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Clockwork Thomas Ford | I. BASIC Titles & Monikers: Clockwork, Walking Arsenal, The Upgrades Guy Role: Armory Master & Gear Specialist Profession: Craftsman Age: 47 Height: 5 ft / 153 cm Race: Half Gnome/Human Gender: Male Personality: Thomas is a hopeless nerd, he loves talking tech, mechanics, and anything related to his craft. People who don't know much about the craft who have made comments on things they didn't know got a long lecture from Thomas. However as a bonus he also goes into details on the pros and cons of every upgrade and item brought to him allowing users to make the best choices to keep themselves alive. He is known for his eccentricity of carrying spare parts within his suit's countless pockets, and there are rumors that he has them in his pants too for emergencies (it's true but he's not telling anyone). However aside from talking people's ears off about gear, his hand's are never idle no matter what he's doing, he's used to being in motion and staying in motion, the only exception is when he sleeps. Outside of work he is a friendly person who minds his own business who is always calm and composed... except when dealing with attractive females. While he's never gone to a brothel, and never will (unless required by work), he's quite flustered by them due to being out of practice socializing with people outside of work, which is mostly men, and when women do come in he's more focused on the items than them. Backstory: Thomas was born to a single mother in the city slums Thomas grew up trying to help himself and his mother survive, as such he became a street urchin quicker than most and started collecting pieces of junk and pick pocketing things to make into items to sell as he haggled with people to try and get as much as possible to help his mother and himself. His talent in the field helped him quickly improve to the point he was able to make little machines that actually did things like music boxes and clockwork figures. However one day he managed to steal a piece of grozium and began experimenting with it. After a year of testing he was able to figure out how to make various different items with it. He was already a thief and on the bad side of the law, being in a cartel as a craftsman seemed much safer than becoming a corpse on the street due to another plague. He soon went to sell the item and approached Ylaris, the previous La Reina of the company to sell the item, and after much haggling over the price he asked if she would take him in as a crafter. She refused at first, but Thomas was persistent and she eventually obliged. After receiving his first paycheck he immediately spent it all on food, getting a new home, and moving in. He managed to earn enough for his mother to stop having to work herself to death. In present day, he has earned a small fortune with his crafting expertise, his mother has remarried and started a new family, and he spends much of his time in his personal workshop, equipped with one the best security forces in the city for a building of it's size, considering it's of his own making. He often has members of the cartel in and out requesting new gear, upgrades, fine tuning, and on occasion other items for personal use. Thomas is a craftsman first and foremost, he spends much of his time in the workshop testing new ideas, improving old ones, and making items that were ordered. Part of the territory of being a craftsman, he is a skilled businessman able to haggle prices, get deals, and think ahead in terms of sales strategy. III. SMR & EQUIPMENTMagic Circuit Creation: This ability gives Thomas a competitive edge with his creations as he is naturally able to create magic circuits in which he can imbue spells into the object. Anything more complicated than a manual activation requires more time to make as he has to "code" in a "script" for it to follow. Anything he makes that isn't activated by using someone's mana requires a grozium crystal to run which functions as a battery. Personal Effects: Thomas has a particular affinity for the fashion of the great era, he is always wearing a vest, buttoned up and collared shirt, and a tie regardless of what he's doing, and for formal events he puts on his top hat and outer coat. No matter where he is he always has a large number of gadgets on him, most notably is his gun which has different spells imbued into it which he can swap with a button press. His top hat has a mechanical spider within which he is able to use for recon. He never leaves home without a few grenades, grappling hooks, spare parts for repairs, extra grozium crystals, his personal guard construct, and a multitude of other items. |