X-Men/Xaviers Institute.

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All Aboard!
Original poster
Online Availability
All day 'er day .. jk I sleep ... I'm doing research now so I'm online a lot and check here periodically
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced

Before I flesh out this RP any further, I thought I'd see which of these two sounds most appealing.
(A) Original characters and/or legacy characters
(B) Canon characters

I'm willing to blend the two, but I think it might be more interesting if we go either totally canon or totally original (let me know your thoughts if you're interested anyway).

Regarding canon characters, there is of course lots of lee-way for you to make the character your own and diverge from the types of roles/stories they may encounter in the canon universe (e.g. make a villain decide to be one of the good guys, tweak what sort of goals/aspirations the character would have. Considering that characters might be "de-aged" for you to use them, you can of course erase events from their "older" canon escapades and re-write their future, only using aspects of their origin story).

Since going full canon can limit the scope of heroes available to players I've actually decided that non-mutant characters from the Marvel universe can also be included, e.g. taking an Inhumans character but instead of being Inhuman and discovering their powers after the Terrigen bomb dropped, they are mutants whose powers manifest spontaneously. The Hulk is another example of a non-Mutant whose power could fit in pretty well with an X-Men story, you get the gist. If you're unsure or have any questions about which characters can/can't work or how you could adapt a character, just ask!

Regarding timetables/classes
... I've yet to see a school scenario RP where going to class and having lessons ... actually works. So SCREW THAT, we're all here for the drama. If you want something to go down in class between characters, make it happen, but this RP won't operate on a class-by-class schedule. Characters largely dictate when and where their story takes place, the school campus is just the backdrop so I won't be pushing Cyclops into calculus after 3 IC posts because he HAS to be there RIGHT NOW! (Go where you will, NPC a class and invite other players in if you need a classroom).

Although there aren't classes IC, there are teachers! The Institute (whether canon or not, we HAVE to call it Xaviers guys, cmon), is less a "high school" but more a centre of learning. No SAT/A-Level exams, no pen and paper tests, the teachers are approachable and classes are more informal. I say this because players can play teachers and students, if you want to play a student or a teacher, chances are you'll interact with both kinds of characters and not necessarily in a "Yessir, Yes Ma'am" fashion.

Bearing in mind some teachers might be considerably younger (20's) and the student body is closer to college age rather than teens/pre-teens, it is even possible for a student/teacher relationship (although considerably less creepy than a high school teacher hooking up with an underage student ... gross).
I know this might turn some players off but ... whiney teenagers annoy me enough IRL ... so I hope we can chill with some slightly aged up/more matured characters in a college setting rather than high school.

Anyway, thats a scratch on the surface really. I don't want to build up too much more unless there is some interest, so shoot forth your thoughts!!! If this gets to an OOC stage at any point, I will of course flesh out more ideas such as a common enemy or event that could affect the school (unless you would rather the RP stays sandboxy and we just throw a bunch of young adults (and maybe older adults) together and see what happens).

To Summarise:
  • Mutant school.
  • Older HS/College-age students.
  • Some younger "teachers"/mentors.
  • Crazy powers and fun.
  • Drama.

Questions I want you to answer!!! (pop quiz!!! lol I'm kidding)
  • Multiple chars per player are allowed (and encouraged, I find smaller groups with lots of characters easier to manage than larger groups of players). Will you be interested in multiple chars? Will you play a student? a teacher? both? Several? Already have some ideas? Lemme hear 'em!
  • Canon or non-canon characters?
  • What "level" RP would be most appropriate in your opinion? (Casual/intermediate or very detailed/advanced.)
  • Sandbox or would you rather specific goals?
  • Hey I'm curious, who's your fave X-Men or Marvel Hero and ... Le Why? (I like Rogue and Gambit <3 but I have a soft spot for starcrossed lovers LOL)
  • Like
Reactions: Gands and esoteric
  • Multi characters: I'd prefer to play Teachers but I can play a student too.
  • non-canon (canon is just so overdone and it always leads to drama
  • Intermediate, but I'm biased bc I'm already in a few advanced rps so I want something a bit more casual
  • Sandbox would be fun... maybe a mixture of the two?
  • Such a difficult question... I mean Deadpool is my ult, but I love Jessica Jones and all of the Runaways and Young Avengers. Plus Iron Man is just... my poor bby.
I'd be cool with multiple characters. I'd prefer students, but I'd play a teacher if necessary
non-canon. so much more fun!
I'm fine with adjusting to the level of the rp. So no preference
eh, A bit of both?
My favorite X-Man is Iceman. Favorite Marvel hero is Spiderman
  • Multi characters: I'd prefer to play Teachers but I can play a student too.
  • non-canon (canon is just so overdone and it always leads to drama
  • Intermediate, but I'm biased bc I'm already in a few advanced rps so I want something a bit more casual
  • Sandbox would be fun... maybe a mixture of the two?
  • Such a difficult question... I mean Deadpool is my ult, but I love Jessica Jones and all of the Runaways and Young Avengers. Plus Iron Man is just... my poor bby.

Thats awesome, more the merrier!!! I hope we can have lots of interesting students and teachers.
Oken-dokes, thats 1-point for non-canon! I hope if there are some people voting for canon that you still stick around, we could always have a mix!!! (but hey, we might have all OC's in which case, awesome-sauce!)
Intermediate seems pretty reasonable, and hey, if someone wants to wax poetic like I do and write epic tomes, thats fine but not compulsory of course.
I was thinking a sandbox but with an overarching background theme. Maybe something big happens OUTSIDE the school as the event and it's up to characters to leave the physical campus to interact with the threat specifically whereas other players can chill on campus and watch the event/enemy from a distance. Everyone wins.

Ahh YA, those guys are hella rad <3 Good choice! I loved that team.

I'd be cool with multiple characters. I'd prefer students, but I'd play a teacher if necessary
non-canon. so much more fun!
I'm fine with adjusting to the level of the rp. So no preference
eh, A bit of both?
My favorite X-Man is Iceman. Favorite Marvel hero is Spiderman

2 Points to non-canon!
Awesome, we have students and teachers on board ;) yussss!
We're sitting around casual to advanced (so, casual players post casual but advanced players more than welcome!!!)
Thats two for a bitta-both.
Iceman is a great choice <3 Im not a spiderman fan but thats okay, you do you!!! I'll give a second heart for Iceman <3

I love him too! My gay son, he deserves all good things.

Truer words have never been spoken.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: esoteric
Thats awesome, more the merrier!!! I hope we can have lots of interesting students and teachers.
Oken-dokes, thats 1-point for non-canon! I hope if there are some people voting for canon that you still stick around, we could always have a mix!!! (but hey, we might have all OC's in which case, awesome-sauce!)
Intermediate seems pretty reasonable, and hey, if someone wants to wax poetic like I do and write epic tomes, thats fine but not compulsory of course.
I was thinking a sandbox but with an overarching background theme. Maybe something big happens OUTSIDE the school as the event and it's up to characters to leave the physical campus to interact with the threat specifically whereas other players can chill on campus and watch the event/enemy from a distance. Everyone wins.

Ahh YA, those guys are hella rad <3 Good choice! I loved that team.

Same here~
Hmm, I can't say for sure but I promise to keep an open mind.
I do love to write fancy long posts but I think I'll take the chiller route with this one. Who knows though? I might change my mind and smother ya'll with words.
That sounds perfect! You're very good at compromising.

I am interested.

Two characters would be fine.

I like twisted cannon and I don't see an issue with mixing.

Intermediated writing level is fine.

I think about halfway between all sandbox and all arc/goal is good.

Favorite cinematic X-man Wolverine
Favorite comic book X-man Nightcrawler

Favorite cinematic Marvel character Captain America

Favorite regular Marvel character
Wicked!!! And it's great to see some more interest in this rp!

Just a heads up a storm has knocked out most of the power in my area and I don't know when it will be safe for crews to come out and restore power.
My phone has 20% battery so ... If I'm MIA for a while it means my powers gone and/or my powers restored but internet is still gone and I ran out of mobile data
  • I'd be fine with playing multiple characters. I already have a student and teacher type character I could use too.
  • Non-Cannon or Twisted would be fine. I won't play a cannon character though.
  • Casual and Intermediate, I'm in quite a few of them but, that's my favorite kind of rp.
  • Either would work for me but, I think sandbox would be pretty cool.
  • Hmmm, that's a tough on. I'd have to go with Rocket and Groot from Marvel, I just love there relationship. I've never really read X-men so I don't know many but if I had to choose I'm not sure who I'd go with...
  • Im okay with multiple, but I would likely only play one.
  • Im okay with both, I cant do canon characters.
  • Im flexible when it comes to length, so I do not mind.
  • Depends! Plots can always develop
  • Marvel? I have to go with Xavier, Magneto and Nightcrawler. Why? I love Kurt as a character, Magneto is a badass, I also love his backstory and Xavier's mental abilities are great. I also like Xavier as he is powerful yet limited due to physical limitations.
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I normally play multiple characters XD

Non canon please?

Very detailed/advanced

Idk what sandbox means

iron man. Why? He's a rich asshole that does pretty much whatever the hell he wants with a bunch of iron suits
why tf NOT? XD
1. Usually play one to two characters. As not enough time to keep up with more than two chars in an rp lol.

2. Noncanon please. I have a good idea for a X-Men and I even played a scenario in my mind when I watch any X-Men show lol.

3. Advanced would be nice. I like to write alot of detail but I'm adaptable so whatever works majority.

4. Sandbox would be fun and characters can make their own subplots for their characters. Or sandbox and plot mixed would be fun.

5. Favorite X-Men characters: Storm, Gambit, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler

Favorite Marvel characters: Black Panther, Captain America, Thor, Deadpool
I normally play multiple characters XD

Non canon please?

Very detailed/advanced

Idk what sandbox means

iron man. Why? He's a rich asshole that does pretty much whatever the hell he wants with a bunch of iron suits
why tf NOT? XD
Awesome sauce!!! I'll move this on to an OOC soon then, everyone who's onboard, keep your eyes peeled for an OOC link soon, I'll post it here (I' have a headache so ... it won't be tonight!!!)

1. Usually play one to two characters. As not enough time to keep up with more than two chars in an rp lol.

2. Noncanon please. I have a good idea for a X-Men and I even played a scenario in my mind when I watch any X-Men show lol.

3. Advanced would be nice. I like to write alot of detail but I'm adaptable so whatever works majority.

4. Sandbox would be fun and characters can make their own subplots for their characters. Or sandbox and plot mixed would be fun.

5. Favorite X-Men characters: Storm, Gambit, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler

Favorite Marvel characters: Black Panther, Captain America, Thor, Deadpool

We're looking at settling in the casual thread, but of course high-casual and advanced posts are fine too, I'm more adv myself so my posts tend to be long in RPs, as long as there are no one-para responses I think we'll all be fine. 3-5 paras bare minimum seems fair for seasoned players right?

ANYHOW GUYS, as I said, I have a headache but ... I'll work on an ooc when I can see stright.
OOC is up but it needs formatting and work, but I'm ... exhausted lately ... anyway, even though its ugly and not colourful, there is a start so please ... post gifs in the comments and do things that ... RPers do and stuff

X-Men Institute, OOC

Have fun.
  • I'm not a man with allot of time but I got enough for one.
  • Mix it up, gotta have some tie in to the real story to make it interesting.
  • Detailed but not dependant on everyone to be CS Lewis.
  • Gimme some goals baby
  • Big fan of Daken, personally my favorite.