Zenith War (OOC)

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So I take it players in the Air Force would be limited to Paratrooper roles?
hmm could always have a perk line more suited to supporting other commanders, reserve troops, supply drops, tie them into the air force maybe since much of that sounds more supportive in nature. Less of a direct combat role but great as backup.

in a similar line of thinking an engineering based one, perks for field repairs, erecting or tearing down fortifications, adapting civilian infrastructure for military use (assuming any is left standing).
So I take it players in the Air Force would be limited to Paratrooper roles?
Well there are no separate Air Force Commanders in the UCCS. That's a CSO thing. The UCCS has only the Council Army and Council Navy. Air Force falls under the purview of the Council Army, as the United Council hasn't really mastered the art of aerial support for the navy yet.

hmm could always have a perk line more suited to supporting other commanders, reserve troops, supply drops, tie them into the air force maybe since much of that sounds more supportive in nature. Less of a direct combat role but great as backup.
That's certainly possible but at the start, air units will be extremely limited. Much of the United Council's air forces and artillery were at the front lines in Southern Aroka and were thus captured by the sudden Grienz advance. What remains is mostly repurposed farming planes, which brings me to-

in a similar line of thinking an engineering based one, perks for field repairs, erecting or tearing down fortifications, adapting civilian infrastructure for military use (assuming any is left standing).
That's pretty close to the one I have planned already. Called Unbridled Ingenuity, focusing on improvised war vehicles, scavenging parts from wrecks, and jury-rigging repairs in the field. The United Council as a whole isn't too big on repairs outside of its colossal war machines (nor on healing for its soldiers!), because for the most part if a single unit goes down, two more can rush in to take its place.

I do have another doctrine (I decided to change the name to 'doctrine' as that feels more thematically appropriate) planned called 'Revolutionary Guidance' which encompasses the old army units, meaning more focus on veterancy than quantity, a mix of the elite infantry units (with an emphasis on urban warfare) plus fomenting rebellion in the civilians to aid in destabilizing enemy control.

So, so far that's 7 doctrines for the Army alone that I'm working on, and I might come up with a few more, plus some Navy ones. I'm creating individual abilities/passive bonuses/special units for each doctrine, things that can be unlocked/upgraded as your rank progresses. Which is why this is taking a bit to get posted. Please be patience, good things come to those who wait!
Quick question

Will our commanders/heroes be able to occupy and switch between field armor such as tanks and technicals?

And for those who may be confused by what I mean by Technical, look up the Nazi "Sonderkraftfahrzeug" or SdKfz series of armored vehicles, and the Soviet "Broneavtomobil" or BA series of armored vehicles.
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I have to say that i'm curious if the navy will have a larger marine detachment for naval beach assaults or if that will be left up to the infantry from the army.
I do like the sound of the Unbridled Ingenuity one... probably because I'm picturing the GLA from CnC Generals, they were always my favourite of the three armies.

used to have a lovely multiplayer stratagy with a mate of mine, he'd take china, we'd effectively merge bases, he would focus on defending the two of us and eventually build overlord tanks while I just spammed harrassment forces to keep the opposition offguard the whole game. Worked out brilliantly.
Quick question

Will our commanders/heroes be able to occupy and switch between field armor such as tanks and technicals?

And for those who may be confused by what I mean by Technical, look up the Nazi "Sonderkraftfahrzeug" or SdKfz series of armored vehicles, and the Soviet "Broneavtomobil" or BA series of armored vehicles.
Well generally you won't want your Commander on the field. Your Commander is your main character, a representation of 'you' in-game. If your Commander dies, you lose... sorta. You can have a subordinate promoted to take over but you do have to reset your accumulated Doctrine levels. As far as switching vehicles, yeah sure, but keep in mind that Heroes gain experience based on the vehicle they are piloting (or weapon they are using, in terms of infantry... i.e. Sniper, Machine Gunner, Rocket Troops, etc.). So if you do switch their vehicles then they'll have to start over at level 1 for that vehicle.

I have to say that i'm curious if the navy will have a larger marine detachment for naval beach assaults or if that will be left up to the infantry from the army.
It depends on which Doctrine you choose. All of the Doctrines available for the Council Army will also be available to the Council Navy, and some of them are focused on beach assaults. Power of the Populace is pretty much exclusively about breaking through sea-faced defenses, using artillery followed by amphibious vehicles and marine rushes to puncture through defensive lines and assault them from the rear. The Revolutionary Guard has a strong marine contingency although they are not purely focused on ground combat, and also True Believer has a good marine force focused on ship-boarding actions to steal enemy vessels.

I do like the sound of the Unbridled Ingenuity one... probably because I'm picturing the GLA from CnC Generals, they were always my favourite of the three armies.
They are indeed heavily based on the GLA. Their heavy infantry are 'Clankers,' infantry using makeshift armor, things like ceramic tile/plexiglass armor plates and pots and pans, giving them good damage resistance (but low speed). Their special infantry are Scavengers, who break down wrecked vehicles to repair damaged ones in the field, among other things.

Anyway, still working on all this. Life's been busy, and I've been pretty tired after working all day, but hopefully it won't be too much longer.
Heroes gain experience based on the vehicle they are piloting
We talking class or model? Like if I had a Hero experienced firing a mobile artillery unit (ie an SPG) would they retain their expertise in other SPGs, or would they only be experienced in that particular model? For that matter, what if they went from an SPG to a field artillery canon, which, btw, most SPGs are just field canons snapped onto a tank chassis.

Another suggestion: Gaining experience in a vehicle gives a small percentage of experience in its related vehicles, such as vehicles of the same series, or an SPG giving experience in both the field gun used and the tank which its chassis is from.
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*Pokes head in and waves.

Still here, watching... waiting... scheming...

Ok maybe not scheming.
*Pokes head in and waves.

Still here, watching... waiting... scheming...

Ok maybe not scheming.
Vigilo Confido
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*Pokes head in and waves.

Still here, watching... waiting... scheming...

Ok maybe not scheming.
I'm still working on it. My computer has developed a problem, possibly dying, not sure. Reboots itself randomly, no blue screen or warning, just... on one moment, then screen goes black, then after a few seconds it turns back on. Spent a lot of time trying to diagnose and fix it but nothing's working. It's kind of eating up my spare time and has me rather... distraught.

I've not forgotten this though, I will get it all finished soon and then run it. Just a bit of a delay at the moment.
No problem, just letting you know there's still interest over here :p
My computer's a shitter, too, it shuts down due to overheat CONSTANTLY
My computer's a shitter, too, it shuts down due to overheat CONSTANTLY
I wish I knew what was causing it to reboot suddenly. Then I could address it! This is driving me mad...

I am getting close, though. I still need to set prices for everything, which... isn't my strong suit.

Would you guys prefer to see the complete unit stats when creating your army groups? Or just a brief explanation of what a unit's strengths and weaknesses are? The former might be a bit of information overload while the latter might not be enough info for some people so I'm not sure which to go with.
I wish I knew what was causing it to reboot suddenly. Then I could address it! This is driving me mad...

I am getting close, though. I still need to set prices for everything, which... isn't my strong suit.

Would you guys prefer to see the complete unit stats when creating your army groups? Or just a brief explanation of what a unit's strengths and weaknesses are? The former might be a bit of information overload while the latter might not be enough info for some people so I'm not sure which to go with.
You could always put the stats in spoilers and just leave the brief explanation visible.

<Remove Kebab Infantry>
Brief Explanation
I wish I knew what was causing it to reboot suddenly. Then I could address it! This is driving me mad...
Mine does that on occasion, maybe 1 a week, not often enough to be a huge issue. memtest and a check of the cpu clears, I've narrowed my guess down to the gfx card, which is getting quite old now and im planing to replace it in the next two months anyway.
I have accordion playing in my head now. Thanks, @FrostedCamel for that
Definitely CSO for this one.
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