A Few More Stories (Looking for F)

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129% of people exaggerate.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Before we dive in to what you have come to read, I thought a little about me was in order. I am a high school math teacher, I have two minions (the cute little yellow kind), and am in college to further my education even more. I am a busy guy. Having said that, I am usually free to reply Mon-Fri in the early mornings. My schedules allows me to reply at least once a day (depending on how many posts I have to reply to and no guarantees on the weekend) with a minimum of once a week. I'd like a partner who can do the same please.

Because writing and reading are a passion of mine, it is important to me that my posts, as well as those of my partners, are legible. I spell, and grammar check but don't always catch every error. I'd like a partner who will at least put in the same amount of effort. I'm not asking for perfection. I also tend to write no less than 4 paragraphs and would like a partner who can do the same. I consider myself somewhere between Intermediate and Adept. It'd be great to find a partner of equal skill or better so that I can continue to challenge myself to become a better writer and player.

Planning is a big thing to me and I'd like to plan a story with you not for you. I've come up with the basic idea for a plot but not all the details have been ironed out. Please help me establish these details so that it is our story not just mine.

Let's chat. Just like any good relationship, whether it's between friends, family, or significant others, communication is key to ensure the success of our story. You don't have to divulge to me your life story, but let's get to know each other a little. This communication carries into the preservation of our story as well. If you will not be able to reply for an extended time, please let me know if possible. If you lose interest and would like to drop, let me know. I'm a big boy and can handle it. Also, when you PM me if you're interested in writing with me, tell me about your favorite book and your first sentence should include your favorite color. Just want to make sure you've read it all!

On to the plots:

#1: You Promised...
Your Character (YC) is a waitress just trying to get by. She could be a college student, taking care of a sick loved one, or whatever other situation you might want to cook up to show her desperation. One night, during her shift, she serves a sharp man. One thing leads to another and she ends up taking him home or going home with him. He throws her all kind of promises as they continue to see each other for a few weeks but then he leaves for business promising to return. Alone again to deal with her problems, she can't help but reflect on all the promises this man had given her and counting on them to keep her afloat.

He's a businessman who happens to also be a dog. He knows what to say, when to say it, and even how to say it if it means that he gets her to go home with him. But this last woman left a mark on him he can't seem to shake. After spending several weeks in this town, he leaves ready to move on to his next conquest as he carries his business elsewhere but he can't get her off his mind. When given the opportunity, he can't come up with the words to say. His smooth nature is tainted by the woman he promised to return to with no intention to do so at all. Perhaps time will fix it.

Weeks turn to months, months to two years before he returns to the town she lives in. Only this time, things are different. She's getting married and he still can't shake her. But is the same true of her?

#2: Till My Last Breath

Civilian life is hard to acclimate to, especially for a grunt who can't seem to shake his ghosts or hold on to the jobs he barely manages to obtain. When a friend steps in and manages to get him a gig as a body guard to a young ________________ (Fill in the blank), he finds himself in a world that he's all too familiar with. Danger looms around every corner as his employer becomes a target for ____________ (We can determine this once we know what your character is).

(There is a lot of flexibility with how this can go. I have several ideas based on what background you might assign your character.)

#3 Till Death Do Us Part

A mysterious man meets a young woman at a bar. He's not a local, she knows, but there's something about him that causes her to toss away her personal rules and fall easily into his embrace. Their night together turns into several and a relationship springs forth. He answers her questions, meets her family, and, eventually, they marry. But when she awakens in the middle of the night after hearing a crash and witnesses her husband, who's never fought in his life, expertly dispatch the invader, everything changes.

He's an assassin but when he meets the woman who was supposed to be his mark, he can't help but fall for her. Instead of killing her, he marries her and begins a life outside of the business. But one cannot just simply abandon a contract. There are consequences. Can he protect her while trying not to get killed himself? The harder question, what will happen when she finds out he wasn't the man she thought she married? Could she see passed his past and love him as he loves her?

(This story can be played either way. The husband can be the assassin or the wife can be. We can chat about it and see how you'd like to pursue this.)

Send me a PM if you'd like to write any of these stories with me!
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