• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


running on brain garbage
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
  6. Primarily Nonbinary
urban fantasy, slice of life (w/ something else), adventure, mystery, high fantasy, medieval fantasy, psychological drama, crime and vigilantism, pretentious nonsense
A catalogue including information on characters from both roleplays here on Iwaku and personal projects.

Characters in worlds created by/in collaboration with other people:
  • Arcadian Reckoning
    • Aries Valiente-Blanco
    • Kian Darvish
    • Levon Mavros :pencil:
  • Arcadian Reckoning (concise editions)
  • Untitled (leaving some information out on the basis of secrecy)
    • Marce
    • Nile
  • eat your bones
  • Cry Mutiny
Characters from personal projects:
  • Bitter Chrysalis But Not (early-timeline versions)
  • Ambiguity (unassociated, organized this way due to their ambiguous plot and setting)
    • Leo Blackleech
    • Nolan/North**
  • Rule of Three (so so close to demolishing this project)
  • Kynigos
    • Darrai Viha**
:checkmark:: has all the useful written information I can currently think to include.
:pencil:: missing some detail but otherwise complete.
*:characters still in early development
**: semi-developed characters

Note: I almost always create new characters for new stories/roleplays. These are mostly here to serve as a reference. HOWEVER my PMs about the stuff on here are always very much open.
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Aries Valiente-Blanco

Legal Name: Nico Valiente-Blanco
Nicknames: Aries, Vela, Red, Indie, Blanco, Nuri/Haz
Age: 27
ID: Puerto-Rican human

Gender: genderqueer
Pronouns: they/them
Orientation: panromantic/bisexual
Misc: poly+monogamous, nomifluid

Level: Infra, but they often travel between levels for work
Occupation: professional supermoto racer

Physical Description:
Aries' complexion is golden and relatively unblemished, aside from a number of old scars etched into their arms and legs from years of reckless behavior.

They're very tall for their lineage, standing at about 5'9 and definitely an outlier in a family of 5'7 adults. With a tall and sinewy build, it looks like they would be easily knocked out by other racers. Regardless of this aspect of their figure, Aries is always one to stand tall, ruthlessly picking fun at and criticizing competitors who notice this and choose to underestimate them. What makes up for their understated build in an industry dominated by strong creatures is the undeniably confident way in which they carry themself, with a relaxed posture and set shoulders, looking comfortable almost wherever they are, something which often gets on others' nerves.

Their dark brown hair is kept somewhat short and styled in moderation, usually straightened. It becomes curly whenever damp or hit by the wind, making it even more difficult to wear a helmet comfortably; so during events or training, Vela usually gives up on trying to do anything with it. Their hair ends up falling in curls around their ears and above their eyes and being shaggy at the nape of their neck.

  • They have a horizontal burn mark on their forearm from messing around once during a summer cooking class.
  • Ze develops sun freckles during racing season.
  • They often wear cologne or perfume in order to mask the almost permanent smell of petrol and dust at the track.
  • Vela speaks somewhat loudly or not at all, due to growing up in a place that wasn't big on inside voices. They learned English a while ago but still have a noticeable Puerto Rican accent and break into speaking Spanish when with other native speakers or attempting to subtly smack talk their superiors.

Vela has a strong preference for clothing that is light, good for movement, and has enough flair to make them feel confident in their appearance. Because of their sensitivity to heat, they layer in moderation and often wear clothing made of relatively thin fabric.

They often wear a mix of cropped button up shirts and graphic tees, along with any pair of comfortable cargo pants or ripped jeans.

They've worn the same pair of converse for the past three years and have begun occasionally stringing on loose beads and charms with no apparent rhyme or reason. When it comes to accessories, Vela is a strong believer in "more is more." Their favorites are a set of craft bead bracelets made by some kids at a summer camp they used to work at.

  • fidget rings
  • beaded bracelets
  • acrylic jewelry
  • tinted sunglasses
  • a sunflower lanyard worn during big outdoor events and tournaments

inquisitive | hedonistic | absolutist | easygoing | passionate | self-assured | unapologetic | gritty | impressionable | lacks mental & emotional perceptiveness | wandering

Vela is a very straightforward person and strongly dislikes complexity as a result. They're not very good at thinking about anything in a deep or perceptive manner, leading them to often judge things shallowly. Their inability to understand moral complexity makes them judge people in a very surface level way, only ever looking deeper when it comes to those they idolize.

Because of their simplistic outlook on most things, they often do what they want and stay out of situations they don't care too much about. This leads them to live life very hedonistically, often turning away whenever presented with something meaningful in exchange for instant gratification and the simple pleasures of life. They're the type to hold themself unabashedly above all else, and despite appearing reckless to others, often subconsciously adapts to make things easier for themself. Despite this, they do deny the omnipresence of some of their shortcomings, which is why they've never thought about getting an SPD diagnosis even when they've been acknowledging their sensory situation for years.

Aries is completely comfortable in their skin and often uses egotistical jokes and affirmations to keep it that way. Due to growing up with some confidence issues, they still sometimes get bouts of insecurity when caught in a bad spot.​

Likes: coffee (cafe con leche) and strawberry milk, confusing people's preconceived notions, chill mobile games (Dear My Cat, Good Pizza, Great Pizza, gudetama tap!, FairyBakery, etc), getting people's attention, chill jazz, bean bag chairs, soft strawberry flavored licorice, watching drum tutorials and video essays, fruit juice, Steven Universe, instant pho, Puerto Rican desserts

Dislikes: the smell of petrol, being forced out of their comfort zone, obscure violence and gore, being forced to close up, white noise, getting shots and blood drawn, small spaces, name brand clothing, inexpressive people, being controlled or constrained, snobbish people, dizzy spells, not being able to understand things, lint, certain stimuli (ex: butter and oil, sandpaper, scratchy wool, shirt tags, the sound of zippers)

Patterns: opens up a mobile game whenever they're stressed or bored, walks through steps out loud when anxious or overwhelmed, has a couple of repeated phrases (e.g: "Oh fuck you""In this economy?""Who's going to stop you? The police? God?""We live in a society""Well that's not ideal is it"), only drinks iced or scorching hot coffee, feints formality when irritated, speaks their mind and isn't good at sugar-coating what they say

Health: vasovagal convulsive syncope, some sensory issues, allergic to dust

  • Aries grew up in Puerto Rico and moved to Infracaelum with their mother and little sister when they were 16.​
  • They chose to learn English through immersion while completing high school, learning by listening to podcasts and people-watching in their free time.​
  • While still getting settled into life in Arcadia, they befriended a couple of band kids and decided to take up the drums.​
  • They got their own legit motorcycle almost right after moving and joined a dirt bike club in high school before going on to professional motorsport.​
  • Vela got signed onto their first racing team at 18, although they didn't really "make it" until switching to a bigger company at 22.​

  • Because of Vela's dust allergy, they make sure to keep their flat unsettlingly clean and keep medication on them whenever staying somewhere else.​
  • Vela has a decent following on social media, despite not being all that active online and the account being partly managed by PR. They post their favorite clips from races and a couple videos of their work behind the scenes.​
  • Due to learning English mainly by listening, they aren't too good at reading and writing and often use audio play to understand things.​
  • They got locked out of changing their "about me"s on social media because they kept adding things and PR got annoyed.​
  • Reporters default to calling them their last name in articles and during interviews, just because people know them by so many nicknames.​
  • Aries is a proud and frequent emoji user. This trait annoys Priya, who also uses audio play to read text messages and doesn't appreciate its phone's emoji naming conventions.​
  • Vela wants to learn to play bass guitar.​

they/it, sometimes she/her
Race engineer
Werewolf, Greek

Vela and Priya met through the company that endorses their races. When they first joined the establishment, Vela needed a team to make changes to their vehicle and run tests to determine their stats. Priya happened to be in charge of the set-up for their first race, and they got along so well that they decided to continue working together. Vela and Priya often exchange technical tips and strategy ideas, more so with each other than others on the team because they're both usually too blunt and tone-deaf for everyone else's tastes.
  • Whenever they pass out at the track, they're the one to check on their condition and gets them a sports drink

Ezra Dairou
Close friend
Supermoto racer, stuntman, and financial advisor
Miengu, Cameroonian

Ezra and Aries hit it off a few years ago at a multi-company party following a supermoto tournament they'd both participated in. Despite Ezra recently losing to them in a few too many races, they ended up getting along very well. Now they visit each other during events and whenever the other is in town, sharing drinks, anecdotes, and surprisingly personal information by others' standards, considering how rarely they get to see each other. They're both reckless, although in notably different ways, and are unwaveringly accepting of each other's shortcomings (which many others find worrying).
  • When hotel rooms in Gehenna are too dusty for Aries' allergy medication to work well, they crash at Ezra's place
  • Ezra is one of the only people that tries to call Aries by their right name at the right time, and even sometimes makes up and uses nicknames corresponding with their current name, such as "Ari". Aries responds by referring to him as Ez.

Legal Name: Nico Valiente-Blanco
Nicknames: Aries, Vela, Red, Indie, Blanco, Nuri/Haz
Age: 27
ID: Puerto-Rican human

Gender: genderqueer
Pronouns: they/them
Orientation: panromantic/bisexual
Misc: poly+monogamous, nomifluid

Level: Infra, but they often travel between levels for work
Occupation: professional supermoto racer

Physical Description:
Aries' complexion is golden and relatively unblemished, aside from a number of old scars etched into their arms and legs from years of reckless behavior.

They're very tall for their lineage, standing at about 5'9 and definitely an outlier in a family of 5'7 adults. With a tall and sinewy build, it looks like they would be easily knocked out by other racers. Regardless of this aspect of their figure, Aries is always one to stand tall, ruthlessly picking fun at and criticizing competitors who notice this and choose to underestimate them. What makes up for their understated build in an industry dominated by strong creatures is the undeniably confident way in which they carry themself, with a relaxed posture and set shoulders, looking comfortable almost wherever they are, something which often gets on others' nerves.

Their dark brown hair is kept somewhat short and styled in moderation, usually straightened. It becomes curly whenever damp or hit by the wind, making it even more difficult to wear a helmet comfortably; so during events or training, Vela usually gives up on trying to do anything with it. Their hair ends up falling in curls around their ears and above their eyes and being shaggy at the nape of their neck.

  • They have a horizontal burn mark on their forearm from messing around once during a summer cooking class.
  • Ze develops sun freckles during racing season.
  • They often wear cologne or perfume in order to mask the almost permanent smell of petrol and dust at the track.
  • Vela speaks somewhat loudly or not at all, due to growing up in a place that wasn't big on inside voices. They learned English a while ago but still have a noticeable Puerto Rican accent and break into speaking Spanish when with other native speakers or attempting to subtly smack talk their superiors.

Vela has a strong preference for clothing that is light, good for movement, and has enough flair to make them feel confident in their appearance. Because of their sensitivity to heat, they layer in moderation and often wear clothing made of relatively thin fabric.

They often wear a mix of cropped button up shirts and graphic tees, along with any pair of comfortable cargo pants or ripped jeans.

They've worn the same pair of converse for the past three years and have begun occasionally stringing on loose beads and charms with no apparent rhyme or reason. When it comes to accessories, Vela is a strong believer in "more is more." Their favorites are a set of craft bead bracelets made by some kids at a summer camp they used to work at.

  • fidget rings
  • beaded bracelets
  • acrylic jewelry
  • tinted sunglasses
  • a sunflower lanyard worn during big outdoor events and tournaments

inquisitive | hedonistic | absolutist | easygoing | passionate | self-assured | unapologetic | gritty | impressionable | lacks mental & emotional perceptiveness | wandering

Vela is a very straightforward person and strongly dislikes complexity as a result. They're not very good at thinking about anything in a deep or perceptive manner, leading them to often judge things shallowly. Their inability to understand moral complexity makes them judge people in a very surface level way, only ever looking deeper when it comes to those they idolize.

Because of their simplistic outlook on most things, they often do what they want and stay out of situations they don't care too much about. This leads them to live life very hedonistically, often turning away whenever presented with something meaningful in exchange for instant gratification and the simple pleasures of life. They're the type to hold themself unabashedly above all else, and despite appearing reckless to others, often subconsciously adapts to make things easier for themself. Despite this, they do deny the omnipresence of some of their shortcomings, which is why they've never thought about getting an SPD diagnosis even when they've been acknowledging their sensory situation for years.

Aries is completely comfortable in their skin and often uses egotistical jokes and affirmations to keep it that way. Due to growing up with some confidence issues, they still sometimes get bouts of insecurity when caught in a bad spot.​

Likes: coffee (cafe con leche) and strawberry milk, confusing people's preconceived notions, chill mobile games (Dear My Cat, Good Pizza, Great Pizza, gudetama tap!, FairyBakery, etc), getting people's attention, chill jazz, bean bag chairs, soft strawberry flavored licorice, watching drum tutorials and video essays, fruit juice, Steven Universe, instant pho, Puerto Rican desserts

Dislikes: the smell of petrol, being forced out of their comfort zone, obscure violence and gore, being forced to close up, white noise, getting shots and blood drawn, small spaces, name brand clothing, inexpressive people, being controlled or constrained, snobbish people, dizzy spells, not being able to understand things, lint, certain stimuli (ex: butter and oil, sandpaper, scratchy wool, shirt tags, the sound of zippers)

Patterns: opens up a mobile game whenever they're stressed or bored, walks through steps out loud when anxious or overwhelmed, has a couple of repeated phrases (e.g: "Oh fuck you""In this economy?""Who's going to stop you? The police? God?""We live in a society""Well that's not ideal is it"), only drinks iced or scorching hot coffee, feints formality when irritated, speaks their mind and isn't good at sugar-coating what they say

Health: vasovagal convulsive syncope, some sensory issues, allergic to dust

  • Aries grew up in Puerto Rico and moved to Infracaelum with their mother and little sister when they were 16.​
  • They chose to learn English through immersion while completing high school, learning by listening to podcasts and people-watching in their free time.​
  • While still getting settled into life in Arcadia, they befriended a couple of band kids and decided to take up the drums.​
  • They got their own legit motorcycle almost right after moving and joined a dirt bike club in high school before going on to professional motorsport.​
  • Vela got signed onto their first racing team at 18, although they didn't really "make it" until switching to a bigger company at 22.​

  • Because of Vela's dust allergy, they make sure to keep their flat unsettlingly clean and keep medication on them whenever staying somewhere else.​
  • Vela has a decent following on social media, despite not being all that active online and the account being partly managed by PR. They post their favorite clips from races and a couple videos of their work behind the scenes.​
  • Due to learning English mainly by listening, they aren't too good at reading and writing and often use audio play to understand things.​
  • They got locked out of changing their "about me"s on social media because they kept adding things and PR got annoyed.​
  • Reporters default to calling them their last name in articles and during interviews, just because people know them by so many nicknames.​
  • Aries is a proud and frequent emoji user. This trait annoys Priya, who also uses audio play to read text messages and doesn't appreciate its phone's emoji naming conventions.​
  • Vela wants to learn to play bass guitar.​

they/it, sometimes she/her
Race engineer
Werewolf, Greek

Vela and Priya met through the company that endorses their races. When they first joined the establishment, Vela needed a team to make changes to their vehicle and run tests to determine their stats. Priya happened to be in charge of the set-up for their first race, and they got along so well that they decided to continue working together. Vela and Priya often exchange technical tips and strategy ideas, more so with each other than others on the team because they're both usually too blunt and tone-deaf for everyone else's tastes.
  • Whenever they pass out at the track, they're the one to check on their condition and gets them a sports drink

Ezra Dairou
Close friend
Supermoto racer, stuntman, and financial advisor
Miengu, Cameroonian

Ezra and Aries hit it off a few years ago at a multi-company party following a supermoto tournament they'd both participated in. Despite Ezra recently losing to them in a few too many races, they ended up getting along very well. Now they visit each other during events and whenever the other is in town, sharing drinks, anecdotes, and surprisingly personal information by others' standards, considering how rarely they get to see each other. They're both reckless, although in notably different ways, and are unwaveringly accepting of each other's shortcomings (which many others find worrying).
  • When hotel rooms in Gehenna are too dusty for Aries' allergy medication to work well, they crash at Ezra's place
  • Ezra is one of the only people that tries to call Aries by their right name at the right time, and even sometimes makes up and uses nicknames corresponding with their current name, such as "Ari". Aries responds by referring to him as Ez.
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Kian Darvish

Name: Kian Darvish
Age: 28 years
Ethnicity: Persian
Creature: Sagdid four-eyed dog

Gender: Demiboy
Pronouns: He/They
Orientation: Omniromantic/Greysexual (Uranic preference)
Misc: Monogamous

Level: Gehenna, moved recently from Infracaelum
Occupation: Dry cleaner

- sensing recent death
The ritual of Sagdid is an old funeral ceremony in which a dog, in the span of three to nine days, keeps watch over the recently departed's body. In addition to spiritual benefits, it confirms that the person is in fact dead and not suffering from an injury or in a coma. This ability has been passed down even after the ritual went out of practice, giving four-eyed dogs the means to subconsciously sense death through the ability to smell the beginnings of decay.

This sense expands to flora and fauna, but many four-eyed dogs have become desensitized to the smell of anything but the corpses of humans and fellow creatures.

- enhanced eyesight, hearing, and smell

- sharp canines and nails

- warding (behavior)
In Sagdid, the four-eyed dog's function was to protect the body from daevas and ward off bad omens that lingered while the deceased's soul departed. As the dog's purpose was to protect and they tended to work closely with humans, modern four-eyed dogs are naturally protective, empathetic, and susceptible to shifts in body language and mood.

Physical Description
Kian's complexion is an olive-toned golden brown, marred by birthmarks that litter his nose, jaw, wrists, and hands and mingled with old, faded acne scars and scabs, mostly on his cheeks, jaw, neck, nose, temple, and knuckles. He's 5'10" but appears taller due to his well-kept posture, despite being lean and not nearly as defined as other species.

His dark, thick hair is often curly and kept cut short, so as to not get in the way of his line of sight and the chemicals he often handles at work. However, after moving to Gehenna, they've allowed it to grow out a little more than usual. It's annoying, as his bangs now fall a bit over his eyes and brush his ears, but given their current mental state and long work hours, cutting their hair is not exactly their top priority.

As with everything else about his appearance, Kian's eyes are warm and mellow. His often steady gaze lends itself to an ever-attentive but stable presence.

The richness of their appearance is often washed out after moving to Gehenna. The recessed lighting of the dry cleaners makes them appear washed out and monotoned, especially in comparison to the bright lights that decorate the world around them.

- Kian
is often saturated in the smell of
Esfand (an herb often used as an incense, described as sage-y and strong-smelling)
- His voice is stable and has a medium-low tone. He says certain things differently than others and has a hard time pronouncing some sounds.
- Whenever Kian's stress begins to manifest physically, they scratch at their skin. Because of their naturally sharp nails, small, fresh scars on their neck and nose are a good tell of their current mental state.

Kian never particularly cared about their appearance outside of comfort. The few accessories they do have are purely sentimental and have become ingrained in their daily routine. Most of their clothing is old and has been part of their cycle for years.

His usual outfit consists of dark-colored jeans, a solid-colored T-shirt, and his gray zip-up jacket. Whenever he has to run laundry or the cold starts getting to him, he switches to a slightly heavier sherpa jacket. Kian really likes wearing regular sweaters too, usually in fairly saturated colors compared to the way he regularly dresses. They don't wear them often in public, though, just because it's difficult to find sweaters in the proper material with loose ribbed cuffs.

Despite their preference for long sleeves, they often have them rolled up in order to keep their hands unrestricted while they work.

- Earrings: one is a silver stud and the other is dangly with a turquoise gem that resembles an evil eye. They were the first and only pair of earrings he got after getting his ears pierced.
- Bracelet/anklet: a gold bracelet they received from a family member while still in high school. Due to their preference for free hands, they've decided to wear it as an anklet instead.

- Sekeh: a gold-colored plastic coin part of his usual Nowruz tradition, meant to bring prosperity going into the new year. He takes a new one every year and keeps it in his pocket whenever going through a particularly rough patch.

- Drawstring bag: a tiny pouch of Esfand seeds Kian carries on themself at all times, either in their pocket or tied to their belt. There's no way to safely burn it in public—Arcadia is
different from Iran in that regard—but having it around is comforting to them, even if they can't smell it.

Reliable | Insightful | Objective | Stable | Reserved | Driven | Sincere | Stubborn | Controlled | Somewhat irritable | Earnest | Vigilant | Individualistic | Rather sociable | Superstitious

Kian as a whole is steadfast and ambitious, making him very driven and also giving him a bit of a stubborn streak. If he wants to do something, he's going to go on and try doing it. Similarly, he's not one to give up his values or succumb to pressure.

They're very sincere and comfortable expressing their opinions, although they tend to be reserved when it comes to themself and things they don't think matter. Their straightforward nature makes them value honesty and avoid miscommunication when forming relationships. He has a good sense of others and is very observant, letting him easily identify and avoid toxic relationships and people.

When Kian hasn't had a good night's sleep in a while, he slips into rather concerning mannerisms. Sleep-deprived Kian is impulsive—compelled to vocally express all of his thoughts, senses, and emotions—no matter how delusive or personal.

In this state, his reactions to everything
are more severe than normal; his superstitions, intrusive thoughts, and even a few bad habits from high school are all capable of being expressed to some degree. When sleep-deprived, it's not at all uncommon for him to mention his delusions to others, his shifted tone making him out to be either dazed or malicious, especially since he tends to vocalise his intrusive thoughts as hypotheticals and warnings.

Likes: Weighted blankets, silver jewelry, relaxed mornings, casual signs of physical affection, halva, persimmon, the rain and clouds at night, the look of tarnished copper, black tea, honey, butterscotch, monopoly and card games, learning new and obscure things, turquoise, cyan, and orange, 1 on 1 conversations, loose routines, hosting guests, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Spiritfarer and Stardew Valley, the smell of Esfand, historical sites and museums, fossils, birds and ornithology, Persian food, nuclear chemistry, puns, philosophy classes

Dislikes: Handling glass, loud noises outside of ambiance, ignorance, taking medication, useless cruelty, uncomfortable clothing, economics and business, walking outside in the dark, cars, intrusive questions (from extended family), flawed logic, second-hand smoke in enclosed spaces, sparkling water, extreme taroff, waste, shooter and horror games (despitedue to him having a lot of previous experience with them), parsley, who they were in high school

Main Fear:
Loss of autonomy
Main Goals:
Be happy without worrying about the future.
- Learn who he is as a person without having some grand purpose to build to.

Patterns: Burning Esfand on bad days, aimless stoich conversions and dimensional analysis, doing research on strange and unnecessary topics, bringing up said strange topics when nervous or particularly sleep deprived, becoming bitter when he hasn't slept in a while, boycotting their past self

Health: Intrusive thoughts, occasional night hallucinations and vivid nightmares, a minor chocolate allergy

- Kian grew up in a fairly large and drama-ridden family, fueling his dislike of complicated relationships and the toxicity that comes with them.

- Due to having a prying extended family, Kian has mastered the art of answering personal questions vaguely enough to not give any real information.

- For most of high school, Kian worked as a pallbearer after, before school, and on weekends, sometimes to the point of not being able to do anything but go to school, work, and study. The things he experienced during the time he worked there easily changed his life dozens of times over, all for the worse.

- In his late teens, Kian started taking unprescribed sedatives to deal with his nightmares and night hallucinations, almost becoming hooked on them in the process. His subsequent fear of addiction has influenced his dislike of both medication and substances.

- By their third year of high school, they had a good idea of what they wanted to do for their future career (props to their honors and AP chemistry teacher).

- His two longest relationships lasted more than a year each and both took place in college.

- During Kian's first year at college, he was unable to celebrate Nowruz as usual and instead spent the holiday with his partner. They didn't stay together long enough for it to become a tradition, but Nowruz is now one of the only events on which he drinks alcohol.

- Before leaving Infracaelum, Kian completed both his bachelors and masters in nuclear engineering and was planning to take the PE exam. However, he left for Gehenna before he could get into studying for it.

- Whenever Kian writes he tilts his paper completely sideways, something he picked up from a fellow left-handed classmate in elementary school.

- They dislike looking at mirrors due to the detached feeling it gives them.

- He never learned to drive due to his fear of cars and freak accidents, instead taking public transport to get places.

**#A2D9E5 and #3E87B0**

Name: Kian Darvish
Age: 28 years
Ethnicity: Persian
Creature: Sagdid four-eyed dog

Gender: Demiboy
Pronouns: He/They
Orientation: Omniromantic/Greysexual (Uranic preference)
Misc: Monogamous

Level: Gehenna, moved recently from Infracaelum
Occupation: Dry cleaner

- sensing recent death
The ritual of Sagdid is an old funeral ceremony in which a dog, in the span of three to nine days, keeps watch over the recently departed's body. In addition to spiritual benefits, it confirms that the person is in fact dead and not suffering from an injury or in a coma. This ability has been passed down even after the ritual went out of practice, giving four-eyed dogs the means to subconsciously sense death through the ability to smell the beginnings of decay.

This sense expands to flora and fauna, but many four-eyed dogs have become desensitized to the smell of anything but the corpses of humans and fellow creatures.

- enhanced eyesight, hearing, and smell

- sharp canines and nails

- warding (behavior)
In Sagdid, the four-eyed dog's function was to protect the body from daevas and ward off bad omens that lingered while the deceased's soul departed. As the dog's purpose was to protect and they tended to work closely with humans, modern four-eyed dogs are naturally protective, empathetic, and susceptible to shifts in body language and mood.

Physical Description
Kian's complexion is an olive-toned golden brown, marred by birthmarks that litter his nose, jaw, wrists, and hands and mingled with old, faded acne scars and scabs, mostly on his cheeks, jaw, neck, nose, temple, and knuckles. He's 5'10" but appears taller due to his well-kept posture, despite being lean and not nearly as defined as other species.

His dark, thick hair is often curly and kept cut short, so as to not get in the way of his line of sight and the chemicals he often handles at work. However, after moving to Gehenna, they've allowed it to grow out a little more than usual. It's annoying, as his bangs now fall a bit over his eyes and brush his ears, but given their current mental state and long work hours, cutting their hair is not exactly their top priority.

As with everything else about his appearance, Kian's eyes are warm and mellow. His often steady gaze lends itself to an ever-attentive but stable presence.

The richness of their appearance is often washed out after moving to Gehenna. The recessed lighting of the dry cleaners makes them appear washed out and monotoned, especially in comparison to the bright lights that decorate the world around them.

- Kian
is often saturated in the smell of
Esfand (an herb often used as an incense, described as sage-y and strong-smelling)
- His voice is stable and has a medium-low tone. He says certain things differently than others and has a hard time pronouncing some sounds.
- Whenever Kian's stress begins to manifest physically, they scratch at their skin. Because of their naturally sharp nails, small, fresh scars on their neck and nose are a good tell of their current mental state.

Kian never particularly cared about their appearance outside of comfort. The few accessories they do have are purely sentimental and have become ingrained in their daily routine. Most of their clothing is old and has been part of their cycle for years.

His usual outfit consists of dark-colored jeans, a solid-colored T-shirt, and his gray zip-up jacket. Whenever he has to run laundry or the cold starts getting to him, he switches to a slightly heavier sherpa jacket. Kian really likes wearing regular sweaters too, usually in fairly saturated colors compared to the way he regularly dresses. They don't wear them often in public, though, just because it's difficult to find sweaters in the proper material with loose ribbed cuffs.

Despite their preference for long sleeves, they often have them rolled up in order to keep their hands unrestricted while they work.

- Earrings: one is a silver stud and the other is dangly with a turquoise gem that resembles an evil eye. They were the first and only pair of earrings he got after getting his ears pierced.
- Bracelet/anklet: a gold bracelet they received from a family member while still in high school. Due to their preference for free hands, they've decided to wear it as an anklet instead.

- Sekeh: a gold-colored plastic coin part of his usual Nowruz tradition, meant to bring prosperity going into the new year. He takes a new one every year and keeps it in his pocket whenever going through a particularly rough patch.

- Drawstring bag: a tiny pouch of Esfand seeds Kian carries on themself at all times, either in their pocket or tied to their belt. There's no way to safely burn it in public—Arcadia is
different from Iran in that regard—but having it around is comforting to them, even if they can't smell it.

Reliable | Insightful | Objective | Stable | Reserved | Driven | Sincere | Stubborn | Controlled | Somewhat irritable | Earnest | Vigilant | Individualistic | Rather sociable | Superstitious

Kian as a whole is steadfast and ambitious, making him very driven and also giving him a bit of a stubborn streak. If he wants to do something, he's going to go on and try doing it. Similarly, he's not one to give up his values or succumb to pressure.

They're very sincere and comfortable expressing their opinions, although they tend to be reserved when it comes to themself and things they don't think matter. Their straightforward nature makes them value honesty and avoid miscommunication when forming relationships. He has a good sense of others and is very observant, letting him easily identify and avoid toxic relationships and people.

When Kian hasn't had a good night's sleep in a while, he slips into rather concerning mannerisms. Sleep-deprived Kian is impulsive—compelled to vocally express all of his thoughts, senses, and emotions—no matter how delusive or personal.

In this state, his reactions to everything
are more severe than normal; his superstitions, intrusive thoughts, and even a few bad habits from high school are all capable of being expressed to some degree. When sleep-deprived, it's not at all uncommon for him to mention his delusions to others, his shifted tone making him out to be either dazed or malicious, especially since he tends to vocalise his intrusive thoughts as hypotheticals and warnings.

Likes: Weighted blankets, silver jewelry, relaxed mornings, casual signs of physical affection, halva, persimmon, the rain and clouds at night, the look of tarnished copper, black tea, honey, butterscotch, monopoly and card games, learning new and obscure things, turquoise, cyan, and orange, 1 on 1 conversations, loose routines, hosting guests, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Spiritfarer and Stardew Valley, the smell of Esfand, historical sites and museums, fossils, birds and ornithology, Persian food, nuclear chemistry, puns, philosophy classes

Dislikes: Handling glass, loud noises outside of ambiance, ignorance, taking medication, useless cruelty, uncomfortable clothing, economics and business, walking outside in the dark, cars, intrusive questions (from extended family), flawed logic, second-hand smoke in enclosed spaces, sparkling water, extreme taroff, waste, shooter and horror games (despitedue to him having a lot of previous experience with them), parsley, who they were in high school

Main Fear:
Loss of autonomy
Main Goals:
Be happy without worrying about the future.
- Learn who he is as a person without having some grand purpose to build to.

Patterns: Burning Esfand on bad days, aimless stoich conversions and dimensional analysis, doing research on strange and unnecessary topics, bringing up said strange topics when nervous or particularly sleep deprived, becoming bitter when he hasn't slept in a while, boycotting their past self

Health: Intrusive thoughts, occasional night hallucinations and vivid nightmares, a minor chocolate allergy

- Kian grew up in a fairly large and drama-ridden family, fueling his dislike of complicated relationships and the toxicity that comes with them.

- Due to having a prying extended family, Kian has mastered the art of answering personal questions vaguely enough to not give any real information.

- For most of high school, Kian worked as a pallbearer after, before school, and on weekends, sometimes to the point of not being able to do anything but go to school, work, and study. The things he experienced during the time he worked there easily changed his life dozens of times over, all for the worse.

- In his late teens, Kian started taking unprescribed sedatives to deal with his nightmares and night hallucinations, almost becoming hooked on them in the process. His subsequent fear of addiction has influenced his dislike of both medication and substances.

- By their third year of high school, they had a good idea of what they wanted to do for their future career (props to their honors and AP chemistry teacher).

- His two longest relationships lasted more than a year each and both took place in college.

- During Kian's first year at college, he was unable to celebrate Nowruz as usual and instead spent the holiday with his partner. They didn't stay together long enough for it to become a tradition, but Nowruz is now one of the only events on which he drinks alcohol.

- Before leaving Infracaelum, Kian completed both his bachelors and masters in nuclear engineering and was planning to take the PE exam. However, he left for Gehenna before he could get into studying for it.

- Whenever Kian writes he tilts his paper completely sideways, something he picked up from a fellow left-handed classmate in elementary school.

- They dislike looking at mirrors due to the detached feeling it gives them.

- He never learned to drive due to his fear of cars and freak accidents, instead taking public transport to get places.
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Levon Mavros

Name: Levon Mavros
Nicknames: Lev, Len
- Fake names: Ara, Aren, Max, Kallis, Nishan, Matthias
- Fake surnames: Sideris, Matevos, Gataki, Eliades
Age: 29
Ethnicity: Half Greek, half Armenian

Gender: Cis male
Pronouns: He/him, fine with they/them
Orientation: Biromantic/Homo-Aceflux

Level: Gehenna
Occupation: Private investigator and black market dealer
Myth: Half human, half Stymphalian bird


- Scale-like bronze feathers
Due to being half human, Levon never grew full wings, the classic metallic feathers instead growing behind his ears and tucked into the thick of his hair, taking the place of keratin. Just like the feathers of the Stymphalian bird, they're able to be pulled out with relative ease (and a bit of pain) and are sharp enough to be used as weapons.
- Bronze nails
The modern form of the Stymphalian bird no longer has a beak, but nails made of bronze. Luckily they don't grow much, if at all, or chip easily.
- Poisonous saliva
Levon has developed a form of poisonous saliva that is both toggleable (with a bit of strain) and typically doesn't affect him. His control over the ability lessens whenever impaired by substances and he must be very careful about dosages when trying to use it.

{The viscosity of his poison is higher than the normal viscosity of saliva. This, as well as the chemical nature of said saliva, makes the ability more of a nuisance than it may sound. In fact, a record number of Stymphalian-bird-children die in the first few months of their life (compared to other creatures' death rates) as a result of them choking and essentially drowning on their own spit. Levon, on the other hand, has a lot more control over his poison than most, due to the practice he's put in. This regular straining however led to the rise of a different problem…}

Physical Description

Levon is tall and intimidating with broad shoulders and a constructed, relaxed posture, standing at about 6'0". Paleish, patchy olive skin contrasts thick, curly black hair, with the blue-purple tones of his veins and undereyes complementing his otherwise cool complexion. His dark hair is dispersed with golden-looking metallic feathers that he attempts to pass off as dyed highlights. A couple are tucked behind his ears, which he says are an accessory when caught with them uncovered.

His eyes are dark, hooded, and always dangerously heavy, though he never lets them stay closed for long in public, and is always glancing about to keep an eye on his surroundings. They're highlighted by distinct brows, dark lashes, and the faint angles of his face, his features looking much sharper in the dark.​


Levon's clothing is typically grungy, straddling the line between full techwear and convenient street fashion. Usually dressed in cargo or bondage pants, a heavy sweater or tech jacket, and compression sleeves hidden beneath, his get-up would be inconvenient to anyone but a paranoid criminal who happens to run cold. Added are silver and iron chain necklaces, bracelets, and rings, fashionable, but mostly means to discourage other creatures from picking fights with him.

When in public, a hood or hat is always pulled over Levon's head, hiding his bronze feathers. Though rarer, he also tends to wear surgical masks to conceal his identity and facial expressions.​


.- Levon typically paints his bronze nails black in order to look more human.
.- Lev has six piercings: two lobes and one helix—all silver—in each of his ears. He had them done by his roommates in high school, while drunk, with needles. He still gets queasy when he sees needles, even if he likes his ear piercings.
.- Levon is strongly repulsed by sharp smells, including that of his own bronze nails and feathers. He also needs to scent his apartment to make navigation easier for his blind cat, leading him to regularly cover up his grimy and metallic smell with lavender lotions and soaps.
.- He almost always wears forearm compression sleeves. It's an attempt to mediate the body aches consequential of his tics.
.- Levon keeps poison capsules and throwing knives on him at all times, labelled in braille.
.- He carries sticky notes and note cards to keep all his fake identities straight.​


Withdrawn | Brittle | Obstinate | Desensitized | Methodical | Resourceful | Self-critical | Enigmatic | Volatile | Witty | Bitter
(Longer description will be added here at a later date)


.- Cranberry juice
.- Rave and phonk music
.- Photography
.- People with piercings and tattoos
.- Documentaries and encyclopediae
.- Being immersed in new environments
.- Distractions and instant gratification
.- Dark humor and wordplay
.- Lavender
.- Classic films and literature
.- An Inspector Calls
.- Dim lighting
.- Hands-on crafts (origami, crocheting, etc)
.- Herbal tea
.- Facades
.- Parkour and freerunning

.- Facades
.- Vulnerability
.- Decision-making
.- Insects
.- Long showers and baths
.- Personal questions
.- Noise and light pollution
.- The smell of bronze
.- People who don't sign or break his contracts
.- Minimalism
.- Nostalgia
.- The smell of cigarette smoke (when not self-imposed)
.- His family
.- Visiting Infracaelum
.- The effect coffee has on him

Patterns: clenches his hands, bops his head along to songs, multitasks like mad, sideways glances about when nervous, brushes his cat during sleepy moods, his breaks are taken for him more than they're taken by him, chews gum on missions to stop himself from vocal ticcing, only uses military time, 'instructional' self-talk, regularly talks to inanimate objects as if they are sentient
Health: commitment phobia, Tourette's, recovering from prolonged grief disorder​


.- Levon grew up in Infracaelum as a single child in private school.
.- In high school, he started to get involved with delinquents, a shady crowd, and some less than legal activity.
.- Consequently, Levon ended up unofficially moving away from his family during high school, instead running and living in an illegal student dorm for runaways like himself.
.- With the help of some old friends as contacts, he moved to Gehenna and took up private investigating, producing solo short films in his spare time.
.- After almost six years of devoting his life to researching and private investigating, Levon met and began dating an advocacy journalist and florist named Elias.
.- They went out for about three years, moving in together and adopting a blind cat named Calliope two years in.
.- When Levon was 27, Elias died in a sudden accident while traveling from Infra to Gehenna for the night.
.- In the two years following Elias' death, Levon has been to a grand total of three group therapy sessions, all of which he dipped out of less than halfway through.
.- Some time after Elias' passing, he took up black market dealing, trading contraband and information to citizens, other dealers, and info brokers.
.- He's been wanting to join a community for some time now but hasn't, due to not wanting to start over and become committed to a big change.​


.- Levon is unable to do a single thing at a time, instead choosing to multitask every one of his regular chores. This caused him to pick up new interests out of the need to fill up time that would've been used to have an existential crisis.
.- He enjoys cooking but hasn't felt motivated to make anything too special in a while. For some time he's been living on a routine of soups, takeout, TV dinners, and the occasional more intricate dish.​
.- Levon is frighteningly incompetent at anything related to math, science, or technology (disregarding cameras and poisons).
.- Whenever particularly stressed or looking for a distraction, Lev makes rock candy and tea and sits down to do a task.
.- One of Levon's friends from high school was really into dart throwing and decided to teach him. Now his impeccable aim with a dart has evolved into scarily good knife throwing skills.
.- After Elias passed, Levon became very attracted to people who fill up space, be it with their presence or physical closeness.​
.- Lev is semi-fluent in German, Greek, Armenian, and Russian and fluent in English, Braille, and ASL.

- {} = concept I'm unsure of implementing​

Name: Levon Mavros
Nicknames: Lev, Len
- Fake names: Ara, Aren, Max, Kallis, Nishan, Matthias
- Fake surnames: Sideris, Matevos, Gataki, Eliades
Age: 29
Ethnicity: Half Greek, half Armenian

Gender: Cis male
Pronouns: He/him, fine with they/them
Orientation: Biromantic/Homo-Aceflux

Level: Gehenna
Occupation: Private investigator and black market dealer
Myth: Half human, half Stymphalian bird


- Scale-like bronze feathers
Due to being half human, Levon never grew full wings, the classic metallic feathers instead growing behind his ears and tucked into the thick of his hair, taking the place of keratin. Just like the feathers of the Stymphalian bird, they're able to be pulled out with relative ease (and a bit of pain) and are sharp enough to be used as weapons.
- Bronze nails
The modern form of the Stymphalian bird no longer has a beak, but nails made of bronze. Luckily they don't grow much, if at all, or chip easily.
- Poisonous saliva
Levon has developed a form of poisonous saliva that is both toggleable (with a bit of strain) and typically doesn't affect him. His control over the ability lessens whenever impaired by substances and he must be very careful about dosages when trying to use it.

{The viscosity of his poison is higher than the normal viscosity of saliva. This, as well as the chemical nature of said saliva, makes the ability more of a nuisance than it may sound. In fact, a record number of Stymphalian-bird-children die in the first few months of their life (compared to other creatures' death rates) as a result of them choking and essentially drowning on their own spit. Levon, on the other hand, has a lot more control over his poison than most, due to the practice he's put in. This regular straining however led to the rise of a different problem…}

Physical Description

Levon is tall and intimidating with broad shoulders and a constructed, relaxed posture, standing at about 6'0". Paleish, patchy olive skin contrasts thick, curly black hair, with the blue-purple tones of his veins and undereyes complementing his otherwise cool complexion. His dark hair is dispersed with golden-looking metallic feathers that he attempts to pass off as dyed highlights. A couple are tucked behind his ears, which he says are an accessory when caught with them uncovered.

His eyes are dark, hooded, and always dangerously heavy, though he never lets them stay closed for long in public, and is always glancing about to keep an eye on his surroundings. They're highlighted by distinct brows, dark lashes, and the faint angles of his face, his features looking much sharper in the dark.​


Levon's clothing is typically grungy, straddling the line between full techwear and convenient street fashion. Usually dressed in cargo or bondage pants, a heavy sweater or tech jacket, and compression sleeves hidden beneath, his get-up would be inconvenient to anyone but a paranoid criminal who happens to run cold. Added are silver and iron chain necklaces, bracelets, and rings, fashionable, but mostly means to discourage other creatures from picking fights with him.

When in public, a hood or hat is always pulled over Levon's head, hiding his bronze feathers. Though rarer, he also tends to wear surgical masks to conceal his identity and facial expressions.​


.- Levon typically paints his bronze nails black in order to look more human.
.- Lev has six piercings: two lobes and one helix—all silver—in each of his ears. He had them done by his roommates in high school, while drunk, with needles. He still gets queasy when he sees needles, even if he likes his ear piercings.
.- Levon is strongly repulsed by sharp smells, including that of his own bronze nails and feathers. He also needs to scent his apartment to make navigation easier for his blind cat, leading him to regularly cover up his grimy and metallic smell with lavender lotions and soaps.
.- He almost always wears forearm compression sleeves. It's an attempt to mediate the body aches consequential of his tics.
.- Levon keeps poison capsules and throwing knives on him at all times, labelled in braille.
.- He carries sticky notes and note cards to keep all his fake identities straight.​


Withdrawn | Brittle | Obstinate | Desensitized | Methodical | Resourceful | Self-critical | Enigmatic | Volatile | Witty | Bitter
(Longer description will be added here at a later date)


.- Cranberry juice
.- Rave and phonk music
.- Photography
.- People with piercings and tattoos
.- Documentaries and encyclopediae
.- Being immersed in new environments
.- Distractions and instant gratification
.- Dark humor and wordplay
.- Lavender
.- Classic films and literature
.- An Inspector Calls
.- Dim lighting
.- Hands-on crafts (origami, crocheting, etc)
.- Herbal tea
.- Facades
.- Parkour and freerunning

.- Facades
.- Vulnerability
.- Decision-making
.- Insects
.- Long showers and baths
.- Personal questions
.- Noise and light pollution
.- The smell of bronze
.- People who don't sign or break his contracts
.- Minimalism
.- Nostalgia
.- The smell of cigarette smoke (when not self-imposed)
.- His family
.- Visiting Infracaelum
.- The effect coffee has on him

Patterns: clenches his hands, bops his head along to songs, multitasks like mad, sideways glances about when nervous, brushes his cat during sleepy moods, his breaks are taken for him more than they're taken by him, chews gum on missions to stop himself from vocal ticcing, only uses military time, 'instructional' self-talk, regularly talks to inanimate objects as if they are sentient
Health: commitment phobia, Tourette's, recovering from prolonged grief disorder​


.- Levon grew up in Infracaelum as a single child in private school.
.- In high school, he started to get involved with delinquents, a shady crowd, and some less than legal activity.
.- Consequently, Levon ended up unofficially moving away from his family during high school, instead running and living in an illegal student dorm for runaways like himself.
.- With the help of some old friends as contacts, he moved to Gehenna and took up private investigating, producing solo short films in his spare time.
.- After almost six years of devoting his life to researching and private investigating, Levon met and began dating an advocacy journalist and florist named Elias.
.- They went out for about three years, moving in together and adopting a blind cat named Calliope two years in.
.- When Levon was 27, Elias died in a sudden accident while traveling from Infra to Gehenna for the night.
.- In the two years following Elias' death, Levon has been to a grand total of three group therapy sessions, all of which he dipped out of less than halfway through.
.- Some time after Elias' passing, he took up black market dealing, trading contraband and information to citizens, other dealers, and info brokers.
.- He's been wanting to join a community for some time now but hasn't, due to not wanting to start over and become committed to a big change.​


.- Levon is unable to do a single thing at a time, instead choosing to multitask every one of his regular chores. This caused him to pick up new interests out of the need to fill up time that would've been used to have an existential crisis.
.- He enjoys cooking but hasn't felt motivated to make anything too special in a while. For some time he's been living on a routine of soups, takeout, TV dinners, and the occasional more intricate dish.​
.- Levon is frighteningly incompetent at anything related to math, science, or technology (disregarding cameras and poisons).
.- Whenever particularly stressed or looking for a distraction, Lev makes rock candy and tea and sits down to do a task.
.- One of Levon's friends from high school was really into dart throwing and decided to teach him. Now his impeccable aim with a dart has evolved into scarily good knife throwing skills.
.- After Elias passed, Levon became very attracted to people who fill up space, be it with their presence or physical closeness.​
.- Lev is semi-fluent in German, Greek, Armenian, and Russian and fluent in English, Braille, and ASL.

- {} = concept I'm unsure of implementing​

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Aries Valiente-Blanco

Legal Name: Nico Valiente-Blanco
Common Name: Aries Valiente
Nicknames: Vela, Red, Indie, Blanco, Nuri/Haz
Age: 27
ID: Puerto-Rican human

Gender: genderqueer
Pronouns: they/them
Orientation: panromantic/bisexual
Misc: nomifluid

Level: Infra, but often travels between levels for work
Occupation: professional supermoto racer

Physical Description:
Aries' complexion is golden and relatively unblemished, aside from a number of old scars etched into their limbs from years of reckless behavior.

Their dark brown hair is kept somewhat short and styled in moderation, usually straightened. It becomes very curly whenever damp or hit by the wind, making it even more difficult to wear a helmet comfortably; so during events or training, Vela usually gives up on trying to do anything with it. It ends up shaggy at the nape of their neck and falling in curls around their ears and above their eyes.

Height, Build, and Posture:
They're very tall for their lineage, standing at about 5'9 and definitely an outlier in a family of 5'7 adults. With a tall and sinewy build, it looks like they would be easily knocked out by other racers.

Regardless of this aspect of their figure, Aries is always one to stand tall, oftentimes ruthlessly picking fun at or criticizing competitors who notice this and choose to underestimate them. What makes up for their understated build in an industry dominated by strong creatures is the undeniably confident way in which they carry themself, with a relaxed posture and set shoulders, looking comfortable almost wherever they are, something which often gets on others' nerves.

Miscellaneous Information:
  • They have a horizontal burn mark on their forearm from messing around once in a summer cooking class.
  • They develop sun freckles during racing season.
  • They often wear cologne or perfume in order to mask the smell of petrol and dust prevalent at the track.
  • Vela speaks somewhat loudly or not at all, due to growing up in a place that wasn't big on inside voices. They learned English a while ago but still have a noticeable Puerto Rican accent and break into speaking Spanish when attempting to subtly smack talk their superiors.

Vela has a strong preference for clothing that is light, good for movement, and has enough flair to make them feel confident in their appearance. Because of their sensitivity to heat, they layer in moderation and often wear clothing made of relatively thin fabric.

They often wear a mix of cropped button up shirts and graphic tees, along with any pair of comfortable cargo pants or ripped jeans.

They've worn the same pair of converse for the past three years and have begun occasionally stringing on loose beads in the sequence of their pride flag colors or whatever palette they enjoy at the moment. When it comes to accessories, Vela is a strong believer in "more is more." Their favorites are a set of craft bead bracelets made by some kids at a summer camp they used to work at.

  • Fidget rings
  • Beaded bracelets
  • Acrylic jewelry
  • Tinted sunglasses
  • A sunflower lanyard worn during big outdoor events and tournaments

inquisitive | hedonistic | absolutist | easygoing | passionate | self-assured | unapologetic | gritty | impressionable | lacks mental & emotional perceptiveness | wandering

Vela is a very straightforward person and strongly dislikes complexity as a result. They're not very good at thinking about anything in a deep or perceptive manner, leading them to often judge things shallowly. Their inability to understand moral complexity makes them judge people in a very surface level way, only ever looking deeper when it comes to those they idolize.

Because of their simplistic outlook on most things, they often do what they want and stay out of situations they don't care too much about. This leads them to live life very hedonistically, often turning away whenever presented with something meaningful in exchange for instant gratification and the simple pleasures of life. They're the type to hold themself unabashedly above all else, and despite appearing reckless to others, often subconsciously adapt to make things easier for themself. Despite this, they do deny the omnipresence of some of their shortcomings, which is why they've never thought about getting an SPD(sensory processing disorder) diagnosis even when they've been acknowledging their sensory situation for years.

Aries is completely comfortable in their skin and often uses egotistical jokes and affirmations to keep it that way. Due to growing up with some confidence issues, they still sometimes get bouts of insecurity when caught in a bad spot.​

  • Coffee and energy drinks
  • Confusing people's preconceived notions
  • Chill mobile games
  • Attention
  • Strawberry milk and soft licorice
  • Breakcore music
  • Drumming to breakcore music

  • The smell of petrol
  • Being forced out of their comfort zone
  • White-noise
  • Getting shots and blood drawn
  • Small spaces
  • Apathetic people
  • Snobbishness and pretension

Patterns: opens up a mobile game whenever they're stressed or bored, walks through steps of processes out loud, has a couple repeated phrases, only drinks iced or scorching hot coffee, feints formality when irritated

Health: vasovagal convulsive syncope, sensory issues, dust allergy

  • Aries grew up in Puerto Rico and moved to Infracaelum with their mother and little sister when they were 16.​
  • They chose to learn English through immersion while completing high school, learning by listening to podcasts and people-watching in their free time.​
  • While still getting settled into life in Arcadia, they befriended a couple of band kids and decided to take up the drums.​
  • They got their own motorcycle after moving and joined a dirt bike club in high school before going on to professional motorsport.​
  • Vela got signed onto their first racing team at 18, although they didn't become popular until they switched to a bigger company a couple years later.​

  • Because of Vela's dust allergy, they make sure to keep their flat almost absurdly clean and take medication with them whenever staying somewhere else.​
  • Vela has a decent following on social media, despite not being very active and the account being partly managed by PR. They post their favorite clips from races and a couple of videos of their work behind the scenes.​
  • Due to learning English mainly by listening, they aren't all too good at reading and writing and often use audio play to understand things.​
  • They got locked out of changing their bios on social media because they kept adding new neopronouns and PR got annoyed.​
  • Reporters default to calling them their last name in articles and during interviews, just because people know them by so many nicknames.​
  • They are a proud and frequent emoji user. This trait annoys Priya, who also uses audio play to read text messages and doesn't appreciate its phone's emoji naming conventions.​
  • Vela wants to learn to play bass guitar.​

  • 29
  • Paragirl (they/it, sometimes she/her)
  • Coworker
  • Race engineer
  • Residence: Infra
  • Werewolf, Greek

  • 28
  • Demiboy (he/him)
  • Close friend
  • Supermoto racer, stuntman, and financial advisor
  • Residence: Gehenna
  • Jengu, Cameroonian

Legal Name: Nico Valiente-Blanco
Common Name: Aries Valiente
Nicknames: Vela, Red, Indie, Blanco, Nuri/Haz
Age: 27
ID: Puerto-Rican human

Gender: genderqueer
Pronouns: they/them
Orientation: panromantic/bisexual
Misc: nomifluid

Level: Infra, but often travels between levels for work
Occupation: professional supermoto racer

Physical Description:
Aries' complexion is golden and relatively unblemished, aside from a number of old scars etched into their limbs from years of reckless behavior.

Their dark brown hair is kept somewhat short and styled in moderation, usually straightened. It becomes very curly whenever damp or hit by the wind, making it even more difficult to wear a helmet comfortably; so during events or training, Vela usually gives up on trying to do anything with it. It ends up shaggy at the nape of their neck and falling in curls around their ears and above their eyes.

Height, Build, and Posture:
They're very tall for their lineage, standing at about 5'9 and definitely an outlier in a family of 5'7 adults. With a tall and sinewy build, it looks like they would be easily knocked out by other racers.

Regardless of this aspect of their figure, Aries is always one to stand tall, oftentimes ruthlessly picking fun at or criticizing competitors who notice this and choose to underestimate them. What makes up for their understated build in an industry dominated by strong creatures is the undeniably confident way in which they carry themself, with a relaxed posture and set shoulders, looking comfortable almost wherever they are, something which often gets on others' nerves.

Miscellaneous Information:
  • They have a horizontal burn mark on their forearm from messing around once in a summer cooking class.
  • They develop sun freckles during racing season.
  • They often wear cologne or perfume in order to mask the smell of petrol and dust prevalent at the track.
  • Vela speaks somewhat loudly or not at all, due to growing up in a place that wasn't big on inside voices. They learned English a while ago but still have a noticeable Puerto Rican accent and break into speaking Spanish when attempting to subtly smack talk their superiors.

Vela has a strong preference for clothing that is light, good for movement, and has enough flair to make them feel confident in their appearance. Because of their sensitivity to heat, they layer in moderation and often wear clothing made of relatively thin fabric.

They often wear a mix of cropped button up shirts and graphic tees, along with any pair of comfortable cargo pants or ripped jeans.

They've worn the same pair of converse for the past three years and have begun occasionally stringing on loose beads in the sequence of their pride flag colors or whatever palette they enjoy at the moment. When it comes to accessories, Vela is a strong believer in "more is more." Their favorites are a set of craft bead bracelets made by some kids at a summer camp they used to work at.

  • Fidget rings
  • Beaded bracelets
  • Acrylic jewelry
  • Tinted sunglasses
  • A sunflower lanyard worn during big outdoor events and tournaments

inquisitive | hedonistic | absolutist | easygoing | passionate | self-assured | unapologetic | gritty | impressionable | lacks mental & emotional perceptiveness | wandering

Vela is a very straightforward person and strongly dislikes complexity as a result. They're not very good at thinking about anything in a deep or perceptive manner, leading them to often judge things shallowly. Their inability to understand moral complexity makes them judge people in a very surface level way, only ever looking deeper when it comes to those they idolize.

Because of their simplistic outlook on most things, they often do what they want and stay out of situations they don't care too much about. This leads them to live life very hedonistically, often turning away whenever presented with something meaningful in exchange for instant gratification and the simple pleasures of life. They're the type to hold themself unabashedly above all else, and despite appearing reckless to others, often subconsciously adapt to make things easier for themself. Despite this, they do deny the omnipresence of some of their shortcomings, which is why they've never thought about getting an SPD(sensory processing disorder) diagnosis even when they've been acknowledging their sensory situation for years.

Aries is completely comfortable in their skin and often uses egotistical jokes and affirmations to keep it that way. Due to growing up with some confidence issues, they still sometimes get bouts of insecurity when caught in a bad spot.​

  • Coffee and energy drinks
  • Confusing people's preconceived notions
  • Chill mobile games
  • Attention
  • Strawberry milk and soft licorice
  • Breakcore music
  • Drumming to breakcore music

  • The smell of petrol
  • Being forced out of their comfort zone
  • White-noise
  • Getting shots and blood drawn
  • Small spaces
  • Apathetic people
  • Snobbishness and pretension

Patterns: opens up a mobile game whenever they're stressed or bored, walks through steps of processes out loud, has a couple repeated phrases, only drinks iced or scorching hot coffee, feints formality when irritated

Health: vasovagal convulsive syncope, sensory issues, dust allergy

  • Aries grew up in Puerto Rico and moved to Infracaelum with their mother and little sister when they were 16.​
  • They chose to learn English through immersion while completing high school, learning by listening to podcasts and people-watching in their free time.​
  • While still getting settled into life in Arcadia, they befriended a couple of band kids and decided to take up the drums.​
  • They got their own motorcycle after moving and joined a dirt bike club in high school before going on to professional motorsport.​
  • Vela got signed onto their first racing team at 18, although they didn't become popular until they switched to a bigger company a couple years later.​

  • Because of Vela's dust allergy, they make sure to keep their flat almost absurdly clean and take medication with them whenever staying somewhere else.​
  • Vela has a decent following on social media, despite not being very active and the account being partly managed by PR. They post their favorite clips from races and a couple of videos of their work behind the scenes.​
  • Due to learning English mainly by listening, they aren't all too good at reading and writing and often use audio play to understand things.​
  • They got locked out of changing their bios on social media because they kept adding new neopronouns and PR got annoyed.​
  • Reporters default to calling them their last name in articles and during interviews, just because people know them by so many nicknames.​
  • They are a proud and frequent emoji user. This trait annoys Priya, who also uses audio play to read text messages and doesn't appreciate its phone's emoji naming conventions.​
  • Vela wants to learn to play bass guitar.​

  • 29
  • Paragirl (they/it, sometimes she/her)
  • Coworker
  • Race engineer
  • Residence: Infra
  • Werewolf, Greek

  • 28
  • Demiboy (he/him)
  • Close friend
  • Supermoto racer, stuntman, and financial advisor
  • Residence: Gehenna
  • Jengu, Cameroonian
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Finn Křehký | Gryfalcon
Nickname: Gryf
Age: 20 yo
Gender: Cisgender male (he/him)
Alignment: Vigilante


harsh and skeptical | very observant | unforgiving | decisive | impulsive | creative and intuitive | pessimistic | bold | confrontational | self-destructive​

Finn seems only willing to act in extremes, either putting faith
in his peers to determine the life, death, and well being of thousands (including himself), or acting on the expectation that they will backstab him at any moment. Also impulsive and drawn to violence, he's typically written off as a trigger-happy, mindless "guard dog" type. In reality, Finn acts threatening because he wants to express anger on the behalf of his peers who can't do so as easily (it also helps psych out opponents, which he likes).

Finn tends to anticipate the worst possible outcomeno
matter how unlikely—and intuitively choose preventative measures and solutions. Regardless of his track record with toxic relationships—or perhaps because of it—Finn is so desperate to forge trusting relationships that he's willing to compromise his ideals in order to please his loved ones. Restless, morbid-minded, and mildly skeptical of his friends' motives—Finn Křehký certainly doesn't look the type.

Physical Appearance

Finn is pale and lanky with sharp and fragile-looking features.
His nose is crooked (from a bar fight, though he'll never admit that), and half-healed injuries from other scraps are covered up by bright, decora-style bandages. His soft, tangled hair is mousy brown, allowed to grow until his bangs almost obscure his eyes. He typically dresses in sleeveless tops and cargo jeans with plenty of pockets, favoring earthy tones and achromatic colors that contrast his bandages and complement his freckles. With breakable-looking limbs and his complete inability to sit still, Finn is regarded as fairly endearing to the public as his civilian self—though that reputation would quickly fade should anyone attribute one of Gryfalcon's crimes to himself.

Gryfalcon typically only operates in the city at night, although
he never turns down a sniper job when Indah requests one. This—as well as his concealing costume choicemake him look devilish compared to his civilian appearance. In the dark, his hair looks more tangled and ashen, mussed by the bulky headphones he wears. His attire can vary quite a bit, but is always all black with a lot of layering. The prototypical example of his costume includes running shoes, jeans, a tactical belt, hoodie, and leather jacket. Gryfalcon also wears a pair of retro motorcycle goggles and adds a face mask when expecting close combat. Though his voice is always markedly rough around the edges, he emphasizes it while acting as Gryfalcon. He jarringly smells of gunpowder and spray paint.

the user can temporarily improve some of their senses
by sacrificing the reliability of their remaining ones

  • light sleeper
  • ambidextrous
  • sharpshooting and sniping
  • steel grip
  • combat instincts and Talent activation
  • fluent in ASL
  • skittish
  • bad at climbing
  • bad at lying
  • Talent strain
  • black-and-white thinking
  • overconfident

dark daysfireworks and sparklerslate-night patrolsmedieval torture methodshis headphones
sharpshootingstickershiding duffel bagsheightsadrenaline
the feeling of activating his Talentthe sound of crickets, cicadas, and birdsrainMira's old gogglesIndah

bright colorsmost superheroessunny daysbeing touchedhedonism
REIstrong smellshis parentsvulnerabilityheat
sleeping and sitting stillsuperstitious peoplesmall talkbroken promisesbeing ignored

  • constantly fidgets, but tries to do so subtly because he hates how meek it makes him look
  • maintains eye contact with people (to the point that it's a bit disturbing)
  • has a very good standing posture
  • keeps physical distance from others. If it's not possible in the given space, he'll cross his arms or use nearby objects to create a similar effect.
  • narrows his eyes and furrows his brows when confused
  • signs to himself while thinking or particularly stressed
  • frequently cracks his knuckles
  • makes a lot of passive aggressive comments
  • suggests "kill them" to any minor offense (eg: "they kept tapping me" "kill them")
  • threatens people by referencing medieval torture methods
  • sits in unconventional ways (eg: cross legged on a table, stretching out legs a lot)
  • likes to make physical contact with people he trusts, but rarely does so

  • Finn grew up in a toxic household on the outskirts of Corten City. As an only child and a person with a strong sense of justice, he automatically took up the role of the sacrificial lamb.
  • As time went on, he became more violent-minded and bitter, enforced by an interaction with a popular (and frighteningly incompetent) patrol hero. While the hero had brushed off public signs of Finn's abuse, the trainee they brought along didn't. That trainee ended up being a student attending a nearby vocational school.
  • Finn soon began acting out and frequently skipping school to meet up with the aforementioned student (a gifted hero-in-training named Mirian). Whilst doing so, he ended up befriending a self righteous delinquent called Indah. They bonded over their shared sense of justice and Indah invited him to join an illegal vigilante team. Finn declined.
  • After being rejected from all hero programs due to his "tumultuous background" and hearing about Mirian's easily avoidable death, Finn decided to drop out of school and join Indah's team.
  • Finn has now been acting as the infamous vigilante "Gryfalcon" for a few years. He's decently well regarded by the public (excluding criticism for his extreme and often violent approach to conflict), though that positivity may only exist due to distrust of his partner's motives. "Plight" (Indah's secret identity) is deemed its own entity. While Gryfalcon fights, Plight picks the duo's battles. He's so unknown that the police force believes Gryfalcon is the face of an entire organization.
  • Finn only recently moved in with Indah.

  • TBA
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Ismaya Lestari | Plight
Nickname: Indah
Age: 22 years-old
Alignment: Vigilante
Gender: Male: he/him
Orientation: Queer


Short-Tempered \ Optimistic \ Practical \ Austere \ Consequentialist \ Meticulous \ Sentimental \ Self-Aware \ Unintentionally manipulative \ Insightful \ Blunt \ Stubborn \ Resigned

Contrary to what popular belief may suggest, Ismaya is a very
subdued, logical, and focused person. He has a vision of the good he can do, and thinks that completing that goal is the only valuable thing he can accomplish with his life. Since committing an egregious deed a few years ago, he's begun to mentally spiral, doubling down in his efforts to attain his ideal vision of justice. To Ismaya, inconsistency is worse than callousness, and he'd be a much worse person "pretending" to be good than going down this road. He often lies by omission and the careful construction of a persona, which certainly doesn't help his image. No matter how headstrong or radical he presents himself as, Ismaya is, in actuality, very keen and insightful, and has an extremely nuanced understanding of the society he lives in, and therefore of what he must do to get his desired results. He's devastatingly brutal, and feels perfectly fine cutting corners (or people's throats) if he thinks it'll put him on the path to forgiving himself. Even if he knows what he's doing is wrong and is ruining his self-image even more, Ismaya believes that turning back now is the worst possible betrayal he could ever commit.

Physical Appearance
Ismaya is a heavily tanned, brown-skinned climber with a
poised yet relaxed demeanor. His black hair is thick and sleek, usually close-cut for practicality's sake, though it's the only thing that he consistently fidgets with. His eyes are sharp and nearly black, always fixed unwaveringly on a single subject at a time. Coupled with the many, oddly isolated injuries marring his body, he appears much more dangerous than he acts. His hands are heavily calloused and flecked with orange and yellow spray paint, staining his skin and nails even when he hasn't done graffiti art in a while. Consequently, paint can be found almost anywhere on his body (typically his face and hair), and he permanently smells of graffiti art. Ismaya's knuckles are also frequently scraped raw and bruised. Washing these cuts and wrapping and unwrapping his hands has now been factored into his daily routine. With a practical attitude, calm demeanor, and reasonable responses to conflict (at least in public) Ismaya receives much less sympathy than Finn, and is instead often looked to for moral advice.

The injuries littering his body are fairly odd, though he never
bothers to cover most of them. The most conspicuous ones are isolated burns, cuts from varying types of blades, and electrocution marks. He's also gathered a couple of gunshot wounds, which are the only ones he goes out of his way to cover in public. He acts surprised whenever anyone takes notice of these injuries, and seems completely unbothered by them. Ismaya's only somewhat normal, healed scars are a long cut across his right cheek and a smaller nick that horizontally cuts his left eyebrow (which he sometimes disinfects). He dresses in a mix between thrifted vintage clothing and typical, tight-fit climbing gear.

"Pack Transmutation– Insect Classification"
The user can transmute into a swarm of butterflies. Sustained injuries are transferred to the user's human form. Energy is gained by consuming a butterfly's diet.

  • Outdoor climbing
  • Mechanics
  • Army doctor medicine
  • Adaptable
  • Fluent in Braille+Indonesian
  • Strategic
  • Impatient+Quick to anger
  • Deathly afraid of fire+deep water+small spaces
  • Self righteous
  • Attached
  • Lies to his allies
  • Talent side-effects

REI and FinnFruitSolitaireSunny daysAntiquing+Thrifting
The outdoorsRepurposing/Fixing thingsAutumnSentimentalityMorning walks
Building custom weaponsJuice boxesSour foodsAbandoned placesLeaving notes+letters


ConjecturesBlind idolizationModern architecture+minimalismCloudy/Dark days
Being interrupted/distractedAuditory "clutter"DishonestyREIWaste
The coldHolidays and partiesThe DatabaseStaying indoorsBeing constrained/controlled

  • Ismaya has a naturally quiet voice. It easily becomes strained when he speaks at even a normal volume level.
  • He mutters to himself a lot, rather than going through his thought process internally.
  • Ismaya is strongly against the use of "buffer" words and would be caught dead before relying on them.
  • He tsks very loudly when frustrated.
  • Ismaya's eye contact is always prolonged and a little menacing, as he subconsciously narrows his eyes at people while watching them.
  • When in a space he designates as safe, Ismaya frequently stares off into space whilst tracing his scars or drawing patterns on his hands and wrists.
  • He's known to stand much too close to other people while talking with them.

  1. Ismaya grew up in a suffocating yet negligent household and spent most of his childhood indoors. The unspoken rule was that he could only attend in-person school if he quickly returned home afterwards.
  2. In his teens, Ismaya began growing increasingly irritated and vengeful. His only escape from simmering in these negative emotions was climbing, learning medicine, miscellaneous outdoor sports, and graffiti art. He began spending more and more time outside of the house, a change that was at first contested, and then accepted.
  3. Ismaya performed as well as he could in school in order to pass while still being a truant. It was during one absent day that he met and befriended Rei in a cemetery on the outskirts of town. They quickly bonded, helping one other with their problems at home until they became almost codependent.
  4. Ismaya urged Rei to join their vigilante team and they worked together for a short time—until Rei expressed their disapproval of his actions and turned their back on him.
  5. Later, he met a younger student called Finn and successfully enlisted him into this team.
  6. Ismaya and Finn have now been operating as a duo for a few years. Until now, he's made a conscious effort to avoid growing too close to Finn, but it's become increasingly difficult to do so after moving in together.

  • TBA
Ismaya Lestari | Plight
Nickname: Indah
Age: 22 years-old
Alignment: Illegal vigilante
Gender: Male: he/him
Orientation: Queer


Short-Tempered \ Optimistic \ Practical \ Austere \ Consequentialist \ Meticulous \ Sentimental \ Self-Aware \ Unintentionally manipulative \ Insightful \ Blunt \ Stubborn \ Resigned
Contrary to what popular belief may suggest, Ismaya is a very subdued, logical, and focused person. He has a vision of the good
he can do, and thinks that completing that goal is the only valuable thing he can accomplish with his life. Since committing an egregious deed a few years ago, he's begun to mentally spiral, doubling down in his efforts to attain his ideal vision of justice. To Ismaya, inconsistency is worse than callousness, and he'd be a much worse person "pretending" to be good than going down this road. He often lies by omission and the careful construction of a persona, which certainly doesn't help his image. No matter how headstrong or radical he presents himself as, Ismaya is, in actuality, very keen and insightful, and has an extremely nuanced understanding of the society he lives in, and therefore of what he must do to get his desired results. He's devastatingly brutal, and feels perfectly fine cutting corners (or people's throats) if he thinks it'll put him on the path to forgiving himself. Even if he knows what he's doing is wrong and is ruining his self-image even more, Ismaya believes that turning back now is the worst possible betrayal he could ever commit.

Physical Appearance
Ismaya is a heavily tanned, brown-skinned climber with a poised yet relaxed demeanor. His black hair is thick and sleek, usually
close-cut for practicality's sake, though it's the only thing that he consistently fidgets with. His eyes are sharp and nearly black, always fixed unwaveringly on a single subject at a time. Coupled with the many, oddly isolated injuries marring his body, he appears much more dangerous than he acts. His hands are heavily calloused and flecked with orange and yellow spray paint, staining his skin and nails even when he hasn't done graffiti art in a while. Consequently, paint can be found almost anywhere on his body (typically his face and hair), and he permanently smells of graffiti art. Ismaya's knuckles are also frequently scraped raw and bruised. Washing these cuts and wrapping and unwrapping his hands has now been factored into his daily routine. With a practical attitude, calm demeanor, and reasonable responses to conflict (at least in public) Ismaya receives much less sympathy than Finn, and is instead often looked to for moral advice.
The injuries littering his body are fairly odd, though he never bothers to cover most of them. The most conspicuous ones are
isolated burns, cuts from varying types of blades, and electrocution marks. He's also gathered a couple of gunshot wounds, which are the only ones he goes out of his way to cover in public. He acts surprised whenever anyone takes notice of these injuries, and seems completely unbothered by them. Ismaya's only somewhat normal, healed scars are a long cut across his right cheek and a smaller nick that horizontally cuts his left eyebrow (which he sometimes disinfects). He dresses in a mix between thrifted vintage clothing and typical, tight-fit climbing gear.

"Pack Transmutation– Insect Classification"
The user can transmute into a swarm of butterflies. Sustained injuries are transferred to the user's human form. Energy is gained by consuming a butterfly's diet.

  • Outdoor climbing
  • Mechanics
  • Army doctor medicine
  • Adaptable
  • Fluent in Braille+Indonesian
  • Strategic
  • Impatient+Quick to anger
  • Deathly afraid of fire+deep water+small spaces
  • Self righteous
  • Attached
  • Lies to his allies
  • Talent side-effects

REI and FinnFruitSolitaireSunny daysAntiquing+Thrifting
The outdoorsRepurposing/Fixing thingsAutumnSentimentalityMorning walks
Building custom weaponsJuice boxesSour foodsAbandoned placesLeaving notes+letters


ConjecturesBlind idolizationModern architecture+minimalismCloudy/Dark days
Being interrupted/distractedAuditory "clutter"DishonestyREIWaste
The coldHolidays and partiesThe DatabaseStaying indoorsBeing constrained/controlled

  • Ismaya has a naturally quiet voice. It easily becomes strained when he speaks at even a normal volume level.
  • He mutters to himself a lot, rather than going through his thought process internally.
  • Ismaya is strongly against the use of "buffer" words and would be caught dead before relying on them.
  • He tsks very loudly when frustrated.
  • Ismaya's eye contact is always prolonged and a little menacing, as he subconsciously narrows his eyes at people while watching them.
  • When in a space he designates as safe, Ismaya frequently stares off into space whilst tracing his scars or drawing patterns on his hands and wrists.
  • He's known to stand much too close to other people while talking with them.

  1. Ismaya grew up in a suffocating yet negligent household and spent most of his childhood indoors. The unspoken rule was that he could only attend in-person school if he quickly returned home afterwards.
  2. In his teens, Ismaya began growing increasingly irritated and vengeful. His only escape from simmering in these negative emotions was climbing, learning medicine, miscellaneous outdoor sports, and graffiti art. He began spending more and more time outside of the house, a change that was at first contested, and then accepted.
  3. Ismaya performed as well as he could in school in order to pass while still being a truant. It was during one absent day that he met and befriended Rei in a cemetery on the outskirts of town. They quickly bonded, helping one other with their problems at home until they became almost codependent.
  4. Ismaya urged Rei to join their vigilante team and they worked together for a short time—until Rei expressed their disapproval of his actions and turned their back on him.
  5. Later, he met a younger student called Finn and successfully enlisted him into this team.
  6. Ismaya and Finn have now been operating as a duo for a few years. Until now, he's made a conscious effort to avoid growing too close to Finn, but it's become increasingly difficult to do so after moving in together.

  • TBA
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Lixue Zizhen

Legal NameLixue Zizhen
NicknamesKiyo, Shay
GenderCisgender male– he/they

Buildlanky figure, 5'11"
Skinpale with thin, frost-like scars on his hands and arms
Hairlong and soft white, looks silvery in the dark
Eyespale green

Regular clothessleeveless tops, patched corduroy pants, chunky platform sneakers. He always wears black gloves and sometimes adds sheer sleeves as well. They usually accessorize with tinted circle glasses, thin chain necklaces, and dangly silver earrings.
Villain/Vigilante fitall black: tight long sleeved top, cropped windbreaker, cargo pants, combat boots, dangly silver earrings (more visible because he ties his hair up), and an ivory mask with a gothic design of a cat skull.


Lixue is a little reserved and generally laid-back. Considered competent, he has a​
very isolated life, and is falsely applauded for having good judgment by his coworkers and acquaintances. Unfortunately, they're clever and fond of taking advantage of it. That is to say—egotistical and not fully aware of it. They're direct and practical, and a fan of getting attention from other people (particularly confident folks like themself). He very easily critiques others (sometimes smugly, especially when he's being unserious or provoking someone on purpose).

Above all, no matter how well-adjusted or sociable they look, Lixue is extremely​
distant, and avoids serious conversations at all costs. He's made a lot of tough choices and is determined to stick with them—no matter how unhappy he is—for as long as he possibly can, even if that means continuing to throw his moral compass to the curb.

Poweramplified cryokinesis. In addition to creating ice (through skin contact) and cold environments, Lixue can temporarily "freeze" the momentum of small objects.
Likesearly morning walks, curry, fog and rain, people watching, milk tea, night patrols, karaoke, fairy bread, takeaway Chinese food, pop punk, trinkets and organized maximalism
Dislikesfuchsia, luck-based games, small spaces, astrology and fortune-telling, jumpscares, obscure gore, serious conversations, birthdays
Aestheticpale green and white, frozen flowers, watercolor tattoos, frost on skin, smoking on a balcony, skeletons, nightingale song, summer storms, chalk art

Lixue works as a tattoo artist at a local parlor
They recently adopted an outdoor cat called Miffy
Mistakes adrenaline for infatuation and doesn't bother to correct it
Refuses to use headphones and wireless earbuds
"What do you mean you didn't call for backup? Who trained you?!"
Has god awful pain tolerance
Picked up smoking after moving to deal with stress
Grew up taking gymnastics and now has minor hyperflexibility
"Did it hurt? When you googled it and I was right?"
Probably has avoidant attachment
Got so used to constraining the side effects of his power that they now break out when he's emotionally overwhelmed or overuses his ability. It immediately drops the temperature of their surroundings and makes the air smell like snow.
Insults like "Yeah, that's cause you're a moron" vs "You look like you should be locked in an underground labyrinth for the safety of Crete"
Escalating conflict 24/7
Is practically nocturnal
Switches between easily flustered and the most aggressive flirt you've ever seen
Started growing out their hair right after moving away. They're sometimes not a fan of it, but spite always wins out
A locked drawer in their apartment is dedicated to tickets, brochures, pressed flowers, maps, clippings, and Fujifilm instant photos (among other sentimental things). Most of them are from before he ran away from home.
Though there's definitely a place in Lixue's heart for the large, complex, black-and-white tattoos he's usually reserved for, there's just something special about the colorful and unapologetically silly ones he occasionally gets to do (example 1)
Closeted adrenaline junkie

Lixue Zizhen

Legal NameLixue Zizhen
NicknamesKiyo, Shay
GenderCisgender male– he/they

Buildlanky figure, 5'11"
Skinpale with thin, frost-like scars on his hands and arms
Hairlong and soft white, looks silvery in the dark
Eyespale green

Regular clothessleeveless tops, patched corduroy pants, chunky platform sneakers. He always wears black gloves and sometimes adds sheer sleeves as well. They usually accessorize with tinted circle glasses, thin chain necklaces, and dangly silver earrings.
Villain/Vigilante fitall black: tight long sleeved top, cropped windbreaker, cargo pants, combat boots, dangly silver earrings (more visible because he ties his hair up), and an ivory mask with a gothic design of a cat skull.


Lixue is a little reserved and generally​
laid-back. Considered competent, he has a very isolated life, and is falsely applauded for having good judgment by his coworkers and acquaintances. Unfortunately, they're clever and fond of taking advantage of it. That is to say—egotistical and not fully aware of it. They're direct and practical, and a fan of getting attention from other people (particularly confident folks like themself). He very easily critiques others (sometimes smugly, especially when he's being unserious or provoking someone on purpose).

Above all, no matter how well-adjusted​
or sociable they look, Lixue is extremely distant, and avoids serious conversations at all costs. He's made a lot of tough choices and is determined to stick with them—no matter how unhappy he is—for as long as he possibly can, even if that means continuing to throw his moral compass to the curb.

Poweramplified cryokinesis. In addition to creating ice (through skin contact) and cold environments, Lixue can temporarily "freeze" the momentum of small objects.
Likesearly morning walks, curry, fog and rain, people watching, milk tea, night patrols, karaoke, fairy bread, takeaway Chinese food, pop punk, trinkets and organized maximalism
Dislikesfuchsia, luck-based games, small spaces, astrology and fortune-telling, jumpscares, obscure gore, serious conversations, birthdays
Aestheticpale green and white, frozen flowers, watercolor tattoos, frost on skin, smoking on a balcony, skeletons, nightingale song, summer storms, chalk art

Lixue works as a tattoo artist at a local parlor
They recently adopted an outdoor cat called Miffy
Mistakes adrenaline for infatuation and doesn't bother to correct it
Refuses to use headphones and wireless earbuds
"What do you mean you didn't call for backup? Who trained you?!"
Has god awful pain tolerance
Picked up smoking after moving to deal with stress
Grew up taking gymnastics and now has minor hyperflexibility
"Did it hurt? When you googled it and I was right?"
Probably has avoidant attachment
Got so used to constraining the side effects of his power that they now break out when he's emotionally overwhelmed or overuses his ability. It immediately drops the temperature of their surroundings and makes the air smell like snow.
Insults like "Yeah, that's cause you're a moron" vs "You look like you should be locked in an underground labyrinth for the safety of Crete"
Escalating conflict 24/7
Is practically nocturnal
Switches between easily flustered and the most aggressive flirt you've ever seen
Started growing out their hair right after moving away. They're sometimes not a fan of it, but spite always wins out
A locked drawer in their apartment is dedicated to tickets, brochures, pressed flowers, maps, clippings, and Fujifilm instant photos (among other sentimental things). Most of them are from before he ran away from home.
Though there's definitely a place in Lixue's heart for the large, complex, black-and-white tattoos he's usually reserved for, there's just something special about the colorful and unapologetically silly ones he occasionally gets to do (example 1)
Closeted adrenaline junkie
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  • Identity
    Xavier Morozovs
    29 || Cis Male || Queer

    Xavier is honest, clever, reasonable… and completely full of shit. In reality, he's blunt and extremely bitter, someone who uses quid pro quo situations to form relationships, rather than vulnerability or honesty. He's distant and quick to dislike most people, as he never fully got over his teen arrogance. He's constantly exhausted and consequently occasionally lapses into his true personality. Xavier's sporadic bluntness—coupled with his love of clear boundaries and contractual relationships—makes him out to be much more reasonable than he actually is. He takes advantage of this by using his natural charm and rhetorical strategies in order to control others' perception of him.

    Although some see him as "too big to fail," Xavier can't help but worry about being seen as expendable, and frequently takes extreme measures in order to become invaluable to others. Though he is willing to "take out" businessmen by blackmailing or intimidating them, he will begrudgingly and stubbornly try to keep old friends and vulnerable people out of trouble.

  • Xavier's past is widely (albeit vaguely) known. He was hired early in his life as a security officer, thanks in part to his dedication to defense, but mostly due to his connections to an unknown, influential family. Since then he's bounced through numerous jobs, befriending plenty of coworkers and schmoozing with superiors in the process. Xavier was caught in the crossfire of a fight one fateful day while working at Delaney Industries, suffering a significant blunt force injury. The Conglomerate gave him prosthetics free of charge and a few years later granted him a new position—one he requested—in business, rumored to have been his original calling. Now, he works as an informant and low-level businessman, collecting information and using it to conduct deals on the behalf of Delaney Industries, earning them trade partners, investors, and consumers.

    The full story is much more convoluted. Xavier's affluent family raised him to be a successful businessman, pulling strings to get him into well-known schools and programs, until finally pushing his admittance to Delaney Industries. Xavier, being a spiteful and overly constrained teenager, lied his way through the interview process in order to get a job in security, rather than business like his family wanted. They were very much not pleased by this, and he moved away shortly thereafter.

    Even as an officer, he had suspicions of Delaney Industries' wrongdoings. It was obvious, he figured. It was impossible for such a huge company to be founded on benevolent business practices, and everyone else was simply stupid for assuming otherwise. Quickly becoming bored of security work, he revealed his Enhancement (that is, a heavily altered description of it) in order to get another job. He got bored and again, altered his self-image and sweet-talked more superiors. By 24 years old he was fairly well regarded. Known as self important and impatient, maybe, but mostly a clear communicator and hard-worker, one who was always first to volunteer his time and pull favors for his colleagues, new and old.

    That was, until he got caught in a freak accident while working at Delaney Industries one day, and suffered a significant blunt force injury. During that job, Delaney had absolutely no obligation to compensate him, so the fact that they just gifted him prosthetics in response didn't bode well. Until then, everything at Delaney Industries had been clean, easy, and logical. If you did your job well you were praised, if you fought against the company you were disposed of, and if they didn't need to help you they simply wouldn't. Their callousness had just as many rules as their benevolence. This, however, felt like a hostage situation more than anything else. So, though Xavier initially took the offer, he quickly shut down future maintenance and replacement plans, instead making his final job-change request. As an informant and businessman, his natural instincts (those being a propensity for minor blackmail and physical intimidation) were not only accepted but encouraged, and made him useful enough to the company to feel stable.

    Since then, Xavier's kept up with favors and done his best to stay in touch with past colleagues and new superiors, while simultaneously letting his personal life fall to the wayside. Most days he sleeps irregularly and in his office, and thrives on coffee, trail mix, and painkillers for sustenance.

  • Systematic Recall

    Xavier's mind is a catalogue of everything he's ever heard and seen. Sensations and scenes can be "played back" at any time, though doing so leaves him comatose for the duration of the memory. Particular sensations can involuntarily trigger a replay. Certain actions (consuming alcohol, mostly) taken during a period of time can taint or entirely remove footage.


    By analysing the movements of a subject, Xavier can predict the most likely paths they would take in a similar situation. These routes are visually laid out (along with their probabilities) in his eyeline and in real time. This only applies to strategic choices and physical responses, never emotional/social reactions. This Enhancement can never be fully turned off and easily overwhelms him, causing eye strain and tension headaches, among other things.

    False Eye

    Glass eyes placed into Xavier's right, empty eye socket move the way a real eye would, but don't react to his expressions. Toggling a separate aspect of this Enhancement allows him to clearly see through it. This part is usually not activated due to the pain of looking through a scratched acrylic eye.

  • Appearance

    Xavier is pale, veiny, and tall, standing at about 6'0" (183 cm). His collected image (mainly characterised by a broad figure and confident personality) is marred by heavy eye bags, tangled hair, and a noticeable limp, caused by outgrowing his prosthetic leg. Both his limb prosthetics (left arm and leg) are treated well, but obviously much too old for Xavier to keep using them for long. Made of overlapping white plates of metal (making them very well articulated) and creaking with minor movements, it's difficult for his peers to forget about his former injuries, even when they're completely covered.

    He dresses in light, formal wear (typically dress shirts and slacks), but can also be found in vivid hoodies and similar casualwear when he sleeps in his office. With mussed black hair and narrow, nearly black eyes, Xavier has a generally daunting image. It helps that he turns his tendency to lean on walls and desks to support himself into an intimidation technique. Even those who know he sleeps in his office believe that's its only purpose, as Xavier refuses to acknowledge that he's tired and in pain all the time.


    ..Xavier's former last name was Alatyrtsev. He changed it after getting a job at Delaney Industries in order to functionally cut ties with his family.

    ..Xavier is adept at reading lips and knows basic ASL. He is also fluent in Russian and German, and is currently learning Morse code (among many other languages).

    ..Xavier has a bit of a sweet tooth. He's not a fan of most American candies, but does adore sugar-heavy styles of coffee and traditional Russian pastries.

    ..Xavier's faceclaim choice is courtesy of AshenAngel.


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FULL NAME: Nico Valiente-Blanco
COMMON NAME: Aries (arr-ees) Valiente
NICKNAMES: Ari, Vela, Blanco, Nuri, Haz
AGE: 25-28
DOB: tba

GENDER: Genderqueer
SEXUALITY: Panromantic/Bisexual
MISC: Nomifluid

OCCUPATION: Professional supermoto racer for ____

HAIR: shaggy dark brown hair, falls in curls at the nape of their neck and ears
EYES: doe brown
BUILD: golden skin marred by many scars, a tall, sinewy build
HEIGHT: about 5'9" with a confident posture
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: sun freckles during racing season, horizontal burn mark across their left forearm, constantly wearing some kind of cologne/perfume, large left shoulder sun tattoo and some smaller ones on their hands, many ear piercings, loud voice with a lisp and faint Puerto Rican accent

Aries is a fairly straightforward person who despises moral complexity. They often judge people and situations shallowly, only looking deeper when it comes to those they idolize. With an inflated ego and inability to be self critical, they seem to be the pinnacle of celebrity arrogance. That is, if you ignore the fact that they're a C-list celebrity at best, only regarded as an A-lister by the athletic community, who can't help but admire their immense talent and give-no-fucks attitude. Regardless, this lack of care in moral matters causes them to dismiss the wrongdoings of almost anyone, provided they find them interesting and/or attractive enough to keep around. Aries' carelessness seems innate and tied to almost every aspect of their life, most of all their career, making them not only reckless for going into extreme sports, but toeing the line of fame and financial stability because of how quickly they get bored of their peers.

Similarly, they constantly toe the line between casual and serious relationships. Aries is someone who lives life very hedonistically, turning away whenever presented with something meaningful in exchange for instant gratification and the simple pleasures of life, usually ruining blossoming friendships and romances in the process. No one would believe that this rockstar of an athlete was once an attention-seeking and insecure kid from a broken family—pursuing motorsport just for the approval of those around them—given how well they seal up bouts of insecurity with denial and an overwhelming fixation on honing their talents.

  • Strawberry milk and absurdly sweet coffees
  • Hoarding jewelry
  • Soft licorice
  • Breakcore and jazz
  • Chill mobile games (eg: Dear My Cat, gudetama tap!, FairyBakery, etc)
  • Drumming and bass guitar
  • Bean bags and spinny chairs
  • Casual relationships
  • Rockstar energy drinks
  • Puerto Rican desserts
  • White noise
  • The smell of petrol
  • Boring competitions
  • Blood anti-doping tests
  • PR training
  • Small spaces
  • Inexpressive people
  • Name brand clothing (unless it's for a job)
  • Unjustifiably cocky people
  • Criticism
  • Certain stimuli (lint, butter and grease, zipper chains, unglazed ceramics)

HEALTH: vasovagal convulsive syncope, dust allergy, sensory issues, caffeine and adrenaline addiction??
DEMEANOR: feints formality when annoyed, pulls out mobile games if they want to avoid conversation or calm down, only drinks iced or scorching hot coffee, does reckless things when they get angry, "instructional" self talk

  • Aries grew up in Puerto Rico to a single mother. Despite their parents separating after they were born in an unplanned pregnancy, they spent a disproportionate amount of time with their father, while their mother provided for them. This father, for all his toxicity, ended up being the origin of their biggest joy, introducing Aries to motorsport at just about 4 years old.
  • When they were 13, their mother adopted a young girl named Clarita. Sometimes they'd take care of her at home, but usually when their mother was at work, they'd drag her along to their motocross company to watch practice.
  • At just 16 years old, they were drafted to a professional racing company in LA and moved there with their mother and younger sister.
  • While finishing high school and participating in races, they took up jobs as a barista and camp counselor in order to help out their family financially.
  • Aries was finally allowed to become a full time racer after graduating, pestering their superiors, and staying reliable during a change in management. From there, they were suddenly thrown into the spotlight and given chances to participate in higher-level competitions.
  • Since then, Aries has become a staple member of the supermoto community and star in the motocross scene. They're also fairly renowned in the larger athletic community due to their occasional plunge into other professional sports during off-seasons, usually earning a couple of titles and world records before returning to motocross.

MOTHER- Gabriela Blanco
"FATHER"- Ian Valiente
ADOPTED SISTER- Clarita "Ita" Blanco

  • Most reporters and companies simply call Aries "Valiente" because of how many nicknames they have
  • They are a proud and frequent emoji user. This trait annoys their race engineer, who sometimes texts them to determine their preferences and ends up having to decode modern hieroglyphics.
  • Although they DO love the attention they get from the media, Aries is known to fully dip from interviews the second they get bored or are asked questions unrelated to their career.
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