Name: Levon Mavros
Nicknames: Lev, Len
- Fake names:
Ara, Aren, Max, Kallis, Nishan, Matthias
- Fake surnames:
Sideris, Matevos, Gataki, Eliades
Age: 29
Ethnicity: Half Greek, half Armenian
Gender: Cis male
Pronouns: He/him, fine with they/them
Orientation: Biromantic/Homo-Aceflux
Level: Gehenna
Occupation: Private investigator and black market dealer
Myth: Half human, half Stymphalian bird
- Scale-like bronze feathers
Due to being half human, Levon never grew full wings, the classic metallic feathers instead growing behind his ears and tucked into the thick of his hair, taking the place of keratin. Just like the feathers of the Stymphalian bird, they're able to be pulled out with relative ease (and a bit of pain) and are sharp enough to be used as weapons.
- Bronze nails
The modern form of the Stymphalian bird no longer has a beak, but nails made of bronze. Luckily they don't grow much, if at all, or chip easily.
- Poisonous saliva
Levon has developed a form of poisonous saliva that is both toggleable (with a bit of strain) and typically doesn't affect him. His control over the ability lessens whenever impaired by substances and he must be very careful about dosages when trying to use it.
{The viscosity of his poison is higher than the normal viscosity of saliva. This, as well as the chemical nature of said saliva, makes the ability more of a nuisance than it may sound. In fact, a record number of Stymphalian-bird-children die in the first few months of their life (compared to other creatures' death rates) as a result of them choking and essentially drowning on their own spit. Levon, on the other hand, has a lot more control over his poison than most, due to the practice he's put in. This regular straining however led to the rise of a different problem…}
Physical Description
Levon is tall and intimidating with broad shoulders and a constructed, relaxed posture, standing at about 6'0". Paleish, patchy olive skin contrasts thick, curly black hair, with the blue-purple tones of his veins and undereyes complementing his otherwise cool complexion. His dark hair is dispersed with golden-looking metallic feathers that he attempts to pass off as dyed highlights. A couple are tucked behind his ears, which he says are an accessory when caught with them uncovered.
His eyes are dark, hooded, and always dangerously heavy, though he never lets them stay closed for long in public, and is always glancing about to keep an eye on his surroundings. They're highlighted by distinct brows, dark lashes, and the faint angles of his face, his features looking much sharper in the dark.
Levon's clothing is typically grungy, straddling the line between full techwear and convenient street fashion. Usually dressed in cargo or bondage pants, a heavy sweater or tech jacket, and compression sleeves hidden beneath, his get-up would be inconvenient to anyone but a paranoid criminal who happens to run cold. Added are silver and iron chain necklaces, bracelets, and rings, fashionable, but mostly means to discourage other creatures from picking fights with him.
When in public, a hood or hat is always pulled over Levon's head, hiding his bronze feathers. Though rarer, he also tends to wear surgical masks to conceal his identity and facial expressions.
.- Levon typically paints his bronze nails black in order to look more human.
.- Lev has six piercings: two lobes and one helix—all silver—in each of his ears. He had them done by his roommates in high school, while drunk, with needles. He still gets queasy when he sees needles, even if he likes his ear piercings.
.- Levon is strongly repulsed by sharp smells, including that of his own bronze nails and feathers. He also needs to scent his apartment to make navigation easier for his blind cat, leading him to regularly cover up his grimy and metallic smell with lavender lotions and soaps.
.- He almost always wears forearm compression sleeves. It's an attempt to mediate the body aches consequential of his tics.
.- Levon keeps poison capsules and throwing knives on him at all times, labelled in braille.
.- He carries sticky notes and note cards to keep all his fake identities straight.
Withdrawn | Brittle | Obstinate | Desensitized | Methodical | Resourceful | Self-critical | Enigmatic | Volatile | Witty | Bitter
(Longer description will be added here at a later date)
.- Cranberry juice
.- Rave and phonk music
.- Photography
.- People with piercings and tattoos
.- Documentaries and encyclopediae
.- Being immersed in new environments
.- Distractions and instant gratification
.- Dark humor and wordplay
.- Lavender
.- Classic films and literature
.- An Inspector Calls
.- Dim lighting
.- Hands-on crafts (origami, crocheting, etc)
.- Herbal tea
.- Facades
.- Parkour and freerunning | Dislikes:
.- Facades
.- Vulnerability
.- Decision-making
.- Insects
.- Long showers and baths
.- Personal questions
.- Noise and light pollution
.- The smell of bronze
.- People who don't sign or break his contracts
.- Minimalism
.- Nostalgia
.- The smell of cigarette smoke (when not self-imposed)
.- His family
.- Visiting Infracaelum
.- The effect coffee has on him |
Patterns: clenches his hands, bops his head along to songs, multitasks like mad, sideways glances about when nervous, brushes his cat during sleepy moods, his breaks are taken for him more than they're taken by him, chews gum on missions to stop himself from vocal ticcing, only uses military time, 'instructional' self-talk, regularly talks to inanimate objects as if they are sentient
Health: commitment phobia, Tourette's, recovering from prolonged grief disorder
.- Levon grew up in Infracaelum as a single child in private school.
.- In high school, he started to get involved with delinquents, a shady crowd, and some less than legal activity.
.- Consequently, Levon ended up unofficially moving away from his family during high school, instead running and living in an illegal student dorm for runaways like himself.
.- With the help of some old friends as contacts, he moved to Gehenna and took up private investigating, producing solo short films in his spare time.
.- After almost six years of devoting his life to researching and private investigating, Levon met and began dating an advocacy journalist and florist named Elias.
.- They went out for about three years, moving in together and adopting a blind cat named Calliope two years in.
.- When Levon was 27, Elias died in a sudden accident while traveling from Infra to Gehenna for the night.
.- In the two years following Elias' death, Levon has been to a grand total of three group therapy sessions, all of which he dipped out of less than halfway through.
.- Some time after Elias' passing, he took up black market dealing, trading contraband and information to citizens, other dealers, and info brokers.
.- He's been wanting to join a community for some time now but hasn't, due to not wanting to start over and become committed to a big change.
.- Levon is unable to do a single thing at a time, instead choosing to multitask every one of his regular chores. This caused him to pick up new interests out of the need to fill up time that would've been used to have an existential crisis.
.- He enjoys cooking but hasn't felt motivated to make anything too special in a while. For some time he's been living on a routine of soups, takeout, TV dinners, and the occasional more intricate dish.
.- Levon is frighteningly incompetent at anything related to math, science, or technology (disregarding cameras and poisons).
.- Whenever particularly stressed or looking for a distraction, Lev makes rock candy and tea and sits down to do a task.
.- One of Levon's friends from high school was really into dart throwing and decided to teach him. Now his impeccable aim with a dart has evolved into scarily good knife throwing skills.
.- After Elias passed, Levon became very attracted to people who fill up space, be it with their presence or physical closeness.
.- Lev is semi-fluent in German, Greek, Armenian, and Russian and fluent in English, Braille, and ASL.
- {} = concept I'm unsure of implementing