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Scatterbrain Incarnate
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Every day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Romance, Supernatural

The city bustled with activity of all kinds. Children were laughing and playing near a small garden with some kind of folded paper craft toy. There were keepers at small market stalls selling their wares, each yelling loudly to try to outdo one another and attract customers to them and not their competitors. There was some man exiting the doors of a local tavern, staggering drunk even at this hour of the day. Another walked down the street with his arm linked through that of what must have been his sweetheart. She leaned against his chest and they spoke in hushed tones that couldn't quite be made out from this vantage point.

Rather shaded from view in a small nook between buildings, Bryar watched all the people. He liked watching people. Their behaviors and their actions were fascinating to him sometimes. Sometimes they were funny, sometimes they were sad, and sometimes they left themselves wide open for someone, well, someone like him to slip in and relieve them of a few possessions or a purse full of coin.

He gauged each target thoughtfully. He would never stoop so low as to steal from children. He could be a bastard sometimes, but that much of one. The stall keepers were too high profile, and too many witnesses that would easily make him out. The drunk leaving the tavern was a no go as well. He likely already used all his coin on booze and only left because he had nothing left to spend. He eyed up the happy couple, considering, debating. Foot tapping on the cobblestones, he looked at the angles. How could he sneak up behind them? Bump into them from the front and make the snatch? There were so many ways to go about this, so many different methods of getting in close and then getting away unscathed and a little bit richer. She was dressed in elegance, lots of shiny jewelry hanging about her frame. Earrings, a silver chained pendant, a pretty looking bone bracelet around her left wrist, there were so many things he could snag upon and slip off with nimble fingers.

They were walking by, getting close enough to make his move. Stepping out of his nook, he kept his head down and brushed out past the couple, uttering a small apology on his way.

Moving away from the crowd, bringing himself to a safe distance around a corner and halfway down another street, he lifted the pilfered object to his face. Holding in his hand a beautiful bone bracelet wrapped in cord, it was studded with a few small jade stones. It was truly beautiful, and it was his now. By the time the lady noticed it was missing, he'd be long on his way. Whistling cheerfully, he continued on his way, stuffing the object deep into a pocket. It would be easy to turn a profit on it later and earn himself a meal tonight.

If the day was going to be this easy, who knew how many more snatch and grabs he could accomplish before people started to catch on. Inside his head, a voice nagged at him that there was something far more important to be doing, but he tried to push it aside. He didn't especially care for fate nor destiny nor any demanded tasks of him. What the world wanted from him, he would not give. He was a thief and that was it, right? He was a nobody that had nothing,would be nothing.

Well, that's what he told himself anyway.

A divine power high above his own free will told him to be here, to be right here, in this city, this market he supposed. He didn't know how or why, but there was something here he needed to see, perhaps someone he needed to meet. All he could hope was tha, whoever it was, they were wealthy enough to buy him a meal.