Young Warriors

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He blinks. "What? Did it stop bleeding?"
Axel yawned and trudged into the main hall a long while after the others had headed out. He looked over at Axe, the other man who nearly had the same name as he did. It irked Axe to no end, seeing that Axel always answered for him most of the time -- a childish antic for a dark elf. The tall fey leaned unabashedly on the other's shoulder.

"You didn't have to be so rude, you know. It makes us look bad."

"And you're not on the mission, why?" Axe looked at the other from the corner of his eyes and scowls a bit.

"Because I'm not quite needed yet?" For that, Axel received a smack upside his head. He looked at the older man with an expression of mock agony. "Abuse~," he whined, cackling evilly as he dodged what would have been a well-placed drop kick.
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yes it did now what are you?" she pokes his wound see if it bleeds again if she oes
"Well I am a demi god. I am the son of Ares. He is the god of war." he says and turns to look at her, "Dont worry about it. It will heal."
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Seriously? He thought. Then he thinks of a way to explain it. "Gods are powerful beings that live in a place called heaven."
"Yeah kind of. It waaayyyyy up there." he points up at the sky. "We cant see it but it is there."
Xullos runs in with her glasses on. "What did I miss?" She looks down revealing her solid right blue eye and solid left red eye. "Oh no! No one look at me!"
"can you fly thare?" she asks looking yp to thesky "i wounder if people go to this place haven"
Eli glances at the Xullos then back at Raven. "I tried once when I was little. Apperntly you need to be full god or you are summoned by the gods." Then he looks back at Xullos. "Oh hey kid! I got something for you!"
Xullos smiles. "What?" She pushes her glasses up hiding her eyes, even though they match her eyes. "Is it cool?"
He grabs a small capsule like thing out of his pocket and presses the end of it. Then he throws it to the ground. The capsule turns into a hover-like thing. "It will help you fly around. I took it from the kings castle."
"ok i want to be a god or be called by one" she smiles and notice the girl "what are you?i have never seen anything like it" she gs up and walks to her and then poke her
She looks at the annoying princess. "Don't touch me please. I'm a troll and if you don't stop poking me I will use my abilities to keep still as long as I live!"
He walks up to raven and gently takes her hand away from Xullos, "You cant walk around just poking people."
"Exactly. I didn't poke the first human I saw. That was a few years ago." Xullos goes through her past through her head. "Oh how I miss my plan- I mean my country! Heh heh heh!"
"Hey in case you forgotten," he glances at the hover-like thing.
Xullos sighs. "I know what it is. I had one before I cra- moved here." She was blowing her cover faster and faster. "I meant moved. Duh!"
"Yeah, sure. Whatever." he scowls slightly, ignoring the pain on his right shoulder, the one that got shot by an arrow.