X-Men Institute, OOC

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IC UP HERE OPEN SIGNUPS - Xavier's Institute IC

Hello and welcome ... so, you're a mutant ... that's a thing in your life now. Hopefully your mutant powers didn't cause any civilian casualties when they made their presence known, but lets move on, you're safe now because you're a student enrolled in the famed Xavier's Institute for the Gifted ... a school for mutants.

Professor X is gone but his legacy is far from forgotten, he lives on in the classrooms and halls and lush campus grounds. His work has ... well, it's a lie to say mutants are an everyday part of life to the "normies", BUT three other campuses have cropped up across North America and now London and Paris also have their own mutant academies. Although off-campus might not be safe, mutants are carving out their own little sanctuaries, and now, you're a part of the original New York school.

The school is a free for all, but there ARE a few rules for students, don't worry, they're pretty reasonable.
1. No drinking in the dorms or classrooms (there's a bar just off campus that's pretty mutant friendly. If you're of age, go there!)
2. Testing new or unstable powers should be confined to designated training areas, or in non-designated spaces should only take place under strict supervision from a suitable mentor from the teaching staff.
3. This isn't an ordinary school ... there are no ordinary lessons, study what you like, ask questions, do what suits you and the staff will help. The teachers and students aren't ordinary, this is less of a school and more a locus of learning. Students can be older, teachers younger and everyone is encouraged to learn.
4. Non-mutants aren't allowed on campus unless they are registered. Registration slips can be found in the front office, please allow 24 hours notice, exceptions may be considered for emergencies.
5. Telepathic mutants are encouraged NOT to use their powers on other students without their knowledge or consent, failing to do so with the intent to invade another students privacy can result in punishment from curfews to extra chores.
6. Regarding chores ... students and teachers all share the space, as such, everyone pitches in to keep the school in tip top shape. There is a rota and each student performs a fair number of duties to keep their area and shared areas of the school clean and tidy. Chores are assigned to suit the students range of abilities.
7. No pets.
8. Don't use telepathy to scam the pizza delivery guy out of paying for delivery. If you can't afford it, don't order pizza.

Okay, there's quite a few rules there but hey, they're reasonable right? Anyway, on to the IC drama you can expect to see. This is a sandbox game, so, what happens is up to you HOWEVER ... there's a twist ... Anti-mutant Inhumans want to eliminate mutant-kind. So far their actions have remained entirely political, the school faculty urge students to remain calm and abstain from commenting on this issue, leaving the work to senior delegates. Actions speak louder than words and a branch of Inhumans have already taken action into their own hands. Mutants who have just discovered their powers have turned up dead, before the school could help them. Seasoned mutants who had integrated into human society have been attacked and sought schools or embassies for protection (or have vanished entirely. Dead or hiding, we can't be sure).
(I'm working on this "arc/goal" nestled into the sandbox game so ... let me know if this is pants and you have a better idea).

1. No pingponging (back and forth rapidly between 2 players). Basically let other players play too, don't turn the thread into a 1x1.
2. No one liners. We're going casual to advanced level so ... polished posts are expected.
3. Keep it clean, R-rated stuff goes to the Red Star section. That said, romance is totally allowed and encouraged, even between students and teachers (provided both student and teacher are at the legal age so it isn't gross okay).
4. Cussing is okay but ... don't go overboard, it doesn't make you sound cool it's just irritating.
5. Save the drama for IC, don't be a dick to fellow players.
6. You can kill your characters and can kill other characters but DO NOT DO IT without permission from the other player.
7. In fights, don't be OP okay ... don't GM, don't have stupid crazy infinity power that always beats everyone all the time ... that's stupid ... don't.
8. Regarding powers, feel free to go as crazy as you like, but remember to have a weakness otherwise there's no damn point and your character is BOOOORING.

I'm not too fussy so feel free to take some creative liberties with this.

Name: [Given name, "Super-name", nicknames etc]
Age: [17 and up ... whiney teenagers in high school stories do my head in ... you want a bunch of teenybopper mutants, go ahead but ... you'll have to make your own thread for that, sorry!]
Sex: [Male, female, other?]
Enrolled: [Student, teacher, staff, other?]
Relationship status: [for drama ... lol, do they have a crush? a sexual preference/sexuality?]

Appearance: [what do they look like? How do they dress? How do they carry themselves?]

Personality: [what are they like? odd mannerisms? Behaviours? etc]

Power: [try to summarise what their power boils down to. Energy projection? Ice generation? Telepathy? what do they do]

Strengths: [skills, advantages of their power, are they optimistic? Because being positive is a good strength too!!!]
Weaknesses: [what AREN'T they good at? What are their powers weak against? What is their stumbling block?]

Bio: A brief background. Who is your character? Where do they come from? How did they discover their power? Why have they come to the academy? What are their goals and aspirations?

Anything else: Maybe you wanna talk about their family ... their hobbies ... that thing that happened when they went on vacation to Tijuana and even though it doesn't add much to this CS you just wanted to let everyone reading this far know about this thing that happened once ... in Tijuana.


A - Z

Ansell Edgar Cordell
Ariel Park/Bubble QT
Eva Marie LaBelle/Wildfire
Gideon Star/Astral/Astro/ Projector
Jack Harris/Savage
Jaime Campos DeVasquez/El Toro
Marvin Balli Cordell/Maelstrom
Megan Lashay Greene
Nicholas Azikiwe
Octavia Delano
Penelope "Penny" Sheppard/Tripswitch
Samuel Josiah Greer/Golden Boy
Shuang Hanvi Cho/Esper
Tasha Stenberg
Tiffany Hardy/Hummingbird

School Staff
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Name: Hanini Kalani "Hydro"
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Enrolled: Student
Relationship status: Single, Bisexual

Appearance: 6'0'' Dread Locs, Swimmers body, wears a necklace with a shell on it around his neck, Tribal tattoos on his right arm.
[GALLERY=media, 16327]Hanini by Calyx posted Jan 23, 2018 at 12:36 PM[/GALLERY]

Personality: Social and friendly, Calculating, Obvervant, Creative, Outwardly confident, but secretly sensitive. He always kisses his necklace before doing something risky

Power: Control of water. Capable of controlling water in it's three forms, as well as change his body into a mass of water, ice, or vapor either partially, or in full. .

Strengths: Good with people, Able to control moisture in any environment, Excellent strategist, Strong in water movement and combat
Weaknesses:Practically useless in dry environments. Difficult to keep hydrated. Limited by extreme (Dry) heat and dehydration.

Bio: Born in Miami, FL to a Hawaiian mother, and African American father. Hanini was an enthusiastic surfer. He would brave the sea in any conditions. One day when he was 16, he nearly lost his life attempting to surf in a wild storm. He was completely submerged, and on the verge of drowning when his powers unlocked, and he cleared a path to the shore, where he instantly collapsed.

He awoke in the Hospital, attached to an IV, but still felt completely parched. It seemed no matter how much water he drank, he couldn't satisfy his thirst! He soon found that absorbing water through his skin was a much more effective method of hydration, and that he needed to take in much more than he had before his powers activated. His mother immediately contacted the Academy, hoping they could help Hanini in the areas that she could not.

Anything Else: Hanini's father was a mutant. However he died when Hanini was a young child. His mother always hoped he hadn't inherited the gene, fearful that it would lead him to the same fate as his father.
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Name: Jaime Campos DeVasquez

aka El Toro

Age 18


New Student

Relationship status: None Currently, Hetrosexual


Appearance:Usually wears a old style bomber jacket, jeans and button up shirt. Steel toe work boots. He is roughly 6'2 and maybe 200 pounds on a lean frame.

Carries himself with a lot of machismo.. I.E. He walks the walk.

Outward personality: Quiet and reserved. Watchful.

Inner personality: filled with Rage and grief.

Power: Super strength, toughness and endurance. Very quick reaction speed, runs relatively fast.

Heals very quickly. Superior eyesight, and hearing. No sense of smell and very little sense of taste..

Strengths: Superior body in most regards.

Weaknesses: Negatively aspected personality.Self control. Fear of fire. If faced with large amounts of fire he might freeze up or simply run off. If set on fire, it wont hurt him as much as it should, but mentally he'll be a wreck. Mentally, telepathy might set off his inner rage.

Bio: Most of his young life he is the good child. Straight A's. School is a breeze. Locally a cousin joined a gang. When this cousin visits Jaime's family, this exposes the entire family to a street gang drive by with guns and Molotov cocktails. Jaime is hit by the flaming gasoline and should have been killed. But the event activates his mutant abilities. No one in his family survives, except him. Several days later in the hospital, the doctors are shocked at his complete recovery. He is released after some basic psychiatric assessments.

Back on the streets, Jaime starts on a path of revenge. He hunts down the gang responsible almost to the last man. Leaving a 12 year old alive and unharmed. Nothing stops him, no bullets or knives and he was lucky enough to dodge the one time fire was tried. He is 15 when this happens. Local authorities are again stunned when he turns himself in. He pleads guilty and is assigned to Juvenile detainment with Psychiatric treatment. In the early days of his confinement, he is attacked. More gang members suffer his wrath, these in prison. He is then transferred to a special facility. Still, authorities have some empathy for him. At the age of 18, his chief treating psychiatrist deems him eligible for release.

The treatment has in fact had some affect. Under most stresses he is completely in control. He'd have to be driven to rage for his control to falter, or attacked with Fire.

He is a recent addition to the New York school. A staff member ran into Jaime due to a connection with his Juvenile Psychiatrist. Jaime has been taken to the school. He has a little bit of money due to a well planned insurance and retirement plan on the part of his parents. This along with the insurance repair and sale of his family home.


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Name: Hanini Kalani "Hydro"
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Enrolled: Student
Relationship status: Single

Appearance: 6'0'' Dread Locs, Swimmers body

Personality: Social and friendly, Calculating, Obvervant

Power: Control of water

Strengths: Good with people, Able to control moisture in any environment, Excellent strategist, Strong in water movement and combat
Weaknesses:Practically useless in dry environments.

Bio: Born in Miami, FL to a Hawaiian mother, and African American father. Hanini was an enthusiastic surfer. He would brave the sea in any conditions. One day, he nearly lost his life attempting to surf in a wild storm. He was completely submerged, and on the verge of drowning when his powers unlocked, and he cleared a path to the shore. (All I got right now. Haven't planned this out. lol)
This is really brief/sparse, can you add more detail?
Name: Jaime Campos DeVasquez

aka El Toro

Age 18


New Student

Relationship status: None Currently, Hetrosexual

View attachment 154112

Appearance:Usually wears a old style bomber jacket, jeans and button up shirt. Steel toe work boots. He is roughly 6'2 and maybe 200 pounds on a lean frame.

Carries himself with a lot of machismo.. I.E. He walks the walk.

Outward personality: Quiet and reserved. Watchful.

Inner personality: filled with Rage and grief.

Power: Super strength, toughness and endurance. Very quick reaction speed, runs relatively fast.

Heals very quickly. Superior eyesight, and hearing. No sense of smell and very little sense of taste..

Strengths: Superior body in most regards.

Weaknesses: Negatively aspected personality.Self control. Fear of fire. If faced with large amounts of fire he might freeze up or simply run off. If set on fire, it wont hurt him as much as it should, but mentally he'll be a wreck. Mentally, telepathy might set off his inner rage.

Bio: Most of his young life he is the good child. Straight A's. School is a breeze. Locally a cousin joined a gang. When this cousin visits Jaime's family, this exposes the entire family to a street gang drive by with guns and Molotov cocktails. Jaime is hit by the flaming gasoline and should have been killed. But the event activates his mutant abilities. No one in his family survives, except him. Several days later in the hospital, the doctors are shocked at his complete recovery. He is released after some basic psychiatric assessments.

Back on the streets, Jaime starts on a path of revenge. He hunts down the gang responsible almost to the last man. Leaving a 12 year old alive and unharmed. Nothing stops him, no bullets or knives and he was lucky enough to dodge the one time fire was tried. He is 15 when this happens. Local authorities are again stunned when he turns himself in. He pleads guilty and is assigned to Juvenile detainment with Psychiatric treatment. In the early days of his confinement, he is attacked. More gang members suffer his wrath, these in prison. He is then transferred to a special facility. Still, authorities have some empathy for him. At the age of 18, his chief treating psychiatrist deems him eligible for release.

The treatment has in fact had some affect. Under most stresses he is completely in control. He'd have to be driven to rage for his control to falter, or attacked with Fire.

He is a recent addition to the New York school. A staff member ran into Jaime due to a connection with his Juvenile Psychiatrist. Jaime has been taken to the school. He has a little bit of money due to a well planned insurance and retirement plan on the part of his parents. This along with the insurance repair and sale of his family home.

Tripswitch, Thorn and Savage

Name: Penelope "Penny" Sheppard, a.k.a Tripswitch or Trip.
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Enrolled: Student
Relationship status: ... None.

Appearance: Penny is a little shorter than average 5'3", skinny, scrawny, if she wore a school uniform (if there even WAS one) she'd be nothing much to look at. HOWEVER, her personal style more than compensates. She has unnatural red/orange ombre hair that looks like fire, it's the only splash of colour you'll find because ... she wears all black and is basically "goffick". She often wears caps or beanies, and when she doesn't wear a cap or beanie her hair is tied back in a high ponytail.

Personality: Apathetic, disinterested ... Penny has a "zero-fucks-given" personality and then some. Her response is generally a shrugged shoulder or an "I don't care". Beneath the blasé exterior lies a slightly scared, conflicted inner layer. Given the nature of her power, Penny wonders how much of herself is "hers" she suppresses her own emotions, or any emotion, for fear it's not really hers. Despite her "privileged" background ... she actually sees herself as more of a working-class person as her father has always been the biggest influence and presence in her life.

Power: Power manipulation ... Penny doesn't have any powers of her own HOWEVER, she has a latent ability to alter the powers of those around her. She can transfer powers between people, amplify a persons power (juice them up or turn them off). She has the potential to absorb other peoples powers herself (like the mutant Rogue), however at present she can only "steal" powers or move them, she cannot manifest them within herself.

Strengths: Critical thinking (her apathetic aspect and commitment to avoiding bias has made her a pretty objective, critical thinker, she's good at analysing situations). Emotionally ... incapable of being manipulated by emotions. She's trained herself to "feel nothing" so emotional blackmail doesn't really work. Gymnastics and archery. As a child she was enrolled in gymnastics, she is physically rather fit and flexible.

Weaknesses: She doesn't really have her own powers to defend or fight with. In the future she could become a formidable fighter but at present she has no offence or defence aside from switching off powers or moving them elsewhere.

Bio: Penny is ... a bit of an oddity. Her mother was a typical upper-class Brit with typical "well-to-do" parents. She was almost guaranteed to be born with a silver-spoon in her mouth and a relatively cushy life ... Until her mum fell pregnant with her punk-rock boyfriend during her teenage rebel years. Penny was born 9 months later and all hell broke loose.

Penny's grandparenst obviously weren't pleased their teenage daughter had "royally screwed up her future" by having a youngin' so young herself. It really didn't help that Penny's father was a working class boy, far below their station.
Penny wasn't a "convenient" or "desirable" grandchild but her family was accommodating. Her mother and father never married or lived together. She spent much of her early childhood with her mother and maternal grandparents, her father was denied access at every turn but he fought hard and by the time she was 5 she was getting more regular visits with her father and his side of the family. Penny's mother began to resent her. Penny represented her "biggest mistake" and was preventing her from moving forward with her life. New upper-class men didn't want a woman with baggage, working-class rebels no longer fit her taste since she'd "grown up" but she was stuck with Penny. Regardless, her grandparents tried to raise her "right", enrolling her in advanced programs and classes to make her exceptional at everything. She was a brilliant gymnast and dancer and received extra tutoring at home for her school lessons to make sure she was always top of ehr class.

When Penny's father fought harder for more access and the family court judge decided to listen to what Penny had to say ... things began to turn in her favour and at age 6 Penny happily moved in to her fathers flat. It wasn't ideal for raising a child so he left the city and moved back to his parents house in Brighton. Her dad never grew out of his punk rock phase and was a typical "rocker" dad. Penny didn't miss her upperclass mother and grandparents at all and thrived in Brighton. Of course there were some feelings of resent toward her mother who had so easily abandoned her, but her dad filled her life with other passions, particularly music and the art of distressing jeans and customising punk jackets. She didn't really get on well with others in school, she was incredibly clever and perceptive in class but flunked exams on purpose because she didn't really care. She regularly skipped her scheduled gym classes and then ditched classes to attend other gym sessions where the picked up archery and continued to improve her gymnastics (at a time where she wasn't graded or "measured"). Teachers saw her incredible talent but also her anti-social attitude and her unwillingness to comply in class.

Penny took on a school bully and wished she would vanish ... when the two began to physically fight, the girl collapsed just from Penny's touch as her bizarre powers first presented. The girl later recovered but was deeply shaken and Penny was expelled from school and homeschooled for a year.

Penny was offered a place at the London Institute for Mutants but turned it down, for fear her mother would find out and intervene. Aware that her powers were considerably dangerous, the London institute suggested a foreign exchange with the New York school, so she wouldn't have to worry about her mother tracking her down as she was much further away. She agreed it might be worth leaving. She arrived at the school only a month ago but is already a formidable presence. She tries to keep a physical and emotional distance from everyone else, although Ansell seems to be the most relatable student in the school since his powers are somewhat similar to hers, altering other peoples powers.

Anything else: Penny's birthname as it appears on her birth certificate is actually Eleanor Harriet Whittington. Her father (Peter Sheppard) always called her his "shiny little penny", never Eleanor, and so she decided to change her name to Penelope "Penny" and take his surname, when she was old enough.

Name: Alice Martin, a.k.a Thorn.
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Enrolled: Teacher
Relationship status: Heterosexual, in a relationship.

Appearance: Alice/Thorn is a little on the tall side, coming in at 5'9" tall. She has a curvy shape, not too skinny, not too muscular she has a soft, gentle physique despite her height. She has blonde hair in a short, neat asymmetric bob cut, she often tucks one side behind her ear.
Her fashion sense tends to be bubbly and a little bit retro. She enjoys fashion and bright colours. Although her powers are plant-based, she thinks it's a bit cheesy to wear floral prints so ... she doesn't wear floral motifs (aside from a flower or two in her hair if she's in such a mood).
She has green eyes and a round-shaped face with full lips and pronounced dimples. She smiles often.

Personality: Alice is a rose with thorns. She's cheery and friendly, but you don't want to cross her because she can be assertive (or terrifying) when the need arises. She appears motherly with a nurturing personality at a first glance, but Alice is just as capable of being selfish. A hopeless romantic, she's a bit of an idealist rather than a realist but she can put on her "realist hat" when she needs to. She's one of the "softer" teachers in the school, tending to ease students in and encourage gently, rather than push them with their powers. She can be quite emotional, especially when it comes to the school and students, she feels very strongly about their little mutant community. She tends to be more susceptible to negative emotions in the winter/darker months, largely due to her affinity with nature and the fact that plants are significantly more "active" in spring, summer and autumn.

Power: Botonopathy ... Manipulation of plants. She can make a tiny plant "hyper-grow" to huge proportions, manipulate roots into traps or weapons, control plant pollens and chemicals to create potent potions and poisons to heal or hinder people. She can "talk to plants", since plants can't see or smell, this telepathy relies a lot on "feeling", she could infiltrate and map out an underground tunnel through slithering a vine through gaps and "feeling" what's what but she cannot see or hear through plants.

Strengths: Creating healing potions and medicines and poisons, growing food and herbs, her experience with her powers has helped her learn a great deal of "mental control", she often helps new students tune in to their powers and learn to gain better control of them. She can hold her own in a fight (using plant-powers of course), although she isn't a front-line combatant in most instances. She's difficult to mentally infiltrate via telekinesis due to her self-tailored mental training.

Weaknesses: Fire can decimate her plant-constructs, she isn't as physically strong as other mutants, she relies solely on plants to bolster her offence and defence. Overly sensitive and generally pacifistic, conflict is not her strong point which is why she is happiest to teach self control rather than hone destructive forces.

Bio: Alice's mother was a mutant and she pretty much directly inherited her power from her. Mrs Martin was aware and had good control over her affinity to flowers, although her powers are less pronounced than her daughters. Mrs Martin could "feel" the plants emotions, when they were happy and healthy or sickly, she had an unbelievably gifted green thumb for gardening and flowers on the brink of death would miraculously come back to life with a little coaxing, a useful skill when you are a botanist.

When Alice began to "play" with plants like dolls (making them dance and sway but without touching them), Mrs Martin knew Alice had a gift and that she was more powerful than her mother. She trained her to downplay her powers and save her plant playing for at home until she could find a suitable outlet for this power. When she was a teenager, Alice travelled to New York from Maine when she was 15. She'd been reading studies about mutant powers and already had a great deal of control of her powers but decided she wanted to be with other mutants and she was ready. Off she went and she stayed in Xaviers ever since, quickly learning more things about herself and about other mutants. She stood out as a mentor pretty quickly, often helping other students, and she quickly moved into a teaching role. Moving to New York not only allowed her to meet lots of other mutants but ... a whole new life ... She came from a small, sleepy village and spent most of her time with plants helping her mother with her plant studies in the botanical gardens and the plant-lab. New York had much more in terms of social activities. Although the campus is quiet and secluded with lots of greenery, it's only a short hop to the busier city where Alice got to explore a whole new world.

She met her boyfriend, Blaire, at a nightclub in New York a year ago. Everything in life was going great, she had a nice job, lived in a nice place, had good friends and now she had a kind, caring boyfriend. Blaire was understanding when she explained that he couldn't come around to the Institute whenever he felt like it, and when she explained she was a mutant ... he was perfectly accepting because he ... was an Inhuman ...
She kept this a secret of course but the relationship continued. Eventually they both began breaking rules. Sometimes Blaire would visit when he wasn't supposed to (with Alice's help of course) and sometimes Alice would sneak into New Attilan. The recent conflict between Inhumans and Mutants has inflicted a great deal of stress on Alice. She doesn't want to land herself in trouble for having a relationship with an Inhuman (and breaking school rules to hang out with him), but she also wants to protect her fellow mutants. While some are eager to launch an assault on New Attilan, Alice urges peaceful negotiation and she's terrified her secret will be exposed and land her in trouble.

Anything else: Her room is like a jungle ... literally!! Plants grow from pots and hanging baskets all over her room.

Name: Jack Harris, a.k.a Savage.
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Enrolled: Student
Relationship status: Mentally dating like 4 different crushes. Gay ... currently single in the real world (unfortunately).

Appearance: Jack is the type of guy who is both SEEN and HEARD. His bubbly personality and mile-a-minute mannerisms make him pretty hard to miss. In terms of style, his appearance is as loud as his personality. He likes bolt colours, patterns and dramatic cuts. He has dark blonde hair that's shaved on the side and dyed a dramatic silver-grey shade. He's really fussy about his looks and when he isn't otherwise absorbed in chatting, he's fidgeting with a button or sleeve or fixing his hair.

Personality: Outgoing, bubbly, annoyingly optimistic. Jack couldn't be more cheery if he tried. Some might think it's a front, or that he's masking up some kind of inner misery, and perhaps he is, perhaps not. It's hard to keep him down. Mischievous and perhaps a little naive, he's good at getting into trouble and then chuckling it off again. He always sees the best in people to the point that a bad person could seriously get to him. Confrontation averse, he's a lover not a fighter, but when someone he really cares about is threatened, he'll kick ass!

Power: Dermal Armour + Enhanced strength/durability. He has damage resistant skin and super strength.

Strengths: Jack can make his skin harder than diamonds (this adds bulk to his form and changes his physical appearance), he's also got incredible physical strength. He is unusually lucky (but also incredibly UNLUCKY when his luck works against him) and his optimism tends to work pretty well for him too. He has a high pain resistance and doesn't feel much pain.

Weaknesses: Inability to control form fully. He can change to his diamond form when under extreme stress or high-level of emotion and it can be difficult for him to turn back. Since he is heavier and sometimes slower in armour form he sinks in water and would drown even though he is invulnerable to physical blows, he is vulnerable to effects like drowning, poisons, mental manipulation. He is not immune to the effects of radiation, however he has a higher resistance to radiation exposure because of his denser skin. A downside to his armour skin is that he ... doesn't feel much. When he isn't armoured up, his skin is pretty average but if he gets a cut he may not feel it or notice it, fortunately he heals pretty quickly thanks to his tough skin.

Bio: Jack grew up with a single mother that he loved to bits. Despite working hard to make ends meet and always having a pretty meagre life, Jack couldn't be happier. He was always just barely above the poverty line but ... love got him through. His mom adored him to pieces and though he didn't have much, he didn't find himself wanting for more.

When he was a teenager he knew he was different but ... not a MUTANT!!!! He was gay. Coming out was surprisingly easy for him and he was accepted instantly by his mother without a second thought. Things were going well when he met his first boyfriend. Life couldn't be going better. Like with most teenage romances, it ran its course and fizzled out, ever the optimist Jack carried on to his next conquest.

A couple of boyfriends later Jack thought he'd met "the One" (spoiler alert, he hadn't). When he finally decided it was time to lose his virginity ... all hell broke loose. In the heat of the moment he lost control of his powers, his form changed and he grew too strong, too big, too heavy ... Scared the beejeezus out of his then-boyfriend and in the terrified scrambling and screaming the occurred he broke his boyfriends arm and ribs totally by accidentally flailing around ...

They broke up and Jack found himself at Xavier's ... a fancy as heck place which was great but ... He was still coming to terms with his very-much unwanted powers.
He quickly met Penny and became obsessed with ever-apathetic goth girl. Penny brushed him off at every turn but he persisted like a side-kick and the two have become reluctant partners in crime. Penny wouldn't admit it, but she quite likes having Jack around. Although it is against the school rules, she uses her powers to negate his powers when he wants to hook-up with cute boys. In return, Jack has decided to be Penny's bodyguard of sorts.
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(Hello!!! Please forgive the length of this, I wanted to make sure everything was as detailed as I could make it!)

Name: Ansell E(dgar). Cordell.
Hasn't decided on a field name yet.

Age/DOB: 19, August 13th.

Sex: Male

Enrolled: 1st Year Student

Relationship Status: Ansell identifies as demisexual with a preference towards males, he is, however, single.

Appearance: Up until recently, most of Ansell's days consisted of working on his parents' farm, tending to the livestock and mostly roughing it for years. Although an avid vegan, Ansell is a very hefty and broad figure; uncaring of common aesthetics of fitness, Ansell is best described as chunky. Muscular and rounded out with plenty of fat, he carries his weight well, boasting biceps most gym rats would envy and a belly that would put seasoned drinkers to shame. For all his mass, Ansell is remarkably short, standing at just shy of five feet.

With his mother being from the heartland of France and his father from the islands of Greece, Ansell is biracial and has a sunkissed complexion and a generous dash of freckles across his features, most predominantly on his nose, cheeks and shoulders. His smile is quite bright, a space between his front teeth giving him a very cheerful grin. To make matters cuter, Ansell has dimples. With sleepy, soft brown eyes and curly cinnamon hair that falls down his back, Ansell looks very cozy within himself, rarely ever giving off a bad vibe or even a harsh body language. As plentiful as his hair is, it can often get in his way, so he tends to braid it back. His braid style switches by the day, letting it down before bed and waking up just early enough to redo it. So far, Ansell's hair reaches his lower back and he doesn't plan on cutting it.

Attire wise, Ansell's roots in the farmlands show clearly here. For all his physical gifts, Ansell dresses down and very humbly. Around the campus, Ansell is often seen wearing sweaters to obscure his size, slacks and common sneakers. Off campus, or for a trip into the city, Ansell has a multitude of overalls and plaid shirts. Despite purposely dressing down, Ansell is very body positive and has no qualms about going without most clothes, but he has recently figured out that city folk aren't as comfortable with this.

Personality: In few words, Ansell is a very wholesome person. While sometimes very reserved, and even at rarer times, withdrawn, Ansell's general vibe is one of comfort and cheer. Bighearted and very giving, it doesn't take long for Ansell to establish a grounds for friendship with someone. With a laugh that could wake the mountains and a smile even bigger, Ansell is very much the ''glue'' of the social circles he finds himself in. Tireless and hard working, Ansell has thrown himself headfirst into his studies, deciding to pursue the arts and, strangely enough, biophysics. To the surprise of his teachers, Ansell is breezing through his course and is going full speed into his second year.

Ansell, for all his passion and drive, can be exhausted by his own ambition. Ansell is friendly, perhaps even to the point of naivety, and for some this means an easy target. Without putting much forethought into what agrees to, Ansell's kindness can be exploited and, sadly, Ansell will try his best to make sure he doesn't disappoint. While this might not mean the end of the world in some cases, such as pulling multiple all nighters to do the assignments of people he promised to help, this habit of his might worsen if not corrected.

At his core, Ansell is a very personal and tactile individual who always lends a helping hand to those in need, or those he thinks need help. His personality is one of a natural caretaker, wanting to provide for and comfort those he holds close. By chance, or cosmic design, Ansell's very own mutant ability seems tailored to his attitude.

Powers and Abilities: Physically, Ansell is incredibly strong, capable of brute forcing his way through many obstacles without much difficulty. Stamina wise, Ansell has built up an impressive tolerance to strain and can exert himself much longer than the average human being. This, while considerable, does not put him within superhuman range; Ansell's strength is the result of his lifestyle and daily training and is not a result of his mutant ability.

Synthesis: Ansell is a mutant that can tap into a binding force that he describes as being capable of ''bringing things together.'' While not incorrect, this description has been proven to be an understatement; the force, Ansell seems to be the host of, allows him to unite powers.

Strengths: Ansell is far from mastering his power, but through sheer stubbornness and a few bruises gained in the pursuit of knowledge, Ansell has begun figuring out his power. Through physical contact with other mutants, Ansell's force can establish a energetic ''link'' with said mutant which allows him to tap into and utilize their mutant ability. By linking with two or more mutants, Ansell can also combine mutant abilities and wield it as a singular, fused power.

Due to the diverse mutants within the institute, the fusion abilities Ansell can possess are essentially random by nature. Currently, Ansell shows a natural prowess with physical enhancement abilities.

Weaknesses: Synthesis has proven to be a great burden and a great power in equal amounts, and it is one Ansell is just yet learning about. Ingrained in him, the power can, in theory, flow so long as Ansell maintains proper focus and the mental clarity to do so. However, his powers tax him and pushing himself beyond his limits can result in his powers going...haywire.

Ansell is extremely uncomfortable with linking with mutants with psychic powers from both his lack of control over them and the invasive potential of them. If he can help it, Ansell will avoid linking with psychic mutants.

Ansell's mutant power is always active, and can create links with other mutants with even unintentional contact. While not inherently dangerous, forming too many links can overwhelm Ansell and burn him out, leaving him in a highly vulnerable state until he recovers.

If Ansell is taken away from other mutants, he is essentially powerless. Ansell's mutant power relies on the presence of other mutants, and alone, cannot manifest any outward abilities.


Born on the coast of France, a township settled among canyons and cliffs, the town is well known for it's bizarre and occasionally extreme weather. Stranger yet, the town's most interesting fact stems from it's abnormal population of mutants. Name purposely kept out of local papers and news to keep their peace, the town is aptly named Oddsend, standing in the same canyon for a little under its first century. In the small township, mutantkind is seen as nothing out of the ordinary, and even accepted as a gift and often a blessing.

Born on the beached farmlands of this strange town, Ansell was the youngest of four born to a couple who were well known for their rescues at sea. Mutant powers granting the pair mastery over the town's treacherous waters and weather, it came as no surprise when their children developed abilities of their own. Siblings discovering their gifts early in their childhood, Ansell was the late bloomer who, despite passing puberty, showed no sign of powers. With his siblings following in their parents' footsteps as invaluable captains, Ansell was left in the company of his grandparents at the farmlands. In the fields of Oddsend, Ansell was forced to learn how to brace against the weather that seemed to worsen with each year. One year, Ansell would live to survive.

The seas were empty, the plenty the town knew was gone. Not a sail would blow, and the waters were nearly desolate. Fishermen pushing into the distant waters, it wasn't uncommon for Ansell to go weeks without hearing from his family. But come they did, with tows of fish that were fewer and fewer still. The fishermen pushed further, the days without word turned to weeks. The weeks bled into months, long, lonely months.

In the winter, they came back, with only stories of vacant waters. Just as soon as they returned, Ansell's folk were eager to get back to the waters. This time, they sought new land, planning on leaving to another town by sea. Abandoning their farm, the family set out to sea, powers as their guide through the storm growing over the waters.

The trip was taking too long, and the crew grew tired of keeping the storm around them at bay, going days at a time holding it back. It was becoming obvious that the storm would sooner swallow them whole before they would reach their destination. In what perhaps would've been their final hours before the storm finally capsized them, Ansell's long awaited gift woke in his blood. As his family were taken by exhaustion, Ansell stood at the mouth of the trashing waves, wielding the ocean taming powers of his family. With their might at his disposal, Ansell cleared the way, wrestling control from the storm and steering the boat towards their new land.

Upon the dawn, the boat all but crashed into the new island, Ansell fell comatose from the event. Waking within the month in the care of a nurse who was more than happy to see him awake. Introducing herself as a fellow mutant and someone who'd gotten word of his feat on the water, she offered him a chance to go to the US to attend a school designed for people like him. Ansell agreed all too quickly.

As the weeks passed and Ansell recovered, he informed his family of the choice the woman gave him, and, to his surprise,his family supported his choice to leave to the states. Siblings staying with his parents in the new town, Ansell was left along to travel to the states, his stay in the hospital ending as his trip to the school began.


Anything else: Ansell is an exceptionally good whistler, being able to mimic quite a few birds. Has a very deep love for farm animals, primarily cows and sheep. Ansell is a vegan and a very good cook. Has lived in the US for a little over a year now. Due to the nature of his power linking ability, Ansell tries not to touch other mutants out of fear of accidentally developing their powers.
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"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

― Nikola Tesla




Eye Color:


Octavia Delano
Nickname (If any): Harmony
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 126

Personality Goods:
Goal Oriented
Heavily Compassionate

Personality Bads:
Slow to Trust
Walled off

Vibration Manipulation\Sound Manipulation
The user can create, shape and manipulate vibrations, rhythmic movements of the target, including in themselves, others, objects, environment, etc., through the ground, water, or air.

User can create, shape and manipulate sound, a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear.

Talented Musician- Guitar, Bass Guitar and Piano.
Street Wise
Amazing Thief
Writing and playing music.
When meeting a objects resonance, she can rip it apart.
Can feel vibrations even if they are minor.

Physical weakness (She can move herself, but not much else easily.)
Next to no defensive training
Terrified of herself, does not enjoy violence at all.

Powers are still developing
Power is currently tied to her Guitar (Sound is simply vibrations, she needs a way to justify her abilities.)
Vibrations must have something to vibrate and travel through, whether gas, liquid or solid matter.
Limited to what she believes she is capable of. (She needs to break a barrier for her powers to become fully active. At this point she wont need her guitar anymore.)

May be unable to create sound, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
Distance, mass, precision, etc. depends on the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
Sound requires a medium to travel through, such as air, ground or water, though it can be virtually anything.

Written Assignment
"I was told to write down who I was. Well, I am complicated and I do not much like discussing my history. So, I will keep it simple. I am Octavia Delano, no the last name is not italian. I made it up since I did not rightly have my own or at least it was not known to me." The style of her writing seems to flow artistically. "Bottom line, I was homeless for a mass majority of my life. I dealt with a lot that I wish I did not have to. But, along the way I learned a lot from so many of those that actually cared. While not many, they still left an impact on my life enough for me to discuss."

"It must be rather obvious, I can't speak and that has also led to more than my fair share of issues. Most must think I am just stubborn or an ass when I don't return their hello. Well, I wish I could but I can't. It doesn't matter much, I do not like that many people and they do not need to like me. Perhaps it is better that way. The school is nice, but as long as I have my music, I do not much care for others actions."

"The second question, how did I find out I was different? This is necessary... I wish it was not. When you are alone in a city and without anything... things happen to you. Young women aren't safe and I was no exception. There is only so much fighting you can do. When you do not have a voice how can you call for help? Cry out? You can't and I was targeted because I couldn't. They tried to take me but they couldn't. They attacked me and I responded. Kicking and punching did nothing, how can I possibly over power two men? I couldn't... but I did and some part of me wishes I didn't."

"How can you explain something that is so horrific that you don't even know how to come to terms with it mentally. Maybe it was how terrified I was. Either way it happened and my life changed on that day. I scratched one of their faces. But, my hand passed through him as if he was a gas. I didn't even know what was happening. I kicked the other man in the face... that noise, I will never forget it. It sounded like a sack of gummy bears being shot with a twelve gauge slug."

"The rupturing came next. The man I kicked, he began to convulse. I could see the veins in his eyes burst, the wave passing under his clothes as it reflected up and down within his body. I wish that was all. The other man, the one I scratched, his face looked like someone took a cheese grater to it. It wasn't their wounds that got me, it was all the blood. I was covered in it... none of it my own. That is why I do not like violence."

Anything else:
Doesn't make noise when she Walks/Runs
She is Mute (But can gain her voice back later due to her powers.)

Her guitar side will be based on the music of Joe Satriani.
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Updated my sheet!!! Decided to change things and take away a few of my character's abilities.

♥ L e o n a ~ J a m e s ♥

♥ I'm not a fighter but, I'd take a punch for you ♥
Name: Leona Felix James

Nicknames: Leo

Known by: Mysteria

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Nationality: French - American

Enrolled: Student
Hair: Short and choppy, Leona tends to look like a feminine guy from behind because of her hair. A dark brown in color with lighter highlights and dark roots. She always has trouble keeping her bangs out of her face and usually wears a headband.

Eyes: Leona's eyes are the window to her emotions. With one look you can almost always know what she's feeling. Her pale grey eyes shine when she's happy and darkens when she's feeling intense emotions like anger. Big and doe-like her eyes tend to be her best feature, framed by long black lashes.

Body: The only thing keeping her from looking like a guy, besides her eyes, is her figure. Being only 5' she gets picked on a lot. Luckily weighing 103 her body's not too curvy but, not too skinny. If she wanted she could say she was a guy.

Complexion: Slightly tan, Leona's skin has little blemishes and few scars across her back. Her cheeks have a slightly rosy tint to them and are dusted with freckles. Along with her arms, she has various scars ranging from large to big from her years cutting. On her back, she has also has many small scars.

Dress: Leona likes to dress comfortably. Usually, sweaters and legging matched with boots or long sleeved dresses. Tho, her tops are light grey or dark blue matched with black leggings or pants. Her shoes are either boots or sneakers unless she's wearing a dress where she will wear boots or heels.


Blunt: Many times Leona just says what comes to her mind. It's one of the things she hates about herself. Usually, she doesn't mean what she says but, there are times where she's being dead serious.
Clumsy: She may be quick on her feet but, that doesn't stop her from tripping over air. Leona has a bad habit of tripping over just about everything. Even if she's being really careful she will still find a way to end up on her face, but even so, when she's serious it's like a switch flipped and she's not as clumsy as usual.
Adventurous: Leona loves to explore new places. Many times this has gotten her in-trouble but, she never cares. All she cares about sometimes is looking around a new place. This has also caused people to think she has ADD, which is not true. She's been tested.
Hot-Headed: Leona tends to have a short temper, sometimes the smallest thing can set her off. This is another thing Leona doesn't like about herself. There are sometimes she can control her temper but, other times she blows up. If you insult her friends she tends to lose her temper faster but, will hide it behind a calm voice and attitude.
Sarcastic: Being a sarcastic ass is one of Leona's specialities, well when she's not stumbling over her words. She finds it funny mocking people when they deserve it or being a complete idiot.
Friendly: Leona loves to make friends and will often time talk to strangers if they look lonely. People often avoid her due to her hyper personality and talkative attitude. At times Leona will completely ignore people if they upset her in a bad way.
Loyal: Leona is a strong believer of 'No man left behind'. She will go to great lengths to say a friend or even a random person. Even if she has to do this alone she will find a way to save anyone in trouble. Not to mention she would never turn her back on a friend even if they're horrible to her.
Patient: Leona has no problem waiting for many minutes for a response from someone or even days for an outcome.
Compassionate: Leona takes her time with people and will sit and listen to people's problems even if she doesn't want to. Despite what she may look like she loves helping people and has always had a soft spot for people in need and kids.

♥ Animals
♥ Jogging
♥ Purple
♥ Strawberries
♥ Cucumbers
♥ Flying
♥ Fish (Koi Fish)

♥ Bugs
♥ Cheese
♥ Long hair (on her)
♥ Jumping jacks
♥ Tomato's
♥ Mushrooms

♥ Reading minds
♥ Running
♥ Cooking

♥ Lacking in physical strength
♥ Not fast
♥ Lacking control in her powers
♥ Hot-headed
♥ Clumsy

♥ Telepathy -

  • Mind Reading: The ability to read/sense the thoughts of others.
  • Psychic Communication: The ability to open up secret conversations and relay covert information.
  • Empathy: The ability to interpret the emotions of others.
  • Telepathic Speaking: The ability to speak aloud using only the mind.
♥ Telekinesis -
  • Binding: To keep object/being from moving.
  • Levitation: To lift an object, e.g. raising a pitcher several inches into the air.
  • Telekinetic Grip: To grasp an object firmly in place, e.g. keeping the tides from washing a friend away.
  • Telekinetic Maneuver: To alter an object's directional course, e.g. changing what number a dice lands on or deflect an opponent attack.
  • Telekinetic Pull/Push: To pull objects towards the user or to push objects away from the user, e.g. yanking a book off a shelf or sliding a cup across a table.
♥ Empathic Projection - Users can share sensations or emotions with other people, either by augmenting mutually shared emotions or exercising control over others by forcing emotions onto them. Users can pass their emotions or sensations on to others and make the targets feel what they are feeling. Users can also experience the feelings of others by physical contact.
(All information from Superpower Wiki)
History: Leona lived a sad life. She was an only child so she has had no sibling to play with since at school she was an outcast. Her mother drank her life away, never really showing Leona love. A father figure in her life was absent, having left when she was still a newborn. Leona never seemed to let her hardships get the better of her and always looked to the future. Even at school when no one would talk to her she looked on the bright side of things.

Her middle school years were hard on her. Kids started picking on her because her mother would show up at school drunk and cause a scene. Depression crept on her and soon she was in a whole of darkness. One day when her mother came to pick her up from school they got into a car crash. Leona's mother was for once not drunk but, the person who hit them was. The car hit them from behind and since Leona was in the back she got glass shards in her back. Her mother and her survived and the person who hit them paid for a new car.

High school came around and Leona was cutting her arms. The only people that worried about her was her teachers. They noticed the change in her mood and constantly asked if she was okay. Leona noticed this and remembered how she always looked on the bright side of life. It took a few years but, after therapy and medicine, she was finally back to her normal self.

Of course, Leona did go to college after having been out of college for 3 years. Having a love for animals she decided to become a vet. At age 21 she went to college and even made a few friends. Things started to change in her last year. She started hearing things and moving objects when she lost her temper. The first time this happened she freaked and she wasn't the only one the other people in the room also started freaking out. They called her a monster, a freak. Confused she took to the library to find answers. What she found was interesting. Leona found out about her powers and started trying to control them. Leaving college she moved to the institute where it seemed people like her were welcomed.


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I'M BACK!!! (and updating the thread tonight before bed). I'll update this post when I finished reading and doing the other things ...
All accepted!
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[hacker voice] im in
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Hey folks, wee update.

1. IC coming up soon but ... we're still open I guess, and feel free to make secondary or ... third-ary characters if ya'll want.

2. Ragamoofin has some pretty wicked ideas, so can we have a round of applause for our freshly appointed Co-Mod for the RP (it's Ragamoofin in case you hadn't guessed... Clap your hands everyone *clap*)

3. If you have any questions or ideas or complains or anything, run it by me and/or Raga.

4. Rag has some NPC's that are going to be put up here (nurses, some more teachers etc) So take a moment to check them out too.

5. I'm making one more character (male student) and then working on putting up an IC. Rag and I are just discussing some plot idea thingies.


Okay, bye.
Missed the ooc rofl. Will get CS for my guy this week.
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We're still open!!!! Just submit your sheet and we'll get you in!!!
Been a bit under the weather but will get my Firestarter up this weekend.