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Balancer of Chaos
Original poster
Invitation Status
What does it mean to hold a weapon? It allows you to fight.
What does it mean to wear armor? It protects you from harm.
What does it mean to wear a ring, don a cloak, or sport an amulet? Well... that really depends on whether or not its enchanted. Usually though its just to show off how rich you are.

Why were you on that bus?
A date perhaps? Or maybe you had to go to school? Shopping? Work?
Regardless, you were on a bus. It was a peaceful day like any other in the country of Japerica.
Suddenly though, you heard a loud noise. Or perhaps you didn't because you were asleep.


Unimaginable Pain.

That is what you felt next.

Then nothing.

You couldn't feel anything. And now your surrounded by darkness. You can't taste, touch, see, smell, or hear anything. Your body feels strangely stiff. Or... not? Its hard to tell.

Suddenly a rush of power. You feel yourself being... connected to something. Its honestly hard to tell. In the next moment you open your eyes.

You have a body. You can see. You can smell. You can feel. You can taste. You can hear. But... its not your senses your using. No, its the senses of the person who just picked you up.

After all, your soul is actually inside of the object your newly possessed body is holding after all.


Hope this little tidbit here shows the premise of what I am planning. One of those trope filled reincarnation RPs right? Well... you wouldn't be wrong. But at the same time, its a bit different.

You haven't been reincarnated as some great hero. Nor were you transported and now have some powerful cheat ability. No. Instead you have been reincarnated as or into (its unclear to you at the beginning) a weapon, piece of armor, or other miscellaneous piece of gear like a cloak or ring.

All you will know is that... you are currently possessing whoever is holding you. You don't know who they are, but their body seems to belong to you for now.

The premise of this RP will be you all are mystical objects of some sort. You still have your personalities, memories, knowledge, and other such things from back when you had your own body. You can possess (or possibly even influence without possession) whoever is holding you. This RP will be taking more of a sandbox approach as you try to explore this new world you have found yourselves in.

Perhaps you try to find a way home? Or maybe you accept your new position as a mystical object and seek to become something of legend in this new world?

One thing is for certain. It will be fraught with danger. So you'll have to figure out just what you're capable of while you grow stronger. You'll also have to figure out just who your Wielder is. After all, in order to become great and stronger yourself, you'll need to make them great and provide them with your protection.

Here are a few important things to know.

This is an RPG, not just an RP. As such, there will be game mechanics, stats, and a dice system to boot. Players can make their own rolls on Iwaku if they prefer, but otherwise I will be taking care of most dice rolls. If you aren't around, then I may just roll for your character if I need a roll for something.

I will be releasing the System for this RP in a day or two. However; if you want to know the expectations of how I do dice RPs, this is one of my current ones.

THIS system will obviously be a bit different (with changes to make things simpler and more streamlined, plus different mechanics due to it being different games), but there will be good old fashioned Character Customization and Stats involved.

I expect at least 3 - 6 Posts a week. Especially when it comes to played out combat encounters. While this RP won't be as heavy with played out combat encounters, in order to make everything play out more smoothly either in or out of combat, everyone needs to post.

Now while the regular posting expectations will be adept to advanced, I also understand that not every scenario provides something you can get huge chunks of information out of. I am the kind of person, however; who prefers Quality over Quantity. If you have a very interesting post and do well to make your character interact with the scene, a good paragraph is fine by me.

I mentioned before, but this will be more of a sandbox esque thing. While there will be various plots and stories for your characters to follow along with, ultimately speaking you guys are free to go off in any direction as you so please.

Now to keep things simple, I do ask that we keep party splitting to a minimum. While I don't mind if someone goes off by themselves, don't decide "Oh, I am going to go on some super epic quest, all by myself"

If anything, with the 4 - 6 people I am hoping to bring in, splitting could be done in groups of 2 - 3. Of course, playing multiple characters may also become possible (it was a full bus after all).

Some of you may want to RP as your wielder. That is also fine. If you desire to RP as the Wielder(s) you come across, then just tell me. I will be explaining the mechanics behind how the relation between Wielder and You is going to work once I release the System.

This is the final thing. I have found that having an OOC on some easily accessible group chat program like Skype or Discord makes coordination between players much easier. Everyone can contact each other instantly, replies can be seen instantly, and its just much easier to plan things out.

While I am not saying you have to have Skype, Discord, or some other service to be in this RP, as you are free to just use the OOC if you wish, it makes things much easier in the long run.

If you have any questions, FEEL FREE TO ASK.

Anyway, if you're interested, great. If not, thank you for at least taking the time to read however much of this you read.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jessica
Just expressing interest here
Yo, @Renose.
The last time I was in one of your RPs (Tales of Adventure and Discovery), it was pretty darn fun!
You have my interest and attention. I love sentient gear, and the idea of playing as that is an interesting one~
No questions at this moment, but I'll may have some later on.
Reminds me of Kid Icarus Uprising where Pit was trapped in a ring and he could control the person that possessed him. Interested, but I'm not sure if I'll be as committed as you like :(
Cool, we already have four people.

Awesome. Ill have the OOC up in a bit. (Either tonight, or tomorrow morning. Its currently 1:15 PM where I am)
Yo, @Renose.
The last time I was in one of your RPs (Tales of Adventure and Discovery), it was pretty darn fun!
You have my interest and attention. I love sentient gear, and the idea of playing as that is an interesting one~
No questions at this moment, but I'll may have some later on.
Ohh, I remember that one. That was a long time ago. Since this is set in a fantasy world, this will definitely have the vibe of that RP, where there will be a focus on world exploration, character interaction, and other such things. And like that one, I do plan on having a sort of 'generations' aspect, since you will most likely find yourselves switching hands many times as the RP progresses.

But yea. Ill most likely have more info up later tonight or tomorrow morning.
Well... its taking me a small bit longer, but I should have the OOC up by the end of today at least.
Ok. I shall have it up today. Teachers have just been assigning alot of freaking papers. But today I shall have something up.

Sorry for the wait.
I would like to express an interest! I love living weapons plots but so few people are willing to do them!
Also expressing my interest, I think the premise has potential to make epic scenes.
Cool. More people. Done with my work (for now) so I will be going full force into making the OOC
  • Like
Reactions: Mite and Izurich
Almost done. Time to finish it up
  • Like
Reactions: Mite
Sorry guys, I change my mind. Good luck with the RP!
Sorry guys, I change my mind. Good luck with the RP!
Thanks for expressing interest.

If it is me taking forever that made you change your mind, I do apologize. I keep finishing one thing, then another gets piled on me.

FORTUNATELY that ends this week and the huge hole in my schedule that I have will let me finish the OOC.

But yea, thanks for expressing interest at least.
Hey, update. Again, shit keeps piling up. But, in the next two days, all of that will be gone. And I will FINALLY be free to start this RP.

Thank you for all of those who expressed interest in it (and a special thank you to those who are STILL interested despite my constant delays, which won't be a thing after I get over this huge pile)

I sincerely apologize for the delays. Life is a bitch. And school sucks XD
send me an invite too please. If there's a spot open.
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