't in place to help them. Shortly thereafter, the American government passed a law prohibiting vigilantism and time in jail for breaking the new law. Yet, in 1984, a terrorist attack against the Crystal Dome in Titan City that left many injured and a few dead made the government rethink that decision. They decided to reform the Alpha Squadron, funded by the government, and set boundaries to stop them from overreaching. While they did accept nearly fifty members, they had nearly a thousand applicants.

An appeal was made by an anonymous member of the Senate to make a lesser-tiered group. One that could take in recruits and mold members into being like the superheroes from the 50s and 60s, powerful and self-reliant. There was quite a bit of debating before they decided to form another, smaller group called the Sigma Squad—Sigmas for short. They were supposed to represent the accumulation of knowledge, prowess, failures, and tight decision-making of the heroes before them. The process for their selection was through invitation only, as they wanted to make sure to get an interesting mix. Rehabilitated criminals, up-and-coming stars, star athletes, impoverished neighborhood heroes, powerful asylum seekers, and an everyman with abilities. It was very experimental and they didn't put much hope into the experiment being an outright success. However, if needed, the Sigmas could provide backup to the Alpha Squadron and be used as meat shields.

The current year is 1985. On the fifth page of the newspaper, a lone reporter, Shin Soo-jin, is chronicling a strange phenomenon of random ZVs ending up dead—chopped to bits. Many title this as the modus operandi of a serial killer, but the fear is not everywhere due to them only targeting low-class ZVs. Along with that, a speculation. When the GESTALT happened, everyone mourned the loss of the Alpha Squadron, but no one paid any mind to orphaned children of the villains. Especially their archenemies, Tempus Edax Rerum, led by the Astra family, a dark mirror to the Saint-Maines. Could they be behind these strange murders? There are signs that TER is back. And if they've made Bastion City their home turf, then the Sigmas will have to deal with them.


The name ZERO VARIANT comes from simplifying the genetic condition that causes these powers. It is when the centromere of the 0 chromosome is translocated with the loci 14q32. It was discovered shortly after 1965 that the "cosmic radiation" had mutated the fundamental DNA of humans. Another chromosome appeared, but this one was smaller than 21. They titled it 0 due to its size and the fact that it seemed to have no effect on humans. Yet, when it was translocated with the q arm of chromosome 14, it created a powerhouse (literally). 14q32 was always known as a gene that jump-started several conditions which ranged from developmental to fatal. Yet, this was the first time that it had a positive outcome when placed into a chromosome. t(0;14q32) is the reason that ZVs exist.

All humans, variant or not, are born with the zero chromosome. ZVs are born with the t(0;14q32) already present; it does not happen over time. That being said, bodies are as wild and varied as a sunset. While parents can have their children genetically tested, when they present their powers is an entirely different can of worms. It can be right after birth, in the developmental stages, pre-teen, teen, or young adult. The oldest known case was Benjamin Frattel, who was 21 when he presented with his abilities. He unfortunately passed right after that, as he was immolated by the explosion of his own pyrokinesis. It is believed that the longer that it takes for one's abilities to present, the more deadly they are—to the user, not to the others. Frattel Syndrome was named after Benjamin to note someone with the t(0;14q32) who hasn't presented their abilities. It's 100% fatal but only happens in .01% of ZVs.

When a ZV presents their ability, it is measured on a scale. These abilities remain the same type and power throughout one's life. No one's powers get stronger as they age. Instead, experience and talent can make them more than they were. The levels are rated from A (being the highest) to D (being the lowest). There are X Class, but the last known one died in the GESTALT. Another one hasn't been born since then. Below is a basic categorization of the abilities; there are always variants of each measured in (+) and (=), but these are the sorts that would land someone firmly in the middle of their classification.

These powers mess with the fabric of reality and are powerful enough to prove dangerous to an entire country if use for a malevolent purpose. Immediately, they are brought into the fold of the government. Examples: time manipulation, space manipulation, black hole creation, immortality, instant death, mind control, forced transformation, pure energy manipulation, etc.

These powers are the sort that alter or control a specific molecular structure, sometimes permanently. These users are also very well trained in how to use their powers to their full capacity. People who hold these powers usually work as professional heroes or governmental assets. Examples: any elemental control, psychic powers that involve powerful telekinesis or telepathy, weather manipulation, gravity manipulation, super speed, instantaneous teleportation with spacial limits, power mimicry, invincibility, instantaneous regeneration, life draining, etc.

These powers are limited to affecting one's molecular structure and the immediate vicinity around them. While they can be as devastating as a Class A, their reach is significantly smaller. These powers not only take training to be considered superhero-level, but one must find ways to use them uniquely and have the physical abilities to do so. These members usually find themselves in specialized areas of mundane organizations or backups in a superhero team. Examples: delayed regeneration, kinetic blasts or infusions, super strength, enhanced speed, elasticity, short-range elemental manipulation, short-range teleportation, ability mimicry, flight, weapon creation, photokinesis, soundwave generation and manipulation, etc.

These powers only affect the user or the area around them in a temporary, non-destructive manner. Powers like these are only truly useful when paired with exceptional physical/mental capabilities. People who have them might achieve some level of importance in their career/life, but mostly, they are mundane. Examples: claw growth, empathy, prehensile tail, hovering, shapeshifting into one small creature, turning sand into glass and vice-versa, electrical discharge, touch-based teleportation (i.e. switching places with people), fireworks, reviving plants, etc.

These powers are minor, affect the person using them, and are usually only noticed if someone points them out. Class D is on the same level as normal humans and is given no special treatment. No amount of training will make them useful. Examples: changing the color of one's hair/eyes, making smells, jumping normally and falling back to the ground slowly, cleaning a cubic square area, turning lights on and off with a snap, low-level magnetism, etc.


Bastion City was one of the newer cities that popped up after the ZVs arrived. It consumed the eastern coastline, attempting to parallel pretty much California in its entirety. It's known for its burgeoning technology, interestingly patterned traffic, and fully lit skyline. This has especially gotten only more egregious during the 80s, in which it has become a reflection of that aesthetic and vibe. Its biggest exports are crude oil, fish, manufacturing, tourism, and superheroes. Its biggest import is textiles and crime. Underneath the shiny veneer of a city is a full-blown assortment of crime syndications varying from street-sized gangs to ones with fingers in the government. In recent years, it's actually benefited from having ZV vigilantes. So, when the government was wondering where to place its new experimental "Sigma Squad," they decided to place them outside the city to watch over it. If they could survive that, then they could survive anything. Please note: you can make up whatever place you want in Bastion City for your character to have ties to, etc. Just as long as it would be a lawful establishment, I don't care. That's why this part is so vague. I want to ensure that I am not outlining everything so you guys can make things up, too.


Saint-Maine Estate is called that because it was the home and headquarters of the Saint-Maines, the superhero family of the first Alpha Squadron. It is about 20 minutes outside of Bastion City, through the winding foothills of the Appalachians, before dropping off into a large swath of flat, treeless land. To say it looks out of place is a wild understatement. It's a large Queen Anne-style house that looks like it's either in a kid's show or a horror novel, depending on the angle. There's a rather large utility shed behind it that is nestled into the woods, which, while it looks a little plain, is filled to the brim with equipment. And a separate car garage with places for about five cars to be stowed inside and a few parked outside. There's a grandiose roundabout in front of the house and a defunct fountain that occasionally spurts water when it feels like it.

The place had been kept up, but it was no longer in the pristine condition it was. It had to be retrofitted with newer equipment and appliances, and the basement had to be tended. It looked as if it had been ransacked. While it is up-to-date technology-wise, it hasn't been updated to look anything less than a grandiose old house whose hallways may be too narrow and stairs too steep.



This RP is basically an original world take on the "X-Men," which I am sure is super obvious. It'll have the violence of "Invincible," the camaraderie of "The Umbrella Academy," and probably the humor of "Extraordinary." So, don't come into this RP thinking it's purely about saving the world and min/maxing your superhero. It will be about 60% drama, mystery, romance, etc., and 40% superhero-ing about. What can I say? I enjoy the interpersonal drama of heroes. Yes, I did miss my calling as a CW superhero show writer. How could you tell?

1. Iwaku Rules Apply

2. As the GM, I have the final say. You can talk to me about things; I welcome it. But if I say no, I mean no. Don't try to go around me.

3. While this is set in 1980s America, I will not allow any harmful or hurtful takes for the sake of "well, it was the time." You are to be as progressive in the IC as we are in the real world. I will not give you a moment to clarify; you will be gone. I'll allow complicated/negative feelings toward being ZV, but that's it.

4. Scenes will run from two weeks (transitions) to a month (missions and downtime). Within that time, you need to post at least once. I encourage collabs during downtime, but you don't have to. During the missions, we'll be doing collabs, so you don't have to try to write paragraphs for simple responses to actions going on around you. Unless previously stated, I will be controlling the enemies. For transition scenes, you'll write a post on your own. So, basically, the flow of the RP will be:


Downtime may include personal missions or "side quests" where your characters accidentally find themselves in trouble. If you want to do something like that, talk to me first. I'll either let you do whatever you want or play off of you to give you some unplanned drama. But you need my approval.

5. A disclaimer on AI Art: this RP will use AI art for its visuals. I'm against AI art being used to replace an actual artist. Especially in terms of payment, jobs, art literature, promotion, or even putting the spotlight on them and their talent. AI art should not be used to take away jobs from artists. I'll be using my own personal art in this RP (it's not good, but it's there). So, I'm all about artist representation. But this RP will not be showcasing artists or paying them. It's going to use AI to tell a story. And with the transient nature of RPs, paying someone to do the art would be costly. I can do some of it, but I'm a slow-ass amateur. You might need to mosey on out if you are against using AI art. No hard feelings; I totally understand. Also, let me know if you want me to work up some art for your character.

6. The Discord is mandatory, and you will need to join it and get your power approved before you post your character sheet here. Fail to do that, and I'll assume you didn't read the rules.

7. If you have any ideas and/or questions, feel free to ask me. I travel a lot for my job, and so I may not always be available. But make sure to tag me or send it to me in a PM, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

8. You better have fun, I swear to fucking god. If you don't, I will be VERY sad.

9. There is to be no explicit sexual content. Like I said, I enjoy some romance and don't shy away from things getting a little spicy. But put it this way, if this RP was a TV show and your grandmother walked in, what would you want her to see? Some kissing wouldn't set off alarm bells, but anything beyond that would have her writing you out of the will.

10. We respect everyone here, and we treat them with respect. ♡


These are any questions you have regarding what you should put in your character sheet. It's also to do some world-building I might have forgotten to mention above. Two birds with one stone. Let me know if I've left anything off.

0. Ctrl+F and type "INSERT", highlighting everywhere you need to type. You don't need to mess with anything beyond that.

0.5, PICTURES will be either photography or realistic artwork. No smooth anime people here, I say like a psycho. It takes away from some of the realism I am going for in this RP. If you need any help finding a face-claim or art, let me know. I don't have thousands of pictures saved on Pinterest for my health. I can also use the aforementioned AI to brew you up something if you have an exact idea. The only thing I ask is that you don't use faceclaims of famous people. It breaks my immersion if we're joined by Anna Kendrick on a mission.

1. When coming up with a HERO MONIKER, try to use something that isn't overused in media. I know there are A LOT of heroes out there, so finding something entirely unique will be hard. But avoid common names like Batman, Ironman, Captain Marvel (either of them), or Black Canary. I would like it to have vague ties to your character powers, but 'eh.' Rule of cool!

2. For your DOB, work backward from April 1st, 1985, as that's when the RP will start. The AGE for all Sigmas will range between 21-36. The latter end, because the GESTALT happened 20 years ago, and the oldest a ZV could be was 16, or they died. On the lower end, it's because the HQ will have alcohol, and the government doesn't want to promote underage drinking. Superpowered beating the shit out of people? Sure! Having a Jack and Coke when you're 20? Straight to jail.

3. I don't mind if your character is an immigrant from another country but let's keep them to a minimum. Not because I don't like seeing all cultures and ETHNICITIES, but because I'm going to be playing America VERY nationalist, and they probably would not allow many non-native Americans. Yes, capitalism is the bad guy. It always is.

4. For your POWER CLASS, the Sigmas are B. Now, they can range from C+ to B+, but they can only be on the low end if you really sell me that your character's power is not strong but versatile. On the higher end, your character must be older and have at least been in one superhero group or trained by a hero. B= and B are the safest bets for me not questioning it.

5. POSITION is basically what archetype you will play your character as. Choose from the following: Tank, DPS, Glass Cannon, Healer, Crowd Control, Support, Damage Prevention and/or Exploit, and Mobility. This is to make sure that we have a rounded cast. You can evolve over time, but this gives you an idea of where to go with your powers.

6. DANGER? None to Medium. No High Danger on the Sigmas.

7. As much as your FAMILY goes, it can go several ways. If your character's parents were both ZVs, then they would both be dead. So, yes, the norm here IS being an orphan. I got you now, edge lords. That said, one parent could have been human, or both parents could have been. Being a ZV has less to do with familial genetics and more with your personal genes. Having ZV parents raises your percentage by a lot, but it doesn't dictate whether or not you have powers. But someone raised you afterward, as you were a smol babeh (maybe), and be sure to include them on here even if they aren't blood-related. If your character went into the foster system, put the foster family they stayed with for the longest/permanently. You can't just be a street waif and have grown into someone that the government would be like, "Ah yes, that person." Make it make sense.

8. Only include NON-ZV TRAINING concerning being on the Sigma Squad. I don't want to hear about your character's years on the swim team if they are not a water-focused hero.

9. PRIMARY ABILITY is self-explanatory. Give me a gist as to what your character can do. SECONDARY ABILITY is where you can have a bit of fun. For instance, say you controlled heat, and you could use that to make yourself fly. How could your ability be used to give you a secondary "position" that's not as strong as the first? The previous example is definitely a DPS with a Mobility push. If you need any help with this, ask. Usually, you can find secondary uses for powers on superpower wikis.

10. STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES are basically to put a finer pin on what your character can do. You have to have as many weaknesses as you do strengths, and they have to be of equal merit. 5 max, 1 min. Again, ask if you need to.

11. REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: "What did you do to get their attention?" Did you try out for Alpha Squadron and not make it but impress one of the judges? Were you in a hero group before they were outlawed? Were you a vigilante who was caught, and this was the best way to get out of jail? Were you a special operative in a government branch? A shining star in an area of Emergency Services? A small-town hero? You have had to show off your powers one way or another in a way that would be viewed as both productive and useful. This means, your backstory better not include dead people... beyond your parents. Obviously.

12. WHO RECOMMENDED YOU is putting a face to the previous group. Who put your name to be considered for the Sigmas in that line of work? As you may remember, unlike the Alpha Squadron, there was no interviewing process. You guys are hand-picked fuck ups amateur heroes. Why are you here now?

13. You can "redact" anything on the sheet you want to using: █████████. but you have to tell ME what is behind there. Just PM it to me when you submit your sheet.

14. Oh wow, you noticed a lack of BACKSTORY on here. Yes, that's on purpose. I get tired of writing them, especially when you want to fit into an RP and need them to be solid and malleable. All the questions are to make you think about the bones of your character, and they'll develop more as we RP. That being said, I require you send me a SECRET. Let me know something from your character's past that would come up in the RP. It doesn't have to be BAD, but something we could work on for your personal missions. Make sure to PM it to me and tell no one else.

15. When you're accepted, I'll ask that you also make a sheet for the Alpha Squadron. It's an abbreviated form of the Sigma one. That way, I'm not responsible for coming up with ALL the NPCs. I think it might be fun. They are A class, so you have much more freedom.




INSERT Hometown
//////////-ZERO VARIANT-//////////​


INSERT RELATION - INSERT NAME (INSERT AGE) INSERT CURRENT STATUS (Copy and paste as many times as needed.)
INSERT RELATION - INSERT NAME (INSERT AGE) INSERT CURRENT STATUS (Copy and paste as many times as needed.)

→ INSERT physical characteristics that would be of detriment or bonus to your character. Wounds, musculature, training bonuses/failures, and non-power-related ZV characteristics. In the third person from someone evaluating your character,.

→ INSERT Personality basically. Also, insert any diagnoses that your character has. It's alright if they are neurotypical. I just know that in this line of work your character may have seen some things. In the third person from someone evaluating your character.

INSERT name of training - INSERT years that you trained, i.e. (1978-1980) - INSERT who trained you
→ INSERT brief synopsis. Copy and paste as many times as needed.
INSERT name of training - INSERT years that you trained, i.e. (1978-1980) - INSERT who trained you
→ INSERT brief synopsis. Copy and paste as many times as needed.
///// START //////////-ZERO VARIANT-////////// START /////​

→ INSERT the primary use of your power
→ INSERT the secondary use of your power
///// STOP //////////-ZERO VARIANT-////////// STOP /////​

⤷ INSERT either images or a brief description. For the images, keep them on the smaller side so they can sit next to each other. For the description, go wild.

margin-left: 25px;] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/JqZP1wG/TopPage.png[/img][spoiler=INSERT HERO MONIKER][div=
width: 1000px;
margin: auto;
columns: 250px 2;][div=
height: 400px;
background: url(https://i.ibb.co/gmH0nfj/INSERT-Character-Portrait.png) 50% 50%/cover;][/div][div=
height: 400px;
background:  url(https://i.ibb.co/c1cN056/background.png);
color: black;
padding: 20px;
font-family: Courier New;][center][b][I]** "INSERT HERO MONIKER" **[/i][/b][/center]

[left][u][b]NAME:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]AGE & DOB:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]HEIGHT & BUILD:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]ETHNICITY:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]NATIONALITY & HOMETOWN:[/b][/u] INSERT Nationality
INSERT Hometown
[u][b]RELIGION:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]EDUCATION:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]OCCUPATION:[/b][/u] INSERT
[/left][center]//////////-ZERO VARIANT-//////////[/center][left]
[u][b]CLASS:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]POWER:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]POSITION:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]DANGER:[/b][/u] INSERT  [/left][/div][/div][div=
width: 1000px;
height: 400px;
margin: auto;
background: url(https://i.ibb.co/c1cN056/background.png) 50% 50%/cover;
color: black;
padding: 20px;
overflow-y: scroll;
font-family: Courier New;][left][u][b]FAMILY:[/b][/u]
⤷ [b]INSERT RELATION -  INSERT NAME[/b] [I](INSERT AGE)[/i] INSERT CURRENT STATUS (Copy and paste as many times as needed.)
⤷ [b]INSERT RELATION -  INSERT NAME[/b] [I](INSERT AGE)[/i] INSERT CURRENT STATUS (Copy and paste as many times as needed.)

[u][b]PHYSICAL PROFILE:[/b][/u]
→ INSERT physical characteristics that would be of detriment or bonus to your character. Wounds, musculature, training bonuses/failures, and non-power-related ZV characteristics. In the third person from someone evaluating your character,.

→ INSERT Personality basically.  Also, insert any diagnoses that your character has. It's alright if they are neurotypical. I just know that in this line of work your character may have seen some things. In the third person from someone evaluating your character.

[u][b]NON-ZV TRAINING:[/b][/u]
[b]INSERT name of training[/b] - [I]INSERT years that you trained, i.e. (1978-1980)[/I] - INSERT who trained you
→ INSERT brief synopsis. Copy and paste as many times as needed.
[b]INSERT name of training[/b] - [I]INSERT years that you trained, i.e. (1978-1980)[/I] - INSERT who trained you
→ INSERT brief synopsis. Copy and paste as many times as needed.
[/left][center]/////     START     //////////-ZERO VARIANT-//////////     START     /////[/center][left]
[u][b]CLASS:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]POWER:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]PRIMARY USE:[/b][/u]
→ INSERT the primary use of your power
[u][b]SECONDARY USE:[/b][/u]
→ INSERT the secondary use of your power
[u][b]KNOWN STRENGTHS:[/b][/u]
[u][b]KNOWN WEAKNESSES:[/b][/u]
[/left][center]/////     STOP    //////////-ZERO VARIANT-//////////     STOP    /////[/center][left]
⤷ INSERT either images or a brief description. For the images, keep them on the smaller side so they can sit next to each other. For the description, go wild.




INSERT Hometown
//////////-ZERO VARIANT-//////////​


margin-left: 0px;] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/Cb4d24c/TA-copy.png[/img][spoiler=INSERT HERO MONIKER][div=
width: 1000px;
margin: auto;
columns: 250px 2;][div=
height: 400px;
background: url(https://i.ibb.co/RYrsYpJ/INSERT-Character-Portrait-Alpha.png) 50% 50%/cover;][/div][div=
height: 400px;
background:  url(https://i.ibb.co/G7gD3qF/background-alpha.png);
color: black;
padding: 20px;
font-family: Courier New;][center][b][I]** "INSERT HERO MONIKER" **[/i][/b][/center]

[left][u][b]NAME:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]AGE & DOB:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]HEIGHT & BUILD:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]ETHNICITY:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]NATIONALITY & HOMETOWN:[/b][/u] INSERT Nationality
INSERT Hometown
[u][b]RELIGION:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]EDUCATION:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]OCCUPATION:[/b][/u] INSERT
[/left][center]//////////-ZERO VARIANT-//////////[/center][left]
[u][b]CLASS:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]POWER:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]POSITION:[/b][/u] INSERT
[u][b]DANGER:[/b][/u] INSERT 

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** "VESTIGE" **

NAME: Calder "Cal" Faust
AGE & DOB: 32 & October 31st 1953
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis-Male (he/him)
HEIGHT & BUILD: 6'5" & Muscular
Bastion City, South Carolina, US
RELIGION: Agnostic
EDUCATION: Associates in Physical Therapy
//////////-ZERO VARIANT-//////////​

POWER: Self-Replication
POSITION: Team Leader & Crowd Control
FATHER - █████ █████████ (42) DEAD
MOTHER - ███████ █████████ (38) DEAD
BROTHER - ███ █████████ (20) DEAD
BROTHER - ████████ █████████ (18) DEAD

→ Mr. Faust is tall, and his musculature lends him to being an imposing figure, and considering his degree and occupation, that muscle is dangerous. Unfortunately, one might notice that he is covered in scars, two horizontally bisect his face over his eyes. His eyes are white, but he says he can see out of them just fine. They've always been like that since he was born. Maybe he needs to wear sunshades, but nothing too bad. Another scar over his lip. There are four across his chest and another three over his left forearm. These look like something with deep claws got a hold of him. Then, there is the massive burn scarring over his right arm. That one is more healed than the rest. His power agitates his healing process. He has several mostly scarred-over holes in both of his legs, apparently caused by being dropped down on rebar. He'd be a prime example of human physique if he didn't have such physical damage. And upon asking, yes, the subject has naturally purple hair. Another strange offshoot of his power. But honestly, I've seen stranger.

→ Upon first conversations with Mr. Faust, he comes across as well-adjusted, considering his background. He tried to charm me over with jovial conversation and jokes. Yet, it was apparent that he was trying to get this evaluation done and over with. Unfortunately, I'm here to ensure all these team members are mentally well. After a while, he grew agitated and started fidgeting in his chair. It was noted that he pulled something out of his pocket to thumb while talking. It took a little convincing to see what it was. It was a 3-year sobriety coin from AA. Noted that he is in remission, but looking back on his files, he had both an alcohol and narcotic dependency that sent him to the ER more than once. He states it helped with "panic attacks." What he describes is the effects of PTSD. Now, he attends therapy and AA to help with that, but he lost his temper when I asked if he takes anything for it. "I did, and you see how well that went," he said while showing off his coin. That's not what I meant, but I understand his hesitation. All in all, he held his cool through most of the meeting except when I started probing about his past PTSD diagnosis and addiction. I'm slow to recommend him as "Team Lead," but his experience is irreplaceable. Maybe get him some anti-depressants.

Heroic Tactics - (1961-1965) - ███████ █████████
→ He was trained by his mother, the team lead at the time, to assess dangerous ZV-related situations and react accordingly. Learning the strengths and weaknesses of his team members and using them to their fullest.
Mixed Martial Arts - (1965-1973) - Frank Faust
→ Cal's uncle is a known military entity in our database. He tries to stay off the grid, but we know where he is. So, he trained his nephew to take someone down with just his body in various styles.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - (1974-1976), (1981-Current) - Renaud Payen
→ The head coach at the BJJ joint in the Gridline section of Bastion City. Despite being in a low-income area, Renaud is well known as an undefeated fighter in illegal underground fights. Cal currently works, well worked, at his gym
Kick Boxing - (1979-1985) - Renee Chillam (Hero Moniker: Celsius)
→ Celsius is an ice-based ZV, but can only use her powers on a touch-based method. So, she's studied kickboxing since she was big enough to kick. She's trained a lot of heroes, but Cal is her longest student.
///// START //////////-ZERO VARIANT-////////// START /////​

POWER: Self-Replication
→ CROWD CONTROL: The user can instantly and perfectly replicate themselves numerous times without losing energy or getting tired. They manifest directly from the user, splitting into several individual beings that can recombine afterward. The user can copy their clothes and other equipment along with their body. They will normally be able to maintain control over all copies. In the case of sentient clones, living or otherwise, all mental and physical properties are exactly the same as the original ones. Furthermore, due to the possibility of each copy having different experiences, other clones may develop unique personalities, identities, and other attributes independent of the user over time.
→ HEALING (SELF): The user can regenerate by replicating and then absorbing their clone. While it won't entirely erase the damage, it will turn situations that could have been fatal to less-than-critical. The number of clones reabsorbed won't mitigate the damage more; only one is required to bring the user back.
⤷ HIVEMIND: If a clone learns a skill, information, technique, ability, etc. when reabsorbed, the primary user will have access to it as if they learned it themselves.
⤷ ABSORPTION BOOST: If the user reabsorbs their clone, and it's not for healing purposes, for a split second, their body will enter a state of hyper-productivity. Meaning they'll have increased strength, reactivity time, speed, etc. It's only for a split second, but it gives them abilities on par with another ZV who has that as their main ability.
⤷ AUTONOMY: The longer a clone is alive, usually a day or more, the more it becomes its own person, and its goals become divorced from that of the primary user. It can actively work against their interests, knowing them inside and out.
⤷ DELAYED COMPLETE HEALING: While the user can reabsorb a clone to heal themselves from major injuries or reattach a limb (that is not the head), they are still left with a nasty wound. That wound will not fully heal if the user continues to make clones of themselves. Usually, they can get it to at least a scarring over stage, but rarely past that. Leading to the possibility of infection, pain, and increased agitation.
///// STOP //////////-ZERO VARIANT-////////// STOP /////​



→ As the son of the notable ███████ ████ ███████, Mr. Faust has a pedicure that one might not see today, even if it is ███████. But, oddly enough, he was believed not to be interested in the business of being in a team with other ZVs until he showed up at the Alpha Squadron tryouts. Unfortunately, while his experience is noteworthy, his power was not on the level to contend with the forces of nature that were his fellow contestants. However, his participation in the interviews pushed the idea forward for the Sigma Squad. So, due to his experience as a ███████, he was nominated as team lead.
⤷ █████████ █████

** "TYPHOON" **

NAME: Jacqueline Davis
AGE & DOB: 28 & January 8th 1957
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis-Female (she/her)
HEIGHT & BUILD: 5'7" & Athletic
Seaside Chapel, California, American
RELIGION: Christianity
//////////-ZERO VARIANT-//////////​

POWER: Hydrokinesis
POSITION: Team Leader & Glass Cannon
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Goan has existed for a novannum (100k years), and within that time, it has known both prosperity and ruin. The fate of Goan was prophesized to be everlasting, but in what state will it endure? Through light and abundance? Or through desecration and decay?

Five years ago, the Holy City of Ordai'el became swallowed in fog. It wasn't like normal cities. It was built atop a flattened mountain. Its ivory towers reached into the sky like glittering fingers to be seen by all that looked at the horizon. A massive wall encircled it, and it had one entrance and exit that was heavily guarded. It was almost like its own landbound island, except the only ones allowed in were subservient to the Holy Order, their family, or those who were devout followers of the Walking Gods. Which were far more than many would like to admit. The only ones that were forced in were the heretics—brought there to face punishment doled out by the Walking Gods themselves.

Before the fog arrived, odd rumors were circulating about how the ivory city seemed to be stretching unnaturally. Other people stated that the lengthening reminded them of veins in a body. The city was the heart, and they swore they saw it beating with unnatural life. A few days later, the fog surrounded Ordai'el. It was impenetrable. If anyone tried to walk into it, they'd find themselves back outside the city. And if they tried to use means beyond just their feet, they'd be blown from the fog in eviscerated chunks. One could hear the echoed screaming throughout the mountains. It was assumed that everyone within the city was a lost cause. The Empress was away at the time, having come down with a touch of pneumonia. So, she had avoided that fate. The Walking Gods had not been so lucky. Yet, their power still flowed through the land unbroken.

It had been a year since the fog descended, but the fog broke in the light of the three full moons. From the stained white gates of Ordai'el stumbled a single man, the paladin Roderick Von Griest. In his hand was a book that looked like it had been penned hundreds of years ago. So it was surprising that Roderick, himself, had written it. He had last been seen sporting the boyish good looks of someone just entering their twenties. Yet the man before them was easily in his nineties, if not hundreds. He died on the overgrown road leading to Ordia'el before the fog swallowed the city up again.

The scholars of the remaining Holy Order took his journal to study. The paladins took a strange, glowing green sword from his hilt. It was encrusted with gems of such rarity that one could fund an entire army with just one. Word began to spread of the treasure that Roderick had come out with, things beyond this world that could make anyone rich. The scholars deciphered what they could from the book before it became mad rambling. Near the end were nothing but diagrams. Yet, the more they studied, the more they understood what the diagrams meant--a mixture of all schools of magic to create a portal into Ordai'el. There was no mention of how Roderick managed to escape. He wrote while still fully cognizant that the castle's dungeon went deeper than the Goan itself. A massive structure that seemed to be plucked from time and space and propelled into their living, breathing world.

The Empress, now emboldened by this development, put together a group of the most heroic adventurers of Goan to delve into Ordai'el. They aimed to find what caused this and free the gods and what denizens remained from this horrible curse. Yet, they never returned. So, she sent another one. And another. And another. Until only those daring, reckless, or greedy volunteered. A party would be held the night before, called a Living Funeral, to bid farewell to those who were to journey into Ordai'el. A member of the Holy Order would oversee it if only to ensure that the census reflected the volunteer's inevitable death. Yet, those who wished to enter Ordai'el all had reasons for doing so. If they were to achieve their goals, they'd have to delve deep.



-100 The Known: Believed to be the creation of the gods in the heavens and the lands below. Nothing is known, because nothing was recorded.
100 TK: The elves subjugated the mortal races, leaving the immortal dragons alone. Humans, ice elves, orcs, and winglings were enslaved to build the elves' glorious empires.
3500 TK: The First Great Ruin befell the world. The elves had achieved such a level with their magic, that it twisted with their ever-increasing technology and created a massive magical bomb that destroyed everything in its wake. The winglings and the ice elves used this time to escape. The winglings across the ocean, and the ice elves into the South.
4000 TK: The humans and orcs rose up, seeing as the elves hadn't managed to get the foothold back after the First Great Ruin.
5500 TK: The elves buried their technology in hopes of gaining back some of their magic to fend off the slave uprising. These became known as antediluvian artefacts.
12300 TK: The humans and orcs won their freedom from the elves, and created the Fifty Thousand Year Treaty. The elves were not allowed to leave the lands where their previous Empire once stood. They were unable to have weapons. And any elf found using magic would be executed on the spot. The humans appointed the orcs as the enforcers of this treaty and themselves as the executors of it.
31000 TK: The human empire had grown immensely, in some part from unearthing the antediluvian artefacts the elves had left. During this time, the elves were able to become stable enough to forcefully eject the orcs from their country. This reduced the orcish numbers significantly, and the humans refused to back them up. So, the orcish people were forced into a nomadic existence.
42000 TK: The Second Great Ruin happened, this time not only fissuring their lands and people but also tearing across lands that the humans didn't even know existed. This would have ramifications much further down the line.
50000 TK: Humans officially buried both their technology and the elves once again. These became known as the Pre-Draconic War artefacts.
50100 TK: The orcs leave the mainland, setting out to become seafaring folk.
52300 TK: The time known as a "Century of Night" begins. An odd solar eclipse causes the land to go without sunlight for 100 years.
52310 TK: The ice elves returned from the South, now known as the Wasting Whites, having evolved into a new species entirely. They are known as the nightkin, and their manner was akin to the dead. They needed no heat, they needed no food, they could see in the dark, and they have fanged teeth to extract hemoglobin and flesh from mortal creatures. They waged war against the elves.
54000 TK: Though the Century of Night ended, the nightkin and elves still fought. The nightkin proved to be weak to sunlight, having not seen it for so long in the barren tundra of the Wasting Whites. Yet, during the night they would kill mercilessly. The elves almost entered extinction until the dragons stepped in to help them. The dragons made quick work of the nightkin, driving them back to the Wasting Whites.
60000TK: The dragons lost their cognizance and ability to shift into humans. It is unknown how or why, but they turn their feral aggression toward both mortals and immortals both. They set upon the land to kill and eat everything.
61000 TK: 1000 years, and the humans break the "treaty" with the elves early, imploring them to join forces in the war against the dragons.
61500 TK: The humans then beg the nightkin to come to their aid as well, having managed to slay a few of the dragons in their previous conflict.
62000 TK: The orcs arrived back from the sea with a massive armada, pledging their help to the humans as well. Not because they have any loyalty, but because they've made a terrible discovery out on the open sea and need land to retreat to and rest.
65000 TK: Despite the united front, they were losing the war. It was then that the elves sacrificed their immortality to summon the gods from the heavens.
65001 TK: The gods obliterated the dragons, but in doing so were bound to the land of Goan. They became known as the Walking Gods.
65100 TK: The Holy Order was founded, and unified the races under one banner--that of the Walking Gods. Ordai'el was constructed, and a human Empress was put as the figurehead of this order due to the humans spearheading this unification.
65500 TK: After they'd rebuilt the kingdom, and allowed equality between all the races, the orcs revealed what had returned them to Goan. That there had been a Third Great Ruin, and it had sunk the other continents.
70000 TK: It was discovered that before the dragons went mad, they had procreated with elves, creating what would be known as the draconbreed. They were not looked well upon.
75000 TK: The winglings returned to the mainland. They'd lost their city in the clouds due to the Third Great Ruin. They only survived by offering up their wings for safe passage back to Goan. They were now known as halflings, as they were half of what they once were.
80000 TK: The God of Magic, Mastrix, found a way to circumvent the next Great Ruin. It was by limiting the use of magic. The Walking Gods took the primal control of magic away. So, no longer could the mortal races be born with the intrinsic ability to wield magic. Instead, it could be learned through eight different schools. This kept the Great Ruin at bay but still allowed them to use magic.
100000 TK: The Holy City of Ordai'el was swallowed in fog and became inaccessible.
100001 TK: Ser Roderick Von Griest exited the city with information and means to return to it, but not escape again. The Empress sent her best heroes to end the plague on Ordai'el. They never return.
100005 TK: Our story begins...



The most prosperous race in Goan, but only because they regained their power from years of subjugation and then forced that subjugation upon others. They are characterized by average height, varying shades of natural skin tone, natural colored hair, and no other subraces. Their culture is wide and probably the most varied of the other races. They've adapted to every scenario thrown at them. One could say that they are the resilient spirit of Goan. They created the Holy Order and Ordai'el. Empress Yslain and the preceding rulers have also been human.
Racial Traits: N/A


They started their existence as one of two immortal races, which they shared with the dragons, and the rulers of the land of Goan. After they were overthrown by the orcs and humans, they stayed in captivity for thousands of years. After a time a fissure between them formed between them; a sect of them became embroiled with the anger and another sect went below ground to continue their traditions without the watchful eyes of the orcs. Though defeated, they were far from defenseless. They managed to throw the orcs out and raise their borders while honoring the treaty with the humans. They've since lost their immortality but integrated back into society and quickly risen in power. They've only been outdone by humans, though mainly through the humans' overbreeding.
Those who stayed above ground followed the doctrines that the humans set upon them. Yet, while that may give some the vision of a puritanical society, it was anything but. No longer having to deal with politicking, theology, and warmongering, they became a debaucherous race. They drank too much, partook of many drugs, toyed with sinful magic, wore jewelry and clothing of the finest make, and copulated frequently. Their low birth numbers were minorly boosted in these ages. One could think they would have dropped this hedonistic lifestyle when they entered the world theater again, but they didn't. If anything, it only became worse now that they could import and export. There's a reason their patron god is that of fame. They have varying hued hair, from natural to unnatural, though their skin tones are shades of natural colors. They have long, pointed ears and average height.
Racial Traits: Knowledge of the Ages: They are very well learned, and as such, may know skills, weapons styles, or the like from any of the various races and/or cultures. They can pull it out without it using up any of their concentration on other things. One free skill that does not count against the other three. To be chosen upon character creation.
These are the elves who went underground to escape persecution and lived their lives the way they had before, with an iron grip on their people and their customs. Despite not being looked at favorably by other races, their massive underground cities are the stuff of legends. They're capable of powerful magics and a traditional elven fighting style that they covet and don't share with anyone. Unlike their aboveground brethren, they wear purely utilitarian garb. They are characterized by dark brown to gray skin tones, varying shades of hair, pointed ears, above-average height, strong to average to lithe builds, and eyes that are nearly mirrored like cats.
Racial Traits: Domination Esse: the Orph stayed with their traditions and rituals, and as such, are the example of why the elves ruled for so long and subjugated as strong as they did. If they fail a coin flip, no they didn't. If they were going to take damage, no they weren't. They can do this once per delve.


The orcs have mostly ever known constant persecution. First by the elves, then by the humans, and then by the world itself. They are characterized by their above-average height and strong build. Along with pointed ears and tusks that jut up from their bottom row of teeth. No matter the subrace, they are nomadic peoples with strong ties to culture and tradition. While their ancestors may have been born to fight and conquer solely, they are now a people defined by their constant survival no matter the odds.
When they fled Goan and the decimation from the elves and the dismissal of the humans, they took to ships. While some found a different land to settle in these orcs decided to return to the sea. They sailed all the known oceans and discovered lands that had never been written in history books. While they mostly found the places destroyed or abandoned, they did learn as much as they could about the history and culture. When they returned to Goan to help in the Draconic War, they did not give up their ships or their ocean dominance. Instead, they formed the largest trade company in Goan: The Marine Trading Commandant. They are a bit shorter than their counterparts with green, blue, or anything in between skin tones. They have dark hair and usually shorter tusks.
Racial Traits: The Last Great Conquerors: They were the last to see other lands before they succumbed to the Third Great Ruin. They had to survive things that no other citizen of Goan could have ever imagined. And they did it, having to learn how to pull themself back up after every loss. When you take a point of health damage, you get a temporary skill point in the last skill color you used. You can use this up to three times a day.
One of the first lands that the orcs found after leaving Goan was a massive desert of white sands and rivers of lava. Half of the orcs stayed, wanting nothing more than to conquer a land that looked unconquerable. So, they did. They crafted weapons that looked like burnt metal. They built homes out of glass and white stone. And more so they engineered a marvel of aqueducts and irrigation systems to keep their crops growing. As they moved further and further inland, they found no one else inhabited the continent. They would have lived there forever had it not been for the Third Great Ruin that decimated the continent and started to sink it. They were not without ships, less skillfully manned than their seafaring brethren but armored and capable of going to war with the dragons. They made their home in the Amber Sands and created an impregnable iron fortress to honor their previous accomplishments. They are the tallest of races with skin the color of a stone. Whether it be the brightest polished marble or the deepest, glimmering onyx. They have larger tusks and more muscular builds.
Racial Traits: Forged in Fire: While the adamant orcs only have one magic that they can draw from, they have cracked the ancient knowledge of being able to master its fiery rage.They start with rank 2 in ONE red magic skill if they are mages/priests.


The nightkin are the descendants of the ice elves, which wasn't their original name, but historians coined them as such due to their ears. During the elven subjugation, they fled to the South and only returned thousands of years later very changed. While no one knows the specifics, not even the nighkin, it is understood that they found a relic in the Wasting White that allowed them to survive the harsh climate but at a cost. They had to eschew what it meant to be "living." Allow their bodies to freeze and come to the point of near death and stay there. The only downside to that was when the sun was up, they were extremely diminished but they wouldn't die. During the night, though, they were capable of drinking blood and devouring flesh raw. In the beginning, they rampaged through what little wildlife was in the Wasting Whites. As time passed they made a civilization in the winding caverns of the Wasting Whites. They created ice cities that had all the lavish amenities of their cousins. When The Century of Night befell Goan, they decided to enact revenge on the elves for their forced exile all those many years ago. With that, came a new breed of nightkin, those infected with the curse of their kind. As time has passed, they were viewed as equals within Goan, but not without the Nightshade Accords, which keep them from feeding on the innocent. Only those deemed criminals or asked to be fed upon were allowed.
Those that were born from the ice elves, and first had the curse bestowed on them. While the original generation is long since dead, they have endured mostly unchanged. Their skin tone's pallor is postmortem in hue with varying shades of hair. Their eyes usually glow, and their countenance is adorned in precious metals and gems they mined from the mountains in the Wasting Whites. Most notable are their mouths, which are filled to the brim with sharpened teeth. They can be akin to sharks, snakes, large cats, or anything in-between. While they're technically alive, their proximity to death allows parts of their bodies to rot without consequence. The older the lich, the more and more they look like reanimated corpses until they cease to function and their soul leaves.
Racial Traits: In the Twilight: Since their bodies are capable of taking quite a bit of damage and persevering. When they take what looks to be a death blow, if they don't take any more damage after that, they can recover and return to full function after some rest. If their health hits zero, it actually hits one. They can only do this once per delve and is negated if the enemy is using a sunlight-based attack.
This subrace was only discovered after the nighkin invaded Goan. The liches found if they brought a living creature to the brink of death with their bite but then were able to keep them alive through a full night that they would reach a state akin to the liches. Being on the precipice of death but not embracing it. They would have the same unnatural appetites as the lich, but without the drawbacks of being out in the day. They served as guards and protectors of their lich brethren. And in return, they were given a near-immortal life and all the riches and lavish lifestyle they weren't able to have before they became nightkin. They resemble a fresh, blood-drained corpse of whatever race they were before. The only thing that sets the apart is the decaying and/or deathly pallor of their skin, glowing eyes, and fangs. They are not as beautiful or intricate as the liches, but they get the job done. They're the only race that is considered "immortal" nowadays and the only "made" race. As such, they can't reproduce.
Racial Traits: Unnatural Hunger: While liches require to drink blood and eat flesh solely for nourishment, the thralls have another use for it. It's what keeps their body from decaying, and makes their countenance more vibrant. Meaning that they usually overindulge if they wish to remain as normal looking as possible. Eating flesh or drinking blood, will give 1-3 temporary HP depending on the freshness and amount.
Magic:Dependent on their previous race.


Once the proud and powerful "winglings," the halflings no longer carry the capability to ascend into the air. Upon escaping Goan, they'd build a floating city in the sky. When the Third Great Ruin happened, those cities crashed into the ocean. They traded their wings to the gods to survive and were brought to Goan mostly unharmed. They had to start anew. The one thing that unifies them is that they always cover their heads, something they did once in their floating cities to show reverence to the sun. They are mostly viewed as freeloaders and useless members of society. They don't view themselves that way, but given that society hasn't given them many opportunities to rise in the ranks... they have formed some of the most well-connected and feared criminal organizations in Goan. The people want them to be "out of sight and out of mind," well they will be with a pocket full of your gold.
Standing at about three feet and some change, with natural-hued skin, brightly colored eyes and hair, and supernaturally quick movements, these makeup most of the halflings that are in Goan. They don't hold onto any threads of being winglings once. Instead, they've let the land fully take them. This is not a detriment to them, as while they have lost the magic that made them special, they instead gained skills and tricks that let them survive. Hearty, great fighters and cunning, swift rogues, a halfling can get out of any situation mostly unscathed.
Racial Traits: Blink and You'll--: The winglings were once very powerful illusionists, and while they have lost their control over magic it's instead embedded itself within them. They can blend into their surroundings without so much thought.They can be tactically invisible three times a day. Meaning they aren't entirely unseen, but they are far harder to perceive with normal means. A secret coin toss will decide this.
Magic: NONE
These are the halflings that closely resemble their ancestors. The skin is the color of the skies during sunny weather all the way to stormy. They have bright eyes and bright hair. They stand a little taller, closer to four feet, and are lithe. All alula are born with deformed wings on their back that have to be removed or they will pass from sepsis. And even if they make it, they are a sickly race that is showing signs of dying out due to the mortality rate.
Racial Traits: A Foul Wind: Used to, the winglings could catch the wind and fly anywhere they wished. They could also read it and know where not to fly if a storm was coming or death was in the air. The alula can still sense when bad things are approaching through the wind.They have a danger sense that only activates when there's naturally moving air. While it can be used more than once, it requires a successful coin flip to work.


No one truly knows how the dragons lost their intelligence and became nothing more than mindless beasts, but they must have known it was going to happen. A few years before the Draconic Wars began, they had taken the shape of humans and bargained with the elves to continue their lineage. In exchange, they'd part with ancient knowledge that allowed one to commune with the gods. Thousands of half-dragons, called draconbreeds, came into existence shortly thereafter. After the Draconic Wars, they were heavily persecuted and ostracized by most of society for what they represented. They only contained an iota of the dragon's power, but that was enough for people to look poorly upon them. In the past thousand years, there's been a ban on how many children they are allowed to have as no matter who they reproduce with, they all come out looking like draconbreeds. Was this the dragons plan all along?
This draconbreed came from elemental dragons, a lower caste but more physical and martial-minded than other breeds of dragons. They only have two horns, and coloring that is more natural--though they can have minor splashes of unnatural hues. They are of average height and build, and if they try hard enough, they can blend in with human society. Many dayfires cut off their horns in hopes of not being persecuted. They've created a commune for their kind in the Shattered Lands where they live peacefully. Others have joined militias, priesthoods, knightdom, and even apprentices to some non-draconbreed craftsmen, trying to prove themselves valuable members of society. A few have joined the halflings in their criminal exploits, the pelagian orcs in their trade companies, or just joined a roving band of marauders. They are left to their own devices as long as they stay out of sight.
Racial Traits: Dangerous Breath: Dragons used to be able to raze anything to the ground with the fire that they expelled from their throats. The dayfire sub-race can do that as well but in a much smaller and more limited amount. They can spew a cone of liquid flame once a day from their mouths. It has the ability to catch all flammable objects aflame, even their own clothes, or do 1 Health Damage to an enemy.
These draconbreeds were born from elder dragons, and as such look far more draconic than their cousins. They usually have anywhere from two to six horns. Their skin, hair, and eyes can be any color one can imagine. They also have iridescent scales on their arms, back, and legs. They are taller than average and usually paint an imposing figure on the horizon. They are rarer than their cousins, but only because at one time their subrace was hunted down in fear. Most are protected nowadays by becoming vassals to the elves, thralls to the nightkin, or working with the orcs. Unlike the other draconbreeds, they do not share in their culture and as such are at the whims of whoever protect them.
Racial Traits: Dragon's Fear: The high dragons never really used their powers to subjugate or harm others. Instead, they spoke in terrifying absolutes that were able of causing lower dragons to cower in fear and mortals to die. The nightfire can summon that might and cause mortals to become supernaturally frightened. Once a day they can activate this to try to supernaturally frighten any beast that understands the common language and can hear. It is automatically successful for basic enemies but will require a coinflip for NPCs/PCs/Sidebosses. It does not work against minibosses.




These gods represent the core belief systems that hold Goan together. They are the necessary pillars that allow society to progress forward as a whole. They are the most worshipped, and they are rarely seen. It's also rumored that they are the most powerful, though other gods would challenge that.
Ikphine, Goddess Of Judgement
Good or evil, corrupt or pure, holy or desecrated, Ikphine holds the scales in which all of these things are judged. She is viewed more as a goddess of balance than a goddess of retribution, but she can be both if needed. She was the one that landed the killing blow onto the High King of the Dragons, ending the war.
Dazdur, God Of Sacrifice
Dazdur is the primary elf god that is depicted wearing a golden mask with tears pouring down the front. He is viewed as the catalyst that brought the Walking Gods to Goan and gave them their power. And as such, was turned to stone with the sheer amount of power that flowed through him. That being said, it is believed that he is still living as his body was never found.
Mastrix, Goddess of Magic
Mastrix is the goddess that took the primal, unbridled magic from mortal beings and converted it into schools that represented the pinnacles of what power could be. This was to keep another Great Ruin from coming upon them. It is said that the School of Black Magic was her creation.
Athar, God Of Commerce
Athar is a curious god to be placed into the Foundation Gods. He didn't participate in the wars but instead worked on keeping what little infrastructure the mortals had during that time alive. It is believed that technology was only capable of progressing due to him. He's also called the "God of Trade" and the "God of Progress."


These are the gods that represent the forces of mortal life that are in their control. These gods are to help guide them on their way and to uplift them when they need help. They are purely benevolent gods. Though they are rarely seen, their influence is heavily felt.
Sedmis, God Of Duty
Everyone has a duty. Whether it be to their kin, to their country, to their brothers in arms, to their priesthood, or even to their family and friends. Sedmis represents holding this duty above all things. He is mostly worshipped by lawmen and low-class workers.
Wether, Goddess Of Nature and Hearth
Wether straddles two important biomes of existence in Goan. Yet, what she fully represents is making sure that home and the world that it is built in are in harmony. She is a protector of those that wish to see nothing more than love and commitment. Sometimes she is referred to as the "Goddess of Love" or the "Goddess of the Small Things." Her symbol is hung over the mantle in many a home.
Thitar, God Of The Chivalry
War is brutal, but there are certain tenants that are to be upheld no matter the circumstance. Thitar represents that oath to protect the innocent and defeat the wicked. Not to harm children or the elderly, and not be violent for violence's sake. He is said to come for any knight, soldier, or vagabond that shows no mercy or decorum. Plucking out one of their eyes and showing it what the world would look like with further brutality. He is worshipped by knights, pacificism-preaching priests, and those that idolize a chivalric life.
Dhorbris, Godix Of Death
Many would think that Dhorbris doesn't belong here, but they are at the other end of the spectrum of life. Nothing can live forever. Everything must die, eventually. And there is order in knowing that no matter when the time comes, the time comes for everyone. They make sure that no immortals come to fruition again. That everything follows the cycle as it should. They are worshipped by clergymen, priests, gravediggers, and doctors.


If the gods of order represent what mortals should strive for, the gods of chaos represent the hardships that they should be able to overcome. They were not created just to punish, but to test the mettle of others to allow for a brighter future. A sword cannot reach its peak without first being melted, reformed, and hardened.
Gyteus, God of Secrecy
Whispers, subterfuge, lies, smoke, and illusions are all Gyteus's domain. Anything that is hidden from light is in his control. He's the god over lies both good and bad. Over tales of bravery that inspire but are wrought with indulgence. Or the truth behind a family member's passing not being aired out. He also controls the secrets that keep kingdoms intact. But a whisper of his secrets can destroy families, homes, towns, and entire countries. He is worshipped by information brokers, spies, thieves, and bank tellers.
Xetune, Goddess Of Torture
Torture, wounds, madness, pain, scars, healing, and overcoming are all of Xetune's domain. While she is known as the goddess of torture, she's also the goddess of who you are when you come out of a dark time. No living being is without trials that test their fortitude and endurance. She makes sure that your suffering is seen, and she releases you when it is finished so you can only become stronger. She is worshipped by the working caste, some draconbreed, yellow magicians, and the repressed.
Cismera, Goddess Of Exterminations
The end of all things to make way for new, brighter things is Cismera's domain. While she is invoked by those that wish to do harm, she is also invoked by those that see the end of something as the beginning of something else. That there are only so many souls that can be present in the world, and she has to kill to bring new ones into it. It is not a wide-reaching domain, but it is necessary for things to continue. She's also called the Devourer and the Wombless Mother. She is worshipped by murderers, warlords, palliative healers, and executioners.
Zubus, God Of Fame
Glory, gluttony, hedonism, pride, reveling, and lavishing in one's achievements is Zubus's domain. Of all the gods of chaos, he's probably the hardest to find the good in. But there are people out there that would kill, and have done so, for the life of fame and all its promises. It's an ideal to strive for, but a reputation to hold in disgust. Zubus represents what happens when one doesn't find moderation. He's worshipped by gladiators, heroes, powerful magicians, rulers, and those that are trying to reach those heights.


These are viewed as lesser gods, demigods in some variations. Yet, despite holding a lower tier of power, they represent things that are closer to what the everyday person wants. They represent and protect basic freedoms, soothe the hurt, and allow for some kindness in the world. It is said that they watch over the other gods, making sure that they remember it's the people of Goan that they serve.
Ghaaris, Goddess Of Endings

Not all things end in death. Sometimes different stages of one's life are brought about by events, changes in the world, or the introduction or the exiting of someone important. Ghaaris is there to comfort those going through endings that are transient but still change you for the better or worse. She is not regularly worshipped but instead invoked when needed.
Udia, Goddess of the Three Moons
Kastra, Mauldan, and Fiagh are the three moons that circle above Goan, and Udia watches over them and makes sure they turn. She's able to reach the heavens on a stairway of bodies supplied to her by Dhorbris and Cismera. There she makes sure they grace the night sky, that the tides change, young maidens are fertile, and that paths can be divined. She also paints the bodies the color of the sky and releases them into it, making sure no matter goes unused. She is worshipped by midwives, sailors, orange magicians, and embalmers.
Vaarae, Goddess Of The Ostracized
The broken, the beaten, the unchampioned, and the disenfranchised are who Vaarae protects. Atop her head and shoulders are constantly burning candles, and the wax leaves puddles of where she has been. While she is the most unseen of the gods, if someone finds a puddle of wax outside their window they know Vaarae is looking over them. If they wake up in the middle of the night to hot wax burning their face, they know that Vaarae is near and that they should change their ways before they are disappeared. Vaarae is worshipped by nomads, orphans, keepers of the sick and impoverished, and anyone in a situation where they can't help themselves.
Monah, Goddess of Resistance
The unbending blade, the rebellious spirit, the change for good, and martyrdom are the domains of Monah. Her visage never stays the same, she's appeared as many powerful warriors of the years. Anytime a figurehead pushes for change, it's said to be Monah in disguise. Especially if that figurehead dies to push the movement forward. She is worshipped by clerics, paladins, inquisitors, templars, and all with the military arm of the Holy Order.



In the beginning, all races had access to the primordial magics that lived in the world. They could craft and change the reality on a whim. Yet, every time they became too greedy and spent their magic for selfish purposes, a Great Ruin would come upon them. A massive world-changing disaster that would erupt from the overuse of magic. As if nature itself was starving and taking its hunger pangs out on the world. Three Great Ruins happened before Mastrix, the goddess of Magic, created a way for magic to be used that wouldn't anger nature itself. So, each school was created by a founding principal of magic. They were called the primaries. And to make sure that the mortals couldn't break this system, she removed their hereditary lines into the primordial powers. Instead, they'd have to tap into that magic by understanding it. It actually made way for an age of enlightenment, as the mortals finally understood that their unfiltered use of the primordial forces would send nature into chaos around them. And as such, no Great Ruins came upon them again.

From the primary schools came the secondary ones, created by the mortals but blessed by Mastrix. They combined teachings from two previous schools to create a new one. Each student of these schools would have to learn a foundation spell from each school, and then mix them into their own creation. While they weren't as strong as the primary schools, they were much more innovative. As it stands now, there are only eight schools of magic, but there may be more in the future.



𝔚𝔥𝔦𝔱𝔢PRIMARY: Physiomancy - The ability to alter the composition and makeup of oneself or a willing participant.

𝔅𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔎 PRIMARY: Chronomancy - Control over the flow of time in small increments.


ℜ𝔢𝔡 PRIMARY: Pyromancy - Burning it all down to get to the ash and start to regrow.

𝔜𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴PRIMARY: Mind - Using psychic abilities to attack the mind or fortify it.


𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 PRIMARY: Hyrdomancy - Immortalizing things in ice and purifying things with water.


𝔊𝔯𝔞𝔶 SECONDARY: (Black/White): Force- Manipulate and direct pure energy.

𝔒𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢 SECONDARY: (Red/Yellow): Divination- Gathering knowledge through magical means.


𝔊𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔫 SECONDARY: (Blue/Yellow): Summoning- Creating and materializing a homunculus to fight for you.

𝔓𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔩𝔢 SECONDARY: (Blue/Red): Phantasmal- Using light and sound to create illusions both transparent and solid.


𝔓𝔦𝔫𝔎 SECONDARY: (Red/White): Metaphysical- Spells that affect other spells.



You'll begin the RP with 5 Health. The health doesn't vary between classes. There are no healing spells in this RP, so you can only gain health by resting. You receive temporary health (that spends like health on the level you are on) via healing salves. If you have any temporary health, it disappears after your rest. The gods destroyed healing magic a long time ago for a reason. A reason you might find out.
Health Coding
Point of Health
Lost Point of Health
Temporary Health

You start the game with 5 Class Skill points. You'll never gain anymore, but they may change over the course of the RP. See the tab below titled "Tutelage." You'll start the game with three Rank 1 skills (unless your racial trait says otherwise). You will gain more skills as the RP continues. The skills are up to you to create based on your class and magic. But they come in three flavors: Attack, Aid, and Exploration. There's more on that below, but for now, we'll just go over the basics of how that works in all classes.

If you spend a point to ATTACK, then that attack goes through and the enemy loses one HP. NOTE: All enemies, with the exception of minibosses or important NPCs/side bosses, have 1 HP. This is to help the narrative flow of the game. Spend a point, and finish writing out how you kill your enemy. You don't have to wait for me. Yes, this sort of blends all attacks into Spend 1 Point and Get 1 Damage. You get to write and explain how it's different. That being said, certain minibosses may have weaknesses that you discovered during the level. Or they may be noticeable from an aesthetic POV. For instance: you're a red mage and you have a fireball spell, it does 1 damage against everything, always. But this enemy is made of ice. So, the fireball attack is going to do 2 damage instead of one. This is where the attacks can differentiate. And maybe your fireball is ineffectual against a flame-based enemy. These attacks I will tell you the efficacy of these after you've spent the point. I won't be unfair to it. I'll lay hints about and you're more than welcome to investigate. While this is a narrative role-playing game first and foremost. I want the stakes to be evident from the beginning, and it's up to you to plan accordingly.

Spending AID works the same way. Whatever you wish to achieve, whether to defend, apply a stat boost, or remove an effect, it goes through if you have the points to spend.

Spending EXPLORATION is a bit different in the fact, that you don't write the follow-thru, I do. Also that everything you do may not be an automatic success. For instance, you spend an exploration point using your lockpicking skill on a door with no visible locks or unlocked. Or you spend an exploration point kicking down a door that is barred from the other side by something that can't be removed with physical force. These are all trial and error. It wouldn't be exploration otherwise.


You can level up your skills as the RP goes on. See "Devotion" below for how to do that. That'll increase the rank of the skill by one. So, what does that mean? For each increase, you get to participate in a coin toss on whether or not you actually spend that point. For instance, you go to attack and spend one attack point. If you have a Rank 2 in that skill, you bet heads or tails and then a coin is tossed. If you win theoin toss, you regain that spent point. If you lose, you spend it as per usual. This goes for all ranked skills no matter the class or type.

Skill Ranks
Rank 2: Choose Heads or Tails and toss 1 coin
Rank 3: Choose Heads or Tails and toss 2 coins, as long as one of them lands on your chosen side, you get the point back.
Rank 4: Max Rank : Choose Heads or Tails and toss 3 coins, as long as one of them lands on your chosen side, you get the point back.


ATTACK - No matter what your class is you can attack with your equipped weapon. You do not spend a skill point to do it. Instead, you attack and then perform a coin toss. If you win, the attack goes through, -1 of Health for the enemy, and you lose nothing. If it doesn't go through, then you are hit for -1 Health. It's to show an untrained attack and that an enemy can make use of your lack of training to damage you. Or even if you are trained, you're tiring and are getting sloppy.

FLEE - If the battle is too much for you, you can always run. No matter if you pass or fail the coin toss, you get out of reach of the enemy. But if you lose it, you lose one point of health as they got an advantaged attack off on you.

INVESTIGATION - This is not like Exploration which takes concentration or skill to handle certain things. Instead, this is you just looking for something. You will discover clues by passing the coin toss. Or you won't if you lose the coin toss. You can only investigate something ONCE. This is to reflect if you notice something in particular or not.




PURPOSE: Move the Story Along
Stepping inside Ordel'ai you will find yourself in a place that is not of this world. Whatever cursed the Holy City lies at the bottom of what seems like an impossible underground labyrinth. Each level is more unnatural than the last, and at the end, there is a way down to the next one. And despite this being a dungeon crawler, the levels don't look like dungeons at all. Each one is unique and holds in it monsters that no one in Goan has ever seen. And at the end of each level is an arbiter (miniboss) that must be defeated before the level can be reclaimed and the party can rest. Within the level are secrets to discover, story to uncover, NPCs to speak with, and treasure to loot. What will you find? And will you come out in one piece?


PURPOSE: Restore all Health and Class Skills; Heal All (non-plot) Ailments
After battling through a level, you may want to rest and tend to your injuries. These scenes are run entirely by you. You can RP whatever you wish. After the arbiter is killed, you are able to head through the level again and tend to various things. You will not be able to use any exploration skills, this is mainly to change up the scenery. This is a good time to strengthen relationships, question NPCs, look into any artefacts you may have found, etc.


The Student: Change the Class of 1 Skill Poing & Learn a New Skill
The Teacher: Gain a Rank
Both: Restore 3 Health & 2 Skill Points
Different challenges await you in the holy city, and you may not have been prepared to face them. Fortunately, you are not alone, and your fellow party members (or NPCs) can help you learn a new skill. You can only gain a skill that another party member has to teach. AKA a soldier can teach you a combat skill, a mage a magic skill, an explorer an expertise skill, etc. Priests can only teach you something if you share the same god, or if you wish to be converted. The student will gain a new skill and change one of the class skill points to reflect that. The teacher will gain a rank in that specific skill, not one of their choosing. The narrative push is done by the players, and how the training goes will be between the two characters.


PURPOSE: To Gain a Rank in Any Skill; Gain 2 Health & 1 Skill Point
Amidst all the chaos, there is time to be alone with one's thoughts and reinforce what you have used to make it better. Whether it is practicing sword techniques, working on stronger spells, praying to your god, or practicing lock picking on an old lock, you wish to get better. Not only do you boost a rank, but you can also rewrite your skill to show that you are stronger and more competent with this. This scene is mainly done alone, but if you do not want to write a solo post for this scene, feel free to have an interlude of speaking with other characters or NPCs. We can also type up a flashback.



ATTACK - These skills reflect attacking with a weapon you are trained in. Whether it be melee or ranged. There's not much complication with this action, but then why should there be?
AID - Defending with your shield, taking a blow for another player, pulling all the aggression you yourself, strengthening your compatriots with a battle cry, etc. There's a lot you can do to help. In your skills, you can add a temporary rank, take away a rank from an enemy, take a point of harm, or make sure that the enemies only attack you.
EXPLORATION - You may ask yourself what a blunt instrument has to do with exploration. Well, you can put those muscles or that dexterity to good use. Climbing, shooting rope up, bashing a door, chopping down a roadblock, etc. While you may not be the best at exploring, that doesn't mean you don't have any tricks of the trade.

Combat Coding
Unspent Combat Skill
Spent Combat Skill
Temporary Combat Skill


ATTACK - You may have not spent years training yourself with a weapon, but that doesn't mean you're defenseless. You could have learned to get behind an enemy and backstab them, set a trap, create an explosive, or poison someone. Not everything relies solely on applying a hammer to a nail.
AID - Applying healing salve, throwing a smoke bomb, creating a distraction, applying anti-venom or the like, making it easier to flee, or even disappearing yourself or others. Aiding others is done in a style that is all your own.
EXPLORATION - Lockpicking, deciphering, navigation, map making, acrobatics, sleight of hand, performing, and the list can go on. No one can beat someone with expertise in exploring. Whether it be for knowledge, treasure, progression, or all three. You know how to lead the way.

Expertise Coding
Unspent Expertise Skill
Spent Expertise Skill
Temporary Expertise Skill


ATTACK - You can channel your magic into a ferocious attack that reflects the magic school. While not all magical schools have obvious ways of doing damage, they do all have methods of making sure that the enemy is taken down.
AID - Creating an illusion to distract, healing an ailment of a party member, buffing them, cursing an enemy, changing the results of an attack, countering a spell, etc. Magic has many ways to aid the party that doesn't solely rely on harming the enemy (not that anyone will complain about a fully on-fire monster.)
EXPLORATION -Lighting the way, breaking enchantments or illusions, creating walkways from the elements, sending your homunculus, or buffing a party member, there are numerous ways that someone with magic can help explore. While there may not be a spell for every situation, there is a situation for every spell.

Magic Coding
Unspent Magic Skill
Spent Magic Skill
Temporary Magic Skill



STARTING POOL - 5 Health & 5 Combat Skill Points
The word soldier can encapsulate a lot of things. You don't have to always have served in a military of some sort. You may have found your allegiance and calling in belief, coin, homestead, love, etc. The unifier of this term is someone who is skilled with combat, whatever that may be. Melee, ranged, unarmed, or anything in between. They usually have their preferred weapon, but they can switch it up as they wish. The only thing they all have in common is that they trained, and trained hard to learn how to fight.
RALLY - Once during a delve, you can summon your strength to push through the fear or pain. You get one temporary health point.


STARTING POOL - 5 Health & 5 Expertise Skill Points
Your goal in life is to see and experience everything you wish to. Maybe it is to find riches unimaginable, maybe to learn secrets both old and new, maybe it's to invent something that no one has ever seen before, and so on. You've honed a craft all your own, and you've gone places with it that no one else could ever imagine. You may not have been trained, attended a school, or served a god, but you aren't to be discredited.
TAKE ANOTHER STAB - If you mess up, you can center yourself and call upon steady hands and a clear mind to try a challenge again. Once a delve, you can reroll anything that required a coin flip.


STARTING POOL - 5 Health & 5 Magic Skill Points
Whether you attended a royal academy, holy order, a small-town gathering of acolytes, or the local witch rapped your knuckles as you practice, you're a magician. You've decided on a school and poured your life into learning its ins and outs. While you don't have to be born with an inherent magical ability, the work is hard enough to dissuade many a person from even attempting it. You've earned recognition by wearing the badge of your chosen school.
PRIMORDIAL SURGE - There is no perfect spell for every situation, sometimes you have to throw everything at an obstacle--living or otherwise. Once per delve, if you need to use a free action attack, it automatically succeeds.


STARTING POOL - 5 Health & 5 Mixed Skill Points
REQUIREMENT - an Oath to a God
You've devoted yourself to seeing through the will of a Walking God. And while some gods are keen on furthering life and cultivating, not all of them are. Your powers can range from empowering magics, to making salves with herbology, to wielding a fiery blade, to even hunting down and murdering your prey. You've learned the skills necessary to honor the will of your god. And as long as you owe fealty to them, then those powers will only grow. If deceive them, you are robbed of your abilities and taken before the god as a heretic to await punishment.
PRAYER - You cannot fail your calling, so you evoke your chosen god to come to your aid and help you overcome all challenges. Once per delve, you get one temporary skill point.

When submitting the sheet, put it in a hider and put the status box on top, not in a hider. If/when accepted, remove the hider before posting it in the character tab. Feel free to look at my CS for how to answer the various prompts.

Enter your own color tags for the ones marked "SILVER."
Lie about one thing in your CS. Avoid it being anything skill or point related. Send me the truth, and only me.

BUFFSDo you have anything giving you a +?
CONDITIONSDo you have anything giving you a =?







    N A M E Enter Character name Here
    A G E 20-100 & DOB (Age - 100005 TK)
    G E N D E R Gender & Pronouns
    R A C E Enter Race Here
    S U B -R A C E Enter Sub-Race Here, None for Humans
    M A G I C
    T O W N Name the Town
    R E G I O N Refer to the map
    P O P U L A T I O N Enter the #
    C E N S U S What Race dominates?
    T R A D E How does this town make money?
    N A M E S A K E Nickname.
    W E A P O N 1 Weapon 1
    W E A P O N 2 Weapon 2 or remove it
    S H I E L D Shield or remove it
    A R M O R Armor even if it is robes
    T R I N K E T Something you wear on you at all times.
    ✦ ✦ ✦

    "Quote. Make sure that you add a line
    after a bit to keep the table normal
    because yes... aesthetics."

    ✦ ✦ ✦

    P A R E N T Name
    P A R E N T Name (remove if it's N/A)
    S I B L I N G Name (add as many as you want or remove)
    O T H E R Feel free to change the title and add whomever

    ✦ ✦ ✦

    P E C K S 1 peck = 1 dollar
    B A C K P A C K
    Add as many
    As you need
    But no weapons
    or armor
    or living animals
    taxidermy is fine​
  • 𝕾𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖙





    S U B L C A S S Subclass Name
    Create your own subclass. Use it to tie the types of Skills that you're going to put on there. Here you can describe it. How it fits into the world, the religion, or the struggle.​

    ✦ ✦ ✦

    Just copy and paste, and put the status effects below.
    Status effects go here.
    Just copy and paste, and put the status effects below.
    Status effects go here.
    A brief summary on what this entails. One or two sentences max.
    Status effects go here. You can take a stab at this or ask me.
    A brief summary on what this entails. One or two sentences max.
    Status effects go here. You can take a stab at this or ask me.
    A brief summary on what this entails. One or two sentences max.
    Status effects go here. You can take a stab at this or ask me.
    S T U D Y

    PLACE OF STUDY/MENTOR/ETC A brief description of what you learned.
    Date Range in which you attended

    PLACE OF STUDY/MENTOR/ETC Copy/Paste/Delete how many you need
    Date Range in which you attended

    E X P E R I E N C E

    WORK/JOB/BATTLE/ETC. Where did you put that knowledge to the test? What did you see? How did you put that knowledge to the test?
    Date Range in which this happened

    WORK/JOB/BATTLE/ETC. Copy/Paste/Delete how many you need
    Date Range in which this happened



    P E R S O N A L I T Y

    Give a brief run down of your character's personality.​
    ✦ G O D N A M E ✦

    W O R S H I P

    Why do you worship them? How do you worship them? For priests, I'm looking for also how you draw power from them. Everyone else can have something a little lighter.​
    I M P E T U S

    Why do you delve? Is it a rescue mission for someone imprisoned there? For the gods? For the glory? For the money? For the discovery? There's a reason that you will risk life and limb for this.​
  • Aes-1.png

    A P P E A R A N C E
    How do you look? And this is not entirely cosmetic. This can also be stance, demeanor, or how well you care for yourself and your weapons.​

    I N J U R Y


Don't be a dick.
Follow the rules of Iwaku & the widely agreed-upon rules of RP.
I expect high-quality posts, not high-quantity. They can be both but don't hurt yourself trying to reach an ambitious word count. This is about fun.
Delve posts are a collab, so I can be responsive to what is happening around us. So, think of it as a text-based DnD session. These will go on for a month, tops, or shorter if we conclude quicker. You are to stay up to date on what's going on. I don't expect it to be a CRPG, but it shouldn't be too bad, with the responses being a line or two. Respite/Tutelage/Devotion/Etc. It will need to be concluded within a month and can be any style you want. You also require one post this time around, as well. Transition posts will take two weeks as they are just one post made by you wrapping up what just happened and your character's thoughts about the situation.
Stay active in the OOC.
The Discord is mandatory. The coin flipper is on there, as are the collaboration channels and answers on the lore and the like from myself.
Please communicate with me if you are unable to post. Life happens, I understand. Also, mental health is the most important. If you need to pull away for a bit, I understand. If need be, I can move your character into an inactive slot.
If you miss two posting cycles without letting me know, your character will be killed off and placed into the graveyard. Please don't beat yourself up if this happens; I understand that life is not kind sometimes. But the RP needs to move on. Please speak to me if you wish to rejoin.
Your character may die in this RP. That does not mean you are out of the RP. By all means, there are people within Ordai'el. We'll work together to get you a new character and integrate them into the plot.
Last but not least, we're here to have fun. See the first rule.

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BUFFSDo you have anything giving you a +?
CONDITIONSDo you have anything giving you a =?







    N A M E Eras Xanthus
    A G E 76 born: 99929
    G E N D E R Cis-Male (he/him)
    R A C E Elf
    S U B -R A C E Mereai
    M A G I C
    H E I G H T 5'10"
    B U I L D Muscular
    T O W N Dire-Sunscar
    R E G I O N Northernmost of the Holy Isles, in the Mountains
    P O P U L A T I O N ~10000
    C E N S U S Elf
    T R A D E Mercantile
    N A M E S A K E Town of Holy Stones
    W E A P O N 1 Bardiche
    W E A P O N 2 Flared Sword
    S H I E L D Shield
    A R M O R Bright Red Half-Plate with Cismera's Symbol on it
    T R I N K E T a barbed chain necklace around his left wrist
    ✦ ✦ ✦

    "I am the arm of my goddess. And arms do not weap. They do not love. They do not hate.
    They only wish to die for Her. And take the rest of this rotting world with them."

    ✦ ✦ ✦

    P A R E N T Artex Xanthus
    P A R E N T Quel Xanthus
    S I B L I N G Itera Xanthus
    W I F E Severa Prosper

    ✦ ✦ ✦

    P E C K S 65
    B A C K P A C K
    Rope & Pitons
    Sleeping Bag
    Flint & Steel
    Water Canteen
    Questionable Herbs​
  • 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖙





    S U B L C A S S Blood Paladin
    Create your own subclass. Use it to tie the types of Skills that you're going to put on there. Here you can describe it. How it fits into the world, the religion, or the struggle.​

    ✦ ✦ ✦

    Knowledge of the Ages: They are very well learned, and as such, may know skills, weapons styles, or the like from any of the various races and/or cultures. They can pull it out without it using up any of their concentration on other things.
    One free skill that does not count against the other three. To be chosen upon character creation.
    Prayer: You cannot fail your calling, so you evoke your chosen god to come to your aid and help you overcome all challenges.
    Once per delve, you get one temporary skill point.
    While many weapons are intuitive, the bardiche requires strength and agility to get the most out of the blade. Using it as a polearm or a melee weapon.
    Deals 1 Health Damage
    You can be more defensive with your approach when wielding the sword and shield. So, you can sacrifice damage for safety.
    Deals 1 Health Damage if you win a coin toss and Negates the Return Damage
    Cismera calls for you to sacrifice a part of yourself to receive her blessing. Spill your blood to spill theirs.
    Take 1 Damage & Deal 2 Damage on Next Attack
    Sometimes battles don't last mere moments but days on end. One needs to know how to take care of their wounds to be able to see the next day.
    Heals 1 Condition OR Gives 1 Temp Health Point
    S T U D Y

    PLACE OF STUDY/MENTOR/ETC A brief description of what you learned.
    Date Range in which you attended

    PLACE OF STUDY/MENTOR/ETC Copy/Paste/Delete how many you need
    Date Range in which you attended

    E X P E R I E N C E

    WORK/JOB/BATTLE/ETC. Where did you put that knowledge to the test? What did you see? How did you put that knowledge to the test?
    Date Range in which this happened

    WORK/JOB/BATTLE/ETC. Copy/Paste/Delete how many you need
    Date Range in which this happened



    P E R S O N A L I T Y

    Give a brief run down of your character's personality.​
    ✦ G O D N A M E ✦

    W O R S H I P

    Why do you worship them? How do you worship them? For priests, I'm looking for also how you draw power from them. Everyone else can have something a little lighter.​
    I M P E T U S

    Why do you delve? Is it a rescue mission for someone imprisoned there? For the gods? For the glory? For the money? For the discovery? There's a reason that you will risk life and limb for this.​
  • Aes-1.png

    A P P E A R A N C E
    How do you look? And this is not entirely cosmetic. This can also be stance, demeanor, or how well you care for yourself and your weapons.​

    I N J U R Y
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  • PP.png
    NAME :: Oud Ventura

    META NAME :: Stretch

    AGE :: Thirty-One

    FACTION :: Watch Dogs

    DAY JOB :: Day what?

    GENDER :: Cis-Male

    SEXUALITY :: Bisexual

    ZODIAC :: Scorpio

    "Everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud."
  • Stretch-3.png
    HEIGHT: 6'5"
    BUILD: Muscular
    HAIR: Naturally Black Dyed Blue
    EYES: Lime Green
    Oud is the loudest person you could meet in terms of both personality and appearance. He's tall, broad-shouldered, and muscular; you'll know because he never wears a shirt. His skin is perfect and sans any blemishes. It isn't shiny, per se, but it is dewy. His hair is short, with a wavy top dyed whatever color he's feeling- blue for now- and his natural black hair is kept short on the sides. He always wears glasses because his eyes are an eerie lime green. He waffles between clean-shaven and a five-o'clock shadow, as it only takes 24 hours. In each ear is a golden earring that one might be surprised to learn are clip-ons. He wears pricey clothing tailored to his body to emphasize his attractive silhouette. He has an assortment of tasteful jewelry that is always gold. He has a nickel allergy. He paints his nails regularly. Currently, they are a nice shade of black. He's feeling his inner goth.​

    COSTUME ::
    See Image Though, it is to note that the outfit is made to stretch with him. The jacket and glasses are accessories and need to be taken off first.​
  • TRAITS ::

    DRUGS • cats • HOT CHEETOS • awkward silences • ATTENTION • consequences​

    FEARS: His deepest fear is having everything crumble down around him again. He's worked hard to get this image back up and in a good direction. Unfortunately, he's not entirely drug-free, but he has managed to drop the heavier things, leaning more toward beer and pot. And he tries to avoid getting blackout drunk/high because he knows that's when he makes his mistakes. And nothing spikes his anxiety like forgetting what he did the previous night and if he lost control of his power. That and death, but honestly--who doesn't?

    MOTIVATIONS: To rebrand himself as not only a good person but a H E R O.​

    Everything is a joke to Oud, even himself. He's one of those people that has a smart remark for every situation and enjoys making dad jokes to see if people laugh at it. He knows this is superficial, but he assures people that this is the depth of his personality. Basically, he's if a golden retriever wore a spotted tie and had a flower that spurted water. He's intensely interested in reality show trash and has a horrible addiction to dating shows that use some ridiculous gimmick. He doesn't fall in love easily, so he enjoys watching others do so. While he is a man and identifies as such, he believes that gender is a construct and we are as fluid as an ocean. He believes everyone should feel safe expressing themselves as he expresses himself. And oh boy, you aren't losing him in a crowd.

    Yes, he does have hurt, but you'd have better luck winning a limbo contest with him than getting it out.​

    STRENGTHS: Emotionally Resilient, Slow to Anger, a People Person, Quick Reaction Time, Easy to Talk to
    WEAKNESSES: Emotionally Guarded, Superficial, a Bit Narassitic, Jealous, and has Dependance Issues

  • HH.jpg
    Oud was the middle child of seven, his parents the sort that only took the holistic approach to any medicine--contraceptives included. Nowadays, you'd call them "crunchy parents," and they'd be deeply offended. They're hippies and proud of it with their children: Cedar, Pine, Elm, Oud, Ash, Willow, and Bamboo. Growing up was as normal as it could be in a large family that used a natural deodorant, were vegetarians, and suspiciously smelled like patchouli. If you can imagine, and it truly doesn't take much, Oud was bullied to no end by his peers. This came to a head when he confessed to his childhood crush at age 10, so it was as real as astroturf, and his powers finally activated. When people say that a situation melted them into a puddle, they don't mean literally. Oud did it literally. His crush climbed out of the jungle gym with the ferocity of a thousand cats, hearing "psst psst psst." The incident passed quickly as soon as he concentrated and was able reform himself. After that moment, he promised never to use his powers again. Well, beyond keeping a vague human shape.

    Oud told no one else in his family of this discovery, and if they were metahumans, they never told him. In high school, he had been an A+ student until the pressure of everything made him snap. He had a panic attack in the boy's bathroom and half-melted into a toilet. When he came out of the stall, it looked like he had self-swirlied himself. Every day after that, his anxiety only became more and more until he could barely leave the house. His parents weren't keen on taking him to the doctor for it. Instead, he was given lavender essential oil and told to meditate. He couldn't live like this. One day, he excused himself from the middle of a test and hid in the back of the school. There, he ran into a cluster of students that were sipping something from their water bottles. They eyed him for a minute before offering him some. It was pure vodka. He choked it down but was surprised to find that the buzz he got negated his anxiety. That became a downward spiral for him.

    He dropped in rank from Salutatorian to Thirty-Two in his class lineup. When he graduated, he didn't go out on a scholarship but was given a diploma and a stern "We know you could have done better." The only positive experience he gained from that was the interesting party kids who now had to figure out what to do with the rest of their lives--except Jeff, who sneakily got accepted to UCLA. One of his friends mentioned making internet content to keep them afloat, but they jokingly remarked that no one in their group was cute enough to do that. Oud was in that classification. When he hit puberty, he maybe got two inches taller, and considering his strange diet, drug choices, and being sedentary enough not to stir up his anxiety--his shape could be described as a "circle." Then, he had the amazing idea of using his powers to "reshape himself." He already had to keep them activated not to lose his solid self; why not toy with that a little? It's of no surprise to find that it was easy to reinvent himself. After that, he used his friends and equipment to produce internet content.

    A few years later, Oud Ventura was a name that hung on lips. Between his vigilante stunts using his powers, the occasional video essay, hot bod, and advertisements he was able to completely divorce himself from his previous life. No longer that awkward kid from high school, instead on a rooftop party surrounded by other hot people. During this time, his drug usage hit an all-time high. Initially, he'd only partake outside of making content, but then he started showing up blitzed out of his mind. This led to a vigilante act that seriously injured 5 people. And worse yet, it had been recorded, and he showed absolutely no remorse for what had happened. If anything, he laughed through it.

    His prison sentence was short because when he sobered up, he had shown an infinite amount of sadness at it. He swore up and down to change and use his powers and name for good. While the former was doable, the latter wasn't. He had been forgotten in the cultural zeitgeist. So, he applied himself seriously and earned back some goodwill--some. It was enough to catch the eyes of the Watchdogs. Despite having used his abilities for show, they were were very useful for damage mitigation and crowd control. And, honestly, they know that he'd do anything to stay important again.​

    POWER ::
    Users are or can become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract their whole body, including limbs, torso, neck, etc. They can control how elastic/flexible they or parts of them are, allowing them to change their bodies into various tools or other constructs.

    They are extremely hard to wound or hurt due to their body reflexively absorbing damage by stretching with attacks but still feel pain.

    • Has a limit on how far he can stretch or to what degree he can deform. He can't exceed his mass, meaning he can't stretch infinitely, only as thinly as he has atoms to spare. There is always fear of breakage if he gets too strained. As long as he doesn't lose complete control of his power, he can smush back together, but that's hard when he's in that much pain.
    • While he is constantly using his power, it's at a lessened amount. Dramatically high spikes in using his ability, along with consistently high usage, can cause him to become tired quickly and either need to a) eat or b) rest to be able to use it at such levels again.
    • Cold stiffens the elasticity, much like rubber breaks when frozen. This same principle applies to the user if he tries to stretch in cold/freezing temperatures.
    • The user could melt completely with enough fire and heat.

  • PP2-1.png
    NAME :: Roxanne "Roxy" Sterling

    META NAME :: Mimic

    AGE :: Twenty-Five

    FACTION :: Syndicate

    DAY JOB :: Thrift Store Cashier

    GENDER :: Cis-Female

    SEXUALITY :: Heterosexual

    ZODIAC :: Aries

    "There is a terrible emptiness inside of me, an indifference that hurts."
  • Mirror-1.png
    HEIGHT: 5'8"
    BUILD: Fit
    HAIR: Blonde
    EYES: Gray

    COSTUME ::
    Costume Description​
  • TRAITS ::



    At least two paragraphs total)​


  • Background.jpg
    Biography (At least three paragraphs)​

    POWER ::
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