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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


I reject your reality and substitute my own
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
Daytime. Night time. Any time.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Romance, Fantasy. Always some kind of non-human involved. (Such a vampires, succubi, incubi, etc.)


Whale, Hello There!

Hello, darling, and thanks for stopping by! I'm XIII, roleplay extraordinaire (only not really.) I love making new friends, and love roleplaying. I was gone for a little while, had some personal stuff come up in life, but now I'm back and definitely ready to dive into a good plot! Here's some stuff about me;

⚜ I absolutely LOVE romance. It is an absolute must for me in any roleplay. I don't much care for love-at-first-sight, but the kind that builds. However, I'm incredibly uncomfortable with any kind of smut. I don't care about your star level, I won't do it.

⚜ I generally only use photographs for my characters, but will, on the rare occasion, use some kind of realistic CGI image. I also have a whole stash of realistic manga images, so if you really can't do realistic, we may be able to work something out.

⚜ You have to be able to write well. Period. I consider myself a pretty good writer
(a bit rusty because I've been on a long hiatus,) but proper English in third person is what I need from you. This includes proper punctuation and capitalization. If you have a sentence that just runs on like this and doesnt ever stop and then you end a sentence like this.and continue writing I simply will not be able to help you with your writing journey because stuff like this seriously gets on my nerves. I can write anywhere from 2 paragraphs (on a bad day,) up to 8 paragraphs, although I usually level off around 4 paragraphs a post.

⚜ Oh my gods, I love fantasy. I'm super obsessed with Harry Potter and Vampires, so if you'd like to do something that contains one, or both of these, I will forever be your best friend.

⚜ I would really prefer not to play a main male character. Not that I'm not willing to, but I can't play them well when it comes to romance and stuff. I can play a secondary male side character, and can double or triple just fine, but in my experience, a higher number of characters generally causes the story to die. M x F is the only pairing I play at the moment.

⚜ Please, for the love of the gods, don't ask me to use Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Also, no futuristic role-plays, no robots, ghouls/zombies...umm....I think that's it.....

Pairings and Premises


⚜⚜ 'Bold' are the roles I'd prefer to play. ⚜⚜

Faery x Vampire Rock Star
Wizard x Vampire (Harry Potter Universe)
Witch x Vampire Leader
Duchess x Non-Human Body Guard
Human x Mechanical Boy
Princess x OC
Pirate x Princess
Mermaid x Pirate
Viking x Non-Human Woman
Girl from Present Time x Japanese War-Lord from Past (There is a plot to this one.)

Plot I
"Coin Operated Boy"
Genres: Fantasy, Romance

Premise: A young woman is constantly putting work before her personal life. While things are going well for her, her family has been bugging her for years to get married and have children. When she receives an invitation for her sister's wedding in the mail, she automatically knows what is going to happen when she arrives.

A co-worker, who she dares call 'friend' suggests she go to the local antique shop, where strange things have been known to happen. When she walks in, she finds a life-sized mechanical man sitting in the corner, hidden away and covered in dust. Upon further inspection, the directions read 'kiss to activate.' After arguing with the shop owner, he finally convinces her to purchase the man and she takes it home. What she soon finds is that this mechanical man is special, and there is certainly more than meets the eye.

Plot II
"Wands and Fangs"
Genres: Romance, Drama, Fantasy

Premise: A new year is starting at Hogwarts. Students come bustling into the castle, groups of first years finally being sorted. Rumors of new students seemed to be false, but as the last of the first years get seated, a group walks in. They seem like your every day witch or wizard, but what the other students don't realize is that the new students are a part of an experiment. Can vampires contain their thirst and be civilized, or will they prove everyone else correct?

Note: Yes, I know vampires are a part of the Harry Potter universe, and I know they're nothing like how I want them to be in this plot. If this interests you, let me know. I was thinking there are different species of vampires.

Plot III
"The Crimson War"
Genres: Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Dark

Premise: In 1740's England, a war was in full swing. Vampires and werewolves had been fighting for what seemed like centuries, keeping to the shadows, a world long forgotten. No one knows how the war started, but for every vampire or werewolf, they know their orders; find and kill the enemy. Through the years, the war died down slowly. Neither side had made any progress in centuries, just lost thousands of their kind. They needed something else, something to help them gain an advantage over their opponents.

Every species knew about the legends, about the secrets that tried to remain hidden. A small group of humans were their only hope to win the war. But for centuries, neither side knew how to find these humans, or even how they were special. They were both determined to find them, though. Werewolves needed their blood to make them stronger, and the vampires wanted to turn them, to use their powers, which would be enhanced by the vampiric transformation, to destroy the werewolves once and for all. In modern times, a young girl is special in every way. Very bright and holds a special ability, one that, if discovered by either vampires or werewolves, would decide who wins the war.

Note: I would prefer to play the witch in this story. Obviously, I would prefer you to play a vampire. Either the leader, or a lower ranking vampire.

Plot IV
"Love Me Dead"
Genres: Romance, Drama

Premise: When she was little, she lost her family to a vampire attack. He didn't know why, but he found her and saved her from his own kind, suddenly taking the role of her protector. He watched her grow, and slowly the love he felt for the young girl turned into more as she grew up. She was in her twenties now, and he knew it was time for the girl to have her own life, away from vampires and death. He leaves, which leaves her open to the attacks his kind had been planning for her. But they don't want to kill. The king of vampires wants her, and her magic, for himself, and is determined to claim her for himself.

Plot V
"Ravenwood University"
Genres: Romance, Drama

Premise: Only a few short years ago, vampires revealed themselves to the world. While the majority of the human race shy away from the thought of vampires, there are those who sympathize with them. A small University is set up for young vampires wishing to learn. With the promise only to drink from donated blood, a small group of humans is allowed to attend, with the agreement of having weekly blood draws to be provided to the nocturnal students. The students understand that drinking directly from humans in forbidden. At least, as long as no one is looking.

Note: This roleplay is the original idea of pooderthepirate's. I just love the plot so much, I'd love to do it with multiple people. Also, I would like to play a human female in this one.

Plot VI
"End Of The Road"
Genres: Romance, Drama, Mystery

Premise: A young woman comes from a wealthy family, well known and quite established in society. After their untimely demise, along with her younger brother, she realizes she can't handle the idea of upper-class society any more and begins searching for a new home, one where no one has ever heard of her or her family. After finding an online ad for a live-in nanny, she decides to take on the job immediately. But soon after arriving, she realizes something is terribly wrong with the family, more specifically the eldest brother, who happens to go to the college she will be attending shortly. People avoid him like the plague, terrified of him. Rumors circle the brother, and soon, the woman discovers the secret that the family is hiding; a vampire, an unsolved murder, and a desire to do anything to protect their son.

Plot VII
"Truth Through Lies"
Genres: Romance, Drama, Action

Premise: A nation torn apart by war. Clans put against each other, brother turned against brother. A young woman takes the place of her younger brother after hitting the mayor of the town, defending his sister from his cruel attempts to woo her. In a time where women were not trusted or allowed to have much power, her getting caught would mean certain death. She dresses up as a man and is sent to become a food taster for a powerful Lord. But over time, the two develop a strong bond and she can't help but wonder; would her life still be in danger if she revealed who she really is, or will that bond become something more?
**Note: This plot is based off the Otome Game "Samurai Love Ballad."**

A Little Bit Of Extra Stuff...

⚜ If you're not interested in my plots, and you're like, "wow, these plots suck!" Let me know! I'm always open to suggestions!

⚜ I'm looking for a long term role-play, at least a post every other day. If you have something come up, let me know, and I will certainly do the same for you.

⚜ Let's discuss the plot. The characters, the twists, the turns, the ups and downs. I would love it if you were just as involved as I will be.

⚜ I simply can't do text talk. As stated above, I need proper English.

⚜ I'm a single mother. I'm busy with work and raising my crazy child. I can't be on 24/7, but if something comes up with my mini human, I will let you know. Please don't be angry with me for not being on every second of the day, although I have Iwaku signed in on my phone, so I check it through out the day.

⚜ I absolutely need at least 3 paragraphs per reply. I definitely understand writer's block, however, consistent short posts, and I may or may not lose interest. Punctuation and capitalization is a must. If you can't read it, then I won't be able to either.

⚜ Speaking of losing interest, let me know if you want to drop it. We can either discuss ways to fix it, or if you don't want to, I wish you well on your roleplay road!

⚜ I always do very basic profiles for my characters. Just name, age, gender, species, etc. It's just for the post at the top of the thread. I don't need anything special or intricate (even though I MYSELF will sometimes do a bit more of a detailed one.

⚜ Also, I understand that almost all of my plots involve vampires. As stated, I'm obsessed. However, I am willing to discuss plots that don't involve them (although my little heart may or may not break.)

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Interested in The Crimson War or Ravenwood University.

My average post is once per week as I'm trying to get back into writing. May be more if I'm actually hooked.

Let me know your thoughts if interested :P
Interested in The Crimson War or Ravenwood University.

My average post is once per week as I'm trying to get back into writing. May be more if I'm actually hooked.

Let me know your thoughts if interested :P

Whichever plot you like most, darling. If I had to choose between the two, well.... Crimson War has more room to add conflict but might be a bit slow at first, and Ravenwood would actually give our characters the ability to talk more. Your choice. :)
Send me a PM if you'd like to discuss plots further.
**Plot Added.**
I am still looking for partners. :)
Still searching.
I am intrigued I would like to rp with you or try to again we seem to not get past planning.
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Reactions: XIII
I'm still searching for partners!
@XIII - I am interested, there was a character I always wanted to develop, one fitting for the Princess x OC pairing perhaps. Are you partial towards medieval fantasy? The character I have in mind for myself is a knight of sorts.
@XIII - I am interested, there was a character I always wanted to develop, one fitting for the Princess x OC pairing perhaps. Are you partial towards medieval fantasy? The character I have in mind for myself is a knight of sorts.

Most certainly! Message me and we can discuss plot details!
A pairing has been added.
Hey :D

Your Mermaid x Pirate pairing happens to have caught my eye. I love me a good sea story, because ships, and pirates, and so many wonderful beauties. I should probably mention a couple things before we talk any serious shop though.

First and foremost, I am fairly occupied with both Iwaku and real-life obligations at the moment, meaning I'm not entirely sure that I can commit to something new just yet. However, I am very much a long-haul RP type person, so I had another option in mind. How would you feel about letting me stake my claim on the pairing, maybe working a few things out, and then figuring out a time to start it when I'll be able to dedicate more focus to it? I totally understand if that's not an idea you can work with though, especially since you have no reason to have faith that I'll stick around and see it through.

As far as your writing expectations, I am totally down; in terms of frequency, however, I generally do better with slower burning RPs, and I'm not really sure I could handle replying every other day. Maybe twice a week, three times at best. I totally understand if that's a deal breaker for you, though! Also, if you would like to read a sample of my writing to make sure I'm up to snuff, I'm sure I can find you one.

I struggle to plot things with people I don't already know well, but if you're as open and friendly as your intro suggests, I think we can probably make something work. I like to have a lot of substance and plot from the get-go, but getting inspired to expand and explore in different directions along the way is also something I'm open to. I'd also prefer to have a specific 'end game' or ultimate goal that we can be working towards in case things start to stagnate and so that we know where we're headed. Whether that's a plot resolution or just reaching certain character development goals.... well, I'm really not too picky.

If you had any plans or ideas already in mind for that particular pairing, I would definitely love to hear them before contributing anything of my own.
Your pairings for A viking x non human woman and the pairing of pirate x princess are very interesting indeed. I would be interested in pursuing either of these with a plot of your choosing if you'd have me as a partner.
Hey :D

Your Mermaid x Pirate pairing happens to have caught my eye. I love me a good sea story, because ships, and pirates, and so many wonderful beauties. I should probably mention a couple things before we talk any serious shop though.

First and foremost, I am fairly occupied with both Iwaku and real-life obligations at the moment, meaning I'm not entirely sure that I can commit to something new just yet. However, I am very much a long-haul RP type person, so I had another option in mind. How would you feel about letting me stake my claim on the pairing, maybe working a few things out, and then figuring out a time to start it when I'll be able to dedicate more focus to it? I totally understand if that's not an idea you can work with though, especially since you have no reason to have faith that I'll stick around and see it through.

As far as your writing expectations, I am totally down; in terms of frequency, however, I generally do better with slower burning RPs, and I'm not really sure I could handle replying every other day. Maybe twice a week, three times at best. I totally understand if that's a deal breaker for you, though! Also, if you would like to read a sample of my writing to make sure I'm up to snuff, I'm sure I can find you one.

I struggle to plot things with people I don't already know well, but if you're as open and friendly as your intro suggests, I think we can probably make something work. I like to have a lot of substance and plot from the get-go, but getting inspired to expand and explore in different directions along the way is also something I'm open to. I'd also prefer to have a specific 'end game' or ultimate goal that we can be working towards in case things start to stagnate and so that we know where we're headed. Whether that's a plot resolution or just reaching certain character development goals.... well, I'm really not too picky.

If you had any plans or ideas already in mind for that particular pairing, I would definitely love to hear them before contributing anything of my own.

Hello, that sounds like a plan to me! As you can probably judge by my delay in getting back to you, life has been super busy for me as well, but definitely hoping it slows down a bit and I can take a breather. (Inhale, exhale.) Just shoot me a PM and we can discuss a plot (since I have absolutely not a single idea. Maybe something to do with kidnapping, maybe add in some princesses, etc.?)

Interested in Viking plot
Sure, send me a PM and we can discuss it further.

Your pairings for A viking x non human woman and the pairing of pirate x princess are very interesting indeed. I would be interested in pursuing either of these with a plot of your choosing if you'd have me as a partner.
I'm always looking for partners! Sorry for the delay, as stated above, life has been hectic as of late.

I'm lookin to do Ravenwood University.
I've been dying to do that plot! Send a PM and we can discuss it further! :)
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