Ya'll want a good ole doggo adventure rp?

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Original poster
Aye yo fam remember that one time when you were in middle school and rp'd as bunch of warrior cats, foxes, wolves, and maybe even hawses? Im having chicken smoothie flashbacks god help me


Was wondering if anyone would be interested in dog adventure rp. Do note, despite the main cast being a bunch of cute doggos, this rp will have dark themes, a think of a mix of "Homewar bound" and the rather gruesome scenes from the "Warriors" books. Not to mention the experimenting witht he ideas of animals (canines specifically) having their own religion, culture, and philosophies was well as questioning and challenging these ideas.

I'm only going to have 5-6 members (I might include one more person, but that may depend later on) with the beginning "chapters" starting with only 5-6 characters int he beginning, and expanding that number as the rp story continues.

If you are interested in joining, please don't be afraid to send me a pm as well as a writing sample. If ya have any questions, any what soo evere, dont be afraid to ask! :DD

I cant not stress this enough. This is not a family friendly-type rp, there will be feels and death, that isn't to say it'll be all doom and gloom there will def be light hearted moments, but if you're not okay with the idea of cute animals being eaten or hurt I don't recommend this rp :x

Oh! And I almost forgot, I'm certain many of rpers (no matter the age or how long you've been rping) we all feel a sort of obligation to make a big arse posts especially when others are making these novella-esque posts. Please do not feel pressured in ding so, all I ask for is a single paragraph (5 sentences) per post at the minimum, that isn't to say you can't make novella posts, all I'm saying is... dont feel guilty if you have writers block or dont have much to work with in a scene. I always entourage peeps to ask for help from fellow rpers to help type out their posts :D get the inspiration juices flowin o3o

SMOL UPDATE!!! There is currently 6 members for this rp, this group has met it's goal, however I am willing to allow 1 more person :3

  • ╔═══━━━━─── ◥◦◤ ───━━━━═══╗
    ◦Path of the Stars◦
    ╚═══━━━━─── ◢◦◣ ───━━━━═══╝

    The world as the animals' know it is changing. The humans have mysteriously disappeared, vanishing within one night without a trace of where they went or how they left. Automobiles are left unattended in the streets and roads, buildings vacant of any human life, nothing left in disarray, all neatly left abandoned. Perhaps those most affected by this sudden change, were the dogs the humans left behind. No dog remembers that night, any dog who may have witnessed this unnatural happening have only a blank slot in their memory. With the humans gone, animals of all kinds who were once ruled by humans are now left to their own devices, many still wait and hope for the return of their humans, while others immediately accepted their new life, roaming and living freely.

    No dog knows what lays ahead in the future, their fate is now held within their own claws and the path they take following the stars.

  • Bryton City, once a bustling metropolis now lays nearly dormant, a month after what the city dogs refer to as, The Vanishing, where all humans seemingly left without a trace. Cars line the streets, abandoned along with the countless buildings that are now inhabited by the animals of the city, namely the dogs who now rule it. There are those who still within or near the homes where their humans once dwelled, hoping for their return, some had moved on, while others who did not have human masters began taking advantage of the situation.

    Somewhere within this once great city, middle class apartment complex holds a sort of safe haven for dogs, many of which who were the pets of the previous human owners. Though this number is dwindling by the passing weeks, dogs leaving their flats due to lack of food and security, taking to the streets to join or form packs.

    The dogs of this apartment, known as Complex 53, work like a small community and less of a functioning dog pack. Some have known each other before The Vanishing, some newer faces, but they all work with each other during these strange times, watching each others backs, offering food. Not all were friends, but they did and do rely on each for a sense of security. However, this odd little 'community' will see that they must make a choice. The dog packs of the city are growing more bold, increasing their numbers, waging bigger brawls and battles for territory and food, making the city an even more hostile place to live. The little community is forced to make a life changing decision, join a pack, or perish.

    But... there is one last option. One that they will find within the stars, a path that will lead them out of the city in the unknown humanless world beyond.

    General Idea
    Greetings fellow rpers! Man, animal rps take me waaaay the hell back to my middle school days, and I feel nostalgic for one :D
    So, the over all idea of this rp is this. Our main characters will be dogs who form a pack and escape the city, going on various adventures to find a safe haven to call their own while using the stars as their guiding key.

    Do note that these are basic skeletons to help guide and inspire rpers what to write. This may change if enough people wish to add and remove elements of the story or scene.

    The Beginning
    Our characters are residing within a lower middle class apartment complex, some were once pets others were strays, they all know each other to various degrees. Some are friends others acquaintances, some knew each other long before The Vanishing, while others are newer faces who took refuge within the flats. They are not a pack, nor do they consider themselves to be one, there are those who are still loyal to the humans and believe that waiting for their return is the best option and those who think that maybe they should join a pack for safety. There is a total of 30 dogs that reside in this apartment.

    As the weeks pass by, the dog packs of the city are turning more and more aggressive and bold, fighting for territory with not only other packs, but also raiding buildings inhabited by dogs, forcing them to join or killing them outright. A nearby apartment gets attacked by one of these dog packs, they killed nearly every resident, save for one dog who manages to escape and take refuge within the small dog community in the apartment of our main cast. The survivor explains what happened and the community becomes worried that their building will be the next target. A meeting is held a dog announces that they will leave the city, suggesting the other do the same. There is dissant within the small community, some agreeing, other disagreeing and other unsure.

    The aggressive dog pack attacks the building killing some npc dog residents, while the main cast manages to escape into the night somewhere within the city. It is that night that they all decide that leaving the city is the best option and it is here they begin their journey.

    Important info on Bryton City:

    There is only two ways out the city, one being a massive bridge that crosses a vast lake, the other being a train that, oddly enough, still moves on its own. Main charas will choose either of these paths to leave the city.

  • Dogs are capable of understanding the language of man, but how well is depending on how long the dog has been within the presence of humans and their own strange culture. A dog raised by humans (say from pup to adulthood) will understand the words and meanings of which humans speak. Dogs who have little to no contact with humans will have little understanding of their dialect.

    Brute: another word used for male canines.

    Fae: another word used for female canines as well as she-dog, she-wolf ect…

    Alpha: leader of the pack.

    Beta: second in command.

    Delta: the pack body, made up of hunters and fighters.

    Omega: the lowest rank, they watch over the pups while the deltas go and hunt/patrol. They are also used as scouts and spies.

    Gamma: young canines (juveniles) who have yet to receive their rank, whether be it bestowed upon them by the alpha or proving themselves with tasks or fights.

    Pups: youngsters that have yet reached their juvenile stage.

    Elder: retired pack members who are deemed too old to hunt or fight. Elders are often respected as they are seen to have be wise and experienced.

    Loner: a canine that travels alone.

    Pair: two canines traveling/living together.

    Pup: A canine who is between the ages of newborn and 11 months.

    Youth: An adolescent canine that is a year old.

    Young Adult: A canine who's 2 or 3 years of age.

    Adult: A canine who is 4 or 5 years of age.

    Elder: A canine who is 6 or older in years.
    Lunari is a religion that dates back to the olden times where dogs were once wolves. This religion holds the belief that the ancestors of all canines originated from the moon goddess, Albalapis.

    "Albalapis, also known as simply, "Alba", is the goddess and creator of all canine kind who takes the form of the moon, her true form said to be that of some sort of canid. She has existed and hung in the night sky since the beginning of time, but over the years, she grew lonely. So she created the first canines, the wolves. She loved the wolves dearly as they always sang songs to her. Alba then created foxes, entertained by their pranks, cleverness and charm. Then she created the coyotes, cross between wolf and fox, they sang songs higher in tone and were just as crafty as their fox cousins. But what made them truly unique, was that not only could they survive alone (like foxes), but also survive together as a pack (like wolves). One night, the goddess curiously observed the humans below and took pity on them. What sad creatures they were. They struggled to survive, felt loneliness and fear when the dark of night would cast itself over the land. So, she created a being that held all the qualities of foxes' cleverness, the wolves' singing spirit, and the coyotes' strength in independence and teamwork. But the most important aspect she put forth in this new being, was its unwavering loyalty and pure of heart. Albalapis, the goddess of the moon had finally created the dog and all of dogkind. The humans took in the dogs with open arms, to which all dogs rejoiced, pouring forth their love and devotion to their human masters."

    The other interpretation of this myth is that Alba did not create dogs for man, but instead created them for herself to be loyal companions to her and her alone. That it was dogkind's choice to leave the wild and the moon goddess' side, to be with humans. Many of those who believe this are wolves, foxes, coyotes and feral dogs.

    This story is interpreted and has been added onto in various ways. Some dogs believe in the lunari faith, others do not. The believers and worshipers of Lunari all have different interpretations and additions to the story. There are sects and congregations of dogs who are devout worshipers. A common addition to the story of Albalapis and the creation of canine-kind is that when canines die, they turn into stars. There is also another popular idea within the faith that there is a paradise on earth. What this paradise may or may not hold, is also left up to interpretation of the individual.

    It is because of the Lunari faith that many dogs who are pets revere their human masters, believing dogs were meant to be by humans side as loyal companions.

    Many dogs, whether they believe in Lunari or not, believe that stars are the souls of past canines. These stars also take the form of constellations that assist guide dogs to their destiny. Every constellation is different in the eyes of every dog, what one dog may see and arrow anther might see a bird.

  • 1. ) - All Iwaku Site Rules Apply

    2. ) - No one liners. That doesn't mean you have to write novellas (though novellas are high encouraged :D ), but a full paragraph or more is required within this rp. Mistakes happen when typing, those nasty typos can be a bit jarring for readers and embarrassing to writers. No ones perfect and that's fine :3 , but please do your best in writing proper grammar, punctuation ect...

    3. ) - Be active! As rpers, I'm certain we've all been in a rp where with withers away due to inactive members. For this group, I would like a post at least once every 2 weeks. I understand that life can get in the way of the fun (I should know being in college and working x.x) or even the evil creature known as Writer's Block taking a toll on ones motivation and inspiration. If life happens to come along that will hinder availability to post, please do say so either in OOC chat discussion or send me pm c: . Should writer's block rear its ugly head, don't be afraid to ask for help ^^. In fact I highly encourage people to ask for help when it comes to writers block int he group, post pictures or offer advice :D!

    Sometimes we lose the motivation to post, or just lose interest. If this should happen, please do let the group know or send me a pm. Please do not hesitate or feel bad in doing, this, it's always best to let someone known that go silent forever.

    Should an rper be absent for over 14 days (in ooc and ic), their character will either be skipped over or temporarily npc'd. Please do not take offense if it is to happen to your charas, it is simply to keep the rp going and not have it be stagnant for too long.

    After the 14th day of absence, you will be given a pm by Pangoblin, in regards to said absence. I will give a 2 day wait for you to respond. After the 2nd day, you will be removed from the group and your charas will either be permanent npc's or written out of the story completely.

    4. ) - An unlimited amount of NPCs are allowed! Character bios for NPCs are not needed. Said NPCs are not to occupy IC posts on their own, but instead must have a Main Character present in order to be used. As far as 'Mains' are concerned participants will only be permitted to create a total of Five Characters.

    5. ) - No GoddModding, Power playing, or Meta gaming. This means that your character is not permitted to be invincible, and entirely resistant to physical injury. They are also not allowed to "Know Everything" aka if you as a participant are aware of certain personal details about another character that your actual character does not know or could not know prior to said character sharing it IC, then that information can not be used.

    Anything beyond the realms of common knowledge for your character in specific like the deep dark secrets of another, and the like are a no-no.

    6. ) This rp is 95% realistic. 5% being a little bit of the supernatural aspects, but even these supernatural occurrences will will be left up in the air for speculation. As an example, in this rp, some trains and even subways still function as if someone is controlling them, though why or how they move is a mystery. Same with the humans, the disappearance of the entire human race will forever be unknown, dogs are allowed to bring up their own ideas of why or how things are the way they are, but there is no definite answer.

    7. ) - Dogs will be the main characters of this rp, however npcs can be any species. Later on in the rp, I am willing to allow other animal characters that are non-npcs, however these animals will only be those of the canine variety, such as wolves coyotes foxes. However in the first few or so "chapters" only dogs as main characters please and thanks. Another note on this, canines can only communicate with other canines, they can not communicate with any other animals (such as cats, bears, deer ect...)

    8. ) - No magical/supernatural abilities. This also includes psychic/medium type abilities (seeing in the future, or having dreams that for tell the future). I understand that a dog's senses are stronger than other, such as smell and hearing and thus can detect things that we as humans cannot, however do not use this as an excuse to suddenly "discover" or know something that others charas would not and could not know. not unless it is discussed in ooc first.

    9. ) - Small dogs/pups cannot hunt down prey that is much larger than themselves, this includes getting into fights with larger animals. Example: A corgi, shetland, or chihuahua cannot take down a deer by themselves. With that being said, small dogs can think of ways to take down animal larger than themselves, just not with their brute strength.

    10. ) - This may seem odd to many, but the dogs of this universe can have same sex mated pairs. Because I mean like... why not?

    11. ) - Please do not roleplay with your Newly Created Characters ( Or NPCs ) without them first being accepted, and approved for active play dis person --> @Pangoblin

    12. ) - This is a mature roleplay that encourages deep detail with graphic themes. There will be moments within this rp that may have horror/thriller elements. (ie cute animals being devoured, ripped to bits) Granted I'm not going to allow "SAW" or "Final Destination" levels of gore, but blood and guts will show up here and there in this rp. Dark details should have a reason to exist, if that reason if just to be gross or have fullblown shock value to just make people feel icky, I don't find that acceptable here. Sorry m8 :/ . Please do not for the love of every deity do not give detailed descriptions of birth or mating. Thats just nasty man :c

    13.) - If you have an idea that can help with plot or expand the universe of this rp, please do say so in ooc chat or send me a pm to discuss it first. Never be afraid to ask questions about any thing :DD

    14.) - This is the last rule ( I promise, I hope... >-> ), essentially expanding on what was said in one of the previous rules in a way. This rp, for the most part, is rather mature. I am all for philosophical questions, and complex ideas when it comes to our adorable doggo characters. Hell in one of the chapters at some point I plan on having a cult of extremist Lunari worshipers. There will even be questions of why the humans left and is being a pet right for or near-human intelligent doggos. This is all in fun still, so please don't take it all too seriously, i just find this interesting to play in the rp. :3

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Navuso
This looks pretty interesting! For a character I was thinking an actual wolf that pretends to be a lower down in a pack, then gets revealed to be what he is and all!
This looks pretty interesting! For a character I was thinking an actual wolf that pretends to be a lower down in a pack, then gets revealed to be what he is and all!

"lower down in a pack" sorry that I'm not understanding of this <_> do you mean that a wolf in a wolf pack is lower ranked at first fooling everyone that their weak only to usurp the alpha rank? o.o r do you mean a wolf that some how disguises themselves as one of the dogs and take on the lower rank, then at some point they're revealed to be a wolf to the dog pack? <___>

Other than that confusion, Bruh im here for reveals, the drama *_* one my of my other ideas in later "chapters" of this rp is to have a wolfhybrid join the dog pack and then reveal their bloodline later on, making some dogs feel wary of them due to their wolfy heritage :o then of course even more drama when a wolf pack gets tosse dinto the mix making a dog pack vrs wolf pack scenerio *o*
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Navuso
Meh, I updated this info on the first post, but I'll put it here as well o3o There are currently 2 members for this rp as of right now
  • Love
Reactions: Navuso
This looks pretty interesting! For a character I was thinking an actual wolf that pretends to be a lower down in a pack, then gets revealed to be what he is and all!

"lower down in a pack" sorry that I'm not understanding of this <_> do you mean that a wolf in a wolf pack is lower ranked at first fooling everyone that their weak only to usurp the alpha rank? o.o r do you mean a wolf that some how disguises themselves as one of the dogs and take on the lower rank, then at some point they're revealed to be a wolf to the dog pack? <___>

Other than that confusion, Bruh im here for reveals, the drama *_* one my of my other ideas in later "chapters" of this rp is to have a wolfhybrid join the dog pack and then reveal their bloodline later on, making some dogs feel wary of them due to their wolfy heritage :o then of course even more drama when a wolf pack gets tosse dinto the mix making a dog pack vrs wolf pack scenerio *o*
Lmao i mean he's pretending to be a dog not to take over but because I guess he commited a crime within his other pack or something. Who knows?
  • Like
Reactions: Navuso
This looks pretty interesting! For a character I was thinking an actual wolf that pretends to be a lower down in a pack, then gets revealed to be what he is and all!

"lower down in a pack" sorry that I'm not understanding of this <_> do you mean that a wolf in a wolf pack is lower ranked at first fooling everyone that their weak only to usurp the alpha rank? o.o r do you mean a wolf that some how disguises themselves as one of the dogs and take on the lower rank, then at some point they're revealed to be a wolf to the dog pack? <___>

Other than that confusion, Bruh im here for reveals, the drama *_* one my of my other ideas in later "chapters" of this rp is to have a wolfhybrid join the dog pack and then reveal their bloodline later on, making some dogs feel wary of them due to their wolfy heritage :o then of course even more drama when a wolf pack gets tosse dinto the mix making a dog pack vrs wolf pack scenerio *o*
Lmao i mean he's pretending to be a dog not to take over but because I guess he commited a crime within his other pack or something. Who knows?
Ohhh *o*

But now I wonder how he would disguise himself o3o I'd imagine he wouldn't smell like a doggo unless he some masked his scent, and his appearance would set off alarm bells to dogs who may know what a wolf looks like.

Unless he's a wolfdog who's hiding the fact he's a wolf dog
If he kept himself disguised, it could be pretty fun. Mud/dirt/grime/oils... There should be plenty that would alter his fur color and texture as well as to override his own scent from the rest of the pack.

Maybe he found something human to wear (cologne or perfume worked into a collar if he had been kept as an illegal pet. Or some other accessory that he found after the humans disappeared?) [People do trap and smuggle wolves in an attempt to keep them as pets, lol]

A wolf dog trying to blend in would be neat as well.
Honestly, I think that this could definitely provide a new twist on things, which could be a lot of fun if you can figure out the best way for it to work =3
This looks pretty interesting! For a character I was thinking an actual wolf that pretends to be a lower down in a pack, then gets revealed to be what he is and all!

"lower down in a pack" sorry that I'm not understanding of this <_> do you mean that a wolf in a wolf pack is lower ranked at first fooling everyone that their weak only to usurp the alpha rank? o.o r do you mean a wolf that some how disguises themselves as one of the dogs and take on the lower rank, then at some point they're revealed to be a wolf to the dog pack? <___>

Other than that confusion, Bruh im here for reveals, the drama *_* one my of my other ideas in later "chapters" of this rp is to have a wolfhybrid join the dog pack and then reveal their bloodline later on, making some dogs feel wary of them due to their wolfy heritage :o then of course even more drama when a wolf pack gets tosse dinto the mix making a dog pack vrs wolf pack scenerio *o*
Lmao i mean he's pretending to be a dog not to take over but because I guess he commited a crime within his other pack or something. Who knows?
Ohhh *o*

But now I wonder how he would disguise himself o3o I'd imagine he wouldn't smell like a doggo unless he some masked his scent, and his appearance would set off alarm bells to dogs who may know what a wolf looks like.

Unless he's a wolfdog who's hiding the fact he's a wolf dog
He could be a wolf dog... Never thought of that! That'd be cool though
Im down. :P
Sweet o3o !

Edit: dnt be afraid to send me a pm of a writing sample :D here's the link to the ooc