"Fatal Flight"

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Original poster
I put it up on Gaia Online and honestly hardly anybody that can critique decently ever responds so I decided to put this poem up here.

Fatal Flight

So the butterflies start
Their graceful dancing as
Two combine into one,
United in the field

Why do they dance in pairs?
Why can't they be alone?
Do they know well of how
Little time Fate gives them?

All seek to end their waltz,
The rose's venomous
Vines ensnaring those who
Flutter too aimlessly

Some getting lost in the
Dark Forest's dense flora,
Doomed to merely become
Rotting petals in her

Why do they put their wings
To capricious Fate's whim?
Why can they not resist
Being with each other?

Why do we dance in pairs?
Why can't we be alone?
Do we feel well this dun
Desperation also?

If any affection
Rests in that dim bosom,
Hide it not, for my mere
Dubiety may end me

Commence the fatal flight,
'Til death do we fly on,
May our fatal meeting
Intertwine our demise.