Create a Character Challenge #18

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This challenge is one about making characters based on the setting that they're destined for and also just a fun romp with one of the most creative aspects of roleplaying: character making. Based on the image posted, my challenge is for you to create a character for that setting and post it here!

This week's image:

Feel free to utilize this character sheet or create your own:

Current Goal/Purpose:

I suppose I made more of a species than a character but...

Name: Payidevim (Payi for short)
Age: 57 human years
Species: Singo Fydan-Tfamman (aka Singo)
Gender: Androgynous male.
Species Description: All Singo have a humanoid appearance from the waist up. However, where a humanoid would have legs, the Singo have a single tail adorned with fins. The tail can have a variety of texture from fish scales to amphibious slime to the underwater moss that thrives in the marshes of their planet. When removed from the swampy waters, this tail will separate into two legs. It will reform once the Singo returns to the water. The upper portion of the water dweller is usually a pastel color with patches of the tail material interupting the smooth skin. Generally the patches cluster like stepping stones in places like the neck, hairline, and back. Hair is normally long and colors that help them blend into their surroundings. Fingers point at the end into something similar to claws or talons. Singo eye color is milky. Despite being aquatic, Singo breathe air and have to surface once a day. The rest of their time is spent deep under the waters in their hive-like cities built upside down, massive pillars that (it's believed) reach right down to the very bottom of the swamps. Their natural life span can last up to two human centuries. Where gender is concerned, Singo Fydan-Tfamman are by default androgynous genderless but they can change their gender from male to female on a whim and adopt masculine or feminine features to whatever degree they wish.
Family: Parents and one sibling.
Personality: Extremely curious and a little reckless. Payi can be airheaded at times, especially when he puts satisfying his curiosity before his own safety. He's known for daydreaming and has, far too many times, narrowly escaped a bad situation. It's a wonder really how he hasn't been eaten by any of the other species that dwell in these waters. He is very kind, mellow, and definitely far too trusting for his own good. He loves to explore places that others steer clear of, like the darker depths of the swamps and the land that hugs their waters.
Current Goal/Purpose: To travel far on land and meet another humanoid species. To make many friends and maybe even find a lover.
Appearance: "Payidevim" means "to be beautiful" and his name couldn't have been more fitting. His lips are a bit full for a male, as are his hips curvy. His eyelashes are long, his jaw slender, despite his boyish shoulder span and strong back. Determining his chosen gender can often prove difficult. Payi's skin is a pale green with a hint of gray. His tail mimics the brown weeds that dance slowy under the water and settle in clumps on the surface. His hair reaches down to his waist, the very same hue as the circular plants that grow on the surface. It is bound with strong plant roots thrice, decorated with shells woven into the long locks, and often drapped over one shoulder. Bangles and earings made of bone, plant, and shells serve as accessories.
Name: Maerwen

Gender: Female

Age: 154 human years

Species: Elf/Elven

Family: Deceased, died from a disease that came from a poisonous plant brought by the humans.

Personality: Maerwen has a soft spot for living organism no matter if they are humans,elves,animals, or plants. No matter who it is, she is caring,kind, and very likable. She holds no pessimism or grudge and hardly gets mad. It is said, that she is like a goddess, too good.

Current Goal: To find the cure for the illness that is killing thousands of her species. An unique plant that is said to cure every disease. Only, that this is a legend, and only one person has ever found this plant but it was centuries ago.

healer elfe.jpg
Name: Xesvas


200 years


Brothers and Sisters all around the world.

Xesvas is very caring. He enjoys the sight of life in the world and always takes the time to bring life back to the dead spots of the world. Xesvas also can heal serious wounds and mend broken bones.

Born as a simple plant in the ground in a large forest that was being used for research, it was that one day when the scientists accidentally dropped untested chemicals into the ground. causing all life in that forest to mutate and change forever. Most of what was mutated turned against the humans and set to destroy everything they've worked their entire lives on, but there were those that were grateful for the new gift. One of which being Xesvas, who wishes only to have everyone live in peace. So those of his kind that remain loyal to helping the human's research traveled off to meet them. While Xesvas went his own path, a path that would bring life back to what has been destroyed.

Current Goal/Purpose:
Xesvas wants to heal the world with new life, find his kind that have turned evil and constrict them back into the Earth that way they can do no harm.


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