5 Word Challenge #41

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October Knight

Original poster
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi. I'll try basically anything though. I also love strange and unusual RP genre concepts. Different is good!
5 Word Challenge
Brought to you by: October leche

[bg=#006633]This challenge is to help strengthen your vocabulary. You'll learn new words and how to use them in roleplay posts, stories, poems, etc!

Need some reputation? Use a word (or more) from this challenge in a Roleplay post, then link it to me, either here or on my profile!


1. Aim for a minimum of 1-3 paragraphs. If you'd like to write more than that, then go for it!
2. Make sure you use each word in your post. Be as creative as you'd like. If you can't use all the words, that's ok too.
3. Style the writing like you would for a story. It can be describing a setting, or written from the perspective of a character. Whatever you feel would work the best.
4. Have fun with this, of course!

The Words:

  • Lunule (N) - The white crescent part on the tip of a fingernail.
  • Crepuscular (ADJ) - like twilight; dim; "the evening's crepuscular charm"
  • Muntin (N) - The strip that separates window panes.
  • Phosphene (N) - The light/color seen when your eyes are closed.
  • Philtrum (N) - The grove in the uper lip, located just below the nose.